Papers by Luisa Maria Sarmento Soares

Oryx, Oct 31, 2023
The contribution of local people to species conservation: the case of the catfish Trichogenes cla... more The contribution of local people to species conservation: the case of the catfish Trichogenes claviger in south-east Brazil Trichogenes claviger is a catfish endemic to the Atlantic Forest and headwaters of the Itapemirim River, in southern Espírito Santo state, Brazil. It inhabits clear streams of small fluvial order and is categorized as Critically Endangered on the Brazilian and IUCN Red Lists. After its discovery and description in , attempts to locate new populations, including in the neighbouring State Parks of Forno Grande and Pedra Azul, were unsuccessful. But years after its description, the catfish was found in another locality, c. km from the type locality (V. Reis, pers. obs., ). The type locality of T. claviger is important for species conservation, hosting the rare Data Deficient frog Brachycephalus alipioi and the Critically Endangered cherrythroated tanager Nemosia rourei. In , this area became the Private Natural Heritage Reserve (Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural) Mata de Kaetés, managed by the Saíra-apunhalada project. The tanager serves as a flagship species, ensuring habitat protection for local biodiversity. After partnering with the Saíra-apunhalada project, the previously anonymous fish became known to the local community. Since then, five individuals have been collected in the Reserve, and incorporated into a scientific collection. Later observations, at another location within the Reserve, revealed dozens of juveniles and adults. Then, in May , a local farmer reported the presence of T. claviger in an additional location, km from the type locality. In a visit, we verified that the location harbours hundreds of individuals and is a nursery for the species. With these new records we can now define the extent of occurrence of the species, which is , km , and revise the area of occupancy (previously km on the IUCN Red List and now km ). These records reinforce the crucial role of conservation units and their surrounding areas for species conservation. They also highlight the importance of mapping threatened populations and engaging local communities in wildlife observation and conservation. JPS thanks FUNBIO and The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund for funding, as well as a scholarship provided by Fundação de Assistência e Previdência Social (process #/). LT and JF thank Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (PCI-process #/-; #/-).

The Neotropical region hosts 4225 freshwater fish species, ranking first among the world's mo... more The Neotropical region hosts 4225 freshwater fish species, ranking first among the world's most diverse regions for freshwater fishes. Our NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set is the first to produce a large‐scale Neotropical freshwater fish inventory, covering the entire Neotropical region from Mexico and the Caribbean in the north to the southern limits in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. We compiled 185,787 distribution records, with unique georeferenced coordinates, for the 4225 species, represented by occurrence and abundance data. The number of species for the most numerous orders are as follows: Characiformes (1289), Siluriformes (1384), Cichliformes (354), Cyprinodontiformes (245), and Gymnotiformes (135). The most recorded species was the characid Astyanax fasciatus (4696 records). We registered 116,802 distribution records for native species, compared to 1802 distribution records for nonnative species. The main aim of the NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data se...

Boletim Do Museu De Biologia Mello Leitao, Jul 1, 2014
A Reserva Biologica de Sooretama e a maior floresta nos tabuleiros costeiros ao norte do Espirito... more A Reserva Biologica de Sooretama e a maior floresta nos tabuleiros costeiros ao norte do Espirito Santo, localizada no terco inferior da bacia do rio Barra Seca. Uma grande variedade de pequenos peixes de riacho habita os corregos protegidos pela reserva. Destaca-se a presenca de riachos florestados, de aguas escuras e acidas, e ainda grandes lagoas e ambientes temporarios na reserva e entorno. Especial atencao se faz necessaria aos trechos a montante da unidade, pela degradacao das nascentes e terco medio. Foram descritos os ambientes aquaticos e a composicao taxonomica de peixes para a bacia do rio Barra Seca, incluindo 15 pontos de amostragem nos tercos superior e medio, 28 no trecho baixo e 14 no Vale do Suruaca. Foram identificadas 89 especies, pertencentes a 42 familias e 17 ordens. Destas 39 sao especies marinhas que frequentam o estuario. Considerando todas as especies de peixes encontradas na regiao, a ordem mais numerosa foi Perciformes com 26 especies, seguida por Siluriformes com 18 especies e Characiformes com 16 especies. Algumas especies foram encontradas unicamente no trecho do Vale do Suruaca, correspondendo a 48 do total de especies. Especies raras e ameacadas de extincao foram reportadas historicamente para a reserva, mas nao encontradas por nos nas amostragens recentes. Para manutencao da ictiofauna na bacia do rio Barra Seca e Vale do Suruaca se faz necessario estabelecer metas para preservar os ambientes de vida da biota aquatica. Algumas medidas de protecao sao sugeridas no texto visando conservar os corregos e sua biota.

