Papers by Elizabeth Macedo

With the publication of this issue of Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, we bring the public three... more With the publication of this issue of Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, we bring the public three items that, in different ways, bring contributions to curriculum theory in connection with issues related to representation. In the first article, The Impossibility of Representation: Semiotic Museological Reading of the Aboriginal Cultural Diversity, the authors, Annette Furo and Ibrahim Awad, present a semiotic analysis of the Canadian Museum of Civilization and its celebration of Aboriginal cultural diversity. They question the representations of Aboriginal Cultural Diversity and how these representations are explored as reflections of reality. In this case, they argue that museums are important sites of critical curriculum studies. Through what they call 'semiotic pedagogy', they also argue that educators and learners should do critical reading about the exhibitions. The authors are thus questioning any and all pretense of an 'authentic' or 'full' representation of Aboriginal peoples, histories, and traditions. In the article, The Research-teaching Nexus in Higher Education Curriculum Design, Joanna Annala and Marita Makinen pore over the question of representation from another perspective. With a focus in higher education, the authors bring the results of a survey on representations of the research-teaching nexus in curriculum design. The paper presents findings that indicate the split nature of representations. The view, in this case, is directed towards the tensions within the internally and externally driven curricular goals of higher education, and in the ways of understanding the role of research and teaching. Around the question regarding what the representations of teachers and students are about research in curriculum design, the authors explore other dimensions of representation. But they also look to be placed within the context of interpretation and raise questions about how curriculum becomes more complex if we consider the representations of teachers and students on research and knowledge, theory and practice, discipline, society, among others. The article by Ana Maria Saul and Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da Silva, The Legacy of Paulo Freire for Curriculum Policies and Teaching in Brazil, discusses a distinct theme: the thinking of Paulo Freire and his power to analyze curriculum politics and Brazilian education, and why not in other parts of the world? With a focus on categories such as totality, emancipatory rationality, social and political emptiness, and democracy, the paper analyzes the current work of Paulo Freire to think about the field of curriculum policy. In this sense, even if not specifically analyzing the question of representation, the text contributes to the knowledge of discussions that pervade this theme. After all, politics is now one of the fields in which one seeks to overcome the approaches that comprehend representation as the possibility of transparency between representative and represented. Papers that address the question of rationalism in politics and incorporate a discursive Lopes & Macedo. Curriculum and Representation

amounting to nearly 60 thousand US dollars. On July 02-05, 257 curriculum field researchers, comi... more amounting to nearly 60 thousand US dollars. On July 02-05, 257 curriculum field researchers, coming from 20 countries and 60 different universities, have created an environment proper to conversation and discussions on (but not only) curriculum. Two conferences, 4 invited panels and 34 panels for members' presentations were held, but also relevant conversation was carried at breakfast tables, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners, not to mention in the halls. Concerning the organized spaces for conversation about curriculum, in the Opening Ceremony, the President of ABdC (Brazilian Curriculum Association), Nilda Alves, representing the curriculum researchers in Brazil, has presented the field in the country. The President of IAACS (International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies), Dr. Zhang Hua, was in charge of the Opening Conference, dealing with Curriculum Studies in China and its dialogue with Paulo Freire's thought. The invited panels were formed by researchers from various countries and dealt with different themes: Curriculum, Autobiography and Difference, by William Pinar

A study examined the conception of educational transfer, considering the foreign influence in Bra... more A study examined the conception of educational transfer, considering the foreign influence in Brazilian curriculum throughout the 1990s. The study criticizes the literature on educational transfer produced in the 1970s, mainly the works of Martin Carnoy (1974) and Philip Altbach and Gail Kelly (1984), arguing that their two theories understress the idiosyncrasies of cultural, political, social, and institutional contexts of both central and peripherical countries. The study also argues that resistances, rejections, and transformations which take place during the transfer process are not sufficiently considered in the aforementioned theories. The study then draws on scholars who have been analyzing economic and cultural globalization to understand the peculiarities involved in the transfer process developed particularly in Latin America in this decade and contends that the categories of globalization and hybridization are useful to this understanding, since they leave room for the complexity and contradictions that characterize the process. Interviews were conducted with 11 selected specialists in curriculum from different Brazilian states. The specialists view the contemporary Brazilian curriculum field including three levels: curricular official policies; theoretical production; and school practice. Findings suggest that the field oscillates between an autonomous production with a critical incorporation of foreign discourses and an acritical "transfer" of curriculum theories created in the developed nations. (Contains 30 references.) (BT)
Cadernos De Pesquisa, 2015
This paper reflects on the performativity culture in education in Brazil, driven by Kuhlmann Jr.&... more This paper reflects on the performativity culture in education in Brazil, driven by Kuhlmann Jr.'s article (2014), in which the author presents arguments against the pressure for publication circulating in academia. The paper relies on the author's experience on evaluation committees, namely evaluation of graduate programs held by Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior - Capes. It is argued that performativity has changed the culture of research and graduate studies in the country; however, the author disagrees that there is a race for production in education. In a dialogue with theorists who, according to Butler (2000), bet on irrealizability, the author supports an agonistic political action in order to act in the fractures of performativity logic, as opposed to a humanistic ethic, liberal in itself.

