Engenharia Agricola, 2009
do primeiro autor e de conclusão de curso do último autor, financiado com recursos da UNIOESTE.

Engenharia Agricola, Dec 1, 2013
The goal of this study was to evaluate the nitrogen fertilization as deep litter for pigs in orde... more The goal of this study was to evaluate the nitrogen fertilization as deep litter for pigs in order to produce biomass and accumulate nutrients by the corn. A deep litter made of rice husk as organic compound, from a commercial pig farm during finishing phase, was used. After three consecutive batches of pigs, the deep litter was subjected to a maturation period of 50 days, and samples of this material were taken for analysis of agronomic value. The experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates. The treatments consisted of doses of 0, 75, 150 and 300mg dm-3 of N of deep litter, as well as an additional treatment with ammonium sulfate, with a dosage of 150mg dm-3 of N. After 45 days, corn plants were harvested in order to evaluate the total dry weight and nutrient concentrations of their aerial parts. Dry matter increases were found with more application of deep litter. Regarding control fertilization, the use of increasing dosages of deep litter allowed accumulation of K, reduced the availability of P, Ca, Mg, Zn and B and did not alter the concentrations of N, Cu, Fe and Mn.

Engenharia Agricola, Feb 1, 2015
RESUMO: Devido às ocorrências dos vírus de influenza aviária (H5N1 e H7N2), estudos relacionados ... more RESUMO: Devido às ocorrências dos vírus de influenza aviária (H5N1 e H7N2), estudos relacionados à biosseguridade têm-se intensificado, e uma das soluções discutidas é o uso de tela para cercar completamente o perímetro dos galpões, visando a evitar o contato das galinhas poedeiras alojadas com outras aves. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar a utilização de tela cercando o perímetro de galpões convencionais de poedeiras, sobre o ambiente acústico e aéreo no interior da instalação. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma granja comercial para produção de ovos, localizada no sul do Estado de Minas Gerais, e foi conduzida em um galpão aberto, que teve a metade de sua área cercada por tela e a outra metade mantida totalmente aberta. Foram alojadas galinhas poedeiras da linhagem Hyline W-36, sendo analisadas as variáveis de intensidade sonora, concentração de amônia (NH 3) e concentração de dióxido de carbono (CO 2). As variáveis foram coletadas em seis pontos de medição, em cada região (com e sem tela), dois em cada corredor (norte, central e sul). Os resultados indicaram que o uso de tela não alterou o nível de ruído e as concentrações de NH 3 e de CO 2 no interior do galpão analisado. Contudo, os níveis mensurados foram inferiores àqueles que ofereceriam riscos à saúde das aves e dos trabalhadores, podendo-se concluir que o uso de tela não influenciou negativamente no ambiente aéreo do galpão.

Engenharia Agricola, Feb 1, 2021
The objective of this study was to characterize the thermal environment and evaluate the behavior... more The objective of this study was to characterize the thermal environment and evaluate the behavior of finishing pigs housed in deep bedding and conventional systems. The work was carried out in the Department of Animal Science of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast Minas Gerais, Rio Pomba campus. Three pens were used in an installation for breeding pigs in their finishing phase. Two pens contained deep bedding, with wood shavings and rice husks. The remaining pen was a conventional system. The behavior of the piglets was observed from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., noting the behaviors with the use of an ethogram, while data relating to the thermal environment in the stalls were automatically collected using data loggers. Thermal environment data for all systems presented thermal stress conditions. Regarding behavioral variables, animals in conventional systems had a higher frequency of visits to feeders, while animals in the deep bedding system were more active and visited the drinking fountains more frequently. Despite the higher level of activity of the animals in the deep bedding system, it is not possible to confirm that the deep bedding provides a better degree of well-being for the animals under thermal stress conditions.

Engenharia Agricola, Jun 1, 2020
Although dry bulb temperature (T) is the environmental variable most commonly used to classify th... more Although dry bulb temperature (T) is the environmental variable most commonly used to classify thermal comfort in pigs, environmental assessment ratios provide more accurate information. The objective of this study was to correlate the sound pressure levels (SPL) produced by piglet vocalization with the thermal environment observed during the nursery phase, and subsequently establish thermoneutrality ranges. The experiment was conducted on a pig farm where T, relative humidity (RH), and SPL data were recorded between 9 am-5 pm for 42 days. The association between SPL and T in nursery phase piglets was verified; for thermal comfort to be possible, SPLs were 56.3 to 60.3 dB. The SPLs were subsequently used in predictor equations of ratios, and thermal comfort ranges were 74.4-78.3 for temperature and humidity ratio (THI), and 71.6-75.8 for globe temperature and humidity ratio (BGHI). Although the SPL proved to be a convenient indicator of thermal comfort for the evaluation of pigs, further studies developed in different phases of the production system are required.

