Papers by Maria R Candido
Na sociedade dos atenienses do período clássico, a religião que ligava os homens aos deuses deixa... more Na sociedade dos atenienses do período clássico, a religião que ligava os homens aos deuses deixa transparecer que transitava por vias alternativas como as práticas da magia. Os ritos da religião ofi cial defi nem-se como fator de unidade cultural, e a magia tendia para a diversidade e contradição políade entre os cidadãos gregos
Anais do(a) Anais da XIV Semana de História de Picos, IV Ciclo de Debates de História Antiga e Medieval e do I Encontro Internacional do Laboratório de História Antiga e Medieval e do Laboratório de História e Culturas Religiosas

Resumo : Este artigo trata das representacoes do mito de Medeia na poetica e na cultura material,... more Resumo : Este artigo trata das representacoes do mito de Medeia na poetica e na cultura material, compreendendo a dinâmica interativa entre a escrita e a figuracao por meio do verbo graphein na cultura grega. Trata tambem das representacoes deste mito na arte cinematografica, pondo em evidencia a transcendencia de sua narrativa mitica ao expressar problemas inerentes a humanidade. Palavras-chaves : Medeia, Representacao, Cinematografia Abstract : This article deals with the representations of the Myth of Medea in the poetic and material culture, including the interactive dynamic between writing and figuration through the verb graphein in Greek culture. It also deals with the representations of this myth in the cinematography, highlighting the transcendence of this mythical narrative to express humanity problems. Key words : Medea, Representation, Cinematography. Recebido em: 22/07/2015 – Aceito em 07/09/2015
O territorio ateniense encontra-se permeado de lugares de memoria, os quais foram demarcados e le... more O territorio ateniense encontra-se permeado de lugares de memoria, os quais foram demarcados e legitimados por mitos, ritos e espacos geograficos os quais nos permitem identificar o segmento social que realiza cultos em busca de manter viva a sua memoria. Portanto, torna-se patente que o lugar de memoria pode pertencer a aristocracia fundiaria ou a oligarquia comercial e mercantil, pois ambas lutavam contra o esquecimento atraves das comemoracoes, de seus mitos que ratificavam a demarcacao de uso dos espacos geograficos como lugar de memoria. Palavras-chaves: Ritual Memoria Pireu Faleros Oschoforia.
Desde Homero, os gregos mantiveram a crença de que todos os homens ao morrer seguiam em direção a... more Desde Homero, os gregos mantiveram a crença de que todos os homens ao morrer seguiam em direção ao mundo do deus Hades. Entretanto, a transição efetiva somente estava assegurada mediante o sepultamento e a celebração dos rituais fúnebres. Nos poemas épicos, o indivíduo, ao falecer e mediante as devidas homenagens fúnebres dos familiares, seguia sozinho em sua jornada em direção ao mundo dos mortos, sendo aguardado e recebido pelas divindades ctônias Cérberus, Perséfones e Hades.
Heródoto - Revista do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre a Antiguidade Clássica e suas Conexões Afro-asiáticas
Through the maritime geographical space that the Greeks made the process of migration to the diff... more Through the maritime geographical space that the Greeks made the process of migration to the different regions bathed by sea throughout the Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea, founded new poleis, carried out a shared identity, transferred their cults and gods, produced ceramic and metal artifacts forming the net Of maritime connectivity through emporium and apoikias.
Cadernos de História
A Lei n.º 10.639/2003 foi resultado do empenho de pesquisadores, professores e educadores african... more A Lei n.º 10.639/2003 foi resultado do empenho de pesquisadores, professores e educadores africanistas, conscientes da necessidade de inserir o tema de forma inclusiva junto à sociedade brasileira. Por meio de citações provenientes dos clássicos gregos, podemos cotejar informações sobre parte da África e estabelecer uma abordagem comparativa entre a cultura helênica e a dos negros africanos conhecidos pelos antigos gregos. Os vestígios textuais e a cultura material, ambos associados às historiografias antiga e atual, nos permitem focalizar a África Antiga sob o viés afrocentrista. O tema transita pela atualidade, suscita questões e debates, assim como nos traz à tona a história da antiguidade africana como tema de pesquisa inserida na disciplina de História Antiga.

