Papers by Fabio Machado de Oliveira

This paper presents a brief literature review on human language as a differentiation a... more This paper presents a brief literature review on human language as a differentiation and evolution object of other species within a historical context that is intertwined with the humanity history. Then we will treat the technological evolution of communication tools created by the man who drove the knowledge transfer mode and form, leading to consolidation of the great nowadays achievements, where we can take the internet as an example. The concepts of cyber culture and cyberspace were appointed at the light of the theoretical Pierre Lévy, Manuel Castells, as well as manifestation and architecture of the online social networks phenomenon, where we also see a rediscovery and reinterpretation of identity and identification foundations inserted in this new context, because these authors researches present important reflections for a more
holistic understanding of these topics. We also revisited the initial networks concepts reaching the digital social networks as a new form of interaction for socialization of the
network society. Finally, we considered a fitted look on the new technologies influence in education, society and work and tried to explain the advantages of disadvantages that
conquered in this way taken by humanity up to the present days and make the readers to awaken their consciousness about the concepts discussed in order to contribute in their
individual reflections and conclusions.

This article's main objective is to propose an analysis of the ethos present in one ... more This article's main objective is to propose an analysis of the ethos present in one of the several videos that constitute the "Back Door” comedy channel allocated on YouTube, a digital social network for video sharing. From the choice of the video: "We will be doing the cancellation", this study aims to reflect the ethos constitution of the
person who suffers because of phone services to companies’ client in lots of market segments. Thus, this research`s route seeks to understand from the questions around the reasons that mark these experiences: What is the representations universe that the interlocutors were
building during the service? The attendant maintains a balance of power on the client? What is the dominant representation between attendant and client? There is a critical look of the client regarding the expected attendance. To support this study, we report the humor considerations made by Possenti (1998) and Travaglia (1989), which
present the linguistic resources involved in building the humor as well as the different functions of humor. Another support point is in the considerations of Reboul (2004) and Amossy (2005) regarding the Aristotelian rhetoric. Closing theoretical studies with the approach and the concepts of networks according to Watts (2009), leading to Fabio Machado de Oliveira, Carlos Henrique Medeiros de Souza, Sérgio Arruda de Moura, Bruna Moraes Marques, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida- Digital Social Networks for Video Sharing
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. II, Issue 1 / April 2014
1171 more sober understanding of digital social networks that are part of the this research study object, where Recuero (2009) provides respectively great value definitions and concepts. This article contributes to ethos understanding as a constituent element of a picture during a speech and presents speech analysis as a specialized
tool to analyze ideological constructions present in a text or speech.

Atualmente há uma grande procura por técnicas que agilizam o processamento de algoritmos usados n... more Atualmente há uma grande procura por técnicas que agilizam o processamento de algoritmos usados na resolução de problemas cujo tempo computacional cresce exponencialmente. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar os tempos computacionais de uma solução proposta para o Problema do Caixeiro Viajante utilizando o algoritmo ILS com programação distribuída. A comunicação entre as máquinas é facilitada por meio de Socket TCP, viabilizando o compartilhamento de recursos e fornecendo sincronização no envio dos dados. Os resultados foram obtidos por meio da execução do algoritmo em 1, 10, 15 e 20 máquinas remotas utilizando três instâncias distintas, sendo estas providas da biblioteca TSPLIB. A contribuição para os diversos estudos relacionados com a otimização de tempos computacionais caracteriza a importância deste trabalho. Além disso, o mesmo aborda um modelo genérico e eficiente para distribuição de heurísticas baseadas em busca local.

As pesquisas científicas utilizam muito as representações estatísticas para validar e outorgar cr... more As pesquisas científicas utilizam muito as representações estatísticas para validar e outorgar credibilidade as suas propostas. O pesquisador social é frequentemente submetido a difícil tarefa de decidir qual a melhor estratégia ou recurso estatístico vai usar em sua pesquisa. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão de literatura sobre análise de variância aplicada à pesquisa social como ferramenta de apoio indispensável quando a natureza de pesquisa contempla mais de duas amostras. Para tornar mais clara a interpretação de dados se faz necessário um teste estatístico que reduza a probabilidade de cometermos um erro tipo I, isto é, que tende a rejeitar a hipótese nula quando ela deve ser mantida, garantindo um nível mínimo de significância. Foi discutido um estudo de caso e apresentado uma metodologia didática adotada na obra Estatística Para Ciências Humanas de Jack Levin et James Alan Fox (2004) que foram o marco teórico deste estudo. Nas considerações finais foi apresentada e discutida a lógica da análise de variância como suporte na tomada de decisão referente à aceitação ou rejeição das hipóteses nula ou de pesquisa, contribuindo com na constante busca pela melhor adequação no tratamento estatístico as dados brutos levantados em pesquisa científica com enfoque social e humanístico.

