Lucivaldo Da
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Papers by Lucivaldo Da
poetic choice to build a clinic. This study deals with research aimed at the cartography of a body treatment clinic
in mental health that has used various practices in this perspective of coziness and subtleties within a Psychosocial
Attendance Center (PSAC) - type II in Belém, Para state, Brazil. In the methodological path we have traveled in
these practices, we would like to highlight the work with Sacred Circle Dances (SCD) in the experience of a Body
Work Group involving 14 service users between 2010 and 2012. We resorted to participant observation and records
in field notebook to find highlights in the intensity of meetings, especially regarding the experiments with dance.
The results showed that, in Sacred Circle Dances, service users battled for their spaces, shared their stories, gave
in and demanded, pulling away from any stereotype of passivity, and possible lack of motivation, or victimization. In conclusion, SCD subscribe the emancipation of dancers of “expected” acting to the dance, in a territory that
comprises dance together and do with others, which enriches experience and sustains differences. SCD in the daily
routine of PSACs reaffirm that those centers are not a place of mental illness, but of mental health, where the relief
is life and the disorder is only a part of existence. SCD are configured as a potential place of exchange.
poetic choice to build a clinic. This study deals with research aimed at the cartography of a body treatment clinic
in mental health that has used various practices in this perspective of coziness and subtleties within a Psychosocial
Attendance Center (PSAC) - type II in Belém, Para state, Brazil. In the methodological path we have traveled in
these practices, we would like to highlight the work with Sacred Circle Dances (SCD) in the experience of a Body
Work Group involving 14 service users between 2010 and 2012. We resorted to participant observation and records
in field notebook to find highlights in the intensity of meetings, especially regarding the experiments with dance.
The results showed that, in Sacred Circle Dances, service users battled for their spaces, shared their stories, gave
in and demanded, pulling away from any stereotype of passivity, and possible lack of motivation, or victimization. In conclusion, SCD subscribe the emancipation of dancers of “expected” acting to the dance, in a territory that
comprises dance together and do with others, which enriches experience and sustains differences. SCD in the daily
routine of PSACs reaffirm that those centers are not a place of mental illness, but of mental health, where the relief
is life and the disorder is only a part of existence. SCD are configured as a potential place of exchange.