Universidade do Estado do Pará
Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional
Practicing sports together with rehabilitative treatment improves the development of motor, social and emotional abilities of lower limb amputees. The aim of this study was to compare the functional and social performance of individuals... more
Practicing sports together with rehabilitative treatment improves the development of motor, social and emotional abilities of lower limb amputees. The aim of this study was to compare the functional and social performance of individuals with lower limb amputations between those who played soccer and those who did not engage in any sports activities. A total of 138 individuals participated in the study and were divided into two groups: soccer players (n = 69, 34 ± 8.1 years) and non-athletes (n = 69, 38 ± 8.9 years). A checklist, based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, was used. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests. The soccer players group showed significantly better performance than the non-athletes group in most items of body function, body structure, occupational performance components and daily activities (p < 0.001 for all), and also in some important items of social and environment factors (p < 0.001 for all). The results strongly suggest that amputee soccer significantly improves the functional and social performance in individuals with lower limb amputations.
- by Rogeria Monteiro and +1
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- Human Kinetics
Purpose: To develop, implement and validate an instrument for assessing the functional and social performance of young male adults with lower limb amputees based on the international classification of functionality, incapacity, and... more
Purpose: To develop, implement and validate an instrument for assessing the functional and social performance of young male adults with lower limb amputees based on the international classification of functionality, incapacity, and health. Methods: Developed the instrument, the items were grouped into domains (organic aspects -OA, daily activities -DA, performance components -PC, social participation -SP and environmental factors -EF) for statistical analysis. The implementation of the instrument was filmed for validation. Four assessors watched the films on two occasions and gave scores. Intra-class correlation was used to evaluate intra-and inter-rater reproducibility and to the internal consistency was calculated by Cronbach's alpha and the criterion validity was assessed by Student's t-test and the Mann-Whitney U-test. Results: The results showed good reliability in the scores for OA, DA, PC and SP domains and a reasonable reliability for the EF domain. The differences between assessors performed by the analysis of variance were not significant. The reliability intra-rater, performed through the test-retest method, showed in all domains high levels of intra-rater correspondence. Conclusions: The results show the validity and reliability of DSF-84 to young male adults with amputation of the lower limb, being useful for this population.
Practicing sports together with rehabilitative treatment improves the development of motor, social and emotional abilities of lower limb amputees. The aim of this study was to compare the functional and social performance of individuals... more
Practicing sports together with rehabilitative treatment improves the development of motor, social and emotional abilities of lower limb amputees. The aim of this study was to compare the functional and social performance of individuals with lower limb amputations between those who played soccer and those who did not engage in any sports activities. A total of 138 individuals participated in the study and were divided into two groups: soccer players (n = 69, 34 ± 8.1 years) and non-athletes (n = 69, 38 ± 8.9 years). A checklist, based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, was used. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests. The soccer players group showed significantly better performance than the non-athletes group in most items of body function, body structure, occupational performance components and daily activities (p < 0.001 for all), and also in some important items of social and environment factors (p < 0.001 for all). The results strongly suggest that amputee soccer significantly improves the functional and social performance in individuals with lower limb amputations.
- by Rogeria Monteiro and +1
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- Performance Measurement, Amputation
La necesidad por construir un cuerpo de conocimientos que cimentaran las acciones de los Terapeutas Ocupacionales ha sido una constante a lo largo de su historia y ha contribuido al establecimiento de las premisas y los principios de... more
La necesidad por construir un cuerpo de conocimientos que cimentaran las acciones de los Terapeutas Ocupacionales ha sido una constante a lo largo de su historia y ha contribuido al establecimiento de las premisas y los principios de nuestra disciplina. Este proceso, ha vivido distintas etapas, las cuales van desde las primeras reflexiones en torno a la ocupación hasta la aparición de la Ciencia de la Ocupación como disciplina académica y científica. El siguiente texto, intenta ofrecer una breve descripción de la Ciencia Ocupacional y sus relaciones con la Terapia Ocupacional, basada en los antecedentes históricos, así como su impacto actual y potencial, tanto en el plano teórico como en la praxis terapéutica.