Open Peer Review on Qeios, 2024
Itaúnas is a locality of rare scenic beauty, with white sand dunes in the middle of the savanna c... more Itaúnas is a locality of rare scenic beauty, with white sand dunes in the middle of the savanna coastal environments, known as restinga, and many flooded pools, forming a unique landscape. In these ponds of dark water, matte tea colored, lives a fish, Xenurolebias myersi, an endemic inhabitant of Itaúnas. The survival of this unique little fish is worrisome. The living environments of the Itaúnas cloud fish are under pressure, and it is threatened with extinction as well. As inhabiting temporary, almost isolated environments, this fish is almost unknown. Locally, the population is unaware that the region is inhabited by an endangered fish, which only exists there in Itaúnas. A form of protection comes through the awareness of their presence among the population of the village. The present contribution aims to shed light on the knowledge of Xenurolebias myersi, in order to turn the fish better known locally, and point out the urgency to protect the Velha Antonia stream, a river drainage closer to the village of Itaúnas, where the fish was caught for the first time.
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research

<i>Centromochlus britskii</i>, new species u r n:l sid:z o ob a n k.o r g:a c t: 0 6B... more <i>Centromochlus britskii</i>, new species u r n:l sid:z o ob a n k.o r g:a c t: 0 6BA038 4 - 4F 9 4 - 4F F 2-BDB0 - 4DFC9C584B44 Fig. 1 <i>Glanidium cesarpintoi</i> (non Ihering, 1928). -Sarmento-Soares &amp; Buckup, 2005: 846 (comparative material). <b>Holotype.</b> MZUSP 115271, 39.2 mm SL, male, Brazil, São Paulo, rio Paraná where is now the UHE Ilha Solteira upper rio Paraná basin, approximately 20°18'S 51°10'W, Sep 1965, Excursion of Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo, Heraldo A. Britski, Izáurio A. Dias &amp; Gustavo A. S. de Melo. <b>Paratypes.</b> MZUSP 43251, 2 R + 1 CS, 33.5-36.3 mm SL, MNRJ 41787, 2 R, 36.0- 38.6 mm SL, collected with holotype, prior to the river dam. <b>Diagnosis.</b> <i>Centromochlus britskii</i> is distinguished from all Centromochlinae, except <i>Gelanoglanis nanonocticolus</i> Soares-Porto, Walsh, Nico &amp; Netto, 1999, by absence (<i>vs.</i> presence) of adipose fin. The new species differs from <i>G. nanonocticolus</i> by having two pairs (<i>vs.</i> one pair) of mental barbels, premaxillary tooth patches anteriorly united (<i>vs.</i> separated) and mouth gape straight and short (<i>vs.</i> large and sinuous). The new species differs from congeners <i>Centromochlus altae</i>, <i>C. existimatus</i>, <i>C. heckelii</i>, <i>C. perugiae</i>, <i>C.reticulatus</i>, <i>C. romani</i> and <i>C. meridionalis</i> by having seven branched rays in the anal fin (<i>vs.</i> 5 or 6). Further distinguished from <i>C. altae</i>, <i>C. existimatus</i>, <i>C. heckelii</i> and <i>C. perugiae</i> by lacking anterior nuchal plate (<i>vs.</i> anterior nuchal plate present); from <i>C. meridionalis</i> and <i>C. romani</i> by having anterior margin of dorsal-fin spine with serrae (<i>vs.</i> dorsal-fin spine smooth); from <i>C. existimatus</i> and <i>C. heckelii</i> by having shorter pectoral-fin spine 20.7-22.7% of SL (<i>vs.</i> 29.3-41.6% of SL). Among species group that share the absence of anterior nuchal plate and seven branched anal-fin rays (<i>i.e</i> [...]

Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão, 2017
RESUMO: Colecoes didaticas zoologicas constituem uma importante ferramenta metodologica para o ap... more RESUMO: Colecoes didaticas zoologicas constituem uma importante ferramenta metodologica para o apoio e desenvolvimento do ensino. Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir o processo de implementacao e organizacao da colecao didatica de peixes do Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlântica, abordando os procedimentos e atividades de curadoria desta colecao, bem como apresentar o registro das atividades educacionais realizadas nos ultimos anos. Os exemplares destituidos de uma localidade ou dados de coleta armazenados no setor de Zoologia do INMA foram organizados, triados, identificados e incorporados a nova colecao didatica. Foram incluidas informacoes em um banco de dados especifico: a ordem, familia e/ou especie (quando disponivel), tipo de ambiente (marinho, dulcicola, estuarino ou mais de um ambiente). Foram registrados na colecao 236 lotes e identificadas 65 familias, distribuidas em 22 ordens, sendo as ordens Perciformes, Siluriformes e Characiformes as mais representativas em numero ...

Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment
The knowledge of fish fauna in the Caatinga rivers is often limited to the large river basins and... more The knowledge of fish fauna in the Caatinga rivers is often limited to the large river basins and their associated aquatic species, with only a few contributions dedicated to adjacent sub-basins. In the present investigation the Rio Jacuípe, the northernmost tributary of the Rio Paraguaçu in Chapada Diamantina, is evaluated regarding the taxonomic diversity, frequency, and constancy of occurrence, of the species distribution in the various segments. Rio Jacuípe flows parallel to Rio Paraguaçu with headwaters in Morro do Chapéu, at the Chapada Diamantina domain, and an artificial mouth in the Pedra do Cavalo dam. With mouth downstream from the metropolitan area of Feira de Santana municipality, the sub-basin has peculiar characteristics distinctive from the main river. The fish fauna of the Jacuípe is for the first time investigated in detail regarding the spatial distribution of aquatic communities. The patterns of fish distribution in the Rio Jacuípe indicate regional endemism although gaps in knowledge of species diversity are identified, especially in middle and lower stretches. The use and occupation of the soil and the alternatives for revitalizing the aquatic environments in the Jacuípe valley are presented and discussed. Our results contribute to the evaluation of public policies on conservation.

Oecologia Australis
The susceptibility of streams to anthropogenic interference raises the need for continuous assess... more The susceptibility of streams to anthropogenic interference raises the need for continuous assessment of their environmental condition. From early studies to recent approaches, metrics derived from fish assemblages have proven to be fundamental tools in evaluating the ecological condition of watercourses. We assessed the environmental degradation of streams inside and surrounding the Córrego Grande Biological Reserve, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, to develop and apply a biotic index for this region based on fish metrics. We performed samplings in 19 stream sites along 2012, 2018 and 2019, and collected 24 species belonging to five orders, 11 families, and 21 genera. The sites were classified as least-disturbed (N = 9, all within the protected area), intermediate (N = 8), and most-disturbed (N = 2). Ordination analyses distinctly separated the sites according to their disturbance classes, revealing that the percentage of native vegetation cover in 100 m buffers and type of riparia...
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 2020
Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão, 2009
Zootaxa, 2019
Sarcoglanidinae and Glanapteryginae catfishes are among the most unusual elements of the Neotropi... more Sarcoglanidinae and Glanapteryginae catfishes are among the most unusual elements of the Neotropical freshwater fish fauna. Microcambeva ribeirae, M. barbata and M. draco are miniaturized Sarcoglanidinae known to occur in sandy microhabitats in drainages of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Due to their specific habitats, specimens of Microcambeva are rare in fish collections, and new records are considered noteworthy to warrant report. Recently, specimens of this genus were newly found in the Rio Doce basin in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo States. Such new records expand the known geographic distribution of Microcambeva. Further records of Microcambeva for Rio Peruípe in south Bahia State are also reported. Comments on the distribution of Microcambeva species along the Atlantic Forest coastal basins and suggestions on its conservation status are also offered.

