Papers by Anas S E I D U Salifu

In this study, attitudes of pre-service teachers (PSTs) towards statistics and towards probabilit... more In this study, attitudes of pre-service teachers (PSTs) towards statistics and towards probability were examined. A sample of 184 level 300 students of the Evangelical Presbyterian (E. P.) College of Education, Bimbilla who undertook the Statistics and Probability II course for the second semester of the 2020/2021 academic year was used to conduct the study. The main objective of the study was to determine PSTs attitude towards statistics, attitude towards probability, and the differences in attitude that exist among them. The study also investigated the relationship between attitudes towards statistics and attitudes towards probability. The sample was selected through purposive and simple random techniques from level 300 students who either pursue mathematics as a major or as a minor subject. Two sets of questionnaires, one for attitudes towards statistics and the other for attitudes towards probability were administered to the selected respondents. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 24 by employing both descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency counts, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired sample t-test, and correlation. The results revealed that preservice teachers have a positive attitude towards statistics than probability. Also, 93.5% and 83.2% of the Pre-service Teachers respectively consider statistics and probability very useful and necessary courses that will prepare them for the job market. Again, the Pearson correlation coefficient revealed a moderate positive association between Pre-service Teachers' attitudes towards statistics and towards probability.
He has been teaching both courses since 2005. He attended Ridge JHS and Tamale SHS both in Tamale... more He has been teaching both courses since 2005. He attended Ridge JHS and Tamale SHS both in Tamale. He also attended Bagabaga College of Education where he was trained as a

The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of algebra tiles manipulative on preservice te... more The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of algebra tiles manipulative on preservice teachers' achievement and also to investigate how the use of algebra tiles influence the preservice teachers' achievements in basic algebra. The research design was quasi-experimental precisely pretest-post-test design. The population of the study was all level 200 PSTs of Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo Zone colleges of education with a sample of 119 pre-service teachers selected through purposive, convenient and simple random. The instruments used were test and interview for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data. From the t-test analysis, there was statistically significant difference which favored the experimental group in the pre and post-test. Also, large effect size was noticed from the experimental group pre and post-test analysis. The pre-service teachers had positive views about algebra tiles manipulatives as a teaching material.

The purpose of the study was to determine Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) geometric thinking level in... more The purpose of the study was to determine Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) geometric thinking level in E.P. College of Education, Bimbilla using the Van Hiele's Model. The study population was 473 level 200 PSTs comprising of science 82 (17.3%) and general programme 391 (82.7%). The sample for the study was level 200 General programme PSTs numbering 351(74.2%) of the population. The female sample was 133 (37.89%) while the male was 218 (62.11%) Convenient and simple random sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the college and the general programme PSTs respectively. The research instruments used was the Van Hiele Geometry Test (VHGT). From the results, the lowest score of 3.0, highest score of 16.0 and a modal score of 8.0 were recorded. The mean and standard deviation scores were is 8.79 and 2.49 respectively. The analysis revealed that 131 (37.3%) did not reach any of the VHGT levels. Also, 114 (32.5 %), 73 (20.8%), 28 (8.0%) and 5 (1.4%) attained levels 1, 2 3 and 4 respectively. No PST reached level 5. The correct response percentage rate for the various VHGT levels are 56.5%, 48.9%, 36.2%, 21.7% and 15.7% for levels 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively. Also, the overall correct response percentage rate for the entire 25 items is 35.8% It was recommended that tutors of colleges of education in Ghana should adopt practical approaches in teaching geometric concepts.

The purpose of this study was to investigate geometry concepts perceived as difficult and likely ... more The purpose of this study was to investigate geometry concepts perceived as difficult and likely causes of the difficulties among pre-service teachers of E.P. College of Education, Bimbilla. The population was first year pre-service teachers offering the new Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) programme. A sample size of 103 comprising of 50 males and 53 females were selected through random and convenience sampling techniques. Questionnaire on perceived difficult topics and perceived causes of difficult geometry topics were responded by pre-service teachers. Aside descriptive statistics, an independent sample t-test was employed to find the differences in gender of the perceived difficulty topics in geometry. The results indicate that majority of the pre-service teachers perceived geometry topics to be difficult. The main causes of concept difficulty in geometry according to ranks were non-completion of geometry course outline and study habits after classroom teaching. There was no significant difference between male and female pre-service teachers' perception of difficult concepts in geometry. This study recommends that weekly professional development sessions by the colleges of education in Ghana should devote significant number of sessions to tackle some of the perceived difficult geometry concepts that impede pre-service teachers' learning of geometry.

