Papers by João Victor Leite Melo
Rónai: Revista de Estudos Clássicos e Tradutórios (UFJF), 2025
Resumo: Dentre as vinte e uma epístolas elegíacas que compõem as Heroides ovidianas, o discurso d... more Resumo: Dentre as vinte e uma epístolas elegíacas que compõem as Heroides ovidianas, o discurso da carta de Hipsípile a Jasão singulariza-se por não tentar convencer o herói a retornar para os seus braços. Em vez disso, ela recapitula as promessas não cumpridas do líder dos argonautas e termina sua invectiva rogando uma série de maldições que, de fato, recairão sobre Jasão e Medeia, como poderemos observar na tradução que ora se apresenta, na qual os dísticos elegíacos latinos foram transpostos por pares de versos dodecassílabos e decassílabos.

Tradução em Revista, 2023
Resumo: Tendo em vista que o corpus elegíaco latino do período augustano,
protagonizado por Pro... more Resumo: Tendo em vista que o corpus elegíaco latino do período augustano,
protagonizado por Propércio, Tibulo e Ovídio, já se encontra quase
inteiramente vertido para o português, adaptado a um modelo
homológico estrutural que transforma hexâmetros e pentâmetros
latinos em dodecassílabos e decassílabos de formatos rítmicos
variados, neste artigo, abordaremos algumas traduções de Silva
Ramos (1964), Rebelo Gonçalves (1975) e Oliva Neto (1996) para
descrever quais são as origens e as bases teórico-metodológicas do
dístico vernáculo 12/10.
Abstract: Considering that the Latin elegiac corpus of the Augustan age, starring
Propertius, Tibulo and Ovid, is already almost entirely translated into
Portuguese, adapted to a structural homological model that
transforms Latin hexameters and pentameters into dodecasyllables
and decasyllables of varied rhythmic formats , in this paper, we will
approach some translations by Silva Ramos (1964), Rebelo Gonçalves
(1975) and Oliva Neto (1996) to describe the origins and theoreticalmethodological bases of the vernacular couplet 12/10.
PhaoS - Revista de Estudos Clássicos (Unicamp), 2022
Nas Heroides, Ovídio imaginou Dejanira escrevendo uma carta para Hércules, seu esposo, logo após ... more Nas Heroides, Ovídio imaginou Dejanira escrevendo uma carta para Hércules, seu esposo, logo após ter ouvido dizer que ele havia conquistado o reino de Ecália e se apaixonara por Íole. Indignada com a suposta traição, Dejanira compõe um texto no qual os grandes feitos do herói são recapitulados não para exaltá-lo, mas para diminuí-lo. A construção retórica de seu discurso, associada à relação intertextual estabelecida com as Metamorfoses, poderia levar o leitor a reconhecer que, na verdade, ela é a verdadeira heroína da história, como pretendemos demonstrar neste artigo, baseados em nossa tradução para o poema ovidiano.

Nuntius Antiquus (UFMG), 2021
Em 1789, o poeta e tradutor Miguel do Couto Guerreiro não só verteu para a língua portuguesa as v... more Em 1789, o poeta e tradutor Miguel do Couto Guerreiro não só verteu para a língua portuguesa as vinte e uma cartas que tradicionalmente compõem as Heroides de Ovídio como também inventou respostas para as quinze primeiras. Em nossa perspectiva, o sofisticado projeto tradutório de Guerreiro, somado à apreciação crítica feita por ele ao final de cada carta, representa um profícuo momento da recepção das Heroides no Arcadismo português, a partir do qual é possível flagrar preceitos retóricos e poéticos servindo tanto à interpretação quanto à imitação da obra ovidiana. Neste artigo, procederemos à análise de alguns trechos da carta de Ariadne a Teseu (Ep. 10), de modo a ilustrar, com mais detalhe, a síntese entre retórica e poesia elaborada por Ovídio e imitada por Guerreiro, via tradução.
Palavras-chave: Heroides; Ovídio; Miguel do Couto Guerreiro; tradução; imitação.
In 1789, the poet and translator Miguel do Couto Guerreiro not only translated the twenty-one epistles that traditionally comprise the Ovid’s Heroides into Portuguese, but also invented answers to the first fifteen. In our perspective, Guerreiro’s sophisticated translation project, added to his critical approach at the end of each letter, represents a fruitful moment of the Heroides’ reception in Portuguese Arcadism, from which it is possible to find rhetorical and poetic precepts serving for interpretation and imitation of the Ovidian work. In this paper we analyze some excerpts from Ariadne’s letter to Theseus (Ep. 10), in order to illustrate the synthesis between rhetoric and poetry elaborated by Ovid and imitated by Guerreiro, via translation.
Keywords: Heroides; Ovid; Miguel do Couto Guerreiro; translation; imitation.

