Papers by Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie
Florida Entomologist, Dec 1, 2015

Agrotrópica (Itabuna)
O cultivo do cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao L., Malvaceae) com sombreamento natural ou artificial é c... more O cultivo do cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao L., Malvaceae) com sombreamento natural ou artificial é conhecido por ser um dos agrossistemas que menos altera a biodiversidade local. Utilizada para amostrar e monitorar a biodiversidade, a armadilha Malaise é uma das técnicas de coleta mais utilizadas para capturar insetos voadores que tem a vantagem de ser uma técnica de coleta de baixa manutenção. A armadilha Malaise tradicional fica geralmente instalada ao nível do chão e amostra por interceptação do voo somente os insetos num único estrato. A Malaise do tipo omnidirecional (Omnidirectional flight trap) fica suspensa no sub-bosque numa altura escolhida pelo experimentador e apresenta dois estratos de interceptação, em função do comportamento de fuga apresentado pelos insetos; além disso, permite interceptar insetos que vem de todas as direções. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência de amostragem da entomofauna que voa em um agroecossistema cacaueiro utilizando a armadilha do tipo Malaise omnidirecional e de comparar os dois estratos de interceptação. Para a coleta dos insetos, foram instaladas 40 dessas armadilhas na proximidade de 40 árvores de sombreamento num cacaual. Registrou-se um total de 73.699 espécimes, pertencentes a 12 ordens de insetos. As ordens mais comuns foram Diptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera e Lepidoptera. Observou-se uma diferença significativa nos números médios de indivíduos e de ordens de insetos de acordo com o estrato de interceptação. Os resultados demonstram que armadilhas-rede passivas são versáteis e capazes de fornecer uma grande variedade de informação sobre a entomofauna em sistemas agroflorestais e demonstram a importância em discriminar os estratos na amostragem. O uso adequado dessa armadilha pode alimentar também em informações valiosas o biomonitoramento dos principais polinizadores ou insetos danosos ao cultivo do cacaueiro na Bahia. Palavras-chave: Insetos alados, Theobroma cacao, armadilha de interceptação de voo, biodiversidade. Use of an omnidirectional Malaise trap to evaluate insect diversity in cocoa agroforestry. The cultivation of cacao (Theobroma cacao L., Malvaceae) with natural or artificial shading is known as being one of the agrosystems that less alters local biodiversity. Used to sample and monitor biodiversity, the Malaise trap is one of the most used collection techniques for flying insects, which has the advantage to be a low-maintenance sampling technique. The traditional Malaise trap is usually placed on the ground and intercepts the insects in a single layer only. In turn the omnidirectional Malaise (Omnidirectional flight trap) type is hanged in the understory at a height chosen by the experimenter and has two interception layers, according the insects' escape behavior; in addition, it allows catching insects flying from all directions. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the sampling efficiency on entomofauna using omnidirectional Malaise traps and to compare the both interception strata. For the insects' sampling, 40 of these traps were installed near 40 shading trees in a cocoa plantation. We recorded 73,655 specimens that belonged to 12 insect orders. The commonest orders were Diptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. We observed a significant difference in the average numbers of observed individuals and orders according to the interception stratum. Our results demonstrate that passive net traps are versatile and can provide a wide variety of information on the insect fauna in agroforestry systems and demonstrate the importance of discriminating the strata in the sampling. The proper use of this trap can also provide valuable information for the biomonitoring of the pollinators or insects harmful to cocoa cultivation in Bahia.

Journal of Fungi
Ophiocordyceps australis (Ascomycota, Hypocreales, Ophiocordycipitaceae) is a classic entomopatho... more Ophiocordyceps australis (Ascomycota, Hypocreales, Ophiocordycipitaceae) is a classic entomopathogenic fungus that parasitizes ants (Hymenoptera, Ponerinae, Ponerini). Nonetheless, according to our results, this fungal species also exhibits a complete set of genes coding for plant cell wall degrading Carbohydrate-Active enZymes (CAZymes), enabling a full endophytic stage and, consequently, its dual ability to both parasitize insects and live inside plant tissue. The main objective of our study was the sequencing and full characterization of the genome of the fungal strain of O. australis (CCMB661) and its predicted secretome. The assembled genome had a total length of 30.31 Mb, N50 of 92.624 bp, GC content of 46.36%, and 8,043 protein-coding genes, 175 of which encoded CAZymes. In addition, the primary genes encoding proteins and critical enzymes during the infection process and those responsible for the host–pathogen interaction have been identified, including proteases (Pr1, Pr4),...
Blepharidatta is a rare Neotropical ant genus in the Attini tribe of the subfamily Myrmicinae. It... more Blepharidatta is a rare Neotropical ant genus in the Attini tribe of the subfamily Myrmicinae. It has only four valid species and among them Blepharidatta delabiei was recently described and there is little knowledge on its biology. This study is the first cytogenetic characterization for the genus Blepharidatta and also presents the biology of B. delabiei. Cytogenetic analyses revealed a karyotype 2n = 28 with acrocentric and metacentric chromosomes and a karyotypic formula (m: metacentric, a: acrocentric): 2K = 16m + 12a. We observed that ants of this species have diurnal habits with higher foraging activity in the afternoon and are possibly omnivorous as they accepted the baits used. The distance between colonies varied from 5 to 7 meters.