- by Lucivaldo Da and +1
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- Terapia Ocupacional
Autores desde las Ciencias de la Ocupación y de la Terapia Ocupacional han destacado la espiritualidad en cuanto a que es un elemento que establece importantes inter-relaciones con la ocupación, el bienestar, la cotidianeidad y la salud... more
Autores desde las Ciencias de la Ocupación y de la Terapia Ocupacional han destacado la espiritualidad en cuanto a que es un elemento que establece importantes inter-relaciones con la ocupación, el bienestar, la cotidianeidad y la salud de las personas. A pesar de la creciente valorización del tema, aún hay una enorme laguna entre la teoría y la práctica, entre reconocer la importancia de la espiritualidad y efectivamente incorporarla a la práctica clínica. En este artículo, nos proponemos reflexionar sobre el tema de la espiritualidad a partir de algunas interrogantes que pueden permear la práctica de terapeutas ocupacionales que optan por desarrollar una clínica espiritualmente integrada, es decir, que valoriza y reconoce la espiritualidad en cuanto a ser un elemento capaz de potenciar el significado de las ocupaciones e influenciar directamente en el desempeño ocupacional de sus clientes. En este sentido, creemos que los terapeutas ocupacionales no pueden dejar de contemplar la dimensión espiritual y religiosa de sus clientes sobre el recelo que puede despertar un abordaje o valorización de este asunto y ser entendido como no científico, ya que las prácticas que abordan la dimensión espiritual de las personas no son más vistas como una antítesis del progreso de la ciencia. Sobre este horizonte, una práctica terapéutica ocupacional espiritualmente integrada no será menos científica que cualquier otro abordaje terapéutico.
The quest to build cozy landscapes in times of subtleties in mental health care is based on an ethical and poetic choice to build a clinic. This study deals with research aimed at the cartography of a body treatment clinic in mental... more
The quest to build cozy landscapes in times of subtleties in mental health care is based on an ethical and
poetic choice to build a clinic. This study deals with research aimed at the cartography of a body treatment clinic
in mental health that has used various practices in this perspective of coziness and subtleties within a Psychosocial
Attendance Center (PSAC) - type II in Belém, Para state, Brazil. In the methodological path we have traveled in
these practices, we would like to highlight the work with Sacred Circle Dances (SCD) in the experience of a Body
Work Group involving 14 service users between 2010 and 2012. We resorted to participant observation and records
in field notebook to find highlights in the intensity of meetings, especially regarding the experiments with dance.
The results showed that, in Sacred Circle Dances, service users battled for their spaces, shared their stories, gave
in and demanded, pulling away from any stereotype of passivity, and possible lack of motivation, or victimization. In conclusion, SCD subscribe the emancipation of dancers of “expected” acting to the dance, in a territory that
comprises dance together and do with others, which enriches experience and sustains differences. SCD in the daily
routine of PSACs reaffirm that those centers are not a place of mental illness, but of mental health, where the relief
is life and the disorder is only a part of existence. SCD are configured as a potential place of exchange.
poetic choice to build a clinic. This study deals with research aimed at the cartography of a body treatment clinic
in mental health that has used various practices in this perspective of coziness and subtleties within a Psychosocial
Attendance Center (PSAC) - type II in Belém, Para state, Brazil. In the methodological path we have traveled in
these practices, we would like to highlight the work with Sacred Circle Dances (SCD) in the experience of a Body
Work Group involving 14 service users between 2010 and 2012. We resorted to participant observation and records
in field notebook to find highlights in the intensity of meetings, especially regarding the experiments with dance.
The results showed that, in Sacred Circle Dances, service users battled for their spaces, shared their stories, gave
in and demanded, pulling away from any stereotype of passivity, and possible lack of motivation, or victimization. In conclusion, SCD subscribe the emancipation of dancers of “expected” acting to the dance, in a territory that
comprises dance together and do with others, which enriches experience and sustains differences. SCD in the daily
routine of PSACs reaffirm that those centers are not a place of mental illness, but of mental health, where the relief
is life and the disorder is only a part of existence. SCD are configured as a potential place of exchange.
