Papers by Mauricio L Barreto

PLOS Medicine, May 18, 2022
Background Socioeconomic factors have been consistently associated with suicide, and economic rec... more Background Socioeconomic factors have been consistently associated with suicide, and economic recessions are linked to rising suicide rates. However, evidence on the impact of socioeconomic interventions to reduce suicide rates is limited. This study investigates the association of the world's largest conditional cash transfer programme with suicide rates in a cohort of half of the Brazilian population. Methods and findings We used data from the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort, covering a 12-year period (2004 to 2015). It comprises socioeconomic and demographic information on 114,008,317 individuals, linked to the "Bolsa Família" programme (BFP) payroll database, and nationwide death registration data. BFP was implemented by the Brazilian government in 2004. We estimated the association of BFP using inverse probability of treatment weighting, estimating the weights for BFP beneficiaries (weight = 1) and nonbeneficiaries by the inverse probability of receiving treatment (weight = E(ps)/(1-E(ps))). We used an average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) estimator and fitted Poisson models to estimate the incidence rate ratios (IRRs) for suicide associated with BFP experience. At the cohort baseline, BFP beneficiaries were younger (median age 27.4 versus 35.4), had higher unemployment rates (56% versus 32%), a lower level of education, resided in rural areas, and experienced worse household conditions. There were 36,742 suicide cases among the 76,532,158 individuals

Epidemiology and Infection, May 19, 2011
This study investigated individual and contextual factors associated with the duration of diarrho... more This study investigated individual and contextual factors associated with the duration of diarrhoeal episodes in 693 young children living in a large Brazilian city who were followed-up for at least 3 months. The outcome is analysed as a continuous variable, by means of a hierarchical conceptual model organizing the factors in meaningful blocks. A total of 2397 episodes were recorded (median duration 2 days, interquartile range 1-3 days). Low percentage of households connected to the sewerage system in the neighbourhood, low family purchasing power, high agglomeration, mother aged <19 years, low zinc content in child's diet, and episode severity were significantly associated with longer duration (0. 26-0. 69 days more). Purchasing power effect was largely mediated by environmental conditions, characteristics of the child, and hygienic behaviour. Environmental conditions acted as a possible effect modifier, enhancing the effect on duration of diarrhoea of the child not having being vaccinated against measles or breastfed for >6 months.

Revista De Saude Publica, Jun 13, 2022
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho no controle da tuberculose dos municípios brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Es... more OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho no controle da tuberculose dos municípios brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico com municípios brasileiros que notificaram pelo menos quatro casos novos de tuberculose, com no mínimo um caso novo de tuberculose pulmonar entre 2015 e 2018. Os municípios foram estratificados de acordo com a população em < 50 mil, 50-100 mil, 100-300 mil e > 300 mil habitantes e foi utilizado o método k-médias para agrupá-los dentro de cada faixa populacional segundo desempenho de seis indicadores da doença. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 2.845 municípios brasileiros abrangendo 98,5% (208.007/211.174) dos casos novos de tuberculose do período. Para cada faixa populacional identificou-se três grupos (A, B e C) de municípios segundo desempenho dos indicadores: A os mais satisfatórios, B os intermediários e C os menos satisfatórios. Municípios do grupo A com < 100 mil habitantes apresentaram resultados acima das metas para confirmação laboratorial (≥ 72%), abandono (≤ 5%) e cura (≥ 90%), e abrangeram 2% dos casos novos da doença. Por outro lado, os municípios dos grupos B e C apresentaram pelo menos cinco indicadores com resultados abaixo das metas-testagem HIV (< 100%), exame de contatos (< 90%), tratamento diretamente observado (< 90%), abandono (> 5%) e cura (< 90%)-, e corresponderam a 66,7% dos casos novos de tuberculose. Já no grupo C dos municípios com > 300 mil habitantes, que incluiu 19 das 27 capitais e 43,1% dos casos novos de tuberculose, encontrou-se os menores percentuais de exames de contatos (média = 56,4%) e tratamento diretamente observado (média = 15,4%), elevado abandono (média = 13,9%) e baixa cobertura da atenção básica (média = 66,0%). CONCLUSÕES: Grande parte dos casos novos de tuberculose ocorreu em municípios com desempenho insatisfatório para o controle da doença, onde expandir a cobertura da atenção básica pode reduzir o abandono e elevar o exame de contatos e tratamento diretamente observado.
Cadernos de Saúde Pública
Our study aims to describe trends in new case detection rate (NCDR) of leprosy in Brazil from 200... more Our study aims to describe trends in new case detection rate (NCDR) of leprosy in Brazil from 2006 to 2017 overall and in subgroups, and to analyze the evolution of clinical and treatment characteristics of patients, with emphasis on cases diagnosed with grade 2 physical disabilities. We conducted a descriptive study to analyze new cases of leprosy registered in the Brazilian Information System for Notificable Diseases (SINAN), from 2006-2017. We calculated the leprosy NCDR per 100,000 inhabitants (overall and for individuals aged < 15 and ≥ 15 years) by sex, age, race/ethnicity, urban/rural areas, and Brazilian regions, and estimated the trends using the Mann-Kendall nonparametric test. We analyzed the distributions of cases according to relevant clinical characteristics over time.

