Textos Publicados em Anais de Eventos by Marcos Andrade

Percebendo que as disposições da escola estão centradas na heteronormatividade objetivo evidencia... more Percebendo que as disposições da escola estão centradas na heteronormatividade objetivo evidenciar como estas disposições se materializam no cotidiano escolar a partir de um relato de minhas vivências como estudante da educação básica, em meio ao dito e ao não dito do currículo, nos discursos, gestos e ações dos professores e demais profissionais da escola, nas relações de poder entre os alunos e entre a comunidade escolar. Historicamente o aparelho escolar esteve comprometido com o funcionamento estrutural da homofobia, pois a discriminação que assola a sociedade não se mantém distante, tampouco ausente do ambiente de aprendizagem, pelo contrário, preenche este espaço de significados e violências simbólicas e reais. Apresento a necessidade de tratar sexualidade, gênero, sexo e principalmente direitos humanos na escola como estratégia que garanta uma educação cidadã contribuindo para uma sociedade mais justa. Introdução A escola é um palco onde ensaiamos nossos papeis sociais. As mais diversas e conflitantes situações de aprendizagem que vivenciamos no ambiente escolar nos ensinam muito mais do que conteúdos curriculares ou formas de construir saberes, elas inscrevem marcas e estilos em nossos corpos, nos ensinam como ser, como sentir, como expressar, e como agir diante da diversidade
Papers by Marcos Andrade
Brazilian Journal of Development , 2019
RESUMO O que a escola pode fazer quando todas as condições induzem que os estudantes fracassem? E... more RESUMO O que a escola pode fazer quando todas as condições induzem que os estudantes fracassem? Essa é uma pergunta que as escolas do Brasil experimentam todos os dias e que diante dela desenvolvem diferentes respostas. Escolas situadas em condições precárias, que procuram desenvolver um trabalho pedagógico com estudantes e famílias expostos a precariedade se vem constantemente desafiadas. E se estivermos trabalhando numa escola localizada em condições precárias, atendendo a alunos pobres, lidando com os desafios das vidas expostas ao dano, a violência, a precariedade, o quadro agrava-se ainda mais. É muito difícil que as pessoas consigam prosperar em condições precárias. Existem condições que induzem a desistência, a migração, a desilusão com a escola. A escola não pode
Zootaxa, 2016
Shannoniella cuspidata Townsend, 1939 is redescribed and S. setinervis sp. nov. (Brazil, State of... more Shannoniella cuspidata Townsend, 1939 is redescribed and S. setinervis sp. nov. (Brazil, State of Rio de Janeiro) is newly described as its putative sister taxon, thereby allowing for a strict definition of the genus Shannoniella Townsend, 1939 through explicit synapomorphies. An identification key is provided.
Anais Do Simposio Brasileiro De Informatica Na Educacao, 2011
Resumo. Tem-se percebido que a Informática tem rodeado a vida de nossos jovens. Fazê-los afastar-... more Resumo. Tem-se percebido que a Informática tem rodeado a vida de nossos jovens. Fazê-los afastar-se dela na sala de aula não faz sentido. Porém, a realidade em escolas de alguns municípios de nosso país é a existência de laboratórios de informática que ficam ...
Revista Boliviana De Fisica, 2010

Radiologia brasileira
To estimate the entrance surface air kerma (Ka,e) and air kerma in the region of radiosensitive o... more To estimate the entrance surface air kerma (Ka,e) and air kerma in the region of radiosensitive organs in radiographs of pediatric paranasal sinuses. Patient data and irradiation parameters were collected in examinations of the paranasal sinuses in children from 0 to 15 years of age at two children's hospitals in the city of Recife, PE, Brazil. We estimated the Ka,e using the X-ray tube outputs and selected parameters. To estimate the air kerma values in the regions of the eyes and thyroid, we used thermoluminescent dosimeters. The Ka,e values ranged from 0.065 to 1.446 mGy in cavum radiographs, from 0.104 to 7.298 mGy in Caldwell views, and from 0.113 to 7.824 mGy in Waters views. Air kerma values in the region of the eyes ranged from 0.001 to 0.968 mGy in cavum radiographs and from 0.011 to 0.422 mGy in Caldwell and Waters views . In the thyroid region, air kerma values ranged from 0.005 to 0.932 mGy in cavum radiographs and from 0.002 to 0.972 mGy in Caldwell and Waters views...

