Papers by Maria Aderuza Horst

Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias - Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2020
The baru almond has a high nutrient and phytochemical density, such as monounsaturated fatty acid... more The baru almond has a high nutrient and phytochemical density, such as monounsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamin E, zinc, and phenolic compounds. This study aimed to optimize the extraction conditions of total phenolic compounds from baru almond (with and without skin) and baru almond skin using a fractional factorial 2 4-1 and the Box-Behnken designs, and to analyze the influence of the extraction factors on total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity (by ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP assays) in the extracts obtained. The optimal extraction conditions were: for whole baru almond (with skin) -79% ethanol and 2 mg mL -1 solid-solvent ratio at 85 °C; for baru almond without skin -68% ethanol and 20 mg mL -1 solid-solvent ratio during 34 min; and for baru almond skin -40% ethanol and 0.2 mg mL -1 solid-solvent ratio at 66 °C. On these conditions, whole baru almond showed high phenolic content and antioxidant capacity, and the almond skin featured about 10% of phenolics and a very high antioxidant capacity. The experimental designs used revealed the baru almond skin as an abundant source of antioxidant compounds. We recommend the consumption of whole baru almond, and the use of its skin in different food systems.

Applied Sciences, 2022
The beet, including the leaves and stalk (BLS), is a vegetable with great antioxidant potential. ... more The beet, including the leaves and stalk (BLS), is a vegetable with great antioxidant potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in the nutritional composition and the concentration of total phenolics between the organic and conventional BLS and to verify whether the ingestion of an organic BLS juice containing different concentrations of polyphenols modulated some biomarkers of oxidative stress after the ingestion of a high-fat meal in individuals with dyslipidemia. A controlled, randomized, double-blind, crossover clinical trial with a washout period of 1 week was carried out. A 12-h fasting blood sample was collected. Afterward, the participants consumed a high-fat meal, followed by the ingestion of a placebo or one of the organic BLS juices containing either 32.0 or 77.5 mg/100 mL of polyphenols. Blood samples were obtained 30, 60, 120 and 180 min after the first blood collection. The composition analysis showed that organic BLS had a better nutritional com...

Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 2021
The development of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes (T2D) is closely linked to a comple... more The development of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes (T2D) is closely linked to a complex interplay between genetic and dietary factors. The prevalence of abdominal obesity, hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidaemia, and high blood pressure among Brazilian adolescents is increasing and hence, early lifestyle interventions targeting these factors might be an effective strategy to prevent or slow the progression of T2D. We aimed to assess the interaction between dietary and genetic factors on metabolic disease-related traits in 200 healthy Brazilian young adults. Dietary intake was assessed using 3-day food records. Ten metabolic disease-related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were used to construct a metabolic-genetic risk score (metabolic-GRS). We found significant interactions between the metabolic-GRS and total fat intake on fasting insulin level (Pinteraction = 0.017), insulin-glucose ratio (Pinteraction = 0.010) and HOMA-B (Pinteraction = 0.002), respectively, in addition ...

Nutrition and cancer, 2021
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important epigenetic regulators in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (... more MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important epigenetic regulators in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), with miR-31 being considered an oncomir and miR-375, a tumor suppressor miR, which are up- and down-regulated in HNSCC, respectively. Nutrients are known to influence miRNA expression; however, this association is poorly explored in HNSCC. This work aimed to identify associations between dietary intake and the expression of miR-31 and miR-375 in patients newly diagnosed with HNSCC. The expression of miR-31 was positively associated with the consumption of iron (β = 16.65) and vitamin C (β = 0.37), and inversely associated with total sugar (β = -0.88), cholesterol (β= -0.23), vitamin B9 (β= -0.37) and zinc (β = -5.66) intake. The expression of miR-375 was positively associated with the consumption of selenium (β = 1.52), vitamin C (β = 0.17) and vitamin D (β = 13.01), and inversely associated with the consumption of added sugar (β = -0.49), phosphorus (β= -0.27) and vitamin B12 (β...

