At the time, the possibility of finding oil reservoirs under the pre-salt layer raised questions regarding the applicable legal regime, especially if a new reservoir were to be found under an existing one. We argue that allowing the... more
Overview of topics related to International Business Law, directed at law students. Among others, we describe ways for a foreign investor to do business in Brazil, international joint ventures, project finance and provide an overview of... more
I discuss the qualification of ship-or-pay and take-or-pay contracts in the gas industry. For this purpose, I provide an overview of the Brazilian gas industry model, discuss the economic purpose of such clauses and analyze the legal... more
We (1) discuss the disadvantages of the then-envisaged new law to regulate the pre-salt areas offshore Brazil and (2) propose adjustments to the concession regime so that it could satisfactorily regulate the pre-salt areas. The new... more
We propose a new regulatory framework for the pre-salt discoveries, using the concession framework in place. Our analysis is based on Comparative Law, the lex petrolea and the inexistence of legal obstacles in Brazil. The new pre-salt law... more
Winner of the 54th Jabuti Prize / Vencedor do 54o Prêmio Jabuti I discuss the advantages and incentives of land regularization in the Cantagalo hill, in Rio de Janeiro, using property titles (instead of other limited rights commonly... more
The article provides a practical insight to cross-border project finance transactions. It is directed to financial institutions and infrastructure companies. Topics covered include security interests, bankruptcy and relevant aspects of... more
The article suggests reserve based lending mechanisms for financing oil and gas upstream activities in Brazil.
O artigo propõe mecanismos de reserve based lending para financiamento de atividades upstream no Brasil.
O artigo propõe mecanismos de reserve based lending para financiamento de atividades upstream no Brasil.
We provide an overview of recent regulatory and business developments in the Brazilian Oil & Gas sector and their possible impacts in the capital needs of oil companies, which may be met by reserve based lending and other project finance... more
We provide an overview of alternatives for financing offshore oil assets (drillships, FPSOs, support vessels, etc.) operating in Brazil.
We describe the general regulatory and economic oil context in Brazil, discuss different financing sources for oil companies and, after comparing with the U.S. model, analyze how the reserve based lending can be adapted to be a source of... more
We examine how the reserve based lending can be adapted to serve as a source of capital foi oil companies operating in Brazil. Further, a comparative study with the USA is used to suggest improvements in the Brazilian regulation on the... more
We analyze how the new Antitrust Law impacted the oil & gás industry, particularly farm-in/farm-out agréments. Besides presenting a regulatory overview, we demonstrate that improvements are necessary, based on the international... more
Description of recent tax developments in the sector.
We analyze current trends in international financing to the Brazilian offshore oil industry. / Analisamos as principais tendências de financiamento internacional na indústria de serviços de petróleo offshore no Brasil.