Universidade Federal do Ceará
Engenharia Elétrica
This article uses a Kalman Filter as controller design method. It was done simulation using the Kalman Filter and another state observer controller, for comparing purposes. Both controllers were used for controlling the temperature in a... more
This article proposes a dead-time compensator using CDM (Coefficient Diagram Method) design method for controlling humidity in a neonate intensive care unit. It was used a Modified Smith Predictor (MSP) structure for deadtime... more
This article proposes using a GPC control method, by adjustment of a control signal weighting factor (λ) changing in a band according a sigmoid function. This method was implemented by computational simulation and experimentally in a... more
O presente artigo propõe o uso do método de controle GPC com o ajuste do fator de ponderação do sinal de controle (λ) variando dentro de uma faixa segundo uma função do tipo sigmóide. O método foi implementado através de simulação... more
This work proposes using a state observer structure and a Kalman filter for controlling a dead time system. The practical implementation for the proposed structure is done in a thermal system, corresponding to a temperature control of a... more
This article goal is to show a trajectory predictive control of a mobile robot using DMC method whose identification is done by neural network. This method was proposed due to changes on parameters occurring, being this a problem... more
This article goal is implementation of a mobile robot trajectory system control using predictive control using neural network. The trajectory is programmed and sent to mobile robot via radio link. The trajectory control is obtained on... more
This work proposes using a state observer structure and a Kalman filter for controlling a dead time system. The practical implementation for the proposed structure is done in a thermal system, corresponding to a temperature control of a... more
The objective of this work is to create a system for separating types of pieces for didactic purposes. An artificial vision system applied to a manipulator was used to perform this task of classifying and separating the pieces, through... more
This article proposes using a GPC control method, by adjustment of a control signal weighting factor (λ) changing in a band according a sigmoid function. This method was implemented by computational simulation and experimentally in a neo... more
This article goal is implementation of a mobile robot trajectory system control using predictive control using neural network. The trajectory is programmed and sent to mobile robot via radio link. The trajectory control is obtained on the... more
This paper addresses the topic of distributed generation with a focus point of common coupling protection of a microgrid to the distribution system. It describes the regulatory and normative aspects of access to Brazilian distribution... more
SPECT scanning with TI-20I and Tc-99m offers a unique, inexpensive functional imaging modality to combine with CT stereotactic craniotomy for grading resection of necrosis and/or tumour in patients treated with escalated doses of... more
Foi avaliada a composição da pele, do corpo sem extremidades, das extremidades corporais e a composição corporal total e estimadas as exigências líquidas de energia e proteína para ganho de peso da espécie Chinchilla lanigera. Foram... more
Peptide sequence matching algorithms used for peptide identification by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) enumerate theoretical peptides from the database, predict their fragment ions, and match them to the experimental MS/MS spectra.... more
The ability to authenticate the feed given to animals from the animal products has become a major challenge for scientists, monitoring bodies and commercial entities alike. This study compared two methods based on the use of the visible... more
Transient identification in nuclear power plants (NPP) is often a computational very hard task and may involve a great amount of human cognition. The early identification of unexpected departures from steady state behavior is an essential... more