This study examines the views of mathematics tutors on the benefits and challenges of using algeb... more This study examines the views of mathematics tutors on the benefits and challenges of using algebra tiles in solving linear equations with one variable. The qualitative research paradigm was used with a case study design. The sampling technique used was purposive with four mathematics tutors as the sample. The instrument was semi-structured open-ended interview guides. The findings revealed, among others, that the benefits of algebra tiles in solving linear equations with one variable includes (1) helping students to distinguish between coefficients and constant values, (2) the best way for teachers to explain the neutralization of equal positive and negative values. While some of the challenges of algebra tiles are (1) teachers lack the knowledge to use the algebra tiles, (2) non-availability, and inadequacy of algebra tiles. KEYWORDS Algebra tiles, benefits, challenges, college Mathematics teachers RÉSUMÉ Cette étude examine les points de vue des tuteurs en mathématiques sur les avantages et les défis de l'utilisation des tuiles d'algèbre pour résoudre des équations linéaires à une variable. Le paradigme de la recherche qualitative a été utilisé avec une conception d'étude de cas. La technique d'échantillonnage utilisée était intentionnelle avec quatre professeurs de mathématiques comme échantillon. L'instrument utilisé était un guide d'entretien semistructuré à questions ouvertes. Les résultats ont révélé, entre autres, que les avantages des tuiles d'algèbre dans la résolution d'équations linéaires à une variable comprennent (1) l'aide aux étudiants à faire la distinction entre les coefficients et les valeurs constantes, (2) la meilleure façon pour les enseignants d'expliquer la neutralisation des valeurs égales positives et négatives. Certains des défis posés par les tuiles d'algèbre sont (1) le manque de connaissances des enseignants pour utiliser les tuiles d'algèbre, (2) la non-disponibilité et l'inadéquation des tuiles d'algèbre. MOTS-CLÉS Tuiles d'algèbre, avantages, défis, professeurs de mathématiques au collège

The purpose of the study was to determine Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) achievement levels and self... more The purpose of the study was to determine Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) achievement levels and selfevaluation of their level of mastery in Solid Geometry. The study used descriptive research design with purely quantitative approach to collect data related to Evangelical Presbyterian (E.P.) College of Education, Bimbilla-Ghana Pre-Service Teachers'. The population was one hundred and ninety-two (192) level 200 PSTs Pre-Service Teachers either majoring in mathematics, ICT or science. The sample used for the study was 140. Convenient, purposive and simple random sampling techniques were adopted. The instruments used were two comprising of achievement test and closed ended questionnaire. The overall results from the achievement test indicate that the PSTs were at good mastery level in solid geometry. Also, the self-evaluation questionnaire mastery levels for geometric properties, drawing of solid nets, finding surface areas were high and finding volume of solids were also very high. Finally, finding on composite solids area and volume was at moderate level. It was recommended that College Mathematics Tutors should encourage PSTs to always draw nets of solid shapes and also use solid nets to form solid shapes.

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students' perception, interest ... more The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students' perception, interest and mathematics achievement using purely quantitative approach. The research design used was descriptive survey. The study adopted purposive and simple random sampling techniques to choose a sample of 232 senior high students. The instruments used were questionnaires for measuring students' perception and interest and achievement test. The results were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that students had negative perception towards mathematics and positive interest towards mathematics. Also, the results revealed that student's interest and perception significantly predicted students' achievement in mathematics. Again, a positive, moderate and significant relationship was recorded between students' interest and achievements in mathematics. Furthermore, there was a positive weak correlation between students' perception and achievement in mathematics which is also significant. Finally, weak positive significant correlation was recorded for the relationship between students' perception and interest towards mathematics.