Encounters between flowers and invertebrates are key events for the functioning of tropical fores... more Encounters between flowers and invertebrates are key events for the functioning of tropical forests. Assessing the structure of networks composed of the interactions between those partners leads to a better understanding of ecosystem functioning and the effects of environmental factors on ecological processes. Gathering such data is, however, costly and time‐consuming, especially in the highly diverse tropics. We aimed to provide a comprehensive repository of available flower–invertebrate interaction information for the Atlantic Forest, a South American tropical forest domain. Data were obtained from published works and “gray literature,” such as theses and dissertations, as well as self‐reports by co‐authors. The data set has ~18,000 interaction records forming 482 networks, each containing between one and 1061 interaction links. Each network was sampled for about 200 h or less, with few exceptions. A total of 641 plant genera within 136 different families and 39 orders were report...
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio, Nov 11, 2020
Apesar de existirem planos e ações para contenção de formigas-cortadeiras em áreas agrícolas, a e... more Apesar de existirem planos e ações para contenção de formigas-cortadeiras em áreas agrícolas, a espécie tem distribuição ampla e ocorre em áreas onde não há esse controle. Portanto, A. crassispinus foi categorizada como Menos Preocupante (LC).
Revista Colombiana de Entomología
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio
Eciton mexicanum ocorre do México à Argentina. No Brasil, há registros de ocorrência da espécie e... more Eciton mexicanum ocorre do México à Argentina. No Brasil, há registros de ocorrência da espécie em praticamente todos os estados, excetuando-se Piauí, Ceará e região sul. Considerando a ampla distribuição, não foram identificadas ameaças significativas que possam colocar o táxon sob risco de extinção atualmente ou em um futuro próximo. Portanto, E. mexicanum foi categorizada como Menos Preocupante (LC).
Datasets - Sistema SALVE - ICMBio

Entomological Communications
Demographic characteristics and length of land use occupation time are important factors in the e... more Demographic characteristics and length of land use occupation time are important factors in the evaluation of the influence of urbanization on biodiversity. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate how population density and human occupation history influence taxonomic and guild spider (Arachnida: Araneae) and ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) diversities in four distinct Administrative Regions (ARs) of the municipality of Salvador (Bahia, Brazil). The ants and spiders in the ARs were collected in different types of green areas: forest fragments, vacant lots, and gardens/backyards, using three capture techniques (Winkler trap, entomological umbrella, and manual collection). We tested for eventual differences in myrmecofauna and araneofauna richness and composition, in addition to guilds (FGs) according to population density level (high vs. low) and urbanization time (old vs. recent). A total of 148 ant species were collected and classified into 15 guilds. Whereas a total of 97 spider...
Sociobiology, 2018
A new species of Myrmicinae, Hylomyrma villemantae Neves and Lacau (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), is ... more A new species of Myrmicinae, Hylomyrma villemantae Neves and Lacau (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), is described after the morphology of the worker. This species is easily distinguished from any other ones in the genus by a unique combination of characters, including the fourth abdominal tergite wholly smooth and shining. This ant is probably endemic from southern Bahia in Brazil. It was collected in a forest remnant of Tropical Mountain Rainforests in the Atlantic Forest biome.
Caractérisation de la diversité d’une communauté de fourmis des litières en région subtropicale. ... more Caractérisation de la diversité d’une communauté de fourmis des litières en région subtropicale. Leponce, M. (1); Theunis, L. (1,2) ; Delabie, J. (3) & Roisin, Y.(2) (1) Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Section Biologie de la Conservation, 29 rue Vautier, 1000 Bruxelles, [email protected] ; (2) Université Libre de Bruxelles, Département de Biologie Animale, CP160/12, 50 av. F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles, [email protected] ; (3) CEPLAC-UESC, Itabuna, BA, Brazil, [email protected]
Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.), 2021
Vinícius L. Miranda, Elmo Koch, Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie, Laís Bomfim , Jéssica Padre &... more Vinícius L. Miranda, Elmo Koch, Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie, Laís Bomfim , Jéssica Padre & Cléa Mariano Programa De Pós-graduação Em Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil; Programa de Pós-, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Rod. Jorge Amado Km16, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil; Laboratório de Mirmecologia, Centro de Pesquisa Do Cacau, Cepec/ceplac, Rod. Jorge Amado Km22, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil; Departamento de Ciências Agrárias E, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Rod. Jorge Amado Km16, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil; Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Rod. Jorge Amado Km16, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil
As formigas poneromorfas do Brasil, 2015
All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons... more All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Todo o conteúdo deste trabalho, exceto quando houver ressalva, é publicado sob a licença Creative Commons Atribição 4.0. Todo el contenido de esta obra, excepto donde se indique lo contrario, está bajo licencia de la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimento 4.0.