Phoînix, 2020
Resumo: Desde Homero, os gregos mantiveram a crença de que todos os homens ao morrer seguiam em d... more Resumo: Desde Homero, os gregos mantiveram a crença de que todos os homens ao morrer seguiam em direção ao mundo do deus Hades. Entretanto, a transição efetiva somente estava assegurada mediante o sepultamento e a celebração dos rituais fúnebres. Nos poemas épicos, o indivíduo, ao falecer e mediante as devidas homenagens fúnebres dos familiares, seguia sozinho em sua jornada em direção ao mundo dos mortos, sendo aguardado e recebido pelas divindades ctônias Cérberus, Perséfones e Hades. Palavras-chave: Caronte; ritos; morte; Hades; Atenas. CHARON AND THE REPRESENTATION OF DEATH IN ATHENS IN THE CLASSICAL PERIOD Abstract: From Homer, the Greeks maintained the belief that all men dying headed toward the world of the god Hades. However, the effective transition was assured only through burial and the celebration of funeral rituals. In the epic poems, the dying individual, and by the proper funeral homage of the family members, went alone on his journey to the world of the dead, being a...
Mirabilia Revista Eletronica De Historia Antiga E Medieval, 2001
Resumo: Medéia é um dos mais marcantes trabalhos de valor imaginativo da literatura ocidental. Me... more Resumo: Medéia é um dos mais marcantes trabalhos de valor imaginativo da literatura ocidental. Medéia é apresentada, inicialmente, como vítima, mas, ela é capaz de lutar e perseguir a sua vingança como um herói homérico.
As a historian, I believe that every society, whatever its
complexity, requires devices to set st... more As a historian, I believe that every society, whatever its
complexity, requires devices to set standards, make them obeyed by their functions
military and civilian to resolve disputes. The Athenians adopted a radical decision
to find the source of the authority in the demos composed of citizens who had the
middle of the raised hand / keirotonia to carry out the voting whose result involved the whole
community. The research proposal had as its theme democracy
from its process of political expansion, in which we delimit temporality
of analysis from 480 to 411 B.C .
Artigo publicado no livro As Fronteiras da Antiguidade Clássica e da Cultura Oriental: Imanescênc... more Artigo publicado no livro As Fronteiras da Antiguidade Clássica e da Cultura Oriental: Imanescências. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Metáfora, 2017, pag. 53 – 66 (UERJ, Instituto de Letras, ISBN:978.85.5700.147.3)
The sea allows us to compare sanctuaries, Greek and Roman monuments, types of
housing and the establishment of a network of commercial and maritime communication
established in the Mediterranean region. We are interested in delineating the course that
the Greeks had to reach nautical knowledge and materialize the outline of the Earth
through the map.
Keywords: geography connectivity Mediterranean
Artigo publicado no livro Espaços Sagrados na Cidade Antiga. Vitória: GM Editora, 2017, pag. 266 ... more Artigo publicado no livro Espaços Sagrados na Cidade Antiga. Vitória: GM Editora, 2017, pag. 266 a 278. (ISBN:978.85.8087.168.5).
The theme of the event reminds us of Fustel de Coulange's The Ancient City, citing that among the ancients the dead need food and drink and it is up to us, the living, to satisfy them with their need. The citation indicates that the grave was the sacred space of the dead, place of interdict, inviolable and protected by the gods and worshiped by men.
Cadernos de História ISSN: 2237-8871 PUC Minas Law n.º 10.639/2003 was the result of the efforts... more Cadernos de História ISSN: 2237-8871 PUC Minas Law n.º 10.639/2003 was the result of the efforts of African-American researchers, teachers and educators, aware of the need to include the theme in an inclusive way with Brazilian society. Through citations from the Greek classics, we can compare information on part of Africa and establish a comparative approach between the Hellenic culture and the African’s black culture known by the ancient Greeks. The textual vestiges and the material culture, together with the ancient and current historiography, allow us to bring to the forefront the Old Africa under the afrocentric bias. The theme is current, raises questions and debates as well as allows us to bring the history of African antiquity as a research theme together with the discipline of Ancient History.

