Papers by Luciana R B Gonçalves

In this study, lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens was immobilized on octyl-nanoparticles by hydr... more In this study, lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens was immobilized on octyl-nanoparticles by hydrophobic interaction, producing the biocatalyst OCTYL-NANO-PSF. In order to stabilize the immobilized enzyme on OCTYL-NANO, an additional step was conducted, which is the reticulation with different concentrations of glutaraldehyde (GA), producing OCTYL-NANO-PSF-GA preparations. The concentrations of glutaraldehyde were 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 5 % v/v in sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7, 200 mM. The results show that the PSF could be immobilized on octyl-nanoparticles, events at short contact time between enzyme and support (Yield of immobilization about 75 %). The reticulation step was also shown successful, since the biocatalysts remain active (Activity retention above 55 %) and it was much more stable than OCTYL-NANO-PSF preparation. Best results of activity and stability was achieved when 5% was used (OCTYL-NANO-PSF-GA 5 %) for the reticulation. This biocatalyst was 65 fold more stable than adsorbed preparation (OCTYL-NANO-PSF).

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021
In this study, the kinetic of lipopeptide biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis LAMI005 a... more In this study, the kinetic of lipopeptide biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis LAMI005 and its tensoactive and emulsifier properties were evaluated. The influence of the concentrations of nitrogen ((NH4)2SO4) and carbon source (glucose and fructose) on biosurfactant production, using a mineral medium, were evaluated. A production of about 930 mg · L−1 of surfactin was observed for mineral medium supplied with total reducing sugars (16.55 g · L−1) and (NH4)2SO4 (1 g · L−1) as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. The crude biosurfactant exhibited its potential as tensoactive, presenting the capability to reach surface tension of about 28 mN ⋅ m−1 for water and exhibiting low CMC (~14–20 mg · L−1). The analysis of emulsifying activity showed a greater stability of emulsion formed in motor oil (3.5 U), soybean oil (2.0 U), and biodiesel (1.5 U). The emulsion formulated on motor oil remained stable for more than 200 h, which was explained by its average drop diameter (~0–1...

As lipases (E.C. são um grupo de enzimas capazes de catalisar a hidrólise da ligação ést... more As lipases (E.C. são um grupo de enzimas capazes de catalisar a hidrólise da ligação éster de triacilgliceróis, gerando ácidos graxos livres e glicerol. As lipases microbianas são muito utilizadas nas aplicações industriais nas áreas de alimentos, síntese orgânica e farmacêutica. Neste trabalho, visando à produção de lipase a partir da levedura Candida rugosa foram utilizados meios de cultura alternativos compostos por melaço, milhocina e águas russas. As fermentações foram conduzidas em agitador rotatório a 30 °C e 170 rpm. Testaram-se quatro meios contendo diferentes combinações dos resíduos acima mencionados. O meio contendo melaço 10 g/L, milhocina 4 g/L e águas russas 1,0 %(v/v) foi o que propiciou a produção de enzima com maior atividade intracelular 269 ± 10 U/L frente ao substrato pNFL (p-nitrofenil laurato). Esses resultados demonstram que o referido meio alternativo contendo resíduos agroindustriais é adequado para a produção de lipase. Tabela 4-Resultado da produção de lipase a partir da C. rugosa utilizando meios com resíduos em 24 h de fermentação.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2015
Anais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2014
Bolsista de iniciação cientifica do CNPQ/DETAL/UFC (3) Técnica de laboratório da FUNCAP/DEQ/UFC (... more Bolsista de iniciação cientifica do CNPQ/DETAL/UFC (3) Técnica de laboratório da FUNCAP/DEQ/UFC (4) Bolsista do Programa de Educação Tutorial do PET/DEQ/UFC (5) Docente do DEQ/
Humana Press eBooks, 2007
In this work, the ability of biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in batch cultivat... more In this work, the ability of biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in batch cultivation using cashew apple juice (CAJ) and mineral media was evaluated. P. aeruginosa was cultivated in CAJ, which was supplemented with peptone (5.0 g/L) and nutritive broth. All fermentation assays were performed in Erlenmeyer flasks containing 300 mL, incubated at 30 degrees C and 150 rpm. Cell growth (biomass and cell density), pH, and superficial tension were monitored vs time. Surface tension was reduced by 10.58 and 41% when P. aeruginosa was cultivated in nutrient broth and CAJ supplemented with peptone, respectively. These results indicated that CAJ is an adequate medium for growth and biosurfactant production. Best results of biosurfactant production were obtained when CAJ was supplemented with peptone.