Ecological Indicators, 2021
Abstract Comprehensive biodiversity inventories are expensive and time-consuming to achieve, espe... more Abstract Comprehensive biodiversity inventories are expensive and time-consuming to achieve, especially for groups of megadiverse organisms. One approach to resolve such situations is to utilize biological substitutes, referred to as surrogates. A surrogate should provide meaningful information at a lower cost and/or effort than the original level of resolution. Studies have shown that species richness is often not the best or most appropriate component or predictor of biodiversity. Functional diversity can be used as a measurement of the ecological differentiation between habitats or between biological functions. We evaluated the use of several taxonomic metrics as potential surrogates for leaf-litter ant assemblages distributed in 65 Atlantic rainforest sites. Our goal was to find reliable and economic substitutes for both taxonomic and functional leaf-litter ant diversity and composition. We tested four potential surrogate approaches for taxonomic metrics and three for functional group metrics. Additionally, we also evaluated the time and costs involved. We used a large leaf-litter ant database that comprises 364 ant species, respectively classified into 13 or 26 ant functional groups based on either a general and specific resolution. Subfamily was found to be an unacceptable surrogate for both taxonomic and functional group metrics. Mixed-level and indicator taxa metrics were rated as ‘excellent’ taxonomic surrogates. Mixed-level and genus metrics were rated as ‘excellent’ or ‘acceptable’ functional group surrogates when considering the most general functional resolution, while mixed-level and genus were considered as ‘excellent’ surrogates when considering the more specific resolution. The monetary and time costs to identify ants to genus level were lower than those using indicator taxa and mixed-level metrics. The use of a certain higher taxon functional and taxonomic surrogates allows a reduction of survey and analysis costs while still enabling the analysis of biological diversity from the taxonomic and functional point of view.

Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Naturais, 2020
The aim of this study is to evaluate the diversity and specificity of ant-hemipteran mutualisms a... more The aim of this study is to evaluate the diversity and specificity of ant-hemipteran mutualisms according to the different structures observed on cocoa trees. The experiment was carried out in two cocoa planting systems: cabruca and derruba total at Ilhéus, Brazil. We made observations and collected monthly over one year the mutualistic ants and hemipterans that occurred on Theobroma cacao L. trees. Observations were performed on cacao trees at three distinct sites of the plant: flowers, pods and leaf flush. We observed 932 ant-hemipteran associations, comprising 203 different mutualistic interactions. The assemblage was composed of 26 hemipteran species and 54 ant species. No differences were observed in the ant community, however, we found differences in the hemipteran community according to the different structure evaluated. We recorded a total of 404 trophobiosis events on pods, 394 on leaf flushes and 134 on flowers. Our results point out the diversity of ant-hemipteran trophob...

Sociobiology, 2019
Agriculture is frequently held accountable for the depletion of biotic diversity, although a few ... more Agriculture is frequently held accountable for the depletion of biotic diversity, although a few agroforestry systems support the conservation of a number of organisms. Cocoa farming is noteworthy as an example of an agricultural activity that benefits or maintains species richness. However, the mechanism by which the biodiversity persists throughout the entire process of plant development remains obscure. In Southeastern Bahia, Brazil, cacao tree plantations support the conservation of a large amount of organisms native to the Atlantic Forest, between them the ants. This study aims at recording the relationship between cocoa tree development and ant community structure. The experiment was carried out in a series of six cocoa tree plantations aged one, three, four, eight, fifteen and 33 years, distributed across the experimental grounds of the Cocoa Research Center at Ilhéus. 1,500 ant samples were collected using the sampling techniques: hand collection, honey and sardine baits, en...
Papers by Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie