Papers by Teresa Teves Reis

Conservar património/Conservar património, May 1, 2024
Este artigo incide na investigação multidisciplinar que permitiu a descoberta do retrato de Afons... more Este artigo incide na investigação multidisciplinar que permitiu a descoberta do retrato de Afonso de Albuquerque pertencente à Galeria dos Vice-Reis e Governadores do Estado da Índia. Na sequência de uma primeira investigação que confirmou que o famoso retrato exposto no Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga é, afinal, o resultado de sucessivas intervenções sobre uma outra personagem, surgiu a questão acerca da eventual existência do retrato original junto da restante coleção, em Goa. No contexto do projeto Old Goa Revelations, onde uma equipa de investigadores portugueses e indianos realizou, pela primeira vez, um estudo científico conjunto em retratos desta coleção, foi possível recolher novos dados nesse sentido. Com efeito, associando os resultados de exames multianalíticos e multiespectrais com fontes históricas e iconográficas, foi finalmente revelada a localização do retrato perdido, descobrindo-se que este painel fora, por sua vez, também reaproveitado para a representação tardia de um outro Governador.
e-conservation Journal, 2013
157-Organograma 1.-Exemplo de como diferentes decisões acerca da conservação do retrato de Albuqu... more 157-Organograma 1.-Exemplo de como diferentes decisões acerca da conservação do retrato de Albuquerque/Albergaria podem influenciar a atribuição de valores. Modelo de Decision Diagram ou Decision Tree, proposto por Michalski.
India and Portugal share custody of an important portrait collection to both countries and their ... more India and Portugal share custody of an important portrait collection to both countries and their common past. The paintings surface is currently much altered due to several layers of coarse repaints which damage original materials and prevent its correct interpretation and appreciation. Recent investigations and scientific studies concluded the need to conduct a proper analytical methodology before any kind of restoration procedure, due to the need of safeguarding the correct interpretation of this historical document. In that sense international cooperation and multidisciplinary teams are required to achieve common strategies towards best practice in conservation.
A limpeza de superfícies pictóricas com sistemas gelificados tem vindo a levantar diversas questõ... more A limpeza de superfícies pictóricas com sistemas gelificados tem vindo a levantar diversas questões e opiniões contraditórias que se prendem com a deposição de resíduos de alguns componentes dos géis, nomeadamente os surfactantes, nas superfícies tratadas, e com potenciais riscos que ditos sistemas gelificados podem apresentar para os materiais constituintes das pinturas. Propôs-se neste artigo fazer uma revisão generalizada da informação já publicada acerca dos resíduos de géis, numa tentativa de informar outros colegas da profissão acerca deste assunto e assim fomentar tomadas de decisões mais esclarecidas relativamente a uma das operações que mais riscos apresenta para uma pintura: a sua limpeza.
A limpeza de superfícies pictóricas com sistemas gelificados tem vindo a levantar diversas questõ... more A limpeza de superfícies pictóricas com sistemas gelificados tem vindo a levantar diversas questões e opiniões contraditórias que se prendem com a deposição de resíduos de alguns componentes dos géis, nomeadamente os surfactantes, nas superfícies tratadas, e com potenciais riscos que ditos sistemas gelificados podem apresentar para os materiais constituintes das pinturas. Propôs-se neste artigo fazer uma revisão generalizada da informação já publicada acerca dos resíduos de géis, numa tentativa de informar outros colegas da profissão acerca deste assunto e assim fomentar tomadas de decisões mais esclarecidas relativamente a uma das operações que mais riscos apresenta para uma pintura: a sua limpeza.

