Gonzalo Abio
Master in Language Studies (Londrina State University - UEL, Brazil). Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, Brazil).
Address: Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Campus A.C. Simões. Av. Lourival Melo Mota, s/n, Cidade Universitária - Maceió - AL, CEP: 57072-970. Brasil.
Address: Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Campus A.C. Simões. Av. Lourival Melo Mota, s/n, Cidade Universitária - Maceió - AL, CEP: 57072-970. Brasil.
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Papers by Gonzalo Abio
In this documentary research we compare the general structure of the first part of chapters in textbooks for learn Spanish approved by PNLD 2018 to understand how semiotic resources are articulated and work in the meaning making and orientation of reader. We found differences in the graphic design, materials and pedagogical strategies used, as well as in the focus given to the activities. Finally, we discuss the importance of visuality in textbooks and perceptual education where visual literacy need to be linked to other literacies.
comparison with the previous triennia analyzed, in the three-year period 2014- 2016 there was a significant increase in the number of works linking, from different perspectives, infographics with education. We believe that the strategies of continuous academic inquiry that have been used in this research can also be useful in the various domains (personal, professional or academic) of students' lives. At the end of the text a list is presented with useful recommendations to guide the implementation of this type of literature search.
que influyen en el uso de las tecnologías en las escuelas y se focaliza
en las competencias que necesita el profesor para un trabajo integrado
y efectivo apoyado por las tecnologías digitales. Con ese objetivo,
se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica sobre algunos modelos de
competencias/literacidades digitales con énfasis en el profesor. Por
último, se brindan algunos comentarios sobre las necesidades de
formación digital de los profesores.
COUTINHO, 2011; PAIVA, 2016; RIBEIRO, 2016), this paper aims to describe three working experiences with static infographics in education of Spanish language teachers at the Federal University of Alagoas. The works were: (1) a presentation of two infographics on what is to be a
good teacher and a personal reflection from these materials, (2) a transduction task (retextualization) based on a text on crowdfunding project "Mariana bricks" and (3) reading a complex infographic about the release of game app with augmented reality Pokémon Go. There are
several positive results collected in these experiences. According to the opinion of teachers in initial education, infographics are revealed as a useful material to motivate students in reading new information in the additional language. Was also observed that the pedagogical approach used and the teacher's mediating role is of great importance for better utilization of work with this multimodal genre.
Keywords: Infographics, Multimodality, Additional languages Teaching Education.
activities for lifelong learning. Adequate teachers professional development is also essential.
KEY WORDS: textbook, multimodality, visuality, Grammar of Visual Design, critical literacy, visual literacy
The adoption and integration of ICT in educational practices are not direct or easy processes, despite the efforts that are carried out through the various training activities with teachers. In this paper, based on the TAM and TPACK models, we report an experience of presentation and use of Quizlet and Bab.la, two web 2.0 authoring tools, by pre-service teachers of Spanish language. We consider that these two authoring tools are easy to use and with great potential utility. According with the opinions of participants obtained by mean of a questionnaire and activities prepared by them, we found that there were no difficulties in working with both tools and that the two were perceived as important or useful for the study of languages, but showed a slightly more preference of Bab.la, because it appears in the user's language while Quizlet appears only in English.
In this documentary research we compare the general structure of the first part of chapters in textbooks for learn Spanish approved by PNLD 2018 to understand how semiotic resources are articulated and work in the meaning making and orientation of reader. We found differences in the graphic design, materials and pedagogical strategies used, as well as in the focus given to the activities. Finally, we discuss the importance of visuality in textbooks and perceptual education where visual literacy need to be linked to other literacies.
comparison with the previous triennia analyzed, in the three-year period 2014- 2016 there was a significant increase in the number of works linking, from different perspectives, infographics with education. We believe that the strategies of continuous academic inquiry that have been used in this research can also be useful in the various domains (personal, professional or academic) of students' lives. At the end of the text a list is presented with useful recommendations to guide the implementation of this type of literature search.
que influyen en el uso de las tecnologías en las escuelas y se focaliza
en las competencias que necesita el profesor para un trabajo integrado
y efectivo apoyado por las tecnologías digitales. Con ese objetivo,
se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica sobre algunos modelos de
competencias/literacidades digitales con énfasis en el profesor. Por
último, se brindan algunos comentarios sobre las necesidades de
formación digital de los profesores.
COUTINHO, 2011; PAIVA, 2016; RIBEIRO, 2016), this paper aims to describe three working experiences with static infographics in education of Spanish language teachers at the Federal University of Alagoas. The works were: (1) a presentation of two infographics on what is to be a
good teacher and a personal reflection from these materials, (2) a transduction task (retextualization) based on a text on crowdfunding project "Mariana bricks" and (3) reading a complex infographic about the release of game app with augmented reality Pokémon Go. There are
several positive results collected in these experiences. According to the opinion of teachers in initial education, infographics are revealed as a useful material to motivate students in reading new information in the additional language. Was also observed that the pedagogical approach used and the teacher's mediating role is of great importance for better utilization of work with this multimodal genre.
Keywords: Infographics, Multimodality, Additional languages Teaching Education.
activities for lifelong learning. Adequate teachers professional development is also essential.
KEY WORDS: textbook, multimodality, visuality, Grammar of Visual Design, critical literacy, visual literacy
The adoption and integration of ICT in educational practices are not direct or easy processes, despite the efforts that are carried out through the various training activities with teachers. In this paper, based on the TAM and TPACK models, we report an experience of presentation and use of Quizlet and Bab.la, two web 2.0 authoring tools, by pre-service teachers of Spanish language. We consider that these two authoring tools are easy to use and with great potential utility. According with the opinions of participants obtained by mean of a questionnaire and activities prepared by them, we found that there were no difficulties in working with both tools and that the two were perceived as important or useful for the study of languages, but showed a slightly more preference of Bab.la, because it appears in the user's language while Quizlet appears only in English.
on the Internet). We found that the model called CTSPC (Semio-pedagogical Content Technological Knowledge), adapted from the TPACK model of Mishra and Koehler (2006), proved to be useful to guide the development of content and the practical sections of this research. The materials have been made available with an open license that allows their modification and reuse.
Keywords: Infographics. Multimodality. Multiliteracies pedagogy. Teacher education. Teaching Spanish in Brazilian High Schools