Papers by Barbara szaniecki

Multitudes, 2024
Le numéro 96 de @revuemultitudes est sorti !
Pour ce numéro, @giuseppecocco22 et moi-même avons r... more Le numéro 96 de @revuemultitudes est sorti !
Pour ce numéro, @giuseppecocco22 et moi-même avons réalisé un dossier très complet qui articule la controverse entre Georges Didi-Huberman et Enzo Traverso (voir AOC) sur les soulèvements et les révolutions d'une part et, d'autre part, le débat toujours actuel entre pouvoirs constituants et pouvoirs constitués - en hommage au philosophe Antonio Negri décédé l'année dernière. Le dossier articule les enjeux esthétiques et politiques à travers les contributions de 12 auteurs (Matteo Polleri, @derfaryl, Pierre Dardot, @ralucasoreanu45, @mili.lobos.garcia et Darío Quiroga, Leandro Lage @projeto_levantes, Yves Citton, Zona Zaric et Sandra Laugier) que nous remercions vivement. Le magazine français Multitudes est disponible en version imprimée (dans les librairies françaises) et en version numérique sur les sites web énumérés ci-dessous.
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Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers, Interactive Exhibitions, Workshops - Volume 2, 2016
As any field of human action, design is constantly being transformed from the practice of those w... more As any field of human action, design is constantly being transformed from the practice of those who are professionally engaged in this activity. So, as life itself, design is continuously moving. Evolving from the interaction with other fields of human action and their modes of knowledge production, design is trespassed by an ongoing process of becoming. We could summarize some of the 'stages' that marked significant inflections into the field, marks identified and recognized by the professional community as boundaries between the different periods amidst design history. At the PDC 2016, we would like to present the process of analysis carried out from all the singular research projects developed by LaDA researchers under the main topic of "Design in Movement". We propose to do this in two moments: Firstly, an exhibition to present our programs, research questions, experiments and interventions. And secondly, a design game to be held with the participants of the conference aims to bring up discussions on what is the role of design in a very complex world.
Imaginação, participação e correspondência Experiências do Laboratório de Design e Antropologia, 2023
Multitudes - Revue politique, artistique et philosophique, 2023
Dans Multitudes Multitudes 2022/4 (n° 89) 2022/4 (n° 89), pages 168 à 170 Éditions Association Mu... more Dans Multitudes Multitudes 2022/4 (n° 89) 2022/4 (n° 89), pages 168 à 170 Éditions Association Multitudes Association Multitudes
Blog da Universidade Nômade, 2023

The Routledge Companion to Design Research (2nd edition), 2023
This chapter addresses the notion of “Other Participation” from the perspective of a Design and A... more This chapter addresses the notion of “Other Participation” from the perspective of a Design and Anthropology laboratory located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Discussed at the last Participatory Design Conference, the notion of “Participation Otherwise” has been approached as a contribution of the Global South to the hegemonic practices of the Global North. In this chapter, this vision is questioned in favor of a proposal of “southerning the world” from a nomadization of design research, with less methodologies and more movement. Two types of movements are then presented: movements through alliances in experiments that interweave design and agroecology; and movements by correspondence in experiments that intertwine design and anthropology. Without belonging to the North or the South, this design without interiority or exteriority continues in movement and may point to other possibilities of participation.
PDC '22: Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2022 - Volume 2August 2022 Pages 20–24, 2022
Redesigning Democracies is probably a new frontier for design. This paper addresses the relations... more Redesigning Democracies is probably a new frontier for design. This paper addresses the relationship between political and climate denial and investigates possibilities for participatory practices to change it. After observation of the recent COP26, it puts the forest and its peoples at the center of the debate. Besides indigenous and traditional peoples, who are the other actors and how their actions in the forest can lead to a reforestation of democracy? Based on these questions, it analyzes recent experiences of assemblies open to different cosmologies, whether in the field of production or in the political sphere, and in joints between them. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centred computing; • Interaction design; Interaction design process and methods; participatory design;
Strategic Design Research Journal, 2018
View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Unisinos (Universidade do Va... more View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Unisinos (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos): SEER Unisinos

Design Ecovisions: Research on Design and Sustainability In Brazil - Volume 2, 2021
Understanding that we live in a period marked by turbulence, in this chapter we seek to discuss t... more Understanding that we live in a period marked by turbulence, in this chapter we seek to discuss the importance of thinking about health as a design problem. In this sense, in the first topic we deal with the critical thinking of design focused on social innovation and collaborative action; in the second, we bring the proposal of operating through a "sympoietic design", dialoguing with authors who think of design as a connection between various actors, resulting in a "do with"; in the third part, we discuss the approach between design and Brazilian health, presenting the field work carried out with patients at the Clínica da Família da Penha, in partnership with the Arranjo Local da Penha. In the fourth topic, we bring some considerations that emerged from the meeting between design and health, involving the theoretical framework and the practices developed.