Brazilian Journal of Development, 2021
The pequi is a native fruit of the Brazilian Savanna and the consumption of its carotenoid-rich p... more The pequi is a native fruit of the Brazilian Savanna and the consumption of its carotenoid-rich pulp has been associated with several health benefits. However, there are considerable differences in carotenoid content reported for this fruit, mainly due to the diversity of extraction methods used in the recovery of these compounds from pequi pulp. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different organic solvents and mixtures in the extraction of total carotenoids from pequi pulp. For the carotenoids extraction, pure solvents and the mixtures of acetone, ethyl alcohol and petroleum ether were used. The mixture planning was used to determine the proportions of the solvents in each treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify that the most efficient treatment for total carotenoid extraction from pequi pulp is pure petroleum ether solvent (234.40 μg/g). In contrast, ethyl alcohol was the solvent that extracted the lowest concentration of total carotenoids (124.03 μg/g). Pure acetone, one of the most used solvents in the extraction of carotenoids from pequi, showed intermediate efficiency (166.07 μg/g). Thus, pure petroleum ether is the solvent recommended for total carotenoid extraction, mainly in the samples rich in carotenoid and lipids, such as pequi pulp.

British Journal of Nutrition, 2021
Evidence shows that genetic polymorphisms in perilipin 1 gene (PLIN1) are associated with excessi... more Evidence shows that genetic polymorphisms in perilipin 1 gene (PLIN1) are associated with excessive accumulation of body fat and disturbances in cardiometabolic markers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify whether the SNP PLIN1 11482 G>A (rs894160) interacts with nutrient intake, anthropometric, body composition and cardiometabolic markers in adults with normal-weight obesity (NWO) syndrome. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 116 individuals aged 20–59 years, with normal BMI and high percentage of body fat. Anthropometric and body composition measures, glycaemic control and serum lipid markers, SNP PLIN1 11482 G>A and nutrient intake were evaluated. Interactions between nutrient intake and the SNP were determined by regression models and adjusted for potential confounders. The SNP frequency was 56·0 % GG, 38·8 % GA and 5·2 % AA. Anthropometric measures and biochemical markers were not different according to genotype, except for total cholesterol (TC), LDL-...

Food Science and Technology, 2018
Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) is a native fruit of the Brazilian Savannah that can be used in the fo... more Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) is a native fruit of the Brazilian Savannah that can be used in the food industry and may contribute to the economy of the Brazilian Midwest. The proximate composition, the phenolic content and the antioxidant capacity of the peel, pulp and raw and roasted baru almond were examined and compared. Peel showed higher concentrations of dietary fibers (24.1 g/100 g) followed by pulp and roasted almond (18 g/100 g and 16 g/100 g, respectively), and raw almond (12.0 g/100 g). However, the almonds presented the highest lipid and protein concentrations compared to baru peel and pulp. On addition, raw almond showed the highest total phenolic contents (1,107.0 mg GAE/100 g) and antioxidant capacity, but the roasted almond, and baru peel with its pulp, also presented high phenolic contents. The correlation coefficients between phenolic content and antioxidant capacity (via ABTS and FRAP) were strong and significant. The chemical composition of baru peel has not previously been reported. The results showed promising prospects for the consumption of baru pulp with its peel, the fruit component richest in fiber, whose phenolic content and antioxidant capacity are comparable to those of the baru almond.
Journal of Diabetology, 2019
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has remained the leading cause of mortality in Brazil since the latt... more Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has remained the leading cause of mortality in Brazil since the latter part of the 1960s. [1,2] Although effective tobacco control policies and access to improved healthcare have led to drastic improvements in cardiovascular health, an upwards trend in unhealthy eating habits and physical inactivity has been observed in the Brazilian population. [2] Smoking, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and insulin resistance have long been recognised as major risk factors for CVDs; [3] however, the aetiology of CVD is not yet fully understood. [4] There has recently been renewed interest in the relationship between elevated homocysteine levels and the development of CVD. [5]
Inhibition in DNA damages and differential gene expression in Wistar rats treated with kale and c... more Inhibition in DNA damages and differential gene expression in Wistar rats treated with kale and cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and submitted to chemical hepatocarcinogenesis. 2007. 119p. Thesis (Doctorate)