Institutional support Introduction Artistic production in Estado da India, during the long tenure... more Institutional support Introduction Artistic production in Estado da India, during the long tenure of 456 years of Portuguese administration (1505-1961), reflects the incorporation of Indian and European traditions, not only in what concerns technical and decorative solutions, but also in terms of symbology. The gallery of the Viceroys and Governors was the ultimate symbol of Portuguese overseas venture, where each portrait was made respecting the ruler's physionomy and iconography, which adds this collection a unique documental value that needs to be correctly identified and interpreted. The several overpaints added to these painting trough the centuries make this task very challenging, so the development of a strategy was necessary in order to share this information with the current custodian, Archaeological Survey of India. Main goals The main goal of OGR project and this PhD thesis is the development of tools for interpretation of the tangible and intangible values inherent to these portraits towards a new reading of the older and most damaged paintings. Using a multidisciplinary approach which correlates scientific and archival data. The results are expected to promote discussion in what regards the conservation and restoration of the collection and the need to preserve such values. Methodology Our team travelled to Old Goa in January 2019 with HERCULES's MoLab and performed in-situ scientific examination on 8 portraits, following the methodology already used in the 3 paintings that remained in Portugal, in MNAA. Instrumental approach included surface examination by Visible, Raking light and UV Fluorescence Photography, IR Reflectography and Radiography, complemented with in-situ chemical elemental analysis, performed by EDXRF systems allowing punctual and mapping analysis without the need to collect micro-samples. ASI team participated in the process as our multidisciplinary team with expertise on art history, chemistry, heritage science and conservation transmitted their feedback on the preliminary results, comparing with images of early reproductions of the collection and other historical information. Ongoing research The team is currently processing all images and scientific data collected and correlating it with previous historical research in order to find patterns that help characterize and date the several overpaints. The results will be discussed with ASI team, thus providing documentation which will help the interpretation of the several layers, their values and the available solution for a conservation intervention and current display. Conclusion This is the first time a Portuguese team is cooperating with ASI towards the study of this shared heritage collection. The results of this project, which are being developed in the PhD thesis, will bring a new page to this collection's history and to the cultural relations between Portugal and India.
Institutional support Introduction Artistic production in Estado da India, during the long tenure... more Institutional support Introduction Artistic production in Estado da India, during the long tenure of 456 years of Portuguese administration , reflects the incorporation of Indian and European traditions, not only in what concerns technical and decorative solutions, but also in terms of symbology. The gallery of the Viceroys and Governors was the ultimate symbol of Portuguese overseas venture, where each portrait was made respecting the ruler's physionomy and iconography, which adds this collection a unique documental value that needs to be correctly identified and interpreted. The several overpaints added to these painting trough the centuries make this task very challenging, so the development of a strategy was necessary in order to share this information with the current custodian, Archaeological Survey of India.

Dinâmicas do Património Artístico. Circulação, Transformação e Diálogo, 2018
A galeria de retratos dos Vice-Reis e
Governadores do Estado da Índia
constitui um importante leg... more A galeria de retratos dos Vice-Reis e
Governadores do Estado da Índia
constitui um importante legado para a
iconografia da História Ultramarina,
desvalorizado devido a sucessivas adições de
camadas de repintes. Manuel Gomes da
Costa, Capitão para o Ultramar, assinou
uma dessas intervenções de renovação,
tornando-se assim, inadvertidamente, o
único conjecturado responsável pelo estado de
conservação daqueles retratos, evidentemente
já muito alterados. Pretendemos
compreender as opções que tomou, a partir
da análise dos seus arquivos pessoais, na
tentativa de desconstruir alguns mitos em
torno da sua personalidade e contribuir
para a reconstrução da fortuna histórica
deste conjunto.
The portrait gallery of the «Estado da
India» rulers constitutes an important
legacy for the iconography of Overseas
History, currently undervalued due to
continuous additions of repaints. Gomes
da Costa, during his tenure has Captain
for the Overseas (1893-94), signed
one of those renovation interventions,
thus becoming, inadvertently, the sole
hipotetic responsible for the conservation
condition of those portraits, which were
already profoundly modified. Our
intention is to understand his options,
from the analyses of his personal
archives, in an attempt to deconstruct
some myths surrounding his personality
and thus contribute to the reconstruction
of the historic fortune of this collection.

