Papers by Jose Mauro Nunes

2014 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2014
The impact of digital technologies in education is a subject of extreme controversy among researc... more The impact of digital technologies in education is a subject of extreme controversy among researchers. This article is within the scope of the characterization of the profile of this new students, intensive user of digital technologies in their various platforms (PCs, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, digital games). Theories have been proposed in order to conceptualize the profile of this "new student" as well as the set of skills and cognitive, motivational and emotional competencies arising therefrom. Among these, we highlight the concepts of "digital natives" and "digital generation", terms that refer to the generation of intensively socialized individuals from early childhood in the use of digital technologies. In recent years these types come under fire since the impact of digital technologies is mostly due to the type, usage context and motivation of different users, rather than to age and gender. The objective of this paper is to discuss the main criticisms of these typologies, from the notion of "visitors" and "resident" digital. Besides the theoretical discussion exploratory research with 127 adolescents from Rio de Janeiro, aged between 11 and 19 years, of both sexes, aimed at mapping the types, motivations and contexts of use of digital technologies in their daily lives was performed. A questionnaire as a method of data collection was used. The results obtained corroborated overcoming the initial concept of digital natives, indicating the variety and multiplicity of levels of engagement and use of digital technologies are crucial variables for this use factors such as availability, interest and mastery of these technologies and their respective platforms. This context requires the construction of new teaching technologies, compatible with the profile described.
Esta investigación buscó analizar, recopilar y organizar las contribuciones existentes en la lite... more Esta investigación buscó analizar, recopilar y organizar las contribuciones existentes en la literatura del Liderazgo de profesores para la satisfacción de los estudiantes de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IESs). Los hallazgos fueron organizados en un cuadro que exhibe los investigadores que produjeron evidencias de que el Liderazgo Transformacional de los docentes es capaz de aumentar la satisfacción. Además, también se
encontró evidencia de que la satisfacción puede ayudar al aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Teniendo en cuenta que, en el caso de dichas instituciones, los alumnos también son clientes, estas descubiertas pueden subsidiar acciones dirigidas a aumentar su competitividad, al dejar los alumnos más satisfechos y más bien preparados (aprendizaje) para el mercado de trabajo.

Technology has been changing the way we consume and relate with goods. Sharing economy is a broad... more Technology has been changing the way we consume and relate with goods. Sharing economy is a broad term that includes those who simply want to share what they have, without financial gain, from those who gain access to their goods and services with financial purposes. For the second group, P2P (peer-to-peer) platforms have become a great force. If we think that sharing economy is an important issue, we must review the regulatory and work-related aspects that give to these companies an unfair advantage over established competitors. This study wants to investigate the phenomenon of the sharing economy, the regulatory impacts that platforms have generated in the workforce and understand some solutions that the public agents have been working. During our research we noted that the academic production in Brazil about sharing economics is scarce. We identified the main impacts that occurred in the precariousness of work, in the attempt to regulate the urban space and the creation of new rates and forms of monitoring P2P platforms. A tecnologia vem mudando a forma como se consome e se relaciona com bens. A economia do compartilhamento é um termo abrangente que, tanto engloba aqueles que querem simplesmente compartilhar o que têm, sem ganhos financeiros, daqueles que provêm acesso aos seus bens e serviços com objetivos pecuniários. No segundo grupo, as grandes plataformas P2P (do inglês peer-to-peer, que significa par a par) têm se tornado o seu grande expoente. Ao entender que a economia do compartilhamento é importante, deve-se revisar os aspectos regulatórios e relacionados ao trabalho que hoje fazem com que essas empresas, no exercício das suas atividades, ganhem uma injusta vantagem sobre seus concorrentes já estabelecidos. Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar, dentro do fenômeno da economia do compartilhamento, quais são os impactos regulatórios que as plataformas têm gerado na força de trabalho e nos seus setores de atuação, além de pontuar algumas soluções que os agentes públicos têm proposto. Nota-se pela pesquisa, que a produção acadêmica no Brasil sobre economia do compartilhamento é escassa. Identificou-se que os principais impactos ocorrem na precarização do trabalho, na tentativa de regulação do espaço urbano e na criação de novas taxas e formas de monitoramento sobre as plataformas P2P.

This paper aims to discuss the vicissitudes of
contemporary individualism, as well as the
subject... more This paper aims to discuss the vicissitudes of
contemporary individualism, as well as the
subjective tensions arising therefrom, with
the backdrop of the cable television series
Mad Men. Based on a literature review of the
subject, it was divided into four sections. At
first, we identified the new format of television
entertainment promoted by television
American cable channels, and its relation to
the issue of television quality. In the second,
there was a brief presentation of the show,
approaching its plot, its characters and its
main themes addressed. In the third part, there
was a discussion of the vicissitudes of contemporary
individualism in the consumer society,
having as background the assumption
of authors such as Bellah et al. (1985) and
Campbell (2001, orig: 1987) of the coexistence
between two strands of the individualistic
ideology: the utilitarian and the expressive.