Thirty-two head CT scans were acquired employing an anthropomorphic phantom containing lesions in... more Thirty-two head CT scans were acquired employing an anthropomorphic phantom containing lesions in the posterior fossa, using 2 scanners: Siemens Sensation with 64 slices and Philips Brilliance with 6 slices. Parameters as tube current (mA), slice thickness (mm), collimation (mm), tube potential (kVp) and dynamic range were changed during studies, looking for the optimal acquisition/processing conditions which permit both good lesion detectability and the lowest dose. The CT air kerma index (mGy) was measured with a pencil ionization chamber. Image quality was analyzed by 5 radiologists using a 5 points-scale criteria (1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4=very good, 5=excellent) and also using 5 figure of merit in the spatial and frequency domains: Contrast (C [%]), Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE) and Spectral Distance (SD). Objective and subjective results were correlated. We observed that doses could be reduced by up to 25% respect to the usual practice with both scanners, mainly reducing the mAs, without affecting lesion detection. As a result, we propose an optimized protocol for each scanner as follow: 250 mAs, 120 kVp and the collimation of 6 slices x 1.50 mm per rotation the same reconstructed slice thickness to detect the lesions in the posterior fossa with good image quality for the Philips Brilliance 6, while 150 mAs, 100 kVp, collimation of 30 x 1.2 mm and reconstructed slice thickness of 3.0 mm were needed with the Siemens Sensation 64.

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2015
The objective of this work was to evaluate the air kerma-area product (P KA ) and the skin absorb... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the air kerma-area product (P KA ) and the skin absorbed dose in the region of the eyes, salivary glands and thyroid of the patient from mandible examinations performed with three cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanners, i.e. i-CAT classic, Gendex CB-500 and PreXion 3D. For the dosimetric evaluation, an anthropomorphic head phantom (model RS-250) was used to simulate an adult patient. The CBCT examinations were performed using standard and high-resolution protocols for mandible acquisitions for adult patients. During the phantom's exposure, the P KA was measured using an ionising chamber and the absorbed doses to the skin in the region of the eyes, thyroid and salivary glands were estimated using thermoluminescence dosemeters (TLDs) positioned on the phantom's surface. The P KA values estimated with the CBCT scanners varied from 26 to 138 mGy m 2 . Skin absorbed doses in the region of the eyes varied from 0.07 to 0.34 mGy; at the parotid glands, from 1.31 to 5.93 mGy; at the submandibular glands, from 1.41 to 6.86 mGy; and at the thyroid, from 0.18 to 2.45 mGy. P KA and absorbed doses showed the highest values for the PreXion 3D scanner due to the use of the continuous exposure mode and a high current-time product.

Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 2012
Computed tomography (CT) examinations have increased significantly in recent years due to technol... more Computed tomography (CT) examinations have increased significantly in recent years due to technological innovations. In some industrialised countries, CT contributes to the population dose as much as background radiation. In developing countries, the uses and risks of CT have not been well characterised. The purpose of this investigation was to assess potential stochastic and deterministic radiation effects from common CT exams performed in six hospitals of Recife, Pernambuco. Scanning parameters and patient gender and age were collected for a total of 285 patients undergoing CT examinations of the head (90), chest (75), abdomen (60) and abdomen-pelvis (60). The organ doses, which were calculated using the ImPACT dosimetry calculator, varied significantly among institutions. Organs such as the brain, the heart and the eye lenses, which exhibited doses as high as 85, 42 and 100 mGy, respectively, are of concern for the production of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases and cat...
Proceedings II Workshop on Cybernetic Vision, 1997
The characterization of the glomerular structure by the Saltykov method employing an image analyz... more The characterization of the glomerular structure by the Saltykov method employing an image analyzer is described. The method, here presented, allows the analyst to quantitatively evaluate the morphology of the renal glomeruli. Sample preparation, digitization, image processing and analysis are also described and illustrated. The resulting volumetric glomeruli distribution is presented. As expected, the size distribution shows that the glomeruli present high sphericity and volumes in a narrow range of values.

