Papers by Lazaros Kikidis

Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Επιστημών Εκπαίδευσης, 2020
Η έρευνα αυτή στοχεύει στην διερεύνηση και κριτική ανάλυση καλών πρακτικών αλλά και εμποδίων στην... more Η έρευνα αυτή στοχεύει στην διερεύνηση και κριτική ανάλυση καλών πρακτικών αλλά και εμποδίων στην Πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση προσφύγων. Σε αυτή την κατεύθυνση εξετάζει την σχέση της διδασκαλίας της Ξένης Γλώσσας με την ενίσχυση της αυτοεκτίμησης των μαθητών, την ενδυνάμωση της ανθεκτικότητας τους και την δημιουργία σχέσεων με τους συμμαθητές τους και το νέο περιβάλλον όπως αυτές αναπτύσσονται ως συμπύκνωση μίας σειράς παραγόντων (σχετικών νομοθετικών ρυθμίσεων, υποδοχή από τον ντόπιο πληθυσμό, εκπαίδευση εκπαιδευτικών, μέθοδοι ένταξης και συμμετοχής). Τα παραπάνω στην βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση προσεγγίζονται διεξοδικά με βάση διεθνείς πρακτικές και στα συμπεράσματα συγκριτικά με όσα εντοπίζουμε στην ελληνική πραγματικότητα. Αυτό μας δίνει την δυνατότητα να οδηγηθούμε σε προτάσεις σχετικά με την βελτίωση των εκπαιδευτικών υπηρεσιών σε πρακτικό επίπεδο αλλά και σε επίπεδο νομοθεσίας. Οι πέντε εκπαιδευτικοί που συμμετείχαν στις ήμι-δομημένες συνεντεύξεις συνέβαλλαν καθοριστικά ώστε η ερεύνα...

The aim of this study is to contribute in different ways to the progress and enrichment
... more Abstract
The aim of this study is to contribute in different ways to the progress and enrichment
of refugee education within schools, students’ motivation; emotional well-being and
language acquisition are the priorities of this research. This study researches good
practices worldwide and investigates their theoretical framework in order to partially
deliver that effort. At the same time the semi-structured interviews conducted with
teachers who actually work with refugees gave the chance to explore deficits and
assets of the actual practice within the Greek context and to examine them. Drawing
on the socio-cultural environment in which all these educational interventions are
taking place conclusions were reached and recommendations were set in order to
facilitate and support teachers and educational settings while at the same time propose
interventions that could be initiated or continued in terms of policy. The need for the
development of consistent policies that guarantee the participation of refugees with a
provision for the coverage of their additional needs, the necessity for adequate teacher
training and the preparation of resources that could facilitate teachers’ work were
crucial recommendations of the research. At the same time, the meaning of a context
that provides refugees with safety and certainty for their future as equal citizens
within the Greek community was raised as a crucial factor that determines students’
attitudes and motivation.
Keywords: Refugee Education; TESOL; Resilience.
Level (circle as appropriate )
Drafts by Lazaros Kikidis
Talks by Lazaros Kikidis
The importance of Lexical Approach in Second Language Acquisition for Greek Learners
Conference Presentations by Lazaros Kikidis
Publication of Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference on Child Welfare, 2019
Papers by Lazaros Kikidis
The aim of this study is to contribute in different ways to the progress and enrichment
of refugee education within schools, students’ motivation; emotional well-being and
language acquisition are the priorities of this research. This study researches good
practices worldwide and investigates their theoretical framework in order to partially
deliver that effort. At the same time the semi-structured interviews conducted with
teachers who actually work with refugees gave the chance to explore deficits and
assets of the actual practice within the Greek context and to examine them. Drawing
on the socio-cultural environment in which all these educational interventions are
taking place conclusions were reached and recommendations were set in order to
facilitate and support teachers and educational settings while at the same time propose
interventions that could be initiated or continued in terms of policy. The need for the
development of consistent policies that guarantee the participation of refugees with a
provision for the coverage of their additional needs, the necessity for adequate teacher
training and the preparation of resources that could facilitate teachers’ work were
crucial recommendations of the research. At the same time, the meaning of a context
that provides refugees with safety and certainty for their future as equal citizens
within the Greek community was raised as a crucial factor that determines students’
attitudes and motivation.
Keywords: Refugee Education; TESOL; Resilience.
Drafts by Lazaros Kikidis
Talks by Lazaros Kikidis
Conference Presentations by Lazaros Kikidis
The aim of this study is to contribute in different ways to the progress and enrichment
of refugee education within schools, students’ motivation; emotional well-being and
language acquisition are the priorities of this research. This study researches good
practices worldwide and investigates their theoretical framework in order to partially
deliver that effort. At the same time the semi-structured interviews conducted with
teachers who actually work with refugees gave the chance to explore deficits and
assets of the actual practice within the Greek context and to examine them. Drawing
on the socio-cultural environment in which all these educational interventions are
taking place conclusions were reached and recommendations were set in order to
facilitate and support teachers and educational settings while at the same time propose
interventions that could be initiated or continued in terms of policy. The need for the
development of consistent policies that guarantee the participation of refugees with a
provision for the coverage of their additional needs, the necessity for adequate teacher
training and the preparation of resources that could facilitate teachers’ work were
crucial recommendations of the research. At the same time, the meaning of a context
that provides refugees with safety and certainty for their future as equal citizens
within the Greek community was raised as a crucial factor that determines students’
attitudes and motivation.
Keywords: Refugee Education; TESOL; Resilience.