- by Lucivaldo Da and +1
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- Dance Studies, Mental Health, Medieval Cartography
Autores desde las Ciencias de la Ocupación y de la Terapia Ocupacional han destacado la espiritualidad en cuanto a que es un elemento que establece importantes inter-relaciones con la ocupación, el bienestar, la cotidianeidad y la salud... more
Autores desde las Ciencias de la Ocupación y de la Terapia Ocupacional han destacado la espiritualidad en cuanto a que es un elemento que establece importantes inter-relaciones con la ocupación, el bienestar, la cotidianeidad y la salud de las personas. A pesar de la creciente valorización del tema, aún hay una enorme laguna entre la teoría y la práctica, entre reconocer la importancia de la espiritualidad y efectivamente incorporarla a la práctica clínica. En este artículo, nos proponemos reflexionar sobre el tema de la espiritualidad a partir de algunas interrogantes que pueden permear la práctica de terapeutas ocupacionales que optan por desarrollar una clínica espiritualmente integrada, es decir, que valoriza y reconoce la espiritualidad en cuanto a ser un elemento capaz de potenciar el significado de las ocupaciones e influenciar directamente en el desempeño ocupacional de sus clientes. En este sentido, creemos que los terapeutas ocupacionales no pueden dejar de contemplar la dimensión espiritual y religiosa de sus clientes sobre el recelo que puede despertar un abordaje o valorización de este asunto y ser entendido como no científico, ya que las prácticas que abordan la dimensión espiritual de las personas no son más vistas como una antítesis del progreso de la ciencia. Sobre este horizonte, una práctica terapéutica ocupacional espiritualmente integrada no será menos científica que cualquier otro abordaje terapéutico.
The quest to build cozy landscapes in times of subtleties in mental health care is based on an ethical and poetic choice to build a clinic. This study deals with research aimed at the cartography of a body treatment clinic in mental... more
The quest to build cozy landscapes in times of subtleties in mental health care is based on an ethical and
poetic choice to build a clinic. This study deals with research aimed at the cartography of a body treatment clinic
in mental health that has used various practices in this perspective of coziness and subtleties within a Psychosocial
Attendance Center (PSAC) - type II in Belém, Para state, Brazil. In the methodological path we have traveled in
these practices, we would like to highlight the work with Sacred Circle Dances (SCD) in the experience of a Body
Work Group involving 14 service users between 2010 and 2012. We resorted to participant observation and records
in field notebook to find highlights in the intensity of meetings, especially regarding the experiments with dance.
The results showed that, in Sacred Circle Dances, service users battled for their spaces, shared their stories, gave
in and demanded, pulling away from any stereotype of passivity, and possible lack of motivation, or victimization. In conclusion, SCD subscribe the emancipation of dancers of “expected” acting to the dance, in a territory that
comprises dance together and do with others, which enriches experience and sustains differences. SCD in the daily
routine of PSACs reaffirm that those centers are not a place of mental illness, but of mental health, where the relief
is life and the disorder is only a part of existence. SCD are configured as a potential place of exchange.
poetic choice to build a clinic. This study deals with research aimed at the cartography of a body treatment clinic
in mental health that has used various practices in this perspective of coziness and subtleties within a Psychosocial
Attendance Center (PSAC) - type II in Belém, Para state, Brazil. In the methodological path we have traveled in
these practices, we would like to highlight the work with Sacred Circle Dances (SCD) in the experience of a Body
Work Group involving 14 service users between 2010 and 2012. We resorted to participant observation and records
in field notebook to find highlights in the intensity of meetings, especially regarding the experiments with dance.
The results showed that, in Sacred Circle Dances, service users battled for their spaces, shared their stories, gave
in and demanded, pulling away from any stereotype of passivity, and possible lack of motivation, or victimization. In conclusion, SCD subscribe the emancipation of dancers of “expected” acting to the dance, in a territory that
comprises dance together and do with others, which enriches experience and sustains differences. SCD in the daily
routine of PSACs reaffirm that those centers are not a place of mental illness, but of mental health, where the relief
is life and the disorder is only a part of existence. SCD are configured as a potential place of exchange.
- by Lucivaldo Da and +1
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- Dance Studies, Mental Health, Medieval Cartography