Translatio – Revista do Núcleo de Estudos de Tradução Olga Fedossejeva do Instituto de Letras da UFRGS, 2021
Resumo: Neste artigo, apresentamos nossa proposta de tradução poética para a carta de Medeia a Ja... more Resumo: Neste artigo, apresentamos nossa proposta de tradução poética para a carta de Medeia a Jasão (Ep. 12), das Heroides de Ovídio, inspirada no conceito de "retradução", conforme Gambier (2020), e no já tradicional modelo de dístico vernáculo, por meio do qual os dísticos elegíacos latinos, compostos por hexâmetros dactílicos seguidos de pentâmetros, são vertidos por pares de versos portugueses com 12 e 10 sílabas poéticas, preferencialmente o alexandrino clássico e o decassílabo heroico, com vistas a emular, em alguma medida, a dinâmica claudicante do poema de partida neste modelo que, desde Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964), tem sido amplamente utilizado pelos tradutores de poesia elegíaca latina no século XXI.
Abstract: In this paper we present our proposal for a poetic translation for the epistle Medea Iasoni (Ep. 12), from Ovid’s Heroides, inspired by the concept of “re-translation”, according to Gambier (1994), and in the already traditional model of vernacular couplet, through which the Latin elegiac couplets, composed of dactylic hexameters followed by pentameters, are translated into pairs of Portuguese verses with 12 and 10 poetic syllables, preferably the classical Alexandrine and the decasyllable, in order to emulate, to some extent, the claudicant dynamics of the source poem in this model which, since Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964), has been widely used by translators of Latin elegiac poetry in the 21st Century.
Keywords: Ovid; Heroides; Medea; Poetry translation; Retranslation.

Belas Infiéis – Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução da Universidade de Brasília, 2021
RESUMO: Em trabalho intitulado "Ovid, Augustus, and a nut tree", Roger Beck (1965) propôs uma lei... more RESUMO: Em trabalho intitulado "Ovid, Augustus, and a nut tree", Roger Beck (1965) propôs uma leitura de Nux (“A nogueira”) como se o poema fosse uma alegoria do exílio de Ovídio. Para tal, o estudioso coligiu algumas passagens do texto e os interpretou à luz dos Amores e das Epistulae ex Ponto. No presente artigo, a partir de excertos do poema Nux, acompanhados de nossa tradução para os mesmos excertos, retomaremos o raciocínio de Beck, somando à referida análise intertextual diversos trechos dos Tristia que também parecem servir como chaves de leitura para a alegoria enunciada pela nogueira ovidiana.
Abstract: In a work entitled Ovid, Augustus, and a nut tree, Roger Beck (1965) proposed a reading of Nux (“The walnut tree”) as if the poem were an allegory of Ovid's exile. To this end, the scholar collected some passages from the text and interpreted them in the light of Amores and Epistulae ex Ponto. In this paper, from excerpts from the poem Nux, accompanied by our translation proposal to them, we will resume Beck's reasoning, adding to that intertextual analysis several excerpts from the Tristia that also seem to serve as reading keys for the allegory enunciated by the ovidian walnut tree.
Keywords: Ovid. Nux. Allegory. Intertextuality.

Revell – Revista de Estudos Literários da UEMS, 2020
RESUMO: No romance "Deus nasceu no exílio", o escritor romeno Vintila Horia (1960) imaginou o poe... more RESUMO: No romance "Deus nasceu no exílio", o escritor romeno Vintila Horia (1960) imaginou o poeta romano Ovídio compondo um diário enquanto esteve exilado em Tomos. Em determinados trechos da obra, a personagem principal divaga sobre quais foram as motivações para escrever Halieutica, e, ao construí-las, Horia estabelece alguns tipos de relações transtextuais com o poema latino, conforme a definição proposta por Gérard Genette (2010). Em nossa perspectiva, a constatação desses fenômenos pode interferir na fruição tanto do romance quanto do poema, assim como acarretar inversões no direcionamento da leitura intertextual.
ABSTRACT: In the novel Dieu est né en exil, the Romanian writer Vintila Horia (1960) imagined the Roman poet Ovid composing a diary while in exile in Tomos. In certain parts of the work, the main character rambles on what were the motivations for writing Halieutica, and, in building them, Horia establishes some transtextual relations with the Latin poem, according to the definition proposed by Gérard Genette (2010). In our perspective, the verification of these phenomena can interfere in the enjoyment of both the novel and the poem.
KEYWORDS: Ovid; Halieutica; Vintila Horia; Hipertextuality.
Revista Caletroscópio (UFOP), 2020
RESUMO: Considerando que, há séculos, o fragmento de Halieutica gira em torno do corpus tradicion... more RESUMO: Considerando que, há séculos, o fragmento de Halieutica gira em torno do corpus tradicional ovidiano ora como espúrio ora como duvidoso, este artigo propõe uma leitura intertextual para o poema, baseada em excertos dos Tristia, Epistulae ex Ponto, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris e no conceito de “crítica de carreira” (HARDIE & MOORE, 2010).
Palavras-chave: Ovídio; Halieutica; Remedia amoris; Crítica de carreira.
ABSTRACT: Considering that for centuries the Halieutica fragment revolves around the traditional ovidian corpus sometimes as certainly spurious as doubtful, this paper proposes an intertextual reading, based on the excerpts from Tristia, Epistulae ex Ponto, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris and on the “career criticism” (HARDIE & MOORE, 2010).
Keywords: Ovid; Halieutica; Remedia amoris; Career criticism.
