Rubens Baldini Neto
And graduated in History from the Faculty of Education at USP. He attended the Interdisciplinary Degree in African and Afro-Brazilian Studies (Neab) from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). He is currently a master's student in the Postgraduate Program in History Teaching (PROFHISTÓRIA / UFRJ), UNICAMP headquarters. And post-graduate student in the Specialization in Technologies, communication and teaching techniques at UTFPR (Curitiba-PR). He received a scholarship until December 2015 from the Nucleus for the Study of Violence -USP working in the area of research support. From 2013 to 2015, he joined the Pibid Scholarship - Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarship linked to LEMAD - Laboratory of Teaching and Didactic Material / FFLCH USP, Diversity subproject (laws 10.639 / 03 and 11.465 / 08). In the first semester of 2013 he participated in the International Exchange Program - Academic Merit Scholarship (BMA) at the Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico) and in the first semester of 2014 he participated in the Santander Exchange Program / CEAL at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). Until 2012, he joined the Tutorial Education Program - PET linked to SESu-MEC and the University of São Paulo as a scholarship holder. He participated in the Group for Research and Creation of Educational Material in Humanities (GMEH / FFLCH), currently linked to DIVERSITAS (Center for the Study of Diversities, Intolerances and Conflicts) at USP. He developed studies based on the issue of civil, political and social rights and their historical constitution in Latin America.
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Papers by Rubens Baldini Neto
Drafts by Rubens Baldini Neto