Papers by Edwin Bernal Ramírez
El 11 de mayo de 2015 se cumplió el tercer aniversario de la aprobación de las Directrices Volunt... more El 11 de mayo de 2015 se cumplió el tercer aniversario de la aprobación de las Directrices Voluntarias sobre la Gobernanza Responsable de la Tenencia de la Tierra, la Pesca y los Bosques en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria por parte del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial.
La libertad de expresión es una conquista de la humanidad constituyéndose como un pilar de nuestr... more La libertad de expresión es una conquista de la humanidad constituyéndose como un pilar de nuestra democracia. Actualmente con el advenimiento de la Internet podemos expresar en tiempo real y con cobertura mundial nuestras ideas y pensamientos, no solo por medios escritos sino digitales o audiovisuales.
The Madrid Protocol June 27th, 1989 is a useful tool for the international registration of tradem... more The Madrid Protocol June 27th, 1989 is a useful tool for the international registration of trademarks. This is due to the fact that the Protocol member countries have competitive advantages over other countries that are not part of the protocol regarding the improvement of the international protection of trademarks. This article aims at discussing briefly the advantages and disadvantages of the Madrid Protocol and its impact on the Andean Community.
The article discusses the procedure implemented by the French administrative authorities “Hadopi,... more The article discusses the procedure implemented by the French administrative authorities “Hadopi,” for the protection of works protected by copyright and related rights on the Internet. In the same way, it studies the criminal proceeding which sanctions suspension of internet access to the offender. Finally, in brief, it describes the constitutional problems that the French Constitutional Council analyzed in the implementation of the laws No. 2009-669 of June 12, 2009 and No. 2009-1311 of October 28, 2009.
Papers by Edwin Bernal Ramírez