Roda da Fortuna – Revista Eletrônica sobre Antiguidade e Medievo, 2020
Análise crítica de excertos do poema Íbis, de Ovídio, em que se constatam construções di... more RESUMO:
Análise crítica de excertos do poema Íbis, de Ovídio, em que se constatam construções discursivas semelhantes a certas práticas mágicas imprecatórias da Antiguidade – como a deuotio e as tabellae defixionum –, e dos possíveis efeitos de sentido provocados por essas apropriações na trama textual.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio; Íbis; Magia.
Critical analysis of excerpts from the poem Ibis, by Ovid, in which are found discursive constructions similar to imprecatorial magical practices of Antiquity – such as deuotio and tabellae defixionum –, and of some textual effects caused by these textual plot appropriations.
Key-words: Ovid; Ibis; Magic.

Cadernos de Tradução (UFSC), 2020
Abstract: To translate the Latin elegiac couplet, some metrified poetic translations of Ovidian works into Portuguese have shown a preference for the vernacular couplet created by Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964). This couplet is formed by combining one Alexandrine verse followed by a decasyllable. Following this model, we present our proposal of a creative transposition of the letter of Phyllis to Demophoon (Ep. 2), based on the considerations of some poet translators that used the same arrangement and on the theoretical and methodological basis of the practice of poetic translation according to Roman Jakobson (1969), Samuel Levin (1978) and José Paulo Paes (2008).
Keywords: Ovid; Heroides; Latin Elegiac couplet; Poetic translation

Claraboia – Revista de Literatura e Linguística (UENP), 2019
RESUMO: Panorama da prática de tradução poética de obras ovidianas e dos diferentes metros atravé... more RESUMO: Panorama da prática de tradução poética de obras ovidianas e dos diferentes metros através dos quais hexâmetros e pentâmetros latinos já foram vertidos em língua portuguesa, desde o século XVIII até hoje. No presente recorte, a partir de excertos de diversas traduções, destacam-se alguns fenômenos peculiares ao conceito de "transposição criativa", definido por Roman Jakobson (1969) como a transposição interlingual de uma forma poética a outra. Tal concepção desdobra-se no trabalho de diversos teóricos e tradutores-poetas, como José Paulo Paes (2008), Raimundo Carvalho (2010), Paulo Henriques Britto (2016), entre outros, e é com base nos postulados desses autores que procederemos à análise do corpus ora elencado.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio. Literatura latina. Tradução poética. Histórico.
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the poetical translation practice of Ovidian works and the different meters through which Latin hexameters and pentameters have been translated in Portuguese language since the 18th century until today. In this research, from the excerpts of translations, we highlight some peculiar phenomena to the concept of "creative transposition", defined by Roman Jakobson (1969) as the interlingual transposition of one poetic form to another. This conception unfolds in the work of several theorists and translators, such as José Paulo Paes (2008), Raimundo Carvalho (2010), Paulo Henriques Britto (2016), among others. Based on the postulates of these authors we will proceed to analysis of the corpus now listed.
Keywords: Ovid. Latin Literature. Poetical translation. History.

Revista Caleidoscópio: Literatura e Tradução, 2019
RESUMO: Para verter a parelha elegíaca latina, algumas traduções poéticas metrificadas de obras o... more RESUMO: Para verter a parelha elegíaca latina, algumas traduções poéticas metrificadas de obras ovidianas em língua portuguesa têm demonstrado certa preferência pelo dístico vernáculo, engendrado por Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964), composto por verso alexandrino sucedido de decassílabo heroico. Seguindo esse modelo, apresentamos nossa proposta de transposição criativa para a carta de Penélope a Ulisses, das Heroides, elaborada com base nas considerações de alguns tradutores-poetas que se serviram desse mesmo arranjo e nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos norteadores da prática da tradução poética, segundo Roman Jakobson (1969), Samuel Levin (1978) e José Paulo Paes (2008).
Palavras-chave: Ovídio, Heroides, Penélope a Ulisses, Transposição criativa
Abstract: Some Ovidian’s works poetical translations in Portuguese language manifest preference for the vernacular couplet, created by Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964), composed of an alexandrian verse and a decasyllabic verse. In this paper, we present our creative transposition proposal of the epistle Penelope Vlixi, based on the considerations of some translators who have used this same model, as well as on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of poetical translation, according to Roman Jakobson (1969), Samuel Levin (1978) and José Paulo Paes (2008).
Keywords: Ovid, Heroides, Epistle 1, Creative transposition

O poema satírico Baucis and Philemon, do escritor irlandês Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745), r... more RESUMO
O poema satírico Baucis and Philemon, do escritor irlandês Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745), resgata o enredo e os nomes das personagens principais do mito narrado pelo poeta romano Ovídio (42 a.C. – 18 d.C.), no Livro VIII das Metamorfoses. A intertextualidade entre esses poemas, vista sob a perspectiva da “arte alusiva”, ou seja, a citação proposital e explícita de um discurso predecessor no corpo textual de um novo constructo literário será explorada neste ensaio, com base em nossa tradução para a língua portuguesa da paródia swiftiana.
Palavras-chave: Swift; Ovídio; Metamorfoses; Arte alusiva.
