olga egas
Address: São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Papers by olga egas
In this essay, we are interested in analyzing how images are configured as triggers for thought and knowledge, which is itself magnified by the very production of images. This analysis led to researches that are not restricted to artists or to artistic research (AR), but are driven by the poiesis of the researcher in art, education and culture, as it was argued in our last presentation at the 2nd Conference in Granada 2014.
Our purpose in this present essay is to focus especially on the use of photo-essays as an artistic research methodology, with reference to the studies of Joaquin Roldán and Ricardo Marin-Viadel (2012) and also to our own practice at the post graduate program of Education, Art and Cultural History of Mackenzie University (São Paulo, Brazil).
Rita Demarchi photographs series that integrate her doctoral research about museums and cultural institutions, showing a careful process of registering silence and lurking in the universe that surrounds the connoisseur, the works of art and exhibition spaces. This way of capturing situations requests a constant openness to the phenomena which is one of the characteristics of artistic creation. The images are legitimized as they are a full demonstration of how images are able to trigger our thinking and produce connections between theoretical research and writing. The curatorial work of going over the pictures taken, selecting them and assembling them into photo-essays has allowed Rita to go beyond the thought about art and led her to an unveiling of relationships and issues about the complexity of the territory concerned, which as we think, would not come to light otherwise.
Olga Egas promotes personal and collective student’s productions as well as cultural expeditions that together compose photo-essays of shared experiences and instigate aesthetic sensibility on these future teachers. Her doctoral research aims to use photo-essays as a way to keep the students and the teacher in a state of attention and invention and enable the construction of subjectivities. She also aims to investigate how photo-essay may constitute as a device to read and interpret the world and recreate other practices to handle the objects and events that we believe are an indispensable condition to the practice of any teacher.
We present a brief analysis of these photo-essays and processes that involve the attempt to improve the understanding of ABR and reflect on the plural forms and the consequent expansion of ways to produce and disseminate knowledge. A new way to produce, organize and disseminate research and knowledge, which challenges the traditional and legitimized way of being in the academy.
Keywords: Art based research, photo-essay, research methodologies, art.
Key words: Research, Artistic procedures, Art, Methodologies, Poiesis.
In this essay, we are interested in analyzing how images are configured as triggers for thought and knowledge, which is itself magnified by the very production of images. This analysis led to researches that are not restricted to artists or to artistic research (AR), but are driven by the poiesis of the researcher in art, education and culture, as it was argued in our last presentation at the 2nd Conference in Granada 2014.
Our purpose in this present essay is to focus especially on the use of photo-essays as an artistic research methodology, with reference to the studies of Joaquin Roldán and Ricardo Marin-Viadel (2012) and also to our own practice at the post graduate program of Education, Art and Cultural History of Mackenzie University (São Paulo, Brazil).
Rita Demarchi photographs series that integrate her doctoral research about museums and cultural institutions, showing a careful process of registering silence and lurking in the universe that surrounds the connoisseur, the works of art and exhibition spaces. This way of capturing situations requests a constant openness to the phenomena which is one of the characteristics of artistic creation. The images are legitimized as they are a full demonstration of how images are able to trigger our thinking and produce connections between theoretical research and writing. The curatorial work of going over the pictures taken, selecting them and assembling them into photo-essays has allowed Rita to go beyond the thought about art and led her to an unveiling of relationships and issues about the complexity of the territory concerned, which as we think, would not come to light otherwise.
Olga Egas promotes personal and collective student’s productions as well as cultural expeditions that together compose photo-essays of shared experiences and instigate aesthetic sensibility on these future teachers. Her doctoral research aims to use photo-essays as a way to keep the students and the teacher in a state of attention and invention and enable the construction of subjectivities. She also aims to investigate how photo-essay may constitute as a device to read and interpret the world and recreate other practices to handle the objects and events that we believe are an indispensable condition to the practice of any teacher.
We present a brief analysis of these photo-essays and processes that involve the attempt to improve the understanding of ABR and reflect on the plural forms and the consequent expansion of ways to produce and disseminate knowledge. A new way to produce, organize and disseminate research and knowledge, which challenges the traditional and legitimized way of being in the academy.
Keywords: Art based research, photo-essay, research methodologies, art.
Key words: Research, Artistic procedures, Art, Methodologies, Poiesis.