PLOS Medicine
Background Children with congenital Zika syndrome (CZS) have severe damage to the peripheral and ... more Background Children with congenital Zika syndrome (CZS) have severe damage to the peripheral and central nervous system (CNS), greatly increasing the risk of death. However, there is no information on the sequence of the underlying, intermediate, immediate, and contributing causes of deaths among these children. The aims of this study are describe the sequence of events leading to death of children with CZS up to 36 months of age and their probability of dying from a given cause, 2015 to 2018. Methods and findings In a population-based study, we linked administrative data on live births, deaths, and cases of children with CZS from the SINASC (Live Birth Information System), the SIM (Mortality Information System), and the RESP (Public Health Event Records), respectively. Confirmed and probable cases of CZS were those that met the criteria established by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The information on causes of death was collected from death certificates (DCs) using the World Hea...

International Journal of Epidemiology
Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has a disproportionate effect on mortality among the poor... more Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has a disproportionate effect on mortality among the poorest people. We assessed the impact on CVD and all-cause mortality of the world's largest conditional cash transfer, Brazil’s Bolsa Família Programme (BFP). Methods We linked administrative data from the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort with BFP receipt and national mortality data. We followed individuals who applied for BFP between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2015, until 31 December 2015. We used marginal structural models to estimate the effect of BFP on all-age and premature (30–69 years) CVD and all-cause mortality. We conducted stratified analyses by levels of material deprivation and access to healthcare. We checked the robustness of our findings by restricting the analysis to municipalities with better mortality data and by using alternative statistical methods. Results We studied 17 981 582 individuals, of whom 4 855 324 were aged 30–69 years. Three-quarters (76.2%) received BF...

The Lancet Global Health
Background Racism is a social determinant of health inequities. In Brazil, racial injustices lead... more Background Racism is a social determinant of health inequities. In Brazil, racial injustices lead to poor outcomes in maternal and child health for Black and Indigenous populations, including greater risks of pregnancy-related complications; decreased access to antenatal, delivery, and postnatal care; and higher childhood mortality rates. In this study, we aimed to estimate inequalities in childhood mortality rates by maternal race and skin colour in a cohort of more than 19 million newborns in Brazil. Methods We did a nationwide population-based, retrospective cohort study using linked data on all births and deaths in Brazil between Jan 1, 2012, and Dec 31, 2018. The data consisted of livebirths followed up to age 5 years, death, or Dec 31, 2018. Data for livebirths were extracted from the National Information System for livebirths, SINASC, and for deaths from the Mortality Information System, SIM. The final sample consisted of complete data for all cases regarding maternal race and skin colour, and no inconsistencies were present between date of birth and death after linkage. We fitted Cox proportional hazard regression models to calculate the crude and adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs for the association between maternal race and skin colour and all-cause and cause-specific younger than age 5 mortality rates, by age subgroups. We calculated the trend of HRs (and 95% CI) by time of observation (calendar year) to indicate trends in inequalities.

