Papers by Fabio Di Clemente
Abstract: In the light of prenatal life, we radicalise the rehabilitation of the body argued by M... more Abstract: In the light of prenatal life, we radicalise the rehabilitation of the body argued by Merleau – Ponty. We attribute to the fetus the participation in the phenomenon of the “self”. In particular, we rehabilitate the fetus through the analysis of the processuality which constitutes it without a principle previously given. The principal purpose is to think about the appearance of the fetus criticizing the privileges that Merleau – Ponty points to in the postnatal world.
All'interno della teoria merleau-pontyana del sensibile, abbiamo individuato nella radice fenomen... more All'interno della teoria merleau-pontyana del sensibile, abbiamo individuato nella radice fenomenica corporeo-percettiva il nodo critico, il carattere problematico ed originale che non conosce fratture o rovesciamenti teoretici all'interno della teoria dell'Essere, rimasta notoriamente allo stato di abbozzo nell'interrogazione del filosofo francese 1 . Alla luce di un tale carattere, in questa sede prendiamo in esame anche la tematica dei sistemi di espressione, cercando di delimitare un consequenziale «vincolo del sensibile» che abbracci anche l'ordine sociale e storico.

Abstract: The critical essay explains the theme of passion through the social and ethical import... more Abstract: The critical essay explains the theme of passion through the social and ethical importance of fear. To such aim, it preliminarly constructs a methodological picture with the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, in dialogue with other precepts, among whom that one of Weizsäcker. From the methodological result with which dualism between subject and object is exceeded in “the more radical way”, the essay proceeds to make to integrate feeling and thinking, biological and the social one, real and the imaginary one, the historical and the mythical one.
It derives from such premise that a passion such as fear is revalueted without dualisms and reductionisms. In particular way, the revaluation of fear as ethical and social passion develops through an historical event such as French Revolution.
The result emphasizes the importance of fear as social passion and not reductively as private one and its consequent contribution for social changes.
Key words: Merleau-Ponty – body – fear – French Revolution
Papers by Fabio Di Clemente
It derives from such premise that a passion such as fear is revalueted without dualisms and reductionisms. In particular way, the revaluation of fear as ethical and social passion develops through an historical event such as French Revolution.
The result emphasizes the importance of fear as social passion and not reductively as private one and its consequent contribution for social changes.
Key words: Merleau-Ponty – body – fear – French Revolution
It derives from such premise that a passion such as fear is revalueted without dualisms and reductionisms. In particular way, the revaluation of fear as ethical and social passion develops through an historical event such as French Revolution.
The result emphasizes the importance of fear as social passion and not reductively as private one and its consequent contribution for social changes.
Key words: Merleau-Ponty – body – fear – French Revolution