This study analyzes how undergraduate university teachers are thinking in the classroom about the... more This study analyzes how undergraduate university teachers are thinking in the classroom about the theoretical and practical contents related to the subject called "Curriculum Studies." The study focuses on the aspects of the theory-practice relationship, the idea of curriculum, and the theoretical references used by the undergraduate teachers. The research used multiple case studies, examining six different classrooms using ethnographic techniques--basically classroom observation and interviews. Two courses at a federal university, two at a state university, and two at a private institutions in the Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) area were classrooms of study. Two observers were in each classroom for a period of four hours every week. From the data collected, courses tended to be divided into two parts, the theoretical one and the practical one. Concepts of curriculum are presented at the beginning of the course, but the problem arises with a variety of definitions of terms from v...
Cadernos De Pesquisa, 2013
Neste texto, reafirmamos nossa posição contrária à definição de uma base nacional comum curricula... more Neste texto, reafirmamos nossa posição contrária à definição de uma base nacional comum curricular pormenorizada e propomos pensar políticas públicas em currículo, entendendo currículo como prática significante, como espaço-tempo de produção de sentidos. Assumimos o compromisso teórico de responder a desafios que vêm sendo apresentados pela racionalidade técnica ao campo do currículo. Como resposta, propomos pensar a intervenção educativa como investimento radical, defendendo ser muito mais produtivo intervir nas políticas curriculares por meio da constituição de uma rede intersubjetiva da qual participem professores em serviço, pesquisadores da Universidade também formadores de professores, professores em formação inicial que, no espaço situado da escola, vão se produzir como sujeitos.

It is not possible to predict how we might re-exist/resist while most of our bodies fail to be ho... more It is not possible to predict how we might re-exist/resist while most of our bodies fail to be hospitable to the virus. For now, what seems possible, and potent, is to make strange the solutions we have been putting into practice, while sharing the world and our bodies with this enemy / companion species. This article focuses on some solutions municipal and state education systems in Brazil have produced, in partnership with philanthropic foundations and educational businesses, to answer the demand for #stayathome #fiqueemcasa. Throughout the article, they are understood as the replication of proposals that have been circulating for some time, with the aim of affixing particular meanings to education. The article argues that the pandemic constitutes an opportunity for these networks to further redesign education in economized terms. It also addresses the effects of such redesigns and argues for the recognition of alterity, without which there can be no education.

Praxis Educativa
Resumo: A inspiração deste texto vem de um projeto de pesquisa "intervenção" que está sendo reali... more Resumo: A inspiração deste texto vem de um projeto de pesquisa "intervenção" que está sendo realizado em escolas públicas em que argumentamos que políticas públicas em currículo não precisam nem devem ser centralizadas. Ao longo do projeto e deste texto, dialogamos com uma longa tradição de estudos autobiográficos no campo do currículo e da formação de professores. Argumentamos que muitos desses estudos, apesar de trazerem para o discurso da política educacional termos ligados ao mundo da vida e às subjetividades, operam com uma noção metafísica de sujeito e uma crença na reflexão consciente como garantia de melhoria da experiência subjetiva. Em bases pós-estruturais, complicadas pelo neomaterialismo, defendemos a potencialidade de uma ontologia do sujeito relacional para a pesquisa autobiográfica e, com ela, conceptualizamos nossa versão de "intervenção". Palavras-chave: Currículo. Pesquisa autobiográfica. Pós-estruturalismo.
ETD - Educação Temática Digital
O texto faz um primeiro apanhado sistemático dos grupos que, ligados ao GT Currículo da ANPEd, vê... more O texto faz um primeiro apanhado sistemático dos grupos que, ligados ao GT Currículo da ANPEd, vêm trabalhando no campo dos Estudos de Currículo em várias universidades brasileiras e como tais grupos estão significando e usando as expressões moderno, modernidade, pós-moderno etc. Inicia-se com um quadro sinóptico das contribuições enviadas pelos grupos, passando a uma breve análise das relações entre modernidade, pós-modernidade e pós-estruturalismo; discute-se o lugar que é conferido ao real, quando se assume uma perspectiva que reconhece a centralidade dos discursos; discutem-se brevemente as relações entre teoria e empiria.
Education Review
The views or opinions presented in book reviews are solely those of the author(s) and do not nece... more The views or opinions presented in book reviews are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of Education Review.

