Books by Andrea Mattos
Dossier en la Revista Analecta Politica 8:15, pp. 189-299
Book Chapters by Andrea Mattos
Livro III CONEL-UFES, 2019
Bate-Papo com Educadores Linguísticos: letramentos, formação docente e criticidade, 2019
Língua, Discurso e Política: desafios contemporâneos, 2019
Letramentos em Prática na Formação Inicial de Professores de Inglês, 2018
Experiências e Reflexões sobre Ensino de Línguas na Contemporaneidade, 2018
Perspectivas Críticas de Educação Linguística no Brasil: trajetórias e práticas de professoras/es universitárias/os de inglês, 2018
The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, Wiley Online Library, 2018
Where this book is distributed in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world, this is by Palgrave M... more Where this book is distributed in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world, this is by Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited, registered in England, company number 785998, of Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. To my husband, the one person who has taught me to look at life from a positive stand point and to never give up. 10.1057/9780230622913preview -Narratives on Teaching and Teacher Education, Edited by Andrea M. A. Mattos Copyright material from -licensed to npg -PalgraveConnect -2016-09-30
Narratives on teaching and teacher education: an …, Jan 1, 2009
Page 49. CHAPTER 2 Understanding Classroom Experiences: Listening to Stories in order to Tell Sto... more Page 49. CHAPTER 2 Understanding Classroom Experiences: Listening to Stories in order to Tell Stories Andrea MA Mattos The classroom is a microcosm in the sense that what happens within the classroom reflects, affects ...
Narratives on teaching and teacher education: an …, Jan 1, 2009
Page 221. CHAPTER 14 A Tail of Hope: Preservice Teachers' Stories of Expectation Toward ... more Page 221. CHAPTER 14 A Tail of Hope: Preservice Teachers' Stories of Expectation Toward the Profession Andrea MA. Mattos In face of the recent Brazilian socioeconomical panorama, the teaching profession has been experiencing ...
Journal Articles by Andrea Mattos

Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, 2021
In this text, we try to address several issues that have been long hindering Brazilian Education.... more In this text, we try to address several issues that have been long hindering Brazilian Education. Since the promulgation of the so-called Citizen Constitution (BRAZIL, 1988), the Brazilian government hasn't yet been able to provide free and quality education for all Brazilians, and a big portion of Brazilian citizens are still illiterate, especially those who belong to lower classes and black communities. We will focus on the vicious cycle that is created when, in having education denied, the population is also automatically denied the right to perceive their neglected and violated rights. What consequences may this vicious cycle generate for the Brazilian population? In what ways can we overcome the limits it imposes on us? What Brazil would we have if we could get rid of this cycle? And how does this relate to the daily lives of each of us?
Ilha do Desterro, 2021
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as narrativas de vida “Where have All the Songs and Rituals Go... more O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as narrativas de vida “Where have All the Songs and Rituals Gone?” (2019) de Mozinha Fernandes e “A Velip Writes Back” (2019) de Priyanka Velip membros da comunidade Adivasi de Goa, que se consideram como os primeiros habitantes desse estado indiano. Essas narrativas foram publicadas no blog “Hanv Konn. Quem sou eu? Researching the Self”, organizado pelo falecido professor da Universidade de Goa, Alito Siqueira e cujo objetivo é dar voz a essa comunidade marginalizada e silenciada. A análise será feita em termos dos conceitos de Pós-Memória (Hirsch, 1996, 1997, 2008), Trauma (Ginzburg, 2008; Balaev, 2008), narrativa (Bruner, 2002; Coracini, 2007) e narrativas de vida (Smith & Watson, 2010).
Books by Andrea Mattos
Book Chapters by Andrea Mattos
Journal Articles by Andrea Mattos
Literacy in a pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher education course at a large university in Brazil, aimed at students’ critical education and their preparation as future critical teachers. The paper tries to show how the concepts of Transnational Literacies and Critical Literacy have been used as a standpoint for teacher education and for the development of critical approaches to language teaching. The paper also highlights the importance of including education for citizenship in Brazilian teacher education programs in order to have EFL teachers and student teachers question themselves as globalized and technologized (LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2003, p. 155) citizens, as well as to reflect on their roles in fostering responsible social transformation and in the promotion of social justice (HAWKINS, 2011a; ZEICHNER, 2011).