Finally, the paper is finished when addressing
the inconsistency of the equation consumption
/ individual happiness / social success,
discussing the implications, tensions and dilemmas
of individualism for subjectivity in
contemporary times.
Key-words: Consumption, Individualism, TV
O consumo é um fato social com significações diversas para cada indivíduo, a depender da sua hist... more O consumo é um fato social com significações diversas para cada indivíduo, a depender da sua história, personalidade,
posição social, dentre outros fatores. Os indivíduos da nova classe trabalhadora tiveram, recentemente, uma melhora
na condição de vida, o que possibilitou aumentar o seu padrão de consumo e obter produtos com melhor qualidade. A
facilidade de crédito e uma economia mais sólida no Brasil abriram portas para um consumo diferenciado da nova
classe trabalhadora, que passou a adquirir itens mais sofisticados e inacessíveis há algumas décadas. Assim, este
estudo objetiva entender o significado de produtos mais sofisticados, considerados de novo luxo, para a nova classe
trabalhadora, e compreender o valor simbólico dessa categoria de produtos ou marcas consumidos por esse público.
Palavras-chave: Nova classe trabalhadora. Ressignificação do consumo. Trading-up.

A campanha “Saco é um Saco”, lançada em 2009 pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente com o
objetivo de c... more A campanha “Saco é um Saco”, lançada em 2009 pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente com o
objetivo de conscientizar o consumidor brasileiro sobre os impactos das sacolas plásticas
descartáveis no meio ambiente, é decorrente de compromissos ambientais internacionais
assumidos pelo Brasil nos últimos anos. A partir da veiculação da campanha, alguns municípios
brasileiros decretaram diferentes tipos de leis que restringem ou proíbem o fornecimento de
sacolas plásticas no varejo, constituindo-se em exemplos de um processo de ambientalização e
politização do consumo. Ocorre que essas medidas acontecem em um contexto de crescimento
econômico do Brasil, onde segmentos outrora desfavorecidos economicamente são incluídos no
consumo de massa e surge o que se convencionou chamar de “nova classe C”, ou “nova classe
média”. Não se pretende aqui problematizar o uso deste termo, mas discutir a percepção deste
grupo sobre tais campanhas e políticas públicas e, ainda, identificar possíveis mudanças em suas
práticas de compra. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo exploratório com consumidores de classe
C em duas cidades brasileiras: Belo Horizonte (MG), onde há uma lei municipal que proíbe a
distribuição de sacolas plásticas, e Rio de Janeiro (RJ), onde há uma lei que estimula a adoção
de alternativas.
Palavras-chave: consumo, classe C, sacolas plásticas
O presente artigo tem como finalidade realizar um ensaio sobre a relação entre mídias de massa e ... more O presente artigo tem como finalidade realizar um ensaio sobre a relação entre mídias de massa e mídias interativas no período de convergência de mídias, com foco na aplicação da informática na educação e na ampliação de possibilidades interdisciplinares oferecidas pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação

The impact of digital technologies in education is a
subject of extreme controversy among resear... more The impact of digital technologies in education is a
subject of extreme controversy among researchers. This article is
within the scope of the characterization of the profile of this new
students, intensive user of digital technologies in their various
platforms (PCs, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, digital games).
Theories have been proposed in order to conceptualize the profile
of this "new student" as well as the set of skills and cognitive,
motivational and emotional competencies arising therefrom.
Among these, we highlight the concepts of "digital natives" and
"digital generation", terms that refer to the generation of
intensively socialized individuals from early childhood in the use
of digital technologies. In recent years these types come under
fire since the impact of digital technologies is mostly due to the
type, usage context and motivation of different users, rather than
to age and gender. The objective of this paper is to discuss the
main criticisms of these typologies, from the notion of "visitors"
and "resident" digital. Besides the theoretical discussion
exploratory research with 127 adolescents from Rio de Janeiro,
aged between 11 and 19 years, of both sexes, aimed at mapping
the types, motivations and contexts of use of digital technologies
in their daily lives was performed. A questionnaire as a method
of data collection was used. The results obtained corroborated
overcoming the initial concept of digital natives, indicating the
variety and multiplicity of levels of engagement and use of digital
technologies are crucial variables for this use factors such as
availability, interest and mastery of these technologies and their
respective platforms. This context requires the construction of
new teaching technologies, compatible with the profile described.