Esses agradecimentos são apenas uma pequena forma de retribuir as grandes contribuições para o me... more Esses agradecimentos são apenas uma pequena forma de retribuir as grandes contribuições para o meu crescimento profissional, e principalmente pessoal, que me foram concedidas por diversas pessoas. Esses agradecimentos são ainda, uma maneira de relembrar aqueles que me proporcionaram os muitos momentos de alegria ao longo desta minha trajetória. Especialmente ao Professor Tit. e Orientador Fernando Salvador Moreno, que com muito mérito recebe tais qualificações, agradeço por ter me proporcionado a oportunidade de descobrir parte do maravilhoso mundo da pesquisa. Obrigada pelos seus inúmeros ensinamentos, traduzidos em conhecimento científico e lições para a vida, que com o seu dom de orientador e didática como professor, puderam efetivamente construir a base para minha formação científica. Seu entusiasmo e amor à pesquisa o tornam exemplo de dedicação. Aos meus pais, agradeço pela oportunidade da vida e pela eterna e verdadeira preocupação com a minha felicidade. Para isso nunca mediram esforços, impossíveis de serem totalmente retribuídos, sempre me apoiaram, me incentivaram e com muito amor e paciência me trouxeram até aqui. A minha irmã, Marcia, muito obrigada pelo seu companheirismo, cumplicidade, conselhos, risadas e até lágrimas, que me ensinaram muito e construíram grande parte da minha formação pessoal. Sinto-me privilegiada por tê-la como minha melhor amiga. Ao meu amor, Renato que entrou na minha vida e mostrou que o tempo não é determinante da intensidade de sentimentos que podemos ter por alguém. Agradeço pelo apoio, por não me deixar desistir dos sonhos, por me mostrar caminhos e principalmente, por hoje fazer parte da minha vida, tornando-a cada dia mais feliz, como meu marido. Ao Professor Dr. Thomas Prates Ong, meus agradecimentos pela atitude de co-orientador desde a minha primeira visita ao laboratório, época em que tive o privilégio de conhecê-lo como um doutorando com a verdadeira vocação acadêmica. À Professora Tit. Maria Lúcia Zaidan Dagli, do Laboratório de Oncologia Experimental da FMVZ-USP, agradeço pela oportunidade de conhecê-la, de aprender seus ensinamentos ao longo de todo mestrado e pelas grandes contribuições na minha banca de qualificação. Aos "mais velhos" do laboratório: Renato, Rogério, Aline e Carlos, obrigada pelos conhecimentos, paciência, esforços que permitiram o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Ao Renato, Clarissa e Bianca, pela efetiva contribuição para os resultados deste trabalho; e aos demais do laboratório: Alessandra, Bruna, Camila, Douglas, Giulianna, Juliana e Mônica pelos conhecimentos, apoio e incentivo. A todos do Laboratório de Dieta, Nutrição e Câncer meus sinceros agradecimentos pela amizade e atmosfera alegre, que com certeza registraram momentos muito felizes no meu coração e na minha memória. Aos demais professores e aos muitos colegas do departamento, que sempre me ajudaram e me deram suporte ao longo desta jornada. Aos funcionários: Lurdinha, por manter a ordem no laboratório, e com a Joana, por cuidarem do departamento; obrigada Cléo, Edílson e Mônica, do B14, Elaine e Jorge, da seção de pós, por literalmente nos "pajear" e nos socorrer sempre. Aos funcionários do biotério, pelos cuidados despendidos com os animais e pelo suporte que me foi dado em fase tão importante. Agradeço também a todos do Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas da FCF-USP e do Laboratório de Oncologia Experimental da FMVZ-USP, pelo apoio essencial para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. À Ciça (in memoriam), pela inspiração que me guiou para esse caminho. Aos demais amigos e familiares, muito obrigada pelos conselhos. Às agências de fomento, CAPES, pela concessão da minha bolsa, FAPESP e CNPQ pelo suporte financeiro ao laboratório, sem os quais não seria possível completar essa jornada.

Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics, 2015
The aim of this study was to investigate possible relationships among the A1298C (rs1801131) and ... more The aim of this study was to investigate possible relationships among the A1298C (rs1801131) and C677T (rs1801133) polymorphisms in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene and levels of homocysteine, vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and lipid profile, including oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL), of adolescents at cardiovascular risk. We recruited 115 adolescents (10-19 years old), 58.3% (n = 67) female, from a public school in Brazil who underwent anthropometric, biochemical and genetic tests as well as food consumption evaluation. An important prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia (19.1%) and alterations in triacylglycerol (17.4%), total cholesterol (26.9%) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (48.0%) concentrations were observed, as well as low vitamin B6 concentrations (23.5%). The categorization of homocysteine concentrations into tertiles revealed significant differences in serum concentrations of folate, vitamin B12 and HDL, waist circumference and intake of total and saturated fat among the tertiles. The presence of variant alleles regarding the MTHFR C677T polymorphism interfered with vitamin B6 and ox-LDL cholesterol concentrations. There was a trend for higher waist circumference values in T carriers (C677T), but not in C carriers (A1298C). The MTHFR C677T allele was associated with higher plasma vitamin B6 and ox-LDL compared to the CC genotype.

