Joao Feres Jr.
Feres Jr. holds a PhD in Political Science from the City University of New York, Graduate Center. He is currently a full professor of Political Science at the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (IESP/UERJ), a top Brazilian graduate research institute. Feres Jr. is leads the GEMAA (Multidisciplinary Research Group on Affirmative Action), which is focused on the study of affirmative action in Brazil and elsewhere, and race and gender inequality pertaining cultural and institutional practices. He also leads the Observatory on the Brazilian Legislative (OLB) and the Laboratory on Media and the Public Sphere (LEMEP), which produces the news media watchdog project Manchetômetro (www.manchetometro.com.br) aimed at analyzing the mainstream press coverage of politics and economics and political debate on social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp. Feres Jr. also leads, with political scientist Carolina de Paula, the Monitor of the Far Right (MED), which employs a proprietary and innovative methodology of social listening based on focus groups on WhatsApp.Feres Jr. has published several academic articles and book chapters on political behavior, communication and politics, political theory, race relations, and related topics.
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Papers by Joao Feres Jr.