Papers by Raphael Camargo
… Architecture and High …, Oct 24, 2005
Executing long-running parallel applications in opportunistic grid environments composed of heter... more Executing long-running parallel applications in opportunistic grid environments composed of heterogeneous, shared user workstations, is a daunting task. Machines may fail, become inaccessible, or may switch from idle to busy unexpectedly, compromising the execution of applications. A mechanism for fault-tolerance that supports these heterogeneous architectures is an important requirement for such a system. In this paper, we describe the support for fault-tolerant execution of BSP parallel applications on ...
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Middleware for grid computing -, 2004
InteGrade is a grid middleware infrastructure that enables the use of idle computing power from u... more InteGrade is a grid middleware infrastructure that enables the use of idle computing power from user workstations. One of its goals is to support the execution of long-running parallel applications that present a considerable amount of communication among application nodes. However, in an environment composed of shared user workstations spread across many different LANs, machines may fail, become unaccessible, or may switch from idle to busy very rapidly, compromising the execution of the parallel application in some of its nodes. Thus, to provide some mechanism for fault-tolerance becomes a major requirement for such a system.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2010
The InteGrade project is a multi-university effort to build a novel grid computing middleware bas... more The InteGrade project is a multi-university effort to build a novel grid computing middleware based on the opportunistic use of resources belonging to user workstations. The InteGrade middleware currently enables the execution of sequential, bag-of-tasks, and parallel applications that follow the BSP or MPI programming models.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2011
... We implemented and performed a detailed experimental evaluation of the algorithm, including t... more ... We implemented and performed a detailed experimental evaluation of the algorithm, including the analysis of simulation accuracy, speed-up compared to CPUs, scalability analysis ... CurrentGPU architectures have higher performance when using single precision ...

Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2006
InteGrade is a Grid middleware infrastructure that enables the use of idle computing power from u... more InteGrade is a Grid middleware infrastructure that enables the use of idle computing power from user workstations. One of its goals is to support the execution of long-running parallel applications that present a considerable amount of communication among application nodes. However, in an environment composed of shared user workstations spread across many different LANs, machines may fail, become inaccessible, or may switch from idle to busy very rapidly, compromising the execution of the parallel application in some of its nodes. Thus, to provide some mechanism for fault tolerance becomes a major requirement for such a system. In this paper, we describe the support for checkpoint-based rollback recovery of Bulk Synchronous Parallel applications running over the InteGrade middleware. This mechanism consists of periodically saving application state to permit the application to restart its execution from an intermediate execution point in case of failure. A precompiler automatically instruments the source code of a C/C++ application, adding code for saving and recovering application state. A failure detector monitors the application execution. In case of failure, the application is restarted from the last saved global checkpoint. Copyright InteGrade [2,3] is a Grid computing system aimed at commodity workstations such as household PCs, corporate employee workstations, and PCs in shared university laboratories. InteGrade uses the idle computing power of these machines to perform useful computation. The goal is to allow organizations to use their existing computing infrastructure to perform useful computation, without requiring the purchase of additional hardware.
Grades computacionais oportunistas permitem a utilização de recursos ociosos de máquinas comparti... more Grades computacionais oportunistas permitem a utilização de recursos ociosos de máquinas compartilhadas para a execução de aplicações computacionalmente intensivas. Mas a implantação de grades oportunistas em centenas de máquinasé trabalhosa e sujeita a erros. Neste artigo apresentamos o IG-Deployer, uma ferramenta que permite a implantação automatizada de grades oportunistas baseadas no middleware de grades InteGrade. O IG-Deployer utiliza a ferramenta TakTuk, que gerencia a execução paralela de comandos em nós remotos de maneira eficiente, utilizando mecanismos de adaptação automática, balanceamento dinâmico de cargas e auto replicação. Mostramos que o tempo total de implantação de uma grade InteGrade utilizando o IG-Deployer cresce de modo logarítmico com o número de nós.
III Workshop on Grid Computing and Applications III Workshop de Computação em Grid e Aplicações
Abstract. This paper presents the current state of the development of InteGrade. The modules LRM,... more Abstract. This paper presents the current state of the development of InteGrade. The modules LRM, GRM, ASCT and AR are already implemented. Several applications are being implemented on the InteGrade (matrix multiplication, sorting, dynamic programming, SAT, greedy algorithms, and FPT algorithms). New modules are being developed to add new functionalities to InteGrade, and to improve the environment to develop applications.
Papers by Raphael Camargo