Keywords - digital visitors, digital residents; new educational
technologies; education with technological mediation
Books by Jose Mauro Nunes
Compliance Estratégico Volume 2, 2020
Papers by Jose Mauro Nunes
encontró evidencia de que la satisfacción puede ayudar al aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Teniendo en cuenta que, en el caso de dichas instituciones, los alumnos también son clientes, estas descubiertas pueden subsidiar acciones dirigidas a aumentar su competitividad, al dejar los alumnos más satisfechos y más bien preparados (aprendizaje) para el mercado de trabajo.
contemporary individualism, as well as the
subjective tensions arising therefrom, with
the backdrop of the cable television series
Mad Men. Based on a literature review of the
subject, it was divided into four sections. At
first, we identified the new format of television
entertainment promoted by television
American cable channels, and its relation to
the issue of television quality. In the second,
there was a brief presentation of the show,
approaching its plot, its characters and its
main themes addressed. In the third part, there
was a discussion of the vicissitudes of contemporary
individualism in the consumer society,
having as background the assumption
of authors such as Bellah et al. (1985) and
Campbell (2001, orig: 1987) of the coexistence
between two strands of the individualistic
ideology: the utilitarian and the expressive.
Finally, the paper is finished when addressing
the inconsistency of the equation consumption
/ individual happiness / social success,
discussing the implications, tensions and dilemmas
of individualism for subjectivity in
contemporary times.
Key-words: Consumption, Individualism, TV
posição social, dentre outros fatores. Os indivíduos da nova classe trabalhadora tiveram, recentemente, uma melhora
na condição de vida, o que possibilitou aumentar o seu padrão de consumo e obter produtos com melhor qualidade. A
facilidade de crédito e uma economia mais sólida no Brasil abriram portas para um consumo diferenciado da nova
classe trabalhadora, que passou a adquirir itens mais sofisticados e inacessíveis há algumas décadas. Assim, este
estudo objetiva entender o significado de produtos mais sofisticados, considerados de novo luxo, para a nova classe
trabalhadora, e compreender o valor simbólico dessa categoria de produtos ou marcas consumidos por esse público.
Palavras-chave: Nova classe trabalhadora. Ressignificação do consumo. Trading-up.
objetivo de conscientizar o consumidor brasileiro sobre os impactos das sacolas plásticas
descartáveis no meio ambiente, é decorrente de compromissos ambientais internacionais
assumidos pelo Brasil nos últimos anos. A partir da veiculação da campanha, alguns municípios
brasileiros decretaram diferentes tipos de leis que restringem ou proíbem o fornecimento de
sacolas plásticas no varejo, constituindo-se em exemplos de um processo de ambientalização e
politização do consumo. Ocorre que essas medidas acontecem em um contexto de crescimento
econômico do Brasil, onde segmentos outrora desfavorecidos economicamente são incluídos no
consumo de massa e surge o que se convencionou chamar de “nova classe C”, ou “nova classe
média”. Não se pretende aqui problematizar o uso deste termo, mas discutir a percepção deste
grupo sobre tais campanhas e políticas públicas e, ainda, identificar possíveis mudanças em suas
práticas de compra. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo exploratório com consumidores de classe
C em duas cidades brasileiras: Belo Horizonte (MG), onde há uma lei municipal que proíbe a
distribuição de sacolas plásticas, e Rio de Janeiro (RJ), onde há uma lei que estimula a adoção
de alternativas.
Palavras-chave: consumo, classe C, sacolas plásticas
subject of extreme controversy among researchers. This article is
within the scope of the characterization of the profile of this new
students, intensive user of digital technologies in their various
platforms (PCs, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, digital games).
Theories have been proposed in order to conceptualize the profile
of this "new student" as well as the set of skills and cognitive,
motivational and emotional competencies arising therefrom.
Among these, we highlight the concepts of "digital natives" and
"digital generation", terms that refer to the generation of
intensively socialized individuals from early childhood in the use
of digital technologies. In recent years these types come under
fire since the impact of digital technologies is mostly due to the
type, usage context and motivation of different users, rather than
to age and gender. The objective of this paper is to discuss the
main criticisms of these typologies, from the notion of "visitors"
and "resident" digital. Besides the theoretical discussion
exploratory research with 127 adolescents from Rio de Janeiro,
aged between 11 and 19 years, of both sexes, aimed at mapping
the types, motivations and contexts of use of digital technologies
in their daily lives was performed. A questionnaire as a method
of data collection was used. The results obtained corroborated
overcoming the initial concept of digital natives, indicating the
variety and multiplicity of levels of engagement and use of digital
technologies are crucial variables for this use factors such as
availability, interest and mastery of these technologies and their
respective platforms. This context requires the construction of
new teaching technologies, compatible with the profile described.