As melhores práticas de aprendizado nem sempre são efetivas, pois dependem de inúmeros fatores pa... more As melhores práticas de aprendizado nem sempre são efetivas, pois dependem de inúmeros fatores para se concretizar em conhecimento significativo para o aluno, participante de todo o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. As várias metodologias que envolvem as formas de ensinar e de se fazer entender por parte do professor, fazem parte de estudos direcionados e de bases de informações de áreas afins, que a tornam pluralistas, tratando sempre de unir a área pedagógica educacional às várias tecnologias propiciadoras de aprendizado. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho faz uma busca por tecnologias facilitadoras, bem como a sua evolução ao longo da história, levando em consideração a eficácia e a eficiência quanto aos seus objetivos dentro do ambiente educacional. Este histórico fundamenta e mostra o quanto evoluíram as tecnologias nas práticas educacionais, findando com a lógica centralização das tecnologias envolvidas em um equipamento que concentra todo o ferramental para representação do que antes havia somente em meios distintos: o computador. Deste modo, faz-se necessário entender que nos meios computacionais, a implantação dos modernos sistemas de ensino virtual se tornou um grande fator positivo no processo de aprendizagem, que podem ser usados como ferramenta de apoio ao ensino presencial.
Papers by Fabio Machado de Oliveira
holistic understanding of these topics. We also revisited the initial networks concepts reaching the digital social networks as a new form of interaction for socialization of the
network society. Finally, we considered a fitted look on the new technologies influence in education, society and work and tried to explain the advantages of disadvantages that
conquered in this way taken by humanity up to the present days and make the readers to awaken their consciousness about the concepts discussed in order to contribute in their
individual reflections and conclusions.
person who suffers because of phone services to companies’ client in lots of market segments. Thus, this research`s route seeks to understand from the questions around the reasons that mark these experiences: What is the representations universe that the interlocutors were
building during the service? The attendant maintains a balance of power on the client? What is the dominant representation between attendant and client? There is a critical look of the client regarding the expected attendance. To support this study, we report the humor considerations made by Possenti (1998) and Travaglia (1989), which
present the linguistic resources involved in building the humor as well as the different functions of humor. Another support point is in the considerations of Reboul (2004) and Amossy (2005) regarding the Aristotelian rhetoric. Closing theoretical studies with the approach and the concepts of networks according to Watts (2009), leading to Fabio Machado de Oliveira, Carlos Henrique Medeiros de Souza, Sérgio Arruda de Moura, Bruna Moraes Marques, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida- Digital Social Networks for Video Sharing
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. II, Issue 1 / April 2014
1171 more sober understanding of digital social networks that are part of the this research study object, where Recuero (2009) provides respectively great value definitions and concepts. This article contributes to ethos understanding as a constituent element of a picture during a speech and presents speech analysis as a specialized
tool to analyze ideological constructions present in a text or speech.
holistic understanding of these topics. We also revisited the initial networks concepts reaching the digital social networks as a new form of interaction for socialization of the
network society. Finally, we considered a fitted look on the new technologies influence in education, society and work and tried to explain the advantages of disadvantages that
conquered in this way taken by humanity up to the present days and make the readers to awaken their consciousness about the concepts discussed in order to contribute in their
individual reflections and conclusions.
person who suffers because of phone services to companies’ client in lots of market segments. Thus, this research`s route seeks to understand from the questions around the reasons that mark these experiences: What is the representations universe that the interlocutors were
building during the service? The attendant maintains a balance of power on the client? What is the dominant representation between attendant and client? There is a critical look of the client regarding the expected attendance. To support this study, we report the humor considerations made by Possenti (1998) and Travaglia (1989), which
present the linguistic resources involved in building the humor as well as the different functions of humor. Another support point is in the considerations of Reboul (2004) and Amossy (2005) regarding the Aristotelian rhetoric. Closing theoretical studies with the approach and the concepts of networks according to Watts (2009), leading to Fabio Machado de Oliveira, Carlos Henrique Medeiros de Souza, Sérgio Arruda de Moura, Bruna Moraes Marques, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida- Digital Social Networks for Video Sharing
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. II, Issue 1 / April 2014
1171 more sober understanding of digital social networks that are part of the this research study object, where Recuero (2009) provides respectively great value definitions and concepts. This article contributes to ethos understanding as a constituent element of a picture during a speech and presents speech analysis as a specialized
tool to analyze ideological constructions present in a text or speech.