Atmospheric Research, 2015
An overwhelming number of applications depend on reliable precipitation estimations. However, ove... more An overwhelming number of applications depend on reliable precipitation estimations. However, over complex terrain in regions such as the Andes or the southwestern Amazon, the spatial coverage of rain gauges is scarce. Two reanalysis datasets, a satellite algorithm and a scheme that combines surface observations with satellite estimations were selected for studying rainfall in the following areas of Bolivia: the central Andes, Altiplano, southwestern Amazonia, and Chaco. These Bolivian regions can be divided into three main basins: the Altiplano, La Plata, and Amazon. The selected reanalyses were the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, which has a horizontal resolution (~50 km) conducive for studying rainfall in relatively small precipitation systems, and the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis and Reforecast, which features an improved horizontal resolution (~38 km). The third dataset was the seventh version of the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission 3B42 algorithm, which is conducive for studying rainfall at an~25 km horizontal resolution. The fourth dataset utilizes a new technique known as the Combined Scheme, which successfully removes satellite bias. All four of these datasets were aggregated to a coarser resolution. Additionally, the daily totals were calculated to match the cumulative daily values of the ground observations. This research aimed to describe and compare precipitations in the two reanalysis datasets, the satellite-algorithm dataset, and the Combined Scheme with ground observations. Two seasons were selected for studying the precipitation estimates: the rainy season (December-February) and the dry season (June-August). The average, bias, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, and root mean square error were calculated. Moreover, a contingency table was generated to calculate the accuracy, bias frequency, probability of detection, false alarm ratio, and equitable threat score. All four datasets correctly depicted the spatial rainfall pattern. However, CFSR and MERRA overestimated precipitation along the Andes' eastern-facing slopes and exhibited a dry bias over the eastern Amazon; TRMM3B42 and the Combined Scheme depicted a more realistic rainfall distribution over both the Amazon and the Andes. When separating the precipitation into classes, MERRA and CFSR overestimated light to moderate precipitation (1-20 mm/day) and underestimated very heavy precipitation (N50 mm/day). TRMM3B42 and CoSch depicted behaviors similar to the surface observations; however, CoSch underestimated the precipitation in very intense systems (N50 mm/day). The statistical variables indicated that CoSch's correlation coefficient was highest for every season and basin. Additionally, the bias and RMSE values suggested that CoSch closely represented the surface observations.

Thirty-two head CT scans were acquired employing an anthropomorphic phantom containing lesions in... more Thirty-two head CT scans were acquired employing an anthropomorphic phantom containing lesions in the posterior fossa, using 2 scanners: Siemens Sensation with 64 slices and Philips Brilliance with 6 slices. Parameters as tube current (mA), slice thickness (mm), collimation (mm), tube potential (kVp) and dynamic range were changed during studies, looking for the optimal acquisition/processing conditions which permit both good lesion detectability and the lowest dose. The CT air kerma index (mGy) was measured with a pencil ionization chamber. Image quality was analyzed by 5 radiologists using a 5 points-scale criteria (1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4=very good, 5=excellent) and also using 5 figure of merit in the spatial and frequency domains: Contrast (C [%]), Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE) and Spectral Distance (SD). Objective and subjective results were correlated. We observed that doses could be reduced by up to 25% respect to the usual practice with both scanners, mainly reducing the mAs, without affecting lesion detection. As a result, we propose an optimized protocol for each scanner as follow: 250 mAs, 120 kVp and the collimation of 6 slices x 1.50 mm per rotation the same reconstructed slice thickness to detect the lesions in the posterior fossa with good image quality for the Philips Brilliance 6, while 150 mAs, 100 kVp, collimation of 30 x 1.2 mm and reconstructed slice thickness of 3.0 mm were needed with the Siemens Sensation 64.