Retratos da Escola
Neste texto, foco, especificamente, em um conjunto de materiais que se dedica a “fazer a Base vir... more Neste texto, foco, especificamente, em um conjunto de materiais que se dedica a “fazer a Base virar realidade nas salas de aula”, produzido por uma articulação entre o MEC, as secretarias de educação e entidades do terceiro setor. Parto de uma noção pós-fundacional de política, segundo a qual toda hegemonia é marcada, desde o seu interior, por uma fratura e precisa, portanto, seguir sendo reinstituída. Dedico-me a entender como a noção de competência geral, que passou a estruturar a Base pós-impeachment, vem sendo significada no momento atual. Argumento que há um alinhamento da política educacional do País à governança da OCDE baseada na comparabilidade que, defendo, inviabiliza a educação como empreitada intersubjetiva. Por fim, sugiro o uso de outras referências para a construção de uma base de valorização profissional e condições de infraestrutura para uma educação de qualidade.
Educação & Sociedade
RESUMO: O artigo busca entender como a emergência do movimento autodenominado Escola sem Partido ... more RESUMO: O artigo busca entender como a emergência do movimento autodenominado Escola sem Partido (ESP) e de suas demandas conservadoras deslocam as negociações políticas na elaboração da Base Nacional Curricular Comum. O argumento central é o de que as negociações em curso seguem pondo em funcionamento uma normatividade neoliberal, entendida em matriz pós-estrutural. São analisados a segunda versão da base e os sites de divulgação do ESP, tendo por pano de fundo a assunção pós-fundacional de que a política é uma luta por significação de demandas particulares de diferentes grupos.
Educação em Revista, 2016
RESUMO: Assumindo uma visão da política como processo de signifiXação a partir da teoria do discu... more RESUMO: Assumindo uma visão da política como processo de signifiXação a partir da teoria do discurso de Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe, foco o atual debate sobre bases nacionais curriculares comuns no Brasil. Sendo o antagonismo social inerradicável, defendo que o terreno político é sempre marcado por articulações entre uma pluralidade de demandas. Utilizo a experiência da Austrália como ponto de partida para destacar duas ideias que se antagonizam nas discussões sobre base curricular comum no Brasil, quais sejam: conhecimento para fazer algo e conhecimento em si. Após analisar a oposição entre elas, argumento que a disputa naturaliza o sentido de currículo como controle, ideia que tento deslocar entendendo educação, justiça e democracia como porvir.

education policy analysis archives, 2016
This paper is constructed around two desires that, over the years, have led me to the work of Ste... more This paper is constructed around two desires that, over the years, have led me to the work of Stephen Ball - to understand politics as significant in specific historical and cultural contexts, and to conceptualize political agency beyond structural determination. From the dialogue between the notion of network in Ball´s latest works and the discourse theory as formulated by Ernest Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, I argue in favor of a topological analysis of politics. I defend it as a way to better understand both the connections between the “political contexts” and the relationship between social [topological] structure and political agency. Although my focus here is the theoretical dialogues with which I have been working, I use fragments of my research on analyzing curriculum control in recent policies in Brazil as evidence to support my argument.

Curriculum Studies in Brazil, 2011
The task of producing an autobiographical vision of a field of studies might lead one to compose ... more The task of producing an autobiographical vision of a field of studies might lead one to compose a chronology involving a supposition of progress, whether linear or not, and an urge to narrate one’s own history and that of the field. In this text, however, I intend to introduce another movement, starting with theoretical questions that I am asking myself today and thereby initiating a dialogue between these and the curriculum field inside which they were being asked. I do not feel that this movement will produce a vision of the field itself that differs entirely from what would be possible in a chronological approach—as this also would carry the mark of my present worries—although I consider that it is capable of better explaining the non-exhaustive nature of any attempt to give meaning to a field of knowledge that is formed through supposedly rational political decisions, albeit also through projections of our many fantasies.
Papers by Elizabeth Macedo