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Objective This study aims to describe clinical findings and determine the medium-term survival of... more Objective This study aims to describe clinical findings and determine the medium-term survival of congenital zika syndrome (CZS) suspected cases. Methods A retrospective cohort study using routine register-based linked data. It included all suspected cases of CZS born in Brazil from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2018, and followed up from birth until death, 36 months, or December 31, 2018, whichever came first. Latent class analysis was used to cluster unconfirmed cases into classes with similar combinations of anthropometry at birth, imaging findings, maternally reported rash, region, and year of birth. Kaplan–Meier curves were plotted, and Cox proportional hazards models were fitted to determine mortality up to 36 months. Results We followed 11,850 suspected cases of CZS, of which 28.3% were confirmed, 9.3% inconclusive and 62.4% unconfirmed. Confirmed cases had almost two times higher mortality when compared with unconfirmed cases. Among unconfirmed cases, we identified three ...

BMJ Open, 2020
IntroductionBrazil’s Bolsa Familia Program (BFP) is the world’s largest conditional cash transfer... more IntroductionBrazil’s Bolsa Familia Program (BFP) is the world’s largest conditional cash transfer scheme. We shall use a large cohort of applicants for different social programmes to evaluate the effect of BFP receipt on premature all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.Methods and analysisWe will identify BFP recipients and non-recipients among new applicants from 2004 to 2015 in the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort, a database of 114 million individuals containing sociodemographic and mortality information of applicants to any Brazilian social programme. For individuals applying from 2011, when we have better recorded income data, we shall compare premature (age 30–69) cardiovascular and all-cause mortality among BFP recipients and non-recipients using regression discontinuity design (RDD) with household monthly per capita income as the forcing variable. Effects will be estimated using survival models accounting for individuals follow-up. To test the sensitivity of our findings, we wil...

Respiratory diseases are the leading cause of hos-pitalizations in Brazil (excluding hospital ad-... more Respiratory diseases are the leading cause of hos-pitalizations in Brazil (excluding hospital ad-missions related to childbirth, pregnancy, and postpartum). To analyze the trend and season-ality of hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil, 1998-2009, a time trend study was performed using simple linear regression. Hospitalization rates for all respiratory diseases and specifically for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pneumonia were calculated by year and age group. Hospitalizations for all respiratory diseas-es decreased by 45.6% ( β = -2.2; p < 0.001); those due to asthma showed the largest decline (an-nual average 1.2/10,000), pneumonia showed the largest reduction until 2002, subsequently tend-ing to stabilize, and COPD remained unchanged. The under-5-year age group showed the largest decline in hospitalizations for all respiratory dis-eases. There was no seasonality in hospitaliza-tions for COPD. There was a reduction...

Population Health Metrics, 2020
BackgroundMeasuring the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) has been the key to verifying the evolutio... more BackgroundMeasuring the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) has been the key to verifying the evolution of health indicators worldwide. We analyse subnational GBD data for Brazil in order to monitor the performance of the Brazilian states in the last 28 years on their progress towards meeting the health-related SDGs.MethodsAs part of the GBD study, we assessed the 41 health-related indicators from the SDGs in Brazil at the subnational level for all the 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District from 1990 to 2017. The GBD group has rescaled all worldwide indicators from 0 to 100, assuming that for each one of them, the worst value among all countries and overtime is 0, and the best is 100. They also estimate the overall health-related SDG index as a function of all previously estimated health indicators and the SDI index (Socio-Demographic Index) as a function of per capita income, average schooling in the population aged 15 years or over, and total fertility rate under the age of 25 (T...

International Journal of Epidemiology, 2021
Large social inequalities and poverty are major historical characteristics of Latin America in ge... more Large social inequalities and poverty are major historical characteristics of Latin America in general and Brazil in particular. In the past two decades, Brazil has experienced substantial social and health changes, including significant reductions in poverty and inequalities. Although social protection has been one of the major contributors to improved living conditions in this country, the benefits may be facing a reversal with recent political changes in several countries with governments prone to privilege 'austerity' over 'social protection' policies. 1-3 Among the programmes implemented to expand social protection, the most prominent one is the Conditional Cash Transfer Programme, the 'Bolsa Família Programme' (BFP), that transfers cash directly to poor households. Additional social protection programmes include the Housing Programme('Minha Casa Minha Vida'), the Access to Water Programme ('Cisternas') and the Light for All Programme ('Luz Para Todos') to improve access to electricity in rural communities, among others. The social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live and age, are important causes of health inequities and influence the onset and evolution of many different aspects of illness and health. 4-7 Whereas there is substantial evidence on the effect of different social and economic factors on health, little is known about the health impact of policies targeted to modify these socioeconomic determinants. 8-10 Evaluation of the effects of societal, economic and environmental policies and interventions on health outcomes is complex and requires approaches different from the traditional methods such as randomixed control trials (RCTs) and observational studies. The development of several complex analytical approaches in impact evaluation, in addition to other contemporary developments and new challenges in various disciplines, is opening up new

Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 2021
Emerging evidence suggests that vicarious racial experiences of discrimination may negatively inf... more Emerging evidence suggests that vicarious racial experiences of discrimination may negatively influence child health. Few studies have focus on childhood asthma symptoms and potential moderators of such relationship. We used two population-based cross-sectional studies from the Social Change Allergy and Asthma in Latin America project in Salvador, Brazil. A total of 1003 children and mothers interviewed in 2006 were included, of whom 873 were reached again in 2013. Vicarious racial discrimination was assessed in mothers by applying the Experiences of Discrimination scale. Data on wheeze and environmental exposures were collected with standardized questionnaires. Levels of allergen-specific IgE were measured to identify atopy. Generalized estimating equations were used to estimate the association between maternal discrimination and wheezing and asthma phenotypes. Interaction terms were evaluated to identify whether mothers’ mental health and family social support modified such associations. Children whose mothers reported racial discrimination had greater odds of have asthma symptoms (OR 1.75; 95% CI 1.15–2.67) and non-atopic asthma (OR 1.92; 95% CI 1.09–3.40). When we considered effect modification by social support, we found a higher ORs when the level of social support was lower (OR 2.43; 95% IC 1.19–4.97) than when the level of social support was higher (OR 1.12; CI 0.64–1.96). Maternal discrimination was associated with asthma symptoms and with non-atopic phenotype among their children. Enjoying wider social support network appears to buffer the effect on asthmatic symptoms. Intervention on childhood asthma needs to incorporate strategies that target the family.

Viruses, 2020
Background: The clinical manifestations of microcephaly/congenital Zika syndrome (microcephaly/CZ... more Background: The clinical manifestations of microcephaly/congenital Zika syndrome (microcephaly/CZS) have harmful consequences on the child’s health, increasing vulnerability to childhood morbidity and mortality. This study analyzes the case fatality rate and child–maternal characteristics of cases and deaths related to microcephaly/CZS in Brazil, 2015–2017. Methods: Population-based study developed by linkage of three information systems. We estimate frequencies of cases, deaths, case fatality rate related to microcephaly/CZS according to child and maternal characteristics and causes of death. Multivariate logistic regression models were applied. Results: The microcephaly/CZS case fatality rate was 10% (95% CI 9.2–10.7). Death related to microcephaly/CZS was associated to moderate (OR = 2.15; 95% CI 1.63–2.83), and very low birth weight (OR = 3.77; 95% CI 2.20–6.46); late preterm births (OR = 1.65; 95% CI 1.21–2.23), Apgar < 7 at 1st (OR = 5.98; 95% CI 4.46–8.02) and 5th minutes ...

American Journal of Epidemiology, 2020
Leprosy is a neglected tropical disease predominately affecting poor and marginalized populations... more Leprosy is a neglected tropical disease predominately affecting poor and marginalized populations. To test the hypothesis that poverty-alleviating policies might be associated with reduced leprosy incidence, we evaluated the association between the Brazilian Bolsa Familia (BFP) conditional cash transfer program and new leprosy case detection using linked records from 12,949,730 families in the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort (2007–2014). After propensity score matching BFP beneficiary to nonbeneficiary families, we used Mantel-Haenszel tests and Poisson regressions to estimate incidence rate ratios for new leprosy case detection and secondary endpoints related to operational classification and leprosy-associated disabilities at diagnosis. Overall, cumulative leprosy incidence was 17.4/100,000 person-years at risk (95% CI: 17.1, 17.7) and markedly higher in “priority” (high-burden) versus “nonpriority” (low-burden) municipalities (22.8/100,000 person-years at risk, 95% confidence interv...