Agronomy Research, 2019
In an intensive production system, the environment directly influences the comfort and welfare of... more In an intensive production system, the environment directly influences the comfort and welfare of pigs. Animals under heat stress may exhibit behavioural changes and changes in physiological parameters, such as increased body temperature, respiratory and cardiac movements. The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermal comfort of growing and finishing pigs housed in facilities with different construction typologies. The evaluated pens were: pen with water depth (WDP) and pen with partially slatted floor (SLF). Data on the ambient thermal environment in the pens and in the outside were collected automatically using Hobo dataloggers, model U12-013. This equipment recorded the air temperature, relative humidity of the air and black globe temperature in intervals of five minutes. Subsequently the variables were used in the calculation of the temperature index of the globe and humidity. The physiological responses of the animals were collected: Surface Temperature (ST) and Respiratory...

The goal of the present work was the instrumentation and validation of a laboratory equipped with... more The goal of the present work was the instrumentation and validation of a laboratory equipped with a control system for air temperature (t air), relative air humidity (RH) and air velocity (V) to study the environment for small animals. An experimental was equipped with two air conditioners to manage basic t air and RH in order to work. Four wind tunnels, with partial recirculation of air were installed in the room. Each tunnel features two electric heaters and two humidifiers divided into two operation stages. The air velocity is manually controlled by potentiometers connected to exhaust fans. A system to acquire data and control climatic variables was installed in the laboratory and it consisted of a datalogger, a multiplexer channel, a relay controller , t air and RH sensors, sensors for measuring water temperature and digital helix anemometer to measure air velocity. The results showed that the system presented deviations of ± 0.19 °C, ± 0.75% and ± 0.05 m s -1 for t air , RH and...

Icatorla Dedicamos esta publicação a Antonio Gomes da Silva, funcionário público do Ministério da... more Icatorla Dedicamos esta publicação a Antonio Gomes da Silva, funcionário público do Ministério da Agricultura, dos idos de 1949, quant/o iniciou suas atividades como lavrador, nos cafezais e laranjais, e • como operário na construção da Usina Hidrelétrica da Estação Experi-mentaI de Agua Limpa, situada em Coronel Pacheco-MG. Em janeiro de 1955, o Ministério da Agricultura, por intermédio do seu 5º Distrito de Meteorologia-Disme, criou, na Estação, um posto de observações meteorológicas, que, em novembro de 1979, passou para a categoria de Estação Agroclimatológica. Reenquadrado como auxiliar de meteorologia, o Sr. Gomes foi o encarregado deste posto, operando-o com toda presteza e responsabilidade, não medindo esforços para fazer as leituras dos dados, fosse sábado, domingo ou feriado, e repassá-los ao 5º Disme. A sua dedicação resultou numa rica fonte de dados meteorológicos, da qual este livro é um registro. Pessoas como ele merecem mais que uma dedicatória numa publicação. Devem ser lembradas e reconhecidas pelo exemplo de perseverança, altrulsmo e compromisso com o bem público, valores que enobrecem o homem e engrandecem a humanidade. ,. umarlo Capftulo 1-Instrumentos de meteorologia. 11

Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 2019
The aim of this study was to analyze the behavior of pigs housed in facilities with different bui... more The aim of this study was to analyze the behavior of pigs housed in facilities with different building typologies in terms of the floor and partitions. Two treatments were compared: a pen containing an area with a depth of water, and a pen floor with leaked on the sides. Data on swine behavior were collected over seven days, and the pigs' positions (standing, sitting, and lying down) and activities (eating, drinking, digging, interacting, walking and idling) were observed for five animals in each pen. Data were collected via visual measurement every 10 minutes and an ethogram was constructed. Measurements of environmental data were taken (dry bulb temperature, globe temperature and relative humidity), and were used to calculate the black globe temperature and humidity index. Although the pens showed differences in terms of the dry bulb temperature, this temperature can be considered thermoneutral for creation in the growth and termination phases. Animals housed in the pens with an area of water depth stood for longer, possibly due to the environmental enrichment caused by the presence of the water slide.

Engenharia Agricola, 2018
Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, comparar sistemas fuzzy com diferentes configuracoes para p... more Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, comparar sistemas fuzzy com diferentes configuracoes para predizer a temperatura superficial (tsup) de frangos de corte submetidos a diferentes intensidades e duracoes de desafios termicos na segunda semana de vida. Dados de tsup de frangos de corte (8 a 11 dias de idade), submetidos a combinacoes de 4 temperaturas de bulbo seco do ar (tbs) (24, 27, 30 e 33 o C) e 4 duracoes de desafios termicos (DDT) (1, 2, 3 ou 4 dias), foram adquiridos por meio de termografia infravermelha. As variaveis de entrada dos sistemas fuzzy foram a tbs e DDT e a de saida a tsup. Os metodos de inferencia mamdani contemplando 5 metodos de defuzzificacao (centro de gravidade da area, centroide; bissetor da area, bissetor; maior dos maximos, lom; media dos maximos, mom; e menor dos maximos, som) e sugeno com 2 metodos de defuzzificacao (media ponderada, wtaver; e soma ponderada, wtsum) foram avaliados. Para ambos os metodos de inferencia foram testadas curvas de pertinen...