The satirical poem Baucis and Philemon by the Irish writer Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745) retrieves the title, plot and main characters’ names of the mythological story originally narrated by the Roman poet Ovid, on the eighth book of his Metamorphosis. The intertextuality between the poems, considered under the perspective of “allusive art” perspective, in other words, an intentional and explicit reference to an ancestor text, will be thoroughly explored in this work, based on our own translation for Swift’s burlesque poem in Portuguese.
Keywords: Swift; Ovid; Metamorphosis; Allusive art.
Thesis Chapters by João Victor Leite Melo

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), 2024
RESUMO: Tendo em vista que parte considerável do corpus elegíaco supérstite do período augustano ... more RESUMO: Tendo em vista que parte considerável do corpus elegíaco supérstite do período augustano (séc. I a.C.), estrelado por Propércio, Tibulo, Sulpícia e Ovídio, encontra-se traduzido em português através de um modelo homológico estrutural de dístico vernáculo, no qual hexâmetros e pentâmetros latinos são transpostos pela reiterada alternância de versos formados por doze e dez sílabas poéticas, a presente tese pretende demonstrar que, a despeito de coexistir com outros arranjos, esse formato representa uma tradição e uma escola tradutória em língua portuguesa. Para tanto, nosso trabalho se divide em duas abordagens analíticas: uma, diacrônica, na qual reunimos e comentamos exemplos de versões metrificadas de obras elegíacas ovidianas (entre os séculos XVI-XIX), assinalando a heterogeneidade das modulações realizadas no Renascimento, Arcadismo e Romantismo; e, outra, sincrônica, na qual coligimos amostras de vários tradutores (entre 1964-2022) que têm em comum a escolha do padrão 12/10 em transposições de elegias latinas. Guardadas pontuais diferenças rítmicas e estilísticas de cada autor, a análise cronológica desses trabalhos e dos paratextos teóricos que os acompanham revela que, há mais de meio século, a busca pela homologia estrutural com o dístico elegíaco latino, desempenhada pelo dístico vernáculo 12/10, manifesta-se na letra do texto de chegada por intermédio de cinco características discursivas: métrica, ritmo, compensação, isostiquia e polimetria. Desse modo, aproveitando parâmetros teórico-metodológicos, bem como exemplos práticos oferecidos por essa histórica e viva tradição, apresentamos, na quarta parte da tese, os vinte e um poemas que compõem as Heroides de Ovídio, integralmente vertidos com o referido modelo.
Palavras-chave: Heroides; Tradução; Homologia estrutural; Dístico elegíaco vernáculo.
ABSTRACT: Considering the idea that a significant part of the surviving elegiac corpus of the Augustan age (1st century BC), starring Propertius, Tibulus, Sulpicia and Ovid, is translated into Portuguese through a structural homological model of vernacular couplet, in which Latin hexameters and pentameters are transposed by the alternation of verses formed by twelve and ten poetic syllables, this thesis aims to demonstrate that, despite coexisting with other arrangements, this format represents a tradition and a translation school in the Portuguese language. For this purpose, our work is divided into two analytical approaches: the first is a diachronic approach, in which we gather and comment on examples of metrical versions of Ovidian elegiac works (between the 16th and 19th centuries), highlighting the heterogeneity of the modulations carried out in the Renaissance, Arcadianism and Romanticism; the second is a synchronic approach, in which we collected samples from several translators (between 1964-2022) who have in common the choice of the 12/10 pattern in transpositions of Latin elegies. Keeping in mind specific rhythmic and stylistic differences among each of the authors, the chronological analysis of these works and the theoretical paratexts that accompany them reveal that, for more than half a century, the search for structural homology with the Latin elegiac couplet, carried out by the vernacular couplet 12/10, manifests itself in the translations through five discursive characteristics: metric, rhythm, compensation, isostychy and polymetry. Therefore, using theoretical-methodological parameters, as well as practical examples offered by this historical and living tradition, we present, in the fourth part of the thesis, the twenty-one poems that compose Ovid’s Heroides, fully translated with the referred model.
Keywords: Heroides; Translation; Structural homology; Vernacular elegiac couplet.

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), 2019
Resumo: Neste trabalho, apresentamos nossa proposta de tradução poética para as obras Ibis, Nux e... more Resumo: Neste trabalho, apresentamos nossa proposta de tradução poética para as obras Ibis, Nux e Halieutica, atribuídas ao poeta romano Publius Ouidius Naso. Tendo em vista que a crítica tradicional costuma dividir a carreira literária de Ovídio em três fases – juventude, maturidade e exílio –, acreditamos ser possível vislumbrar a existência de uma quarta fase ovidiana se alinharmos esses três poemas aos nove títulos que compõem o corpus mais comumente aceito como autêntico, tanto pelo flagrante diálogo que eles estabelecem com as obras precedentes como pela sublimação temática dessas que, supostamente, teriam sido suas derradeiras composições.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio; Ibis; Nux; Halieutica; Tradução poética.
Abstract: In this dissertation, we present our poetic translation proposal for the works Ibis, Nux and Halieutica, attributed to the Roman poet Publius Ouidius Naso. Since traditional criticism often divides Ovid's literary career into three phases – youth, maturity, and exile – we believe it is possible to glimpse the existence of a fourth Ovidian phase if we align these three poems with the nine titles that make up the most commonly accepted corpus as authentic, both by the blatant dialogue that they establish with the previous works and by the thematic sublimation of those that supposedly would have been his last compositions.
