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a los efectos de su organización 1 . En el tercer capítulo y en función de las mencionadas contribuciones, el autor organiza sistemáticamente su programa de investigación. Hasta aquí consideramos conveniente reproducir en la reseña la... more
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Así como Milton Friedman y la Escuela de Chicago han sido reconocidos en la historia del pensamiento económico por provocar una contra-revolución mostrando las falencias del keynesianismo, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek y la Escuela... more
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The survival of apartheid is indeed the survival of a kind of socialismoften altruistically motivatedwhilst the dissolution of colour injustice has been continuously assisted by competitive capitalism. The persistence of colour injustice... more
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    • Applied Economics
The 1980's ignited a universal trend towards economic liberalization. This momentum has eclipsed previous attempts to open up world trade. The globalization of capital markets is perhaps the most distinctive element of what might he... more
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Economic analysis of tax policy has tended to follow a macro approach in which the state is the focal point and the individual taxpayer is marginalised. An alternative micro approach, exemplified by the classic work of Wicksell, leads to... more
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      EconomicsPublic sectorEconomic Affairs
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      EthicsLatin America
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      Applied EconomicsEuropean Political Economy
The a.ssumpthm of conttnl o/ the levers 0//loner by Deng Xiaoping rill (I the inplcrnvuation o/ecommtic ri'/o na in ('Irma hays vet to plan aut to a logical earl. Despite optimistic and bullish eyahaations of ill(' ii I fit re pro Sperh... more
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Despite the impressive growth rates in the region, there are some serious questions about the policies and institutions in the high performing East Asian economies. Indeed, several of the traditional institutions can be expected to impose... more
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      GovernanceEconomic Development
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    • Economics
China, Southeast Asia and the Trade War - Opportunities and Threats. A webinar with Dr Christopher Lingle. Organized by the Center for Market Education ( and the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs... more
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      Southeast AsiaMalaysiaFree MarketTrade war
The stol.v of East Asian miracle economies now appears to have been one part illusion and another part nuontelttarv bingeing that hwolved massive mobilization of inputs that contributed to unsustainable growth spurts. Those who detected a... more
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It is ironic that the relationship between apartheid and South African business interests is used as propaganda by the apartheid regime and its leftist opponents. On one hand, the African National Congress (ANC) and its allies often... more
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The story of East Asian miracle economies now appears to have been one part illusion and another part momentary bingeing that involved massive mobilization of inputs that contributed to unsustainable growth spurts. Those who detected a... more
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    • Geography
the Foreign Experts Bureau of the People's Republic of China to lecture for six months at the
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