RESUMO: Os dejetos de suínos são resíduos altamente poluidores, que prejudicam o meio ambiente, e... more RESUMO: Os dejetos de suínos são resíduos altamente poluidores, que prejudicam o meio ambiente, em especial a qualidade da água e o desenvolvimento de peixes e outros organismos aquáticos. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o perfil da suinocultura, a análise da adequação das instalações, os sistemas de manejo dos dejetos, bem como a adequação à legislação ambiental das propriedades agrícolas localizadas na microbacia do Córrego Ajuricaba, selecionada e localizada na bacia hidrográfica do Rio São Francisco Verdadeiro, na região Oeste do Paraná. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho referem-se a dez propriedades das 110 analisadas. O perfil da suinocultura é de 80% dos suinocultores com sistema de criação em terminação e 20% em ciclo completo; nenhuma das instalações possui o sistema de lâmina d'água; todas as instalações utilizam o sistema de limpeza por raspagem; a freqüência de limpeza das baias nas instalações é diária e, em 90% das instalações, não foi observado desperdício de ração. O principal problema detectado nas construções foi o acesso das águas da chuva nas canaletas. No aspecto da legislação ambiental, constatou-se que todas as propriedades da microbacia analisada possuem problemas com a mata ciliar.

Engenharia Agricola, Jun 1, 2011
RESUMO: O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o uso da ardósia na construção de celas de... more RESUMO: O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o uso da ardósia na construção de celas de maternidade, sendo monitoradas 12 matrizes e 139 leitões em celas confeccionadas de alvenaria e ardósia (tratamentos). Imagens digitais foram avaliadas por meio de dois etogramas. As variáveis ambientais foram registradas às 9 h e 15 h. O desempenho dos leitões foi determinado pelo peso ao nascimento e à desmama, ganho de peso diário e final. Na cela de alvenaria, os leitões passaram menos tempo mamando (25,62%) e mais no escamoteador (38,91%) que aqueles mantidos na cela de ardósia (29,22% mamando e 24,90% no escamoteador). As variáveis ambientais e os índices de conforto mostraram que o microclima na cela de ardósia apresentou-se mais confortável aos leitões, enquanto aquele em alvenaria foi mais confortável às matrizes. Os leitões mantidos nas celas de alvenaria apresentaram ganho de peso diário semelhante aos alojados em celas de ardósia (P<0,05). Os comportamentos das matrizes foram semelhantes em ambos os tipos de cela, apresentando maior frequência do comportamento "deitado". A ardósia pode ser uma alternativa vantajosa à alvenaria na construção de celas no setor de maternidade para suínos, por apresentar maior impermeabilidade, facilidade de limpeza e desinfecção. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: ardósia, comportamento animal, instalações para suínos, material de construção, suinocultura.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

Anincreasingprocess of urbanisation anda growing urban population heighten the need to understand... more Anincreasingprocess of urbanisation anda growing urban population heighten the need to understand the energy costsof the production of building materials. One of the most importanttoolsapplied to monitor the use of non-renewableenergyresources in the production of conventionalconcretes is energy input, intowhichfurther research is needed. In this study, an ANFIS (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system) hybrid model was developed to predict energy input in order to evaluate the energy demand required for each component of the production of conventional concrete (cement, water, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate) using 101 experimental dosages, 101 validation dosages and energy coefficients available in literature. The resultsshowedthatan adequate dosage can generate energy cost savingsof 24.77% in the production of concrete, while still maintaining the mechanical characteristics of compressive strength for conventional constructions.

Engenharia Agricola, 2016
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar niveis de gases e ambiente acustico (ruidos) de su... more O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar niveis de gases e ambiente acustico (ruidos) de suinos em diferentes instalacoes, sendo uma composta por lamina d’agua (LAM) e outra com piso parcialmente ripado (PAR). O experimento foi realizado durante os meses de junho a setembro nas fases de crescimento e terminacao. Para as medidas das concentracoes dos gases (CO2 e NH3) e de ruidos a 1,50 metros do solo e na altura dos animais, utilizaram-se de sensores e decibelimetro. Os resultados indicaram diferencas estatisticas (P < 0,05) em relacao ao nivel de ruidos na altura do animal e nas concentracoes dos gases medidos em relacao a tipologia da baia e horario de coleta dos dados. Os maiores valores para ruidos foram encontrados na baia com lâmina d’agua com medicao no nivel do animal. Os maiores valores de NH3 (13,00 ppm) e CO2 (1174,5 ppm) foram verificado na baia com lâmina d’agua no horario de 15 h. A baia com piso parcialmente ripado foi a que proporcionou maior bem-estar em re...

Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 2018
Animal welfare is conditional on well-planned and well-managed exploitation, since the management... more Animal welfare is conditional on well-planned and well-managed exploitation, since the management of the animals strongly influences their behavior, their productivity and, consequently, the yield and quality of the final product. In this study, an investigative review was carried out of the literature, governmental databases and main institutions relating to animal welfare, seeking to highlight and discuss differences in legislation between Brazil and Portugal, in view of the interest and concern of the scientific community and the consumer market in relation to methods used for animal production. In Brazil, there is no specific legislation on the welfare of pigs and other related legislation is used as a basis. However, Portugal has more specific legislation on the subject. Considering the dissemination of knowledge and the growing concern with animal welfare in the European consumer market, it is noted that the need for its application standards that ensure animal welfare in production/breeding, possibly becoming a basic requirement in the coming years. However, Brazilian pig farms, like all other animal production activities, are still lacking specific legislation that is appropriate for Brazil, which ends up delaying the effective practice of welfare in productions, abstaining from the population of information about the activity. New studies are needed to ascertain the necessity and applicability of the legislation, and whether the legislation is effective in improving animal welfare or serves only to increase bureaucracy.

Engenharia Agrícola, 2019
The selection of the type of fuzzy systems pertinence curve allows a better representation of the... more The selection of the type of fuzzy systems pertinence curve allows a better representation of the mathematical model and a smaller simulation error. We aimed to study the effect of pertinence curves in fuzzy modeling of broiler performance, created in different production systems. For the development and testing of fuzzy models, three commercial aviaries (conventional, tunnel with negative pressure, and dark house) were evaluated over one year, totaling six lots per system. For the development of the model, the input variables were enthalpy in each rearing phase (initial: phases 1, 2, and 3; growth: phase 4; and final: phase 5) and the output variables were feed intake (FE), weight gain (GP), feed conversion (FE), and the productive efficiency index (PEI). Triangular, trapezoidal, and Gaussian pertinence curves were combined and applied to represent the input and output fuzzy sets, totaling nine fuzzy models for each output variable. The combinations of pertinence curves provided adequate responses for the prediction of AL, GP, RC, and PEI. However, the selection of the types of curves should be studied on a case-by-case basis, so that the smallest possible simulation errors are obtained.

Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias - Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019
The search for new substrates for the production of seedlings is of great importance for the evol... more The search for new substrates for the production of seedlings is of great importance for the evolution of the nursery sector. Biochar is an alternative for the use of plant residues, both in soils and as a component of substrates. The main objective of the study was to correlate substrates using biochar (B) and substrates using activated biochar (AB) in different concentrations with biometric and nutritional variables, aside from its effect on the growth of Eucalyptus seedlings. The experiment was conducted in a nursery, located in Sinop, MT, Brazil. The experiment was design in four blocks of ten treatments; commercial substrates (CS), nursery substrate (NS-50% CS and 50% carbonized rice husk and coconut fiber) and eight treatments represented by B and AB additions to each commercial substrate (concentration of 25; 50, 75 and 100%-determined as B25, B50, B75, B100, AB25, AB50, AB75, AB100). At the end of a 90 days cycle after staking, plant height, stem diameter, leaf number and Dickson Quality Index (DQI), fresh and dry biomass accumulation and nutrient concentration in the aerial part were determined. The substrates with activated biochar and the nursery substrate presented superior results for biometric variables.

Engenharia Agrícola, 2019
Broiler chickens are homoeothermic animals, i.e., animals capable of maintaining their body tempe... more Broiler chickens are homoeothermic animals, i.e., animals capable of maintaining their body temperature within quite narrow limits; therefore, climate change poses a great challenge to poultry. With this in mind, this research aims to evaluate the performance of broilers submitted to different commercial production systems and exposed to different future scenarios, taking into account the climate change trends. To achieve this objective, we developed and validated a fuzzy model able to predict the performance of a broiler as a function of enthalpy along its life stages. This model was developed and validated in part I of this article based on experimental data collected for one year in three aviaries: conventional, negative pressure, and dark house systems. A Mann-Kendall nonparametric test and linear regression analysis were applied to the enthalpy values, which were calculated as a function of the ambient air temperature and relative humidity in order to study the climate change trends. Later, simulations were performed using the fuzzy model for 2025, 2050, 2075, and 2100 future scenarios. Specific improvements were observed when the heating trends coincided with the initial stages of breeding; however, in general, the productive responses of broilers in the different evaluated systems worsened with the climate change trends. Faced with the climate change trends, the responses improved in the order dark house aviary > negative pressure aviary> conventional aviary.