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2020
Resumo A pandemia de COVID-19 tem desafiado pesquisadores e gestores a encontrar medidas de saúde... more Resumo A pandemia de COVID-19 tem desafiado pesquisadores e gestores a encontrar medidas de saúde pública que evitem o colapso dos sistemas de saúde e reduzam os óbitos. Esta revisão narrativa buscou sistematizar as evidências sobre o impacto das medidas de distanciamento social na epidemia de COVID-19 e discutir sua implementação no Brasil. Foram triados artigos sobre o efeito do distanciamento social na COVID-19 no PubMed, medRXiv e bioRvix, e analisados atos do poder público nos níveis federal e estadual para sumarizar as estratégias implementadas no Brasil. Os achados sugerem que o distanciamento social adotado por população é efetivo, especialmente quando combinado ao isolamento de casos e à quarentena dos contatos. Recomenda-se a implementação de medidas de distanciamento social e de políticas de proteção social para garantir a sustentabilidade dessas medidas. Para o controle da COVID-19 no Brasil, é imprescindível que essas medidas estejam aliadas ao fortalecimento do sistema...
Respiratory Research, 2020
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination is routine and near-universal in many low- and middle-... more Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination is routine and near-universal in many low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). It has been suggested that BCG can have a protective effect on COVID-19 morbidity and mortality. This commentary discusses the limitations of the evidence around BCG and COVID-19. We argue that higher-quality evidence is necessary to understand the protective effect of the BCG vaccine from existing, secondary data, while we await results from clinical trials currently conducted in different settings.

Journal of Black Psychology, 2020
Experiences of discrimination are an important aspect of women’s life in Brazil, especially Black... more Experiences of discrimination are an important aspect of women’s life in Brazil, especially Black women. The Experiences of Discrimination scale (EOD) is often used for assessing discrimination in epidemiological studies, although divergent cutoff points have been used to characterize the exposure. We used latent class analysis (LCA) and logistic regression to identify and characterize subgroups of women exposed to discrimination and compared with a cutoff-based assignment of subgroups. One thousand two-hundred and four women living in Salvador, Brazil, responded to the EOD. We selected models with two latent classes, highly and lowly exposed. The classes differed in self-reported skin color and education level, revealing that darker skinned (odds ratio [ OR] = 11.3, 95% confidence interval [CI: 1.54, 82.7]) and more educated ( OR = 2.09, 95% CI [1.17, 3.72]) women were more likely to be classified into the highly exposed class. Comparing with LCA, the use of cutoff points overestim...

Respiratory Medicine, 2020
Background: Asthma prevalence is 339 million globally. 'Severe asthma' (SA) comprises subjects wi... more Background: Asthma prevalence is 339 million globally. 'Severe asthma' (SA) comprises subjects with uncontrolled asthma despite proper management. Objectives: To compare asthma from diverse ethnicities and environments. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of two adult cohorts, a Brazilian (ProAR) and a European (U-BIOPRED). U-BIOPRED comprised of 311 non-smoking with Severe Asthma (SAn), 110 smokers or ex-smokers with SA (SAs) and 88 mild to moderate asthmatics (MMA) while ProAR included 544 SA and 452 MMA. Although these projects were independent, there were similarities in objectives and methodology, with ProAR adopting operating procedures of U-BIOPRED. Results: Among SA subjects, age, weight, proportion of former smokers and FEV 1 pre-bronchodilator were similar. The proportion of SA with a positive skin prick tests (SPT) to aeroallergens, the scores of sino-nasal symptoms and quality of life were comparable. In addition, blood eosinophil counts (EOS) and the % of subjects with EOS > 300 cells/μl were not different. The Europeans with SA however, were more severe with a greater proportion of continuous oral corticosteroids (OCS), worse symptoms and more frequent exacerbations. FEV 1 /FVC pre-and post-bronchodilator were lower among the Europeans. The MMA cohorts were less comparable in control and treatment, but similar in the proportion of allergic rhinitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease and EOS >3%. Conclusions: ProAR and U-BIOPRED cohorts, with varying severity, ethnicity and environment have similarities, which provide the basis for global external validation of asthma phenotypes. This should stimulate collaboration between asthma consortia with the aim of understanding SA, which will lead to better management.
Papers by Mauricio L Barreto