Journal of Fish Biology, 2015
A new species of the catfish genus Centromochlus (Auchenipteridae, Centromochlinae) is described.... more A new species of the catfish genus Centromochlus (Auchenipteridae, Centromochlinae) is described. The new species is diagnosed by having numerous dark rounded blotches over the body and fins, dorsal-fin spine with serrations anteriorly and smooth posteriorly, anal fin of mature males with three unbranched and seven branched rays, anterior nuchal plate absent and posterior nuchal plate not extended ventrally. The new species is described from a small stream in the Estação Ecológica Serra Geral de Tocantins, a natural reserve in the centre of the Brazilian Cerrado, close to the watershed between the Rio Tocantins and the Rio São Francisco basins. The new species is possibly the sister taxon to the recently described Centromochlus meridionalis from the upper Rio Tapajós. Those two species share with Centromochlus perugiae, from the upper Amazon and upper Paraguay, derived features associated with the modified anal fin in sexually mature males.
Neotropical Ichthyology, 2015
Centromochlus comprises twelve species, distributed in the main inland watersheds of South Americ... more Centromochlus comprises twelve species, distributed in the main inland watersheds of South America, including the Orinoco, Essequibo, coastal rivers of Suriname, Amazon, upper Paraná and São Francisco basins. The new species is described from the upper rio Paraná based on material collected in 1965 during the construction of the UHE Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, Brazil. The new species is easily distinguished from all congeners due to absence of adipose fin, a condition otherwise restricted to Gelanoglanis nanonocticolus, among centromochlin catfishes. The new species comprises small catfishes (adults ranging from 35 to 39 mm SL), in which modified anal fin of males is devoid of denticulations or spines, and most posterior rays reduced in length. In addition, Tatia simplex Mees is transferred to Centromochlus and its generic reassignment discussed.
Neotropical Ichthyology, 2006
A new pseudopimelodid catfish of the genus Microglanis, collected in small rivers at the lower an... more A new pseudopimelodid catfish of the genus Microglanis, collected in small rivers at the lower and middle Peruípe, middle Jucuruçu and Cahy basins, in the southeastern coast of the Bahia state, is described. The new species has a comparatively high number of anal fin proximal radials, 12, shaped as thin tubes, the last one bearing a laminar extension; a pectoral fin spine with a bony point and with a smaller number of serrations on its posterior border; seven pleural ribs and a narrow head width. We provide information on the external morphology and also on some osteological features for the new species. A key to species is presented for the coastal drainages between Rio de Janeiro and Bahia states.
Check List, 2016
Recent samples revealed the first occurrences of Serrapinnus heterodon (Eigenmann) in three diffe... more Recent samples revealed the first occurrences of Serrapinnus heterodon (Eigenmann) in three different sample sites from two drainages in northern Espírito Santo state, Brazil. This is also the first record of the subfamily Cheirodontinae for this State, whose territory is completely inserted in the Atlantic Rainforest ecoregion. The new records of S. heterodon were found with known introduced species and far outside of its usual distribution. This leads us to believe that its presence in the region may be the result of an introduction.