Keywords - digital visitors, digital residents; new educational
technologies; education with technological mediation
Books by Jose Mauro Nunes
encontró evidencia de que la satisfacción puede ayudar al aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Teniendo en cuenta que, en el caso de dichas instituciones, los alumnos también son clientes, estas descubiertas pueden subsidiar acciones dirigidas a aumentar su competitividad, al dejar los alumnos más satisfechos y más bien preparados (aprendizaje) para el mercado de trabajo.
contemporary individualism, as well as the
subjective tensions arising therefrom, with
the backdrop of the cable television series
Mad Men. Based on a literature review of the
subject, it was divided into four sections. At
first, we identified the new format of television
entertainment promoted by television
American cable channels, and its relation to
the issue of television quality. In the second,
there was a brief presentation of the show,
approaching its plot, its characters and its
main themes addressed. In the third part, there
was a discussion of the vicissitudes of contemporary
individualism in the consumer society,
having as background the assumption
of authors such as Bellah et al. (1985) and
Campbell (2001, orig: 1987) of the coexistence
between two strands of the individualistic
ideology: the utilitarian and the expressive.
Finally, the paper is finished when addressing
the inconsistency of the equation consumption
/ individual happiness / social success,
discussing the implications, tensions and dilemmas
of individualism for subjectivity in
contemporary times.
Key-words: Consumption, Individualism, TV
posição social, dentre outros fatores. Os indivíduos da nova classe trabalhadora tiveram, recentemente, uma melhora
na condição de vida, o que possibilitou aumentar o seu padrão de consumo e obter produtos com melhor qualidade. A
facilidade de crédito e uma economia mais sólida no Brasil abriram portas para um consumo diferenciado da nova
classe trabalhadora, que passou a adquirir itens mais sofisticados e inacessíveis há algumas décadas. Assim, este
estudo objetiva entender o significado de produtos mais sofisticados, considerados de novo luxo, para a nova classe
trabalhadora, e compreender o valor simbólico dessa categoria de produtos ou marcas consumidos por esse público.
Palavras-chave: Nova classe trabalhadora. Ressignificação do consumo. Trading-up.
objetivo de conscientizar o consumidor brasileiro sobre os impactos das sacolas plásticas
descartáveis no meio ambiente, é decorrente de compromissos ambientais internacionais
assumidos pelo Brasil nos últimos anos. A partir da veiculação da campanha, alguns municípios
brasileiros decretaram diferentes tipos de leis que restringem ou proíbem o fornecimento de
sacolas plásticas no varejo, constituindo-se em exemplos de um processo de ambientalização e
politização do consumo. Ocorre que essas medidas acontecem em um contexto de crescimento
econômico do Brasil, onde segmentos outrora desfavorecidos economicamente são incluídos no
consumo de massa e surge o que se convencionou chamar de “nova classe C”, ou “nova classe
média”. Não se pretende aqui problematizar o uso deste termo, mas discutir a percepção deste
grupo sobre tais campanhas e políticas públicas e, ainda, identificar possíveis mudanças em suas
práticas de compra. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo exploratório com consumidores de classe
C em duas cidades brasileiras: Belo Horizonte (MG), onde há uma lei municipal que proíbe a
distribuição de sacolas plásticas, e Rio de Janeiro (RJ), onde há uma lei que estimula a adoção
de alternativas.
Palavras-chave: consumo, classe C, sacolas plásticas
subject of extreme controversy among researchers. This article is
within the scope of the characterization of the profile of this new
students, intensive user of digital technologies in their various
platforms (PCs, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, digital games).
Theories have been proposed in order to conceptualize the profile
of this "new student" as well as the set of skills and cognitive,
motivational and emotional competencies arising therefrom.
Among these, we highlight the concepts of "digital natives" and
"digital generation", terms that refer to the generation of
intensively socialized individuals from early childhood in the use
of digital technologies. In recent years these types come under
fire since the impact of digital technologies is mostly due to the
type, usage context and motivation of different users, rather than
to age and gender. The objective of this paper is to discuss the
main criticisms of these typologies, from the notion of "visitors"
and "resident" digital. Besides the theoretical discussion
exploratory research with 127 adolescents from Rio de Janeiro,
aged between 11 and 19 years, of both sexes, aimed at mapping
the types, motivations and contexts of use of digital technologies
in their daily lives was performed. A questionnaire as a method
of data collection was used. The results obtained corroborated
overcoming the initial concept of digital natives, indicating the
variety and multiplicity of levels of engagement and use of digital
technologies are crucial variables for this use factors such as
availability, interest and mastery of these technologies and their
respective platforms. This context requires the construction of
new teaching technologies, compatible with the profile described.
Keywords - digital visitors, digital residents; new educational
technologies; education with technological mediation