Keywords: Ovid; Ibis; Nux; Halieutica; Poetic translation.
Papers by João Victor Leite Melo
protagonizado por Propércio, Tibulo e Ovídio, já se encontra quase
inteiramente vertido para o português, adaptado a um modelo
homológico estrutural que transforma hexâmetros e pentâmetros
latinos em dodecassílabos e decassílabos de formatos rítmicos
variados, neste artigo, abordaremos algumas traduções de Silva
Ramos (1964), Rebelo Gonçalves (1975) e Oliva Neto (1996) para
descrever quais são as origens e as bases teórico-metodológicas do
dístico vernáculo 12/10.
Abstract: Considering that the Latin elegiac corpus of the Augustan age, starring
Propertius, Tibulo and Ovid, is already almost entirely translated into
Portuguese, adapted to a structural homological model that
transforms Latin hexameters and pentameters into dodecasyllables
and decasyllables of varied rhythmic formats , in this paper, we will
approach some translations by Silva Ramos (1964), Rebelo Gonçalves
(1975) and Oliva Neto (1996) to describe the origins and theoreticalmethodological bases of the vernacular couplet 12/10.
Palavras-chave: Heroides; Ovídio; Miguel do Couto Guerreiro; tradução; imitação.
In 1789, the poet and translator Miguel do Couto Guerreiro not only translated the twenty-one epistles that traditionally comprise the Ovid’s Heroides into Portuguese, but also invented answers to the first fifteen. In our perspective, Guerreiro’s sophisticated translation project, added to his critical approach at the end of each letter, represents a fruitful moment of the Heroides’ reception in Portuguese Arcadism, from which it is possible to find rhetorical and poetic precepts serving for interpretation and imitation of the Ovidian work. In this paper we analyze some excerpts from Ariadne’s letter to Theseus (Ep. 10), in order to illustrate the synthesis between rhetoric and poetry elaborated by Ovid and imitated by Guerreiro, via translation.
Keywords: Heroides; Ovid; Miguel do Couto Guerreiro; translation; imitation.
Abstract: In this paper we present our proposal for a poetic translation for the epistle Medea Iasoni (Ep. 12), from Ovid’s Heroides, inspired by the concept of “re-translation”, according to Gambier (1994), and in the already traditional model of vernacular couplet, through which the Latin elegiac couplets, composed of dactylic hexameters followed by pentameters, are translated into pairs of Portuguese verses with 12 and 10 poetic syllables, preferably the classical Alexandrine and the decasyllable, in order to emulate, to some extent, the claudicant dynamics of the source poem in this model which, since Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964), has been widely used by translators of Latin elegiac poetry in the 21st Century.
Keywords: Ovid; Heroides; Medea; Poetry translation; Retranslation.
Abstract: In a work entitled Ovid, Augustus, and a nut tree, Roger Beck (1965) proposed a reading of Nux (“The walnut tree”) as if the poem were an allegory of Ovid's exile. To this end, the scholar collected some passages from the text and interpreted them in the light of Amores and Epistulae ex Ponto. In this paper, from excerpts from the poem Nux, accompanied by our translation proposal to them, we will resume Beck's reasoning, adding to that intertextual analysis several excerpts from the Tristia that also seem to serve as reading keys for the allegory enunciated by the ovidian walnut tree.
Keywords: Ovid. Nux. Allegory. Intertextuality.
ABSTRACT: In the novel Dieu est né en exil, the Romanian writer Vintila Horia (1960) imagined the Roman poet Ovid composing a diary while in exile in Tomos. In certain parts of the work, the main character rambles on what were the motivations for writing Halieutica, and, in building them, Horia establishes some transtextual relations with the Latin poem, according to the definition proposed by Gérard Genette (2010). In our perspective, the verification of these phenomena can interfere in the enjoyment of both the novel and the poem.
KEYWORDS: Ovid; Halieutica; Vintila Horia; Hipertextuality.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio; Halieutica; Remedia amoris; Crítica de carreira.
ABSTRACT: Considering that for centuries the Halieutica fragment revolves around the traditional ovidian corpus sometimes as certainly spurious as doubtful, this paper proposes an intertextual reading, based on the excerpts from Tristia, Epistulae ex Ponto, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris and on the “career criticism” (HARDIE & MOORE, 2010).
Keywords: Ovid; Halieutica; Remedia amoris; Career criticism.
Análise crítica de excertos do poema Íbis, de Ovídio, em que se constatam construções discursivas semelhantes a certas práticas mágicas imprecatórias da Antiguidade – como a deuotio e as tabellae defixionum –, e dos possíveis efeitos de sentido provocados por essas apropriações na trama textual.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio; Íbis; Magia.
Critical analysis of excerpts from the poem Ibis, by Ovid, in which are found discursive constructions similar to imprecatorial magical practices of Antiquity – such as deuotio and tabellae defixionum –, and of some textual effects caused by these textual plot appropriations.
Key-words: Ovid; Ibis; Magic.