UNIVERSIDAD Đ LA HABANA RnpS: 0220 • iSSn: 0253-9276 • n. o 282 • julio-diciembRe • 2016 • pp. 42... more UNIVERSIDAD Đ LA HABANA RnpS: 0220 • iSSn: 0253-9276 • n. o 282 • julio-diciembRe • 2016 • pp. 42-50 UNIVERSIDAD Đ LA HABANA RnpS: 0220 • iSSn: 0253-9276 • n. o 282 • julio-diciembRe • 2016 • pp. 51-59 Abstract
We propose to analyze the drama of Medea, in which emerges
the triad: violence, women and death. The Medea myth appears
as an issue that is not limited by time, it remains active
as a link in the representation of diversity in the field of
drama, imagery and cinematography. Medea is the concerns
of wives and mothers women victims of domestic violence
and react to the male figure reporting process. We experience
one spectacle society in which women stars in moments
of violence and seeks react in different ways, mainly through
representation as a way to combat victimization. Uses the
stage of the theater as a complaint space against social
prejudice of the exiled woman against racial violence defined
by skin color and against ethnic and religious persecution.
Heródoto, Unifesp, Guarulhos, v. 2, n. 2, Dezembro, 2017. p. 236-251
Through the maritime geogra... more Heródoto, Unifesp, Guarulhos, v. 2, n. 2, Dezembro, 2017. p. 236-251
Through the maritime geographical space that the Greeks made the process of migration to the different regions bathed by sea throughout the Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea, founded new poleis, carried out a shared identity, transferred their cults and gods, produced ceramic and metal artifacts forming the net Of maritime connectivity through emporium and apoikias. Resumo Através do espaço geográfico marítimo que os gregos efetivaram o processo de migração para as diferentes regiões banhadas pelo mar Egeu, Mediterrâneo e Mar Negro, fundaram novas poleis, efetivaram uma identidade compartilhada, transferiram seus cultos e deuses, produziram artefatos de cerâmica e metais formando a rede de conectividade marítima através de emporium e apoikias.
Aplicando a Lei 10639/2003 elaboramos uma reflexão sobre a possibilidade de se estudar a História... more Aplicando a Lei 10639/2003 elaboramos uma reflexão sobre a possibilidade de se estudar a História da Africa que teve contato com os gregos e romanos.
Papers by Maria R Candido
complexity, requires devices to set standards, make them obeyed by their functions
military and civilian to resolve disputes. The Athenians adopted a radical decision
to find the source of the authority in the demos composed of citizens who had the
middle of the raised hand / keirotonia to carry out the voting whose result involved the whole
community. The research proposal had as its theme democracy
from its process of political expansion, in which we delimit temporality
of analysis from 480 to 411 B.C .
The sea allows us to compare sanctuaries, Greek and Roman monuments, types of
housing and the establishment of a network of commercial and maritime communication
established in the Mediterranean region. We are interested in delineating the course that
the Greeks had to reach nautical knowledge and materialize the outline of the Earth
through the map.
Keywords: geography connectivity Mediterranean
The theme of the event reminds us of Fustel de Coulange's The Ancient City, citing that among the ancients the dead need food and drink and it is up to us, the living, to satisfy them with their need. The citation indicates that the grave was the sacred space of the dead, place of interdict, inviolable and protected by the gods and worshiped by men.
We propose to analyze the drama of Medea, in which emerges
the triad: violence, women and death. The Medea myth appears
as an issue that is not limited by time, it remains active
as a link in the representation of diversity in the field of
drama, imagery and cinematography. Medea is the concerns
of wives and mothers women victims of domestic violence
and react to the male figure reporting process. We experience
one spectacle society in which women stars in moments
of violence and seeks react in different ways, mainly through
representation as a way to combat victimization. Uses the
stage of the theater as a complaint space against social
prejudice of the exiled woman against racial violence defined
by skin color and against ethnic and religious persecution.
Through the maritime geographical space that the Greeks made the process of migration to the different regions bathed by sea throughout the Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea, founded new poleis, carried out a shared identity, transferred their cults and gods, produced ceramic and metal artifacts forming the net Of maritime connectivity through emporium and apoikias. Resumo Através do espaço geográfico marítimo que os gregos efetivaram o processo de migração para as diferentes regiões banhadas pelo mar Egeu, Mediterrâneo e Mar Negro, fundaram novas poleis, efetivaram uma identidade compartilhada, transferiram seus cultos e deuses, produziram artefatos de cerâmica e metais formando a rede de conectividade marítima através de emporium e apoikias.
complexity, requires devices to set standards, make them obeyed by their functions
military and civilian to resolve disputes. The Athenians adopted a radical decision
to find the source of the authority in the demos composed of citizens who had the
middle of the raised hand / keirotonia to carry out the voting whose result involved the whole
community. The research proposal had as its theme democracy
from its process of political expansion, in which we delimit temporality
of analysis from 480 to 411 B.C .
