Sergio Ferrari
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PAPERS by Sergio Ferrari
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº. 5.431; direito tributário; imposto de importação; agente marítimo.
ABSTRACT: This study aims to dissect the object of the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n. 5.431, which concerns the declaration of unconstitutionality of article 32, sole paragraph, of Decree-Law no. 37 of November 18, 1966, and the participation of the Brazilian Association of Maritime Law – ABDM in that procedure. The discussion held on the lawsuit regards mainly the constitutionality of the interpretation of item II which seeks to institute the joint liability of the shipping agency for the payment of import tax.
KEYWORDS: Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n. 5.431; tax law; import tax; shipping agency.
das Estações Rádio Base, responsáveis pela transmissão do sinal de telefonia celular, à luz do princípio da precaução e da legislação brasileira. Nesse sentido, perpassa a produção normativa sobre a matéria, as principais características do licenciamento e a regulamentação técnica produzida pela Agência Reguladora do setor de telecomunicações - ANATEL, concluindo que o aspecto ambiental, ainda que sem a denominação de “licenciamento”, faz parte do processo previsto na Lei 11.934/2009, de modo que o meio ambiente e a saúde da população estão adequadamente protegidas pelo ordenamento jurídico.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: licenciamento ambiental; telecomunicações; antenas de
celular (ERBs).
This article broaches the phenomenon of the municipalities creation in Brazil, with a multidisciplinary and historical perspective, since the 50’s. Will be analyzed arguments against and in favor about municipality fragmentation in a scientific debate as much as in a social debate. Also, it will be discussed how these arguments influenced the normative elaboration, since the Supplementary Law no 01, edited in 1967, passing through the Constitution of 1988 and the Amendment no 15, edited in 1996, till the recent projects passed by the National Congress but rejected by the President of the Republic.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº. 5.431; direito tributário; imposto de importação; agente marítimo.
ABSTRACT: This study aims to dissect the object of the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n. 5.431, which concerns the declaration of unconstitutionality of article 32, sole paragraph, of Decree-Law no. 37 of November 18, 1966, and the participation of the Brazilian Association of Maritime Law – ABDM in that procedure. The discussion held on the lawsuit regards mainly the constitutionality of the interpretation of item II which seeks to institute the joint liability of the shipping agency for the payment of import tax.
KEYWORDS: Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n. 5.431; tax law; import tax; shipping agency.
das Estações Rádio Base, responsáveis pela transmissão do sinal de telefonia celular, à luz do princípio da precaução e da legislação brasileira. Nesse sentido, perpassa a produção normativa sobre a matéria, as principais características do licenciamento e a regulamentação técnica produzida pela Agência Reguladora do setor de telecomunicações - ANATEL, concluindo que o aspecto ambiental, ainda que sem a denominação de “licenciamento”, faz parte do processo previsto na Lei 11.934/2009, de modo que o meio ambiente e a saúde da população estão adequadamente protegidas pelo ordenamento jurídico.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: licenciamento ambiental; telecomunicações; antenas de
celular (ERBs).
This article broaches the phenomenon of the municipalities creation in Brazil, with a multidisciplinary and historical perspective, since the 50’s. Will be analyzed arguments against and in favor about municipality fragmentation in a scientific debate as much as in a social debate. Also, it will be discussed how these arguments influenced the normative elaboration, since the Supplementary Law no 01, edited in 1967, passing through the Constitution of 1988 and the Amendment no 15, edited in 1996, till the recent projects passed by the National Congress but rejected by the President of the Republic.
This comprehensive scholarly book on comparative federalism and Covid-19 pandemic is written by some of world´s leading federal scholars and national experts. The Covid-19 pandemic presented an unprecedent emergency for countries worldwide, including all those with a federal or hybrid-federal system of government, which account form more than 40 per cent of the world´s population. With case studies from 19 federal countries, this book explores the core elements of federalism that came to the fore in combatting the pandemic: the division of responsibilities (disaster management, health care, social welfare, and education), the need for centralisation, and intergovernmental relations and cooperation.
The federation is a form of state, nowadays adopted for more than thirty countries, and consists of a territorial division of power between central government and local governments. In Brazil, this division includes a local-state power and a local-municipal power. The federation is asymmetric when the peer entities (local or municipal) are assigned different legal regimes to offset or balance their diversity. The so-called "fiscal federalism" studies the income and expenses of entities that make up a federal state. In Brazil, where it adopted the symmetry between the municipalities. After analyzing the position of the municipality in question in tax (income, expenses and forms of redistribution of resources), it identifies four points that could change rules for its improvement: vertical gap, the fiscal war, criteria for founding new municipalities and metropolitan regions. The proposals made in the thesis are: a paradigm shift symmetry, by introducing a special scheme for municipalities with populations of less than ten thousand inhabitants that the prohibition of new municipalities are created with this size, new criteria and procedures for creating municipalities, establishment of a municipal council, by the Senate; new apportionment fund participation of municipalities, with the creation of metropolitan regions fund, to be created by the Union and managed by councils of the municipalities and participating States, in proportion to its population, area and economy.
1 - Acumulação de Proventos de duas Entidades Federativas (Estado e Município) distintas. Questão já Respondida por esta Procuradoria-Geral. Aspecto Operacional: o protocolo de renúncia de uma das aposentadorias é suficiente para que se dê andamento à concessão da restante, pois o servidor já praticou todos os atos que estavam ao seu alcance.
2. Servidor que requereu aposentadoria voluntária por tempo de serviço, mas veio a completar setenta anos de idade antes de decisão da Administração. Hipótese de direito adquirido e tempestivamente exercido, não podendo ser obstado pela natural demora da máquina administrativa em apreciar o pedido.
3. Parecer pelo deferimento de aposentadoria voluntária e integral por tempo de contribuição, com termo inicial em 20/07/2013 (véspera do aniversário de 70 anos), adotando-se as providências necessárias para regularização de registros e da situação junto à autarquia previdenciária.