, with the clear intention to glorify the Portuguese Empire and their military and diplomatic ach... more , with the clear intention to glorify the Portuguese Empire and their military and diplomatic achievements overseas. It's constituted by 120 portraits, 71 exposed in Archaeological Survey of India Museum (Old Goa) and 2 in Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (Lisboa). The older paintings are covered with several layers of repaints, added through several renovation interventions overtime and this condition doesn't allow their correct identification and interpretation, which rises authenticity issues. Main Goals Methodology This phD project intends to develop a multidisciplinary scientific approach which will allow the revelation of the underlying figures through digital processes, as well as collecting new data regarding their historic, artistic and technical characterization. Crossing scientific data with archival documentation and multidisciplinary expertise will allows us to have a new interpretation of this collection, using non-destructive techniques, thus preventing misinformed restoration interventions. A process successfully conducted in the portrait identified as Afonso de Albuquerque from Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga in Lisboa. The Old Goa Revelations project aims to ensure the interpretation of the various layers present in the older portraits without having to resort to irreversible physical interventions or destructive analysis through the following work stages: 1) Technical documentation and area exams Multispectral survey of the surface of the paintings by photographic processes (visible light, raking light, UV fluorescence, IV Reflectography) and radiographic (X-ray), in order to obtain images of underlying layers and other technical and material information by exposing the materials present in the painting to different electromagnetic waves. 2) Conservation diagnosis report Complete survey of the state of conservation of the support and surface layers of the paintings and their frames, together with the ASI conservators, including registration of pathologies and other details through macro-photographs and microphotographs. Expected Outcome The Old Goa Revelations project aims to develop and implement a transdisciplinary methodology that crosses and integrates several areas of knowledge (history, museology, conservation, physical and biological sciences) that can be applied to the study of this gallery, following the methodology developed in MNAA. The re-interpretation of this collection will be essential to provide information regarding conservation issues, as well as museographic tools which will help the public to have an improved visual and intellectual access to the collection. It can also establish, in a wider context, best-practices for interpretation, preservation and conservation of Portuguese origin heritage in India and worldwide. This project requires sensitivity towards the local laws and customs regarding the Portuguese presence. The aim is to foster good practices and friendly relations around the safeguarding of transcultural heritage and its correct interpretation.
in Revista de História de Arte da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa - ARTIS, n.º 7-8 de 2009, pp... more in Revista de História de Arte da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa - ARTIS, n.º 7-8 de 2009, pp. 479-518

15th Triennial Conference Preprints
The main purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the particularity of Christian heritage wi... more The main purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the particularity of Christian heritage within the wider context of India’s religious and cultural diversity and the need to create specific intervention methodologies which take into account the technical, artistic and iconographic aspects of these objects
and their cultural values. There exists especially in the state of Goa an urge to interpret Christian heritage as testimony of the European presence in India. This important living legacy
must be understood and accepted in order to preserve the unique characteristics of these objects whose authenticity is now at risk. For this reason, there is a need to create a
multilateral research platform which would be responsible not only for surveying the current condition of Indian Christian heritage, but also accountable for the decision making
processes and methodologies regarding conservation programmes and interventions. Additionally this new
partnership would be in charge of implementing training of stakeholders and promoting awareness of conservation issues.
by Ana M D S Bailão, Mural Da Historia, Leslie Carlyle, José Pestana, Bestetti Roberto, Ana Calvo (Ana Mª Calvo Manuel), Teresa Teves Reis, Natalia Mejia, Diana Avelar Pires, Mercês Lorena, Leonor Loureiro, Tiago Oliveira, David Teves Reis, and toni colomina Proceedings of the second international Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage – RECH2 which ... more Proceedings of the second international Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage – RECH2 which was held in Casa das Artes, Porto, Portugal, in 24-25 October 2014 and organized by Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore.
Conference Presentations by Teresa Teves Reis
Transcultural Heritage: Your way or my way?, 2017
India and Portugal share custody of an important portrait collection to both countries and their ... more India and Portugal share custody of an important portrait collection to both countries and their common past. The paintings surface is currently much altered due to several layers of coarse repaints which damage original materials and prevent its correct interpretation and appreciation. Recent investigations and scientific studies concluded the need to conduct a proper analytical methodology before any kind of restoration procedure, due to the need of safeguarding the correct interpretation of this historical document. In that sense international cooperation and multidisciplinary teams are required to achieve common strategies towards best practice in conservation.
Preservar a nossa Memória Além-Mar. Intervenções Portuguesas para a Salvaguarda do Património Edificado Português no Mundo, organizado por Joaquim Rodrigues dos Santos e ARTIS-FLUL; Editora Caleidoscópio., 2017
The portrait gallery of the vice-roys and governors of former Portuguese State of India is a uniq... more The portrait gallery of the vice-roys and governors of former Portuguese State of India is a unique collection which testifies 450 years of Portuguese ultramarine history. Although most of the earlier paintings are in a very poor state of conservation, one can still identify different intangible values which are important to recognize in order to properly interpret the collection, as well as defining a conservation methodology. The recent study of these portraits allowed the assessment of values as well as the development of several approaches concerning their valorisation in which regards decision-making towards its conservation. In this paper we will explore values assessment in this collection as well as useful diagrams that help quantify intangible values under the scope of contemporary conservation theories.