This study investigated gender differences in pre-service teachers' attitude towards geometry in ... more This study investigated gender differences in pre-service teachers' attitude towards geometry in Northern Region of Ghana. The research design was descriptive cross-sectional survey. A concurrent mixed-methods approach was adopted using both closed and open-ended questionnaire items. The population for the study was one thousand, six hundred and sixty-nine (1669) level 200 Pre-service Teachers (PSTs). The sample composed of two hundred and forty (240), comprising 120 PSTs each of female and male. The sampling procedure was convenient, stratified and simple random. The instrument used was 32 item Utley Geometry Attitude Scales (UGAS) that was developed by Utley (2007) and 4 opened ended questions. Statistically significant difference was detected between the male and female in their responses to usefulness of learning geometry, confidence to learning geometry and enjoyment of learning geometry which all favored the male PSTs who showed positive attitude towards geometry.
He has been teaching both courses since 2005. He attended Ridge JHS and Tamale SHS both in Tamale... more He has been teaching both courses since 2005. He attended Ridge JHS and Tamale SHS both in Tamale. He also attended Bagabaga College of Education where he was trained as a Professional Teacher. He holds B.

According to Salifu (2018, p1.), "Geometry is so important that it could not have been left out i... more According to Salifu (2018, p1.), "Geometry is so important that it could not have been left out in any school's curriculum throughout the world". Geometry as a topic in Mathematics is linked to so many areas including trigonometry, algebra, measurement, and calculus and the knowledge of geometry is applied by physicists, land surveyors, engineers, and many other professionals (Russell, 2014). (Armah, Cofie & Okpoti, 2017; Alex & Mammen, 2016), in their studies posited that geometry supports students to improve upon their skills in deductive reasoning, conjecturing, visualization, intuition, problem-solving, perspective, logical argument and proof. Colleges of Education per the new 4-year Bachelor of Education curriculum which just took off in September 2018 is tasked to produce programme based teachers to teach at the basic school level in Ghana. So these colleges are to produce grade based teachers (lower primary teachers, upper primary teachers, and Junior High School teachers) in their programme areas. The pedagogical and content knowledge of these PSTs is so vital that they now have major and minor areas for specialization. For example, mathematics major is compulsorily asked to do Information Communication Technology as a minor. The pedagogical and content knowledge in the geometry of the Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) and In-Service Teachers (ISTs) is in doubt. Several studies notably

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students' perception, interest ... more The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students' perception, interest and mathematics achievement using purely quantitative approach. The research design used was descriptive survey. The study adopted purposive and simple random sampling techniques to choose a sample of 232 senior high students. The instruments used were questionnaires for measuring students' perception and interest and achievement test. The results were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that students had negative perception towards mathematics and positive interest towards mathematics. Also, the results revealed that student's interest and perception significantly predicted students' achievement in mathematics. Again, a positive, moderate and significant relationship was recorded between students' interest and achievements in mathematics. Furthermore, there was a positive weak correlation between students' perception and achievement in mathematics which is also significant. Finally, weak positive significant correlation was recorded for the relationship between students' perception and interest towards mathematics.

This study investigated gender differences in pre-service teachers' attitude towards geometry in ... more This study investigated gender differences in pre-service teachers' attitude towards geometry in Northern Region of Ghana. The research design was descriptive cross-sectional survey. A concurrent mixed-methods approach was adopted using both closed and open-ended questionnaire items. The population for the study was one thousand, six hundred and sixty-nine (1669) level 200 Pre-service Teachers (PSTs). The sample composed of two hundred and forty (240), comprising 120 PSTs each of female and male. The sampling procedure was convenient, stratified and simple random. The instrument used was 32 item Utley Geometry Attitude Scales (UGAS) that was developed by Utley (2007) and 4 opened ended questions. Statistically significant difference was detected between the male and female in their responses to usefulness of learning geometry, confidence to learning geometry and enjoyment of learning geometry which all favored the male PSTs who showed positive attitude towards geometry.

The purpose of this study was to investigate geometry concepts perceived as difficult and likely ... more The purpose of this study was to investigate geometry concepts perceived as difficult and likely causes of the difficulties among pre-service teachers of E.P. College of Education, Bimbilla. The population was first year pre-service teachers offering the new Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) programme. A sample size of 103 comprising of 50 males and 53 females were selected through random and convenience sampling techniques. Questionnaire on perceived difficult topics and perceived causes of difficult geometry topics were responded by pre-service teachers. Aside descriptive statistics, an independent sample t-test was employed to find the differences in gender of the perceived difficulty topics in geometry. The results indicate that majority of the pre-service teachers perceived geometry topics to be difficult. The main causes of concept difficulty in geometry according to ranks were non-completion of geometry course outline and study habits after classroom teaching. There was no significant difference between male and female pre-service teachers' perception of difficult concepts in geometry. This study recommends that weekly professional development sessions by the colleges of education in Ghana should devote significant number of sessions to tackle some of the perceived difficult geometry concepts that impede pre-service teachers' learning of geometry.