The sea allows us to compare sanctuaries, Greek and Roman monuments, types of
housing and the establishment of a network of commercial and maritime communication
established in the Mediterranean region. We are interested in delineating the course that
the Greeks had to reach nautical knowledge and materialize the outline of the Earth
through the map.
Keywords: geography connectivity Mediterranean
The theme of the event reminds us of Fustel de Coulange's The Ancient City, citing that among the ancients the dead need food and drink and it is up to us, the living, to satisfy them with their need. The citation indicates that the grave was the sacred space of the dead, place of interdict, inviolable and protected by the gods and worshiped by men.
We propose to analyze the drama of Medea, in which emerges
the triad: violence, women and death. The Medea myth appears
as an issue that is not limited by time, it remains active
as a link in the representation of diversity in the field of
drama, imagery and cinematography. Medea is the concerns
of wives and mothers women victims of domestic violence
and react to the male figure reporting process. We experience
one spectacle society in which women stars in moments
of violence and seeks react in different ways, mainly through
representation as a way to combat victimization. Uses the
stage of the theater as a complaint space against social
prejudice of the exiled woman against racial violence defined
by skin color and against ethnic and religious persecution.
Through the maritime geographical space that the Greeks made the process of migration to the different regions bathed by sea throughout the Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea, founded new poleis, carried out a shared identity, transferred their cults and gods, produced ceramic and metal artifacts forming the net Of maritime connectivity through emporium and apoikias. Resumo Através do espaço geográfico marítimo que os gregos efetivaram o processo de migração para as diferentes regiões banhadas pelo mar Egeu, Mediterrâneo e Mar Negro, fundaram novas poleis, efetivaram uma identidade compartilhada, transferiram seus cultos e deuses, produziram artefatos de cerâmica e metais formando a rede de conectividade marítima através de emporium e apoikias.
Palavras-chaves: Medeia, Representação, Cinematografia
Abstract: This article deals with the representations of the Myth of Medea in the poetic and material culture, including the interactive dynamic between writing and figuration through the verb graphein in Greek culture. It also deals with the representations of this myth in the cinematography, highlighting the transcendence of this mythical narrative to express humanity problems.
Key words: Medea, Representation, Cinematography.
Recebido em: 22/07/2015 – Aceito em 07/09/2015
Anderson Zalewski Vargas
Os organizadores
Parte I – Período Arcaico
1 – A retórica dos filhos de Héracles: apontamentos sobre poesia e sua ocasião de performance na Esparta Arcaica
Rafael Brunhara (UFRGS)
2- Fostering in the Spartan Agōgē
Thomas Figueira (University of Texas)
3 – Considerações acerca do aumento do controle da vida social na Esparta do século VI a.C.
José Francisco de Moura (professor da rede de ensino do RJ)
4 - Krypteiai spartane
Massimo Nafissi (Universtità degli Studi di Perugia)
5 – O disciplinamento do espaço em Esparta: Arqueologia e História de uma pólis excepcional?
Maria Beatriz Borba Florenzano (USP)
Parte II – Período Clássico
6 – Mulheres nas práticas esportivas gregas: o caso de Esparta
Fábio de Souza Lessa (UFRJ)
7 – Sparta becomes Athens: the Peloponnesian War’s last 10 years
David M. Pritchard (University of Queensland, Australia)
8 – Esparta, o logos enganador
Adriana Freire Nogueira (Universidade do Algarve)
9 – To serve them all our days: the helots in Classical Sparta
Edward Tsoukalidis (Ural Federal University, Rússia)
10 – Esparta e a malícia de Heródoto
Maria Aparecida de Oliveira Silva
Parte III – Período Helenístico e Romano
11 – A construção do imaginário social de Esparta no período clássico e helenístico
Alair Figueiredo e Maria Regina Candido (UERJ)
12 – Cinisca Olimpiónica, paradigma de una nueva Esparta
César Fornis (Universidad de Sevilla)
13 – Em torno de Jacinto e Polibeia: mito, culto, erótica, iconografia e música
Fábio Vergara Cerqueira (UFPel)
14 – Sparte à l’époque romaine: la reconstruction d’une identité spartiate
Olivier Gengler (University of Vienna)
15 – Esparta e os Romanos
Renata Senna Garraffoni (UFPR)