Abstract: To translate the Latin elegiac couplet, some metrified poetic translations of Ovidian works into Portuguese have shown a preference for the vernacular couplet created by Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964). This couplet is formed by combining one Alexandrine verse followed by a decasyllable. Following this model, we present our proposal of a creative transposition of the letter of Phyllis to Demophoon (Ep. 2), based on the considerations of some poet translators that used the same arrangement and on the theoretical and methodological basis of the practice of poetic translation according to Roman Jakobson (1969), Samuel Levin (1978) and José Paulo Paes (2008).
Keywords: Ovid; Heroides; Latin Elegiac couplet; Poetic translation
Palavras-chave: Ovídio. Literatura latina. Tradução poética. Histórico.
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the poetical translation practice of Ovidian works and the different meters through which Latin hexameters and pentameters have been translated in Portuguese language since the 18th century until today. In this research, from the excerpts of translations, we highlight some peculiar phenomena to the concept of "creative transposition", defined by Roman Jakobson (1969) as the interlingual transposition of one poetic form to another. This conception unfolds in the work of several theorists and translators, such as José Paulo Paes (2008), Raimundo Carvalho (2010), Paulo Henriques Britto (2016), among others. Based on the postulates of these authors we will proceed to analysis of the corpus now listed.
Keywords: Ovid. Latin Literature. Poetical translation. History.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio, Heroides, Penélope a Ulisses, Transposição criativa
Abstract: Some Ovidian’s works poetical translations in Portuguese language manifest preference for the vernacular couplet, created by Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964), composed of an alexandrian verse and a decasyllabic verse. In this paper, we present our creative transposition proposal of the epistle Penelope Vlixi, based on the considerations of some translators who have used this same model, as well as on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of poetical translation, according to Roman Jakobson (1969), Samuel Levin (1978) and José Paulo Paes (2008).
Keywords: Ovid, Heroides, Epistle 1, Creative transposition
O poema satírico Baucis and Philemon, do escritor irlandês Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745), resgata o enredo e os nomes das personagens principais do mito narrado pelo poeta romano Ovídio (42 a.C. – 18 d.C.), no Livro VIII das Metamorfoses. A intertextualidade entre esses poemas, vista sob a perspectiva da “arte alusiva”, ou seja, a citação proposital e explícita de um discurso predecessor no corpo textual de um novo constructo literário será explorada neste ensaio, com base em nossa tradução para a língua portuguesa da paródia swiftiana.
Palavras-chave: Swift; Ovídio; Metamorfoses; Arte alusiva.
The satirical poem Baucis and Philemon by the Irish writer Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745) retrieves the title, plot and main characters’ names of the mythological story originally narrated by the Roman poet Ovid, on the eighth book of his Metamorphosis. The intertextuality between the poems, considered under the perspective of “allusive art” perspective, in other words, an intentional and explicit reference to an ancestor text, will be thoroughly explored in this work, based on our own translation for Swift’s burlesque poem in Portuguese.
Keywords: Swift; Ovid; Metamorphosis; Allusive art.
Thesis Chapters by João Victor Leite Melo
Palavras-chave: Heroides; Tradução; Homologia estrutural; Dístico elegíaco vernáculo.
ABSTRACT: Considering the idea that a significant part of the surviving elegiac corpus of the Augustan age (1st century BC), starring Propertius, Tibulus, Sulpicia and Ovid, is translated into Portuguese through a structural homological model of vernacular couplet, in which Latin hexameters and pentameters are transposed by the alternation of verses formed by twelve and ten poetic syllables, this thesis aims to demonstrate that, despite coexisting with other arrangements, this format represents a tradition and a translation school in the Portuguese language. For this purpose, our work is divided into two analytical approaches: the first is a diachronic approach, in which we gather and comment on examples of metrical versions of Ovidian elegiac works (between the 16th and 19th centuries), highlighting the heterogeneity of the modulations carried out in the Renaissance, Arcadianism and Romanticism; the second is a synchronic approach, in which we collected samples from several translators (between 1964-2022) who have in common the choice of the 12/10 pattern in transpositions of Latin elegies. Keeping in mind specific rhythmic and stylistic differences among each of the authors, the chronological analysis of these works and the theoretical paratexts that accompany them reveal that, for more than half a century, the search for structural homology with the Latin elegiac couplet, carried out by the vernacular couplet 12/10, manifests itself in the translations through five discursive characteristics: metric, rhythm, compensation, isostychy and polymetry. Therefore, using theoretical-methodological parameters, as well as practical examples offered by this historical and living tradition, we present, in the fourth part of the thesis, the twenty-one poems that compose Ovid’s Heroides, fully translated with the referred model.
Keywords: Heroides; Translation; Structural homology; Vernacular elegiac couplet.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio; Ibis; Nux; Halieutica; Tradução poética.
Abstract: In this dissertation, we present our poetic translation proposal for the works Ibis, Nux and Halieutica, attributed to the Roman poet Publius Ouidius Naso. Since traditional criticism often divides Ovid's literary career into three phases – youth, maturity, and exile – we believe it is possible to glimpse the existence of a fourth Ovidian phase if we align these three poems with the nine titles that make up the most commonly accepted corpus as authentic, both by the blatant dialogue that they establish with the previous works and by the thematic sublimation of those that supposedly would have been his last compositions.