Centromochlus actually comprises eleven species, being the most problematic genus among the Centr... more Centromochlus actually comprises eleven species, being the most problematic genus among the Centromochlinae, including morphologically heterogeneous taxa. The Centromochlus species have a wide distributional area on northern South America. Centromochlus meridionalis, new species, is described from headwaters of rio Teles Pires, contributor of rio Tapajós, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, and represents one of the southernmost records of a centromochlin catfish for Meridional Amazon rivers. Centromochlus meridionalis is promptly distinguished from its congeners by the small orbital diameter (relative to head length), and also by the combination of absence of first nuchal plate, anterior margin of dorsal-fin spine smooth, six branched rays in anal fin, seven pairs of ribs and 34 vertebrae. They are small sized catfishes with adults between 33 to 61 mm in standard length. The modified male anal fin is conspicuous, with the third unbranched ray enlarged, about twice the width of first unbranched ray. The new species inhabits a region strongly endangered by environmental changes due to expansion of agropecuary activities on Brazilian Amazon, which include this species in an uncertain situation regarding the conservation status of its natural population. Centromochlus abriga atualmente onze espécies, sendo o gênero mais problemático dentre os Centromochlinae, incluindo táxons morfologicamente heterogêneos. As espécies de Centromochlus apresentam uma ampla área de distribuição no norte da América do Sul. Centromochlus meridionalis, espécie nova, é descrita para as cabeceiras do rio Teles Pires, formador do rio Tapajós, Mato Grosso, Brasil, e representa um dos registros mais ao sul de um bagre centromoclíneo para os riachos da Amazônia meridional. Centromochlus meridionalis é prontamente distinguido de todos os seus congêneres, pelo diâmetro orbital pequeno (em relação ao comprimento da cabeça), e ainda pela combinação da ausência de primeira placa nucal, margem anterior do espinho da nadadeira dorsal lisa, seis raios ramificados na nadadeira anal, sete pares de costelas e 34 vértebras. São bagres de pequeno porte com adultos entre 33 e 61 mm de comprimento padrão. A nadadeira anal de machos sexualmente maduros é conspicuamente modificada, na qual o terceiro raio indiviso é muito largo, cerca do dobro da espessura do primeiro raio ramificado. O registro desta espécie nova ocorre em uma região fortemente ameaçada por alterações ambientais decorrentes da expansão de atividades agropecuárias na Amazônia Brasileira, a qual coloca esta espécie em uma situação incerta quanto ao estado de conservação da sua população natural.

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
The Rio Doce is a very important freshwater system in Brazil running through the Atlantic Forest,... more The Rio Doce is a very important freshwater system in Brazil running through the Atlantic Forest, however available information about its biodiversity is scarce. In 2015, the Rio Doce basin was damaged by a burst of Fundão tailing dam in Mariana (Minas Gerais) causing an extraordinary environmental damage, with consequences still incompletely known. In the present paper we analyzed 6042 latitude/longitude records of 208 fi sh species from the Rio Doce deposited in collections prior to November 2015, in order to identify areas of endemism in the river before the burst. Several areas of endemism were identifi ed along the basin, most of them describing small and novel patterns. Our analyses helped to identify areas of major diversity along the basin as well as information gaps concerning fi sh sampling. We hope this contribution will help obtaining quantitative measures on the impact caused by the Fundão dam catastrophe on fi sh biodiversity and will be useful to orient general actions towards the restoration of the basin.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2019
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

Neotropical Ichthyology, 2019
A new species of Characidium from southeastern Brazil is described based on morphological and mol... more A new species of Characidium from southeastern Brazil is described based on morphological and molecular evidence from specimens collected between the rio Jucuruçu and rio Doce basins. The new species belongs to a group of species within Characidium with an unscaled area in the isthmus and is distinguished from these species, except C. alipioi, C. fasciatum, C. hasemani, and C. kamakan, by the greater distance (greater than 10% SL) and presence of 5-7 scales between the anus and the anal fin, and presence of 14 series of scales around the caudal peduncle. The species is distinguished from C. alipioi by having 4 series of scales above the lateral line (vs. 5 series) and greater distance between the anus and the anal fin; from C. fasciatum and C. kamakan, by the smaller body depth at the dorsal-fin origin, at the anal-fin origin, and at the caudal peduncle; from C. hasemani, by the short distances between the tip of the snout and the pelvic fin, the tip of the snout and the anal fin, a...
Papers by Luisa Maria Sarmento Soares
crossing a region poor in superficial hydric resource in Caatinga
intensa irrigação de cultivo e ao turismo de aventura em crescente expansão.
O encantamento que a Chapada Diamantina exerce sobre cada um que a visita está em sua paisagem forte, no povo hospitaleiro, na cultura local e, sobretudo, nas suas águas. Águas de variados tons, do azul à cor de chá mate, que drenam rios, córregos, cachoeiras, águas subterrâneas e ainda o emblemático Pantanal do Marimbus. Preservar a qualidade e quantidade das águas na Chapada é responsabilidade de todos nós.