Papers by Wesley S Fernandes

Upon the necessity of an efficient search tool for IBGE's Cartography Division (CCAR) geospatial ... more Upon the necessity of an efficient search tool for IBGE's Cartography Division (CCAR) geospatial archive, there has been developed 3 (three) similar systems for query and visualization of cartographic datasets over the Intranet, containing information related to topographic maps, images and ancillary products from different CCAR sectors. The Digital Conversion Control System (SCCD) provides information on the status of digital conversion of paper maps. This task is under the CCAR's Digital Conversion sector, whose objective is to obtain raster and vector files for all charts of Brazil's systematic mapping produced so far. This process has generated a huge volume of data stored in a predefined logical archive structure, but without an efficient way to locate and access a given file. The Aerial Survey Cadastral System (SCA) contains metadata about flights carried in the entire Brazilian territory, from several companies that act in this sector. The IMAGO, as well as the SCCD is a catalogue system conceived to facilitate the access to existing satellite imagery in CCAR. The development of these systems attempted on the use open source software, due its freedom to use and incentive by the federal government. Researching the available options based on the systems purpose, MapServer webmapping framework combined with PostgreSQL database management system and its spatial cartridge PostGIS, have fully attend project requirements, showing itself a very flexible alternative and with a huge potential in our area of action. On the projects WebPages, different access levels have been defined, from previously established static information layers to other that permits users build complex queries. The availability of data in the intranet has attended the expectations, being well accepted by users regardless its easy implementation, since through an internet browser the user has access to all systems.
Papers by Wesley S Fernandes