Keywords: Ovid; Ibis; Nux; Halieutica; Poetic translation.
protagonizado por Propércio, Tibulo e Ovídio, já se encontra quase
inteiramente vertido para o português, adaptado a um modelo
homológico estrutural que transforma hexâmetros e pentâmetros
latinos em dodecassílabos e decassílabos de formatos rítmicos
variados, neste artigo, abordaremos algumas traduções de Silva
Ramos (1964), Rebelo Gonçalves (1975) e Oliva Neto (1996) para
descrever quais são as origens e as bases teórico-metodológicas do
dístico vernáculo 12/10.
Abstract: Considering that the Latin elegiac corpus of the Augustan age, starring
Propertius, Tibulo and Ovid, is already almost entirely translated into
Portuguese, adapted to a structural homological model that
transforms Latin hexameters and pentameters into dodecasyllables
and decasyllables of varied rhythmic formats , in this paper, we will
approach some translations by Silva Ramos (1964), Rebelo Gonçalves
(1975) and Oliva Neto (1996) to describe the origins and theoreticalmethodological bases of the vernacular couplet 12/10.
Palavras-chave: Heroides; Ovídio; Miguel do Couto Guerreiro; tradução; imitação.
In 1789, the poet and translator Miguel do Couto Guerreiro not only translated the twenty-one epistles that traditionally comprise the Ovid’s Heroides into Portuguese, but also invented answers to the first fifteen. In our perspective, Guerreiro’s sophisticated translation project, added to his critical approach at the end of each letter, represents a fruitful moment of the Heroides’ reception in Portuguese Arcadism, from which it is possible to find rhetorical and poetic precepts serving for interpretation and imitation of the Ovidian work. In this paper we analyze some excerpts from Ariadne’s letter to Theseus (Ep. 10), in order to illustrate the synthesis between rhetoric and poetry elaborated by Ovid and imitated by Guerreiro, via translation.
Keywords: Heroides; Ovid; Miguel do Couto Guerreiro; translation; imitation.
Abstract: In this paper we present our proposal for a poetic translation for the epistle Medea Iasoni (Ep. 12), from Ovid’s Heroides, inspired by the concept of “re-translation”, according to Gambier (1994), and in the already traditional model of vernacular couplet, through which the Latin elegiac couplets, composed of dactylic hexameters followed by pentameters, are translated into pairs of Portuguese verses with 12 and 10 poetic syllables, preferably the classical Alexandrine and the decasyllable, in order to emulate, to some extent, the claudicant dynamics of the source poem in this model which, since Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964), has been widely used by translators of Latin elegiac poetry in the 21st Century.
Keywords: Ovid; Heroides; Medea; Poetry translation; Retranslation.
Abstract: In a work entitled Ovid, Augustus, and a nut tree, Roger Beck (1965) proposed a reading of Nux (“The walnut tree”) as if the poem were an allegory of Ovid's exile. To this end, the scholar collected some passages from the text and interpreted them in the light of Amores and Epistulae ex Ponto. In this paper, from excerpts from the poem Nux, accompanied by our translation proposal to them, we will resume Beck's reasoning, adding to that intertextual analysis several excerpts from the Tristia that also seem to serve as reading keys for the allegory enunciated by the ovidian walnut tree.
Keywords: Ovid. Nux. Allegory. Intertextuality.
ABSTRACT: In the novel Dieu est né en exil, the Romanian writer Vintila Horia (1960) imagined the Roman poet Ovid composing a diary while in exile in Tomos. In certain parts of the work, the main character rambles on what were the motivations for writing Halieutica, and, in building them, Horia establishes some transtextual relations with the Latin poem, according to the definition proposed by Gérard Genette (2010). In our perspective, the verification of these phenomena can interfere in the enjoyment of both the novel and the poem.
KEYWORDS: Ovid; Halieutica; Vintila Horia; Hipertextuality.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio; Halieutica; Remedia amoris; Crítica de carreira.
ABSTRACT: Considering that for centuries the Halieutica fragment revolves around the traditional ovidian corpus sometimes as certainly spurious as doubtful, this paper proposes an intertextual reading, based on the excerpts from Tristia, Epistulae ex Ponto, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris and on the “career criticism” (HARDIE & MOORE, 2010).
Keywords: Ovid; Halieutica; Remedia amoris; Career criticism.
Análise crítica de excertos do poema Íbis, de Ovídio, em que se constatam construções discursivas semelhantes a certas práticas mágicas imprecatórias da Antiguidade – como a deuotio e as tabellae defixionum –, e dos possíveis efeitos de sentido provocados por essas apropriações na trama textual.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio; Íbis; Magia.
Critical analysis of excerpts from the poem Ibis, by Ovid, in which are found discursive constructions similar to imprecatorial magical practices of Antiquity – such as deuotio and tabellae defixionum –, and of some textual effects caused by these textual plot appropriations.
Key-words: Ovid; Ibis; Magic.
Abstract: To translate the Latin elegiac couplet, some metrified poetic translations of Ovidian works into Portuguese have shown a preference for the vernacular couplet created by Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964). This couplet is formed by combining one Alexandrine verse followed by a decasyllable. Following this model, we present our proposal of a creative transposition of the letter of Phyllis to Demophoon (Ep. 2), based on the considerations of some poet translators that used the same arrangement and on the theoretical and methodological basis of the practice of poetic translation according to Roman Jakobson (1969), Samuel Levin (1978) and José Paulo Paes (2008).
Keywords: Ovid; Heroides; Latin Elegiac couplet; Poetic translation
Palavras-chave: Ovídio. Literatura latina. Tradução poética. Histórico.
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the poetical translation practice of Ovidian works and the different meters through which Latin hexameters and pentameters have been translated in Portuguese language since the 18th century until today. In this research, from the excerpts of translations, we highlight some peculiar phenomena to the concept of "creative transposition", defined by Roman Jakobson (1969) as the interlingual transposition of one poetic form to another. This conception unfolds in the work of several theorists and translators, such as José Paulo Paes (2008), Raimundo Carvalho (2010), Paulo Henriques Britto (2016), among others. Based on the postulates of these authors we will proceed to analysis of the corpus now listed.
Keywords: Ovid. Latin Literature. Poetical translation. History.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio, Heroides, Penélope a Ulisses, Transposição criativa
Abstract: Some Ovidian’s works poetical translations in Portuguese language manifest preference for the vernacular couplet, created by Péricles Eugênio da Silva Ramos (1964), composed of an alexandrian verse and a decasyllabic verse. In this paper, we present our creative transposition proposal of the epistle Penelope Vlixi, based on the considerations of some translators who have used this same model, as well as on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of poetical translation, according to Roman Jakobson (1969), Samuel Levin (1978) and José Paulo Paes (2008).
Keywords: Ovid, Heroides, Epistle 1, Creative transposition
O poema satírico Baucis and Philemon, do escritor irlandês Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745), resgata o enredo e os nomes das personagens principais do mito narrado pelo poeta romano Ovídio (42 a.C. – 18 d.C.), no Livro VIII das Metamorfoses. A intertextualidade entre esses poemas, vista sob a perspectiva da “arte alusiva”, ou seja, a citação proposital e explícita de um discurso predecessor no corpo textual de um novo constructo literário será explorada neste ensaio, com base em nossa tradução para a língua portuguesa da paródia swiftiana.
Palavras-chave: Swift; Ovídio; Metamorfoses; Arte alusiva.
The satirical poem Baucis and Philemon by the Irish writer Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745) retrieves the title, plot and main characters’ names of the mythological story originally narrated by the Roman poet Ovid, on the eighth book of his Metamorphosis. The intertextuality between the poems, considered under the perspective of “allusive art” perspective, in other words, an intentional and explicit reference to an ancestor text, will be thoroughly explored in this work, based on our own translation for Swift’s burlesque poem in Portuguese.
Keywords: Swift; Ovid; Metamorphosis; Allusive art.
Palavras-chave: Heroides; Tradução; Homologia estrutural; Dístico elegíaco vernáculo.
ABSTRACT: Considering the idea that a significant part of the surviving elegiac corpus of the Augustan age (1st century BC), starring Propertius, Tibulus, Sulpicia and Ovid, is translated into Portuguese through a structural homological model of vernacular couplet, in which Latin hexameters and pentameters are transposed by the alternation of verses formed by twelve and ten poetic syllables, this thesis aims to demonstrate that, despite coexisting with other arrangements, this format represents a tradition and a translation school in the Portuguese language. For this purpose, our work is divided into two analytical approaches: the first is a diachronic approach, in which we gather and comment on examples of metrical versions of Ovidian elegiac works (between the 16th and 19th centuries), highlighting the heterogeneity of the modulations carried out in the Renaissance, Arcadianism and Romanticism; the second is a synchronic approach, in which we collected samples from several translators (between 1964-2022) who have in common the choice of the 12/10 pattern in transpositions of Latin elegies. Keeping in mind specific rhythmic and stylistic differences among each of the authors, the chronological analysis of these works and the theoretical paratexts that accompany them reveal that, for more than half a century, the search for structural homology with the Latin elegiac couplet, carried out by the vernacular couplet 12/10, manifests itself in the translations through five discursive characteristics: metric, rhythm, compensation, isostychy and polymetry. Therefore, using theoretical-methodological parameters, as well as practical examples offered by this historical and living tradition, we present, in the fourth part of the thesis, the twenty-one poems that compose Ovid’s Heroides, fully translated with the referred model.
Keywords: Heroides; Translation; Structural homology; Vernacular elegiac couplet.
Palavras-chave: Ovídio; Ibis; Nux; Halieutica; Tradução poética.
Abstract: In this dissertation, we present our poetic translation proposal for the works Ibis, Nux and Halieutica, attributed to the Roman poet Publius Ouidius Naso. Since traditional criticism often divides Ovid's literary career into three phases – youth, maturity, and exile – we believe it is possible to glimpse the existence of a fourth Ovidian phase if we align these three poems with the nine titles that make up the most commonly accepted corpus as authentic, both by the blatant dialogue that they establish with the previous works and by the thematic sublimation of those that supposedly would have been his last compositions.
Keywords: Ovid; Ibis; Nux; Halieutica; Poetic translation.