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2011
Chemopreventive activities of the dietary isoprenoids β-ionone (βI) and geraniol (GOH) were evalu... more Chemopreventive activities of the dietary isoprenoids β-ionone (βI) and geraniol (GOH) were evaluated during the promotion phase of hepatocarcinogenesis. Over 5 consecutive weeks, rats received daily 16 mg/100 g body weight (b.w.) of βI (βI group), 25 mg/100 g b.w. of GOH (GOH group), or only corn oil (CO group, controls). Compared to the CO group, the following was observed: only the βI group showed a decrease in the mean number of visible hepatocyte nodules (P<.05); βI and GOH groups had reduced mean number of persistent preneoplastic lesions (pPNLs) (P<.05), but no differences regarding number of remodeling PNL (rPNLs) were observed; only the βI group exhibited smaller rPNL size and percentage of liver sections occupied by pPNLs (P<.05), whereas the GOH group displayed a smaller percentage of liver sections occupied by rPNLs (P<.05); a trend was observed in the βI group, which showed reduced cell proliferation of pPNLs (P<.10), and the GOH group had increased apoptosis in pPNLs and rPNLs…

Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 2010
Animals kept as pets may be considered sentinels for environmental factors to which humans could ... more Animals kept as pets may be considered sentinels for environmental factors to which humans could be exposed. Olfactory and respiratory epithelia are directly subjected to airborne factors, which could cause DNA lesions, and the alkaline comet assay is considered a reliable tool for the assessment of DNA damage. The objective of this work is to evaluate the extent of DNA damage by the comet assay of the olfactory and respiratory epithelia of dogs from different regions of the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Thirty-three clinically healthy dogs, aged 5 years or more, were used in the study, with 7 from the North region of São Paulo, 7 from the South region, 3 dogs from the East region, and 16 dogs from the West city region. Three dogs younger than 6 months were used as controls. DNA damage was analyzed by the alkaline comet assay. We observed no difference in histopathological analysis of olfactory and respiratory epithelia between dogs from different regions of São Paulo. Dogs older than 5 years presented significantly higher comet length in both olfactory and respiratory epithelia, when compared with controls, indicating DNA damage. When separated by regions, olfactory and respiratory epithelia presented similar DNA damage in dogs from different regions of São Paulo, corroborating with similar levels of particulate matter index (PM10) in all regions of the city. In this study, we report for the first time that the comet assay can be used to quantify the extent of DNA damage in dog olfactory and respiratory epithelia, and that comet length (DNA damage) increases with age, probably due to environmental factors. Air pollution, as measured by PM10, can be responsible for this DNA damage.

Nutrients, 2022
Given the relationship between vitamin D deficiency (VDD) and adverse outcomes of metabolic disea... more Given the relationship between vitamin D deficiency (VDD) and adverse outcomes of metabolic diseases, we investigated the interplay of dietary and genetic components on vitamin D levels and metabolic traits in young adults from Brazil. Genetic analysis, dietary intake, and anthropometric and biochemical measurements were performed in 187 healthy young adults (19–24 years). Genetic risk scores (GRS) from six genetic variants associated with vitamin D (vitamin D-GRS) and 10 genetic variants associated with metabolic disease (metabolic-GRS) were constructed. High vitamin D-GRS showed a significant association with low 25(OH)D concentrations (p = 0.001) and high metabolic-GRS showed a significant association with high fasting insulin concentrations (p = 0.045). A significant interaction was found between vitamin D-GRS and total protein intake (g/day) (adjusted for non-animal protein) on 25(OH)D (pinteraction = 0.006), where individuals consuming a high protein diet (≥73 g/d) and carryin...
Research in Science & Technological Education
Background: The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), first recognised in Wuhan City, China, has ... more Background: The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), first recognised in Wuhan City, China, has spread rapidly around the world. As a result, record numbers of students are not attending University due to temporary closures mandated by governments in an attempt to reduce the number of cases. The COVID-19 outbreak has created challenges for academics and students in the process of adapting to online teaching and learning. Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of bioscience academics during the COVID-19 pandemic in June 2020. Design and methods: Perspectives from academics across eight countries
Papers by Maria Aderuza Horst