Thesis Chapters by Teresa Teves Reis
Master Degree thesis in Conservation of cultural heritage. Escola das Artes - Universidade Católi... more Master Degree thesis in Conservation of cultural heritage. Escola das Artes - Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Centro Regional do Porto, Pólo da Foz)
Papers by Teresa Teves Reis
Governadores do Estado da Índia
constitui um importante legado para a
iconografia da História Ultramarina,
desvalorizado devido a sucessivas adições de
camadas de repintes. Manuel Gomes da
Costa, Capitão para o Ultramar, assinou
uma dessas intervenções de renovação,
tornando-se assim, inadvertidamente, o
único conjecturado responsável pelo estado de
conservação daqueles retratos, evidentemente
já muito alterados. Pretendemos
compreender as opções que tomou, a partir
da análise dos seus arquivos pessoais, na
tentativa de desconstruir alguns mitos em
torno da sua personalidade e contribuir
para a reconstrução da fortuna histórica
deste conjunto.
The portrait gallery of the «Estado da
India» rulers constitutes an important
legacy for the iconography of Overseas
History, currently undervalued due to
continuous additions of repaints. Gomes
da Costa, during his tenure has Captain
for the Overseas (1893-94), signed
one of those renovation interventions,
thus becoming, inadvertently, the sole
hipotetic responsible for the conservation
condition of those portraits, which were
already profoundly modified. Our
intention is to understand his options,
from the analyses of his personal
archives, in an attempt to deconstruct
some myths surrounding his personality
and thus contribute to the reconstruction
of the historic fortune of this collection.
and their cultural values. There exists especially in the state of Goa an urge to interpret Christian heritage as testimony of the European presence in India. This important living legacy
must be understood and accepted in order to preserve the unique characteristics of these objects whose authenticity is now at risk. For this reason, there is a need to create a
multilateral research platform which would be responsible not only for surveying the current condition of Indian Christian heritage, but also accountable for the decision making
processes and methodologies regarding conservation programmes and interventions. Additionally this new
partnership would be in charge of implementing training of stakeholders and promoting awareness of conservation issues.
Conference Presentations by Teresa Teves Reis
Thesis Chapters by Teresa Teves Reis
Governadores do Estado da Índia
constitui um importante legado para a
iconografia da História Ultramarina,
desvalorizado devido a sucessivas adições de
camadas de repintes. Manuel Gomes da
Costa, Capitão para o Ultramar, assinou
uma dessas intervenções de renovação,
tornando-se assim, inadvertidamente, o
único conjecturado responsável pelo estado de
conservação daqueles retratos, evidentemente
já muito alterados. Pretendemos
compreender as opções que tomou, a partir
da análise dos seus arquivos pessoais, na
tentativa de desconstruir alguns mitos em
torno da sua personalidade e contribuir
para a reconstrução da fortuna histórica
deste conjunto.
The portrait gallery of the «Estado da
India» rulers constitutes an important
legacy for the iconography of Overseas
History, currently undervalued due to
continuous additions of repaints. Gomes
da Costa, during his tenure has Captain
for the Overseas (1893-94), signed
one of those renovation interventions,
thus becoming, inadvertently, the sole
hipotetic responsible for the conservation
condition of those portraits, which were
already profoundly modified. Our
intention is to understand his options,
from the analyses of his personal
archives, in an attempt to deconstruct
some myths surrounding his personality
and thus contribute to the reconstruction
of the historic fortune of this collection.
and their cultural values. There exists especially in the state of Goa an urge to interpret Christian heritage as testimony of the European presence in India. This important living legacy
must be understood and accepted in order to preserve the unique characteristics of these objects whose authenticity is now at risk. For this reason, there is a need to create a
multilateral research platform which would be responsible not only for surveying the current condition of Indian Christian heritage, but also accountable for the decision making
processes and methodologies regarding conservation programmes and interventions. Additionally this new
partnership would be in charge of implementing training of stakeholders and promoting awareness of conservation issues.