Ecovisões Projetuais: Pesquisas em Design e Sustentabilidade no Brasil – Volume 2, 2021
Entendendo que vivemos em um período marcado por turbulências, neste capítulo, buscamos discutir ... more Entendendo que vivemos em um período marcado por turbulências, neste capítulo, buscamos discutir a importância de pensarmos a saúde como um problema de design. Nesse sentido, no primeiro tópico tratamos do pensamento crítico do design voltado para a inovação social e ação colaborativa; no segundo, trazemos a proposta de operarmos por meio de um “Design simpoiético”, dialogando com autores que pensam o design como uma conexão entre diversos atores, resultando em um “fazer com”; na terceira parte discorremos sobre a aproximaçãoentre o design e a saúde brasileira, apresentando o trabalho de campo realizado com pacientes da Clínica da Família da Penha, em parceria com o Arranjo Local da Penha. No quarto tópico trazemos algumas considerações que emergiram do encontro entre o design e a saúde, envolvendo o arcabouço teórico e as práticas desenvolvidas.
Lugar Comum - estudos de mídia, cultura e democracia, 2017
Lugar Comum, 2017
NAVEGAÇÕES 12. Haroldo de Campos: a editora Perspectiva e a recepção de Jacques Derrida no Brasil... more NAVEGAÇÕES 12. Haroldo de Campos: a editora Perspectiva e a recepção de Jacques Derrida no Brasil: uma entrevista com Jacó Guinsburg Raphael Meciano 13. Estética da fome e ética da terra Nuno Faleiro Rodrigues 14. "Uma planta nunca enxerga a outra": uma leitura antropológico-especulativa de Lavoura Arcaica. Ivan Gomes RESENHA 15. Melancolia e furor em João Moreira Sales Critica do filme No intenso agora de João Moreira Sales (Brasil, 2017) por Bruno Cava 16. Agonística ou agonia da democracia? Resenha do livro Agonistics-Thinking the world politically de Chantal Mouffe
O Making da Metrópole: Rios, Ritmos e Algoritmos, 2021
Multitudes - revue politique, artistique, philosophique, 2020
revue politique, artistique, philosophique
Lugar Comum - Estudos de Mídia, Cultura e Democracia #58, 2020