The synthesis of the hybrid nanoflowers is a simple, low cost and environmental friendly enzyme i... more The synthesis of the hybrid nanoflowers is a simple, low cost and environmental friendly enzyme immobilization method. In this synthesis, the enzyme catalytic activity do not decrease due to unfavorable conformation of the enzyme or to mass transfer problems. In this context, it was produced the hybrid nanoflowers of lipases from Candida antarctica type B (CALB) and from Thermomyces lanuginosus (TLL) and, posteriorly, the crosslinking were realized by glutaraldehyde (GA) and divinylsulfone (DVS), changing some conditions like: the concentration of the GA and DVS, time of reticulation and temperature of reticulation. The activity of the hybrid nanoflowers was quantified by p-nitrophenyl butyrate (pNPB) hydrolysis. The best result was obtained producing TLL hybrid nanoflowers by CuSO4 precipitation and DVS crosslinking (0.04 % v/v, at 25 ºC during 24 h) with retention of activity of 169.31 %. In addition, the CALB hybrid nanoflowers by CuCl2 precipitation and GA crosslinking (0.8 % v/v, at 4 ºC during 24 h) retained 120.27 % of its activity.
Biochemical Engineering Journal
Anais do Simpósio Nacional de Bioprocessos, 2015

Biochemical Engineering Journal, Sep 1, 2017
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4) were prepared by the co-precipitation method a... more Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4) were prepared by the co-precipitation method and functionalized with 3-amino-propyltriethoxysilane (APTES) or branched-polyethylenimine (PEI). After that, two parallels methods to immobilize the lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosus (TLL) were performed: the first one by ionic exchange and the second one by covalent attachment after the functionalization of the support with glutaraldehyde (GA). X-ray powder diffraction, magnetometry and infrared spectroscopy analysis were used to characterize the TLL preparations. These analyses showed that all samples presented superparamagnetic properties even after the immobilization procedure. The SPMN (superparamagnetic nanoparticle) @APTES covalent preparation had around 450 minutes of half-life time at pH 7.0 and 70 °C while that of the free enzyme was 46 minutes. These biocatalysts were evaluated in the kinetic resolution of rac-1-methyl-2-(2,6-dimethylphenoxy)ethyl acetate in different co-solvents (acetonitrile, isopropanol, ethyl ether and tetrahydrofuran). The best results were for the enzyme/substrate ratio of 2:1, in the presence of the ethyl ether or THF (20% v/v both) at 30 °C during 24 hours with the SPMN@PEI-TLL biocatalyst. The conversion attained was 50% and the enantiomeric excess of the product was 99%. The new SPMN support are an excellent strategy to easy recovery of the biocatalyst by applying a magnetic field.
Encontros Universitários da UFC, May 31, 2017
Todos os direitos reservados A reprodução não autorizada desta publicação, no todo ou em parte, c... more Todos os direitos reservados A reprodução não autorizada desta publicação, no todo ou em parte, constitui violação dos direitos autorais (Lei n o 9.610). Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical
Anais do Simpósio Nacional de Bioprocessos, Sep 5, 2015
Anais do Simpósio Nacional de Bioprocessos, Sep 5, 2015
Anais do Simpósio Nacional de Bioprocessos, Sep 5, 2015
Papers by Luciana R B Gonçalves