Papers by Carla Brambilla
Cirurgia plástica periodontal para correção de sorriso gengivoso
Perionews, May 1, 2013
Valutazione di immagini in condizioni controllate e non controllate di osservazione
Digital image sorting method by contents

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Sep 23, 2009
The analysis of the seismic attenuation is a prominent and problematic component of hazard assess... more The analysis of the seismic attenuation is a prominent and problematic component of hazard assessment. Over the last decade it has become increasingly clear that the intrinsic uncertainty of the decay process must be expressed in probabilistic terms. This implies estimating the probability distribution of the intensity at a site I s as the combination of the distribution of the decay ∆I and of the distribution of the intensity I 0 found for the area surrounding that site. We focus here on the estimation of the distribution of ∆I. Previous studies presented in the literature show that the intensity decay in Italian territory varies greatly from one region to another, and depends on many factors, some of them not easily measurable. Assuming that the decay shows a similar behavior in function of the epicenter-site distance when the same geophysical conditions and building vulnerability characterize different macroseismic fields, we have classified some macroseismic fields drawn from the Italian felt report database by applying a clustering algorithm. Earthquakes in the same class constitute the input of a two-step procedure for the Bayesian estimation of the probability distribution of ∆I at any distance from the epicenter, conditioned on I 0 , where ∆I is considered an integer, random variable, following a binomial distribution. The scenario generated by a future earthquake is forecast either by the predictive distribution in each distance bin, or by a binomial distribution whose parameter is a continuous function of the distance. The estimated distributions have been applied to forecast the scenario actually produced by the Colfiorito earthquake on 1997/09/26; for both options the expected and observed intensities have been compared on the basis of some validation criteria. The same procedure has been repeated using the probability distribution of ∆I estimated on the basis of each class of macroseismic fields identified by the clustering algorithm.

Ocupações ilegais em unidades de conservação na Amazônia: o caso da Floresta Nacional do Bom Futuro no Estado de Rondônia/Brasil
GOT - Geography and Spatial Planning Journal, 2015
RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as flexibilidades institucionais a partir da incoe... more RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as flexibilidades institucionais a partir da incoerência entre o uso planejado e o uso efetivo na unidade de conservação (UC) da Floresta Nacional (FLONA) do Bom Futuro, localizada no município de Porto Velho, Rondônia, Amazônia, Brasil. A metodologia adotada consistiu no levantamento dos instrumentos normativos (Leis e Decretos) que regem a UC, bem como aquisição de imagens de satélite Landsat-05 e Landsat-08 dos anos 1988, 1997, 2006 e 2014. A flexibilidade institucional identificada na FLONA do Bom Futuro foi motivada por fatores relacionados com as ocupações irregulares, desmatamento e redução dos limites como resultado do problema de antropização, demonstrando ausência de gestão e comprometimento da área a partir dos novos usos impostos. ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to identify the institutional flexibility from the incoherence between the plan used and the effective uses in the protected area (UC) National Forest (FLONA) of Bom Futuro, in Porto Velho, Rondonia, Amazon, Brazil. The methodology was based on the survey of regulatory instruments (Laws and Ordinances) that rules the UC and acquires images from Landsat-05 and Landsat-08 of years 1988, 1997, 2006 and 2014. The institutional flexibility identified in the FLONA of Bom Futuro was motivated by factors related to illegal occupation, deforestation and reduction of limits as anthropization problem result, demonstrating the absence of management and the area commitment from the use of new taxes.
Content-based Classification of Digital Documents
Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, 2001
Automatic Image Classification Using Pictorial Features
Color Imaging Conference, 2000
Using Forests to Classify Digital Images
Altered pattern of Cul-I protein expression and neddylation in human lung tumours : relationships with CANDI and cyclin E protein levels
Journal of Pathology, 2007
Content-Based Classification of Digital Photos
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
Annotating images with a description of the content can facilitate the organization, storage and ... more Annotating images with a description of the content can facilitate the organization, storage and retrieval of image databases. It can also be useful in processing images, by taking into account the scene depicted, in intelligent scanners, digital cameras, photocopiers, and ...
An experience of using tree-structured classifiers feature selection in content-based indexing
A Indoor/Outdoor/Close-up Photo Classifier
Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 2015
Improving Prediction with Decision Forests
Multiresolution wavelet transform and supervised learning for content-based image retrieval
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 1999
We focus on the definition of an effective strategy that allows the user to pose a visual query a... more We focus on the definition of an effective strategy that allows the user to pose a visual query and retrieve a set of images from a database that satisfy his criteria of pictorial similarity without requiring any semantic expression of them. The strategy exploits a multiresolution wavelet transform to effectively describe image content. The salient features of the images are
Probabilistic modelling of macroseismic attenuation and forecast of damage scenarios
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2015
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2004
Annotating photographs with broad semantic labels can be useful in both image processing and cont... more Annotating photographs with broad semantic labels can be useful in both image processing and content-based image retrieval. We show here how low-level features can be related to semantic photo categories, such as indoor, outdoor and close-up, using decision forests consisting of trees constructed according to CART methodology. We also show how the results can be improved by introducing a rejection option in the classification process. Experimental results on a test set of 4500 photographs are reported and discussed.
Visual Communications and Image Processing 2003, 2003
The paper addresses the problem of distinguishing between pornographic and non-pornographic photo... more The paper addresses the problem of distinguishing between pornographic and non-pornographic photographs, for the design of semantic filters for the web. Both, decision forests of trees built according to CART (Classification And Regression Trees) methodology and Support Vectors Machines (SVM), have been used to perform the classification. The photographs are described by a set of low-level features, features that can be automatically computed simply on gray-level and color representation of the image. The database used in our experiments contained 1500 photographs, 750 of which labeled as pornographic on the basis of the independent judgement of several viewers.
Schizophrenia Research, 2014
Papers by Carla Brambilla