This study investigated Pre-Service Teachers' mastery level, achievements differences, and correl... more This study investigated Pre-Service Teachers' mastery level, achievements differences, and correlation of their procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge of rational numbers. The population of the study was four hundred and twenty-nine (429) level 100 Pre-Service Teachers of Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education, Bimbilla. Descriptive research design was used, where both convenient and purposive sampling techniques were employed to select a sample of 75. Out of the sample, 11 were females and 64 males representing 14.67% and 85.33% respectively. The instrument used was test items on conceptual and procedural knowledge on rational numbers designed by the researcher. The researcher used descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the quantitative data, so as to answer the four research questions. The findings of the study indicated that the Pre-Service Teachers' conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge mastery levels were at average-low and high-average levels respectively. Also, there was a significant difference between conceptual and procedural knowledge in rational numbers in favor of procedural knowledge with very high effect size. There was a weak positive correlation and no significant relationship between the Pre-Service Teachers' conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge in rational numbers. The study recommended that College Tutors should be encouraged to adopt teaching methods and strategies that focus more on conceptual knowledge in rational numbers. Also, College Tutors evaluation exercises or assessment items should be balanced between conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge because at the moment most assessment items are based on procedural knowledge to the neglect of conceptual knowledge assessment.

The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of algebra tiles manipulative on pre-service t... more The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of algebra tiles manipulative on pre-service teachers' achievement and also to investigate how the use of algebra tiles influence the pre-service teachers' achievements in basic algebra. The research design was quasi-experimental precisely pretest-post-test design. The population of the study was all level 200 PSTs of Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo Zone colleges of education with a sample of 119 pre-service teachers selected through purposive, convenient and simple random. The instruments used were test and interview for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data. From the t-test analysis, there was statistically significant difference which favored the experimental group in the pre and post-test. Also, large effect size was noticed from the experimental group pre and post-test analysis. The pre-service teachers had positive views about algebra tiles manipulatives as a teaching material.

The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of algebra tiles manipulative on preservice te... more The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of algebra tiles manipulative on preservice teachers' achievement and also to investigate how the use of algebra tiles influence the preservice teachers' achievements in basic algebra. The research design was quasi-experimental precisely pretest-post-test design. The population of the study was all level 200 PSTs of Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo Zone colleges of education with a sample of 119 pre-service teachers selected through purposive, convenient and simple random. The instruments used were test and interview for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data. From the t-test analysis, there was statistically significant difference which favored the experimental group in the pre and post-test. Also, large effect size was noticed from the experimental group pre and post -test analysis. The pre-service teachers had positive views about algebra tiles manipulatives as a teaching material.

The purpose of the study was to determine Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) geometric thinking level in... more The purpose of the study was to determine Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) geometric thinking level in E.P. College of Education, Bimbilla using the Van Hiele's Model. The study population was 473 level 200 PSTs comprising of science 82 (17.3%) and general programme 391 (82.7%). The sample for the study was level 200 General programme PSTs numbering 351(74.2%) of the population. The female sample was 133 (37.89%) while the male was 218 (62.11%) Convenient and simple random sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the college and the general programme PSTs respectively. The research instruments used was the Van Hiele Geometry Test (VHGT). From the results, the lowest score of 3.0, highest score of 16.0 and a modal score of 8.0 were recorded. The mean and standard deviation scores were is 8.79 and 2.49 respectively. The analysis revealed that 131 (37.3%) did not reach any of the VHGT levels. Also, 114 (32.5 %), 73 (20.8%), 28 (8.0%) and 5 (1.4%) attained levels 1, 2 3 and 4 respectively. No PST reached level 5. The correct response percentage rate for the various VHGT levels are 56.5%, 48.9%, 36.2%, 21.7% and 15.7% for levels 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively. Also, the overall correct response percentage rate for the entire 25 items is 35.8% It was recommended that tutors of colleges of education in Ghana should adopt practical approaches in teaching geometric concepts.
Papers by Anas S E I D U Salifu