Related Authors
Ramon Carrillo
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
Alessandro De Martino
City, University of London
andrey chaves
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Mikhail Katsnelson
Radboud University Nijmegen
Daiara Faria
UERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Rio de Janeiro State University
Papers by Daiara Faria
semi-infinite nanoribbons. Open two-fold symmetric structures support localized states that
can be traced back to those existing in the isolated six-fold symmetric rings. Using a
tight-binding Hamiltonian within the Green’s function formalism, we show that an external
magnetic field promotes these localized states to Fano resonances with robust signatures in
transport. Local density of states and current distributions of the resonant states are calculated
as a function of the magnetic flux intensity. For structures on corrugated substrates we analyze
the effect of strain by including an out-of-plane centro-symmetric deformation in the model.
We show that small strains shift the resonance positions without further modifications, while
high strains introduce new ones.
properties in graphene. Confinement added to strain allows for interplay of different transport mechanisms
with potential device applications. To investigate strain signatures on transport in confined geometries, we
focus on graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with circularly symmetric deformations. In particular, we study
GNRs with an inhomogeneous out-of-plane Gaussian deformation, connected to reservoirs. We observe an
enhancement of the density of states in the deformed region, accompanied with a decrease in the conductance,
signaling the presence of confined states. The local density of states exhibits a sixfold symmetric structure
with an oscillating sublattice occupation asymmetry that persists for a wide range of energy and model
Drafts by Daiara Faria
semi-infinite nanoribbons. Open two-fold symmetric structures support localized states that
can be traced back to those existing in the isolated six-fold symmetric rings. Using a
tight-binding Hamiltonian within the Green’s function formalism, we show that an external
magnetic field promotes these localized states to Fano resonances with robust signatures in
transport. Local density of states and current distributions of the resonant states are calculated
as a function of the magnetic flux intensity. For structures on corrugated substrates we analyze
the effect of strain by including an out-of-plane centro-symmetric deformation in the model.
We show that small strains shift the resonance positions without further modifications, while
high strains introduce new ones.
properties in graphene. Confinement added to strain allows for interplay of different transport mechanisms
with potential device applications. To investigate strain signatures on transport in confined geometries, we
focus on graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with circularly symmetric deformations. In particular, we study
GNRs with an inhomogeneous out-of-plane Gaussian deformation, connected to reservoirs. We observe an
enhancement of the density of states in the deformed region, accompanied with a decrease in the conductance,
signaling the presence of confined states. The local density of states exhibits a sixfold symmetric structure
with an oscillating sublattice occupation asymmetry that persists for a wide range of energy and model