Luara Santos
UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de História, Doutoranda em História Social (2017-2021)
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Papers by Luara Santos
Abstract In this paper I seek to discuss teacher Coema Hemeterio dos Santos Pacheco lifestory aspects, problematizing race, gender and class relations at immediate post-abolition era in Rio de Janeiro City. Countless records tell us about Black People racialization, especially through the fictional and pseudoscientific litterature, as well as press publications. To the black women these were a bigger challenge because they also have to deal with racial and gender stereotypes, bypassing agressive sexualization. In this carioca society, Coema as a black intellectual and literate family member also had to deal with these questions, being an exemplar teacher, wife, mother and daughter. She combined intellectual good qualities, a "respectable femininity" and a supporting role behind the "family man", his father Hemetério dos Santos. Being a "respectable woman" was the way that Coema could speak in that post-abolition society, expressing by herself postives and affirmatives imagens about her and other black women.
Abstract: This paper aims to discuss about black men and women experiences in Rio de Janeiro and New York cities between XIX and XX centuries. For this proposal I will approach Edward Buchardt Du Bois life experiences. Even though the national and geografic boundaries there are some similarities that connect these experiences: racialization, racism, seek for inclusion and citzenship recognizement, command and massive use of literate culture. From different ways and scale, these four intellectuals were involved with literature, musical and arts circles in general, and they also hold teaching positions. Analysing some newspapers and magazines from that time in both cities makes possible to know about their trajectories and sociability networks. It also allow us to discuss race relations, gender and social class questions.
ABSTRACT This paper aims to analyse the ways in which the notions of colour and race were intensely disputed in the Rio de Janeiro's journalism, between 1900's and 1920's, and racist discourses conveyed by it, using as " guiding thread " the black intellectual Hemetério José dos Santos' trajectory. The main journals selected for this discussion, Tagarela, Fon-Fon and Careta, were dedicated to satirize the life of the city and its major characters: politicians, intellectuals, governors. Important people have not escaped the sharp words and cartoons of these communication vehicles. The black intellectual Hemeterio José dos Santos was part of this "notable" satirezed group. As black, successful and polemic man, he was constant target of racist mockery pages of such journals. Hemetério, teacher at the renowned school Colégio Militar, used the pages of other journals in contention for giving new meanings to blackness. Thus, we will discuss the relation between symbolic investments in turn into negative black people, racial hierarchies and the construct of new meanings to blackness.
Abstract In this paper I seek to discuss teacher Coema Hemeterio dos Santos Pacheco lifestory aspects, problematizing race, gender and class relations at immediate post-abolition era in Rio de Janeiro City. Countless records tell us about Black People racialization, especially through the fictional and pseudoscientific litterature, as well as press publications. To the black women these were a bigger challenge because they also have to deal with racial and gender stereotypes, bypassing agressive sexualization. In this carioca society, Coema as a black intellectual and literate family member also had to deal with these questions, being an exemplar teacher, wife, mother and daughter. She combined intellectual good qualities, a "respectable femininity" and a supporting role behind the "family man", his father Hemetério dos Santos. Being a "respectable woman" was the way that Coema could speak in that post-abolition society, expressing by herself postives and affirmatives imagens about her and other black women.
Abstract: This paper aims to discuss about black men and women experiences in Rio de Janeiro and New York cities between XIX and XX centuries. For this proposal I will approach Edward Buchardt Du Bois life experiences. Even though the national and geografic boundaries there are some similarities that connect these experiences: racialization, racism, seek for inclusion and citzenship recognizement, command and massive use of literate culture. From different ways and scale, these four intellectuals were involved with literature, musical and arts circles in general, and they also hold teaching positions. Analysing some newspapers and magazines from that time in both cities makes possible to know about their trajectories and sociability networks. It also allow us to discuss race relations, gender and social class questions.
ABSTRACT This paper aims to analyse the ways in which the notions of colour and race were intensely disputed in the Rio de Janeiro's journalism, between 1900's and 1920's, and racist discourses conveyed by it, using as " guiding thread " the black intellectual Hemetério José dos Santos' trajectory. The main journals selected for this discussion, Tagarela, Fon-Fon and Careta, were dedicated to satirize the life of the city and its major characters: politicians, intellectuals, governors. Important people have not escaped the sharp words and cartoons of these communication vehicles. The black intellectual Hemeterio José dos Santos was part of this "notable" satirezed group. As black, successful and polemic man, he was constant target of racist mockery pages of such journals. Hemetério, teacher at the renowned school Colégio Militar, used the pages of other journals in contention for giving new meanings to blackness. Thus, we will discuss the relation between symbolic investments in turn into negative black people, racial hierarchies and the construct of new meanings to blackness.