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013
A new metriorhynchid crocodylomorph from the Lower Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Kimmeridgian, Upper... more A new metriorhynchid crocodylomorph from the Lower Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Kimmeridgian, Upper Jurassic) of England is described. This specimen, a three-dimensionally preserved skull and left mandibular ramus, is referred to a new species: Torvoneustes coryphaeus sp. nov. Within the genus Torvoneustes, T. coryphaeus sp. nov. is unique as it has a long anteromedial process of the frontal, ornamented dermatocranium, and the supraorbital notch forms a strongly acute angle. Our phylogenetic analysis confirms the placement of this specimen in Torvoneustes. The dentition of T. coryphaeus sp. nov., like that of the type species, has a blunt apex, crown basal-mid regions with numerous tightly packed apicobasally aligned ridges, and apical region with an anastomosed pattern of ridges that interact with the carinae. Within Thalattosuchia these dental characteristics are only found in Torvoneustes and the teleosaurid Machimosaurus. The heavily ornamented dermatocranium of T. coryphaeus sp. nov. is in contrast to the unornamented (nasals and frontal)-lightly ornamented (maxillae and premaxillae) pattern seen in Torvoneustes carpenteri. Curiously, this pattern of reduction and loss of dermatocranium ornamentation is also observed in Metriorhynchus, Dakosaurus, and the subclade Rhacheosaurini. We hypothesize that the 'smooth' dermatocranium of Late Jurassic metriorhynchids evolved independently in each subclade (parallel evolution), and would have reduced drag, thereby making locomotion through water more energy efficient.
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2001
... a, Military Institute of Engineering, Praca General Tiburcio 80, Urca, 22290-270, Rio de Jane... more ... a, Military Institute of Engineering, Praca General Tiburcio 80, Urca, 22290-270, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. b, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Tecnologia, Bl. A, sala 210, 21941-910, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. c, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2003
... The asymmetry on the high-energy side of the O 1s peak has previously been observed on rutile... more ... The asymmetry on the high-energy side of the O 1s peak has previously been observed on rutile surfaces and it has been attributed to surface defects [17] although it can also be assigned to hydrogen-bonded oxygen due to the hydroxides and ... [5] LA Sena, MC Andrade, AM ...

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2014
The aim of this work was to perform a dosimetric evaluation of two cone-beam computed tomography ... more The aim of this work was to perform a dosimetric evaluation of two cone-beam computed tomography scanners. The study was performed with two scanners: i-CAT classic and PreXion 3D. Air kerma-area product (PKA) was measured for all full-arch dental implant planning protocols. Surface air kerma was also estimated at the region of the eyes, salivary glands and thyroid using thermoluminescence dosemeters positioned on an anthropomorphic phantom. The PKA values for the i-CAT classic ranged from 24 to 180 µGy m(2) and, for the PreXion, from 70 to 138 µGy m(2). The large variation of these values was mainly caused by acquisition time and field of views. The surface air kerma values were from 0.08 to 3.39 mGy at the eyes, 0.50 to 3.96 mGy at the parotids, 0.11 to 2.95 mGy at the submandibular glands and 0.05 to 1.32 mGy at the thyroid. These values are comparable with those found in the literature.

Radiation Measurements, 2011
In this work thermoluminescent properties of a-Al 2 O 3 samples doped with Tb 3þ and Tm 3þ , prep... more In this work thermoluminescent properties of a-Al 2 O 3 samples doped with Tb 3þ and Tm 3þ , prepared by the combustion synthesis route, were studied. Samples were prepared by mixing stoichiometric amounts of aluminum nitrate, urea and dopants with different amounts of terbium and thulium nitrates varying from 0 to 0.15 mol%. The mixture was ignited in a muffle furnace at low temperature (500 C). After the combustion, the samples were sintered at 1400 C for 4 h in order to obtain the pure a-phase crystalline structure. The TL response of these samples for Co-60 gamma radiation was evaluated. It was observed a TL glow peak around 220 C and a linear response for doses in studied range of 0.1e1 Gy. It was observed that the 0.1 mol% concentrations of both dopants present the highest TL sensitivity. The sensitivity of the co-doped (0.10 mol%) samples is 5 times higher than the 0.1 mol% Tm-only doped Al 2 O 3 and 40 times higher than the sample doped only with 0.1 mol% of Tb. These results strongly suggest that the Al 2 O 3 :TmeTb, prepared through the combustion method, is a potential material for TL radiation dosimetry.
Textos Publicados em Anais de Eventos by Marcos Andrade
Papers by Marcos Andrade