Sciences du Design , 2020
Les effets catastrophiques de l’action de l’Homme sur la Terre se font évidents au point de marqu... more Les effets catastrophiques de l’action de l’Homme sur la Terre se font évidents au point de marquer une « cène » ou ère généalogique. En Amérique latine, l’effondrement est perçu de façon très concrète. Extractivisme, expropriations et expulsions se sont accentués de façon dramatique au cours des dernières décennies. Depuis ce continent dont les veines sont, selon Eduardo Galeano, continuellement ouvertes, nous articulons la réorientation politique vers le Terrestre proposée par Bruno Latour avec la réorientation ontologique du design proposée par Arturo Escobar, et nous proposons d’observer et d’analyser une initiative qui articule agriculture urbaine et design autonome au sein d’un ensemble de favelas situé à Rio de Janeiro. Là, des expérimentations de design collaboratif cherchent à réparer des terrains de vie et à faire ressurgir les liens socioculturels de la communauté de Penha.
The catastrophic effects of human action on the Earth are becoming evident, to the point of marking a “-cene” or genealogical era. In Latin America, collapse is perceived in a very concrete way. Extractivism, expropriations, and expulsions have been dramatically accentuated in recent decades. In this continent, whose veins, according to Eduardo Galeano, are continually reopened, we link the political reorientation toward the terrestrial proposed by Bruno Latour with the ontological reorientation of design proposed by Arturo Escobar. We propose to observe and analyze an initiative that links urban agriculture and collaborative design within a set of favelas in Rio de Janeiro. Here, codesign experiments seek to repair territories of life and to revive the sociocultural links of the Penha community.
Lugar Comum - Estudos de Mídia, Cultura e Democracia #42 , 2014
Lugar Comum-Estudos de mídia, cultura e democracia é uma publicação vinculada a professores e pes... more Lugar Comum-Estudos de mídia, cultura e democracia é uma publicação vinculada a professores e pesquisadores do Laboratório Território e Comunicação-LABTeC/
Anais da Compós, 2008
Resumo: Como pensar a extensão das práticas do "gato" (os "puxadinhos" de água ou luz) aos serviç... more Resumo: Como pensar a extensão das práticas do "gato" (os "puxadinhos" de água ou luz) aos serviços como os de televisão a cabo e internet? Em um contexto de capitalismo cognitivo, a comunicação se torna central. A dificuldade de acesso às redes de comunicação alimenta a prática popular do "gatonet" mas também de uma série de práticas inovadoras no meio das Artes, do Design e da Comunicação. Estas práticas serão aqui analisadas a partir do relato de um massacre de gatos na França do século XVIII, o que nos leva a inseri-las em algo como uma "cultura do gato": uma cultura de resistência! Palavras-Chave: Gato. Gambiarra. Resistência.
Lugar Comum - Estudos de Mídia, Cultura e Democracia #58 , 2020
Papers by Barbara szaniecki
Pour ce numéro, @giuseppecocco22 et moi-même avons réalisé un dossier très complet qui articule la controverse entre Georges Didi-Huberman et Enzo Traverso (voir AOC) sur les soulèvements et les révolutions d'une part et, d'autre part, le débat toujours actuel entre pouvoirs constituants et pouvoirs constitués - en hommage au philosophe Antonio Negri décédé l'année dernière. Le dossier articule les enjeux esthétiques et politiques à travers les contributions de 12 auteurs (Matteo Polleri, @derfaryl, Pierre Dardot, @ralucasoreanu45, @mili.lobos.garcia et Darío Quiroga, Leandro Lage @projeto_levantes, Yves Citton, Zona Zaric et Sandra Laugier) que nous remercions vivement. Le magazine français Multitudes est disponible en version imprimée (dans les librairies françaises) et en version numérique sur les sites web énumérés ci-dessous.
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The catastrophic effects of human action on the Earth are becoming evident, to the point of marking a “-cene” or genealogical era. In Latin America, collapse is perceived in a very concrete way. Extractivism, expropriations, and expulsions have been dramatically accentuated in recent decades. In this continent, whose veins, according to Eduardo Galeano, are continually reopened, we link the political reorientation toward the terrestrial proposed by Bruno Latour with the ontological reorientation of design proposed by Arturo Escobar. We propose to observe and analyze an initiative that links urban agriculture and collaborative design within a set of favelas in Rio de Janeiro. Here, codesign experiments seek to repair territories of life and to revive the sociocultural links of the Penha community.
Pour ce numéro, @giuseppecocco22 et moi-même avons réalisé un dossier très complet qui articule la controverse entre Georges Didi-Huberman et Enzo Traverso (voir AOC) sur les soulèvements et les révolutions d'une part et, d'autre part, le débat toujours actuel entre pouvoirs constituants et pouvoirs constitués - en hommage au philosophe Antonio Negri décédé l'année dernière. Le dossier articule les enjeux esthétiques et politiques à travers les contributions de 12 auteurs (Matteo Polleri, @derfaryl, Pierre Dardot, @ralucasoreanu45, @mili.lobos.garcia et Darío Quiroga, Leandro Lage @projeto_levantes, Yves Citton, Zona Zaric et Sandra Laugier) que nous remercions vivement. Le magazine français Multitudes est disponible en version imprimée (dans les librairies françaises) et en version numérique sur les sites web énumérés ci-dessous.
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The catastrophic effects of human action on the Earth are becoming evident, to the point of marking a “-cene” or genealogical era. In Latin America, collapse is perceived in a very concrete way. Extractivism, expropriations, and expulsions have been dramatically accentuated in recent decades. In this continent, whose veins, according to Eduardo Galeano, are continually reopened, we link the political reorientation toward the terrestrial proposed by Bruno Latour with the ontological reorientation of design proposed by Arturo Escobar. We propose to observe and analyze an initiative that links urban agriculture and collaborative design within a set of favelas in Rio de Janeiro. Here, codesign experiments seek to repair territories of life and to revive the sociocultural links of the Penha community.
A retirada das grades da Praça Tiradentes junto com a busca por novas formas de ocupação da mesma assim como dos espaços culturais do seu entorno marcou o início de um processo que levou à realização do conjunto de experimentos de design no espaço público denominado Mapa-Praça-Máquina, fruto deuma parceria entre a Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI-UERJ), o Centro Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica (CMAHO) e o Centro Carioca de Design (CCD) do Rio de Janeiro.