Papers by Dobroslawa Wiktor-Mach

Environmental Politics, 2024
The increasing participation of faith leaders in environmental debates has led tovthe renewed int... more The increasing participation of faith leaders in environmental debates has led tovthe renewed interest in the ‘greening of religions’. This paper examines the frames employed by religious actors to encourage environmental action, with a focus on the eco-movement within the Roman Catholic Church in Poland. Its narratives are connected to the goals of promoting ‘ecological conversion’ and encouraging change at the community level. We demonstrate how pro-environmental religious actors navigate between anti-ecological voices within the Church and left-wing activism, applying the following frames: 1) presenting ecological lifestyle as a religious obligation, 2) promoting the idea of ‘integral ecology,’ rooted in a Christian anthropology, 3) reinterpreting Catholicism by showing green practices as a legitimized element of the Church’s tradition. We argue that these activities constitute a form of a counterculture that develops a values-based approach to environmentalism, aiming to transform the culture of the Catholic church and society.

Journal of Political Ecology, 2023
In this article, we investigate the emergence of modern environmentalism in the Kurdistan Region ... more In this article, we investigate the emergence of modern environmentalism in the Kurdistan Region (Iraq), a de facto state in which ecological well-being is under serious strain. Social mobilizations in the Middle East have been depicted as confrontational and opposing the authorities. Studies of environmental activism in the region have also highlighted conflictual relations between social actors and the holders of power. In this article, we stress the need to expand the research scope to closely examine other forms of actions and strategies in relation to ecological threats and climate change. Drawing upon field research and interviews in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, we analyze the (geo)politics, economic systems and social change which together affect nature, natural resources, landscapes and climate, as well as the patterns of Kurdish contestation in these areas. We term the typical practices of the new phenomenon of Kurdish environmental activism as 'dutiful' form of dissent, which can be explained by contextualizing activism. It is grounded in political ecology and activists' efforts are directed at state building and policymaking in a post-conflict state.
Abstract: The discourse on European Islam focuses on the developments inside contemporary Muslim ... more Abstract: The discourse on European Islam focuses on the developments inside contemporary Muslim immigrant communities and stresses the dynamics and transformations of the religion in the changing social context. In such perspective one ...

Stosunki Międzynarodowe, 2014
The end of the Cold War brought the child labour issues in the spotlight. The renewed interest in... more The end of the Cold War brought the child labour issues in the spotlight. The renewed interest in the problem resulted in numerous research and reports highlighting the scope of child labour around the world. There are over 300 million working children, but the focus of the international community is mostly on „children in child labour” and „children in hazardous work.” The arti- cle presents one aspect of the debate – the question of the scope and limits of universalism of standards regulating child labour in the global world. The analysis is based upon the case of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its changing approach to the problem, which can be characterized as evolving from West-centric towards more inclusive and nuanced stance. The ILO’s Minimum Age Convention no. 138 from 1973 reflects the ideas of the Western states, who were the founders of the organization, and their willingness to set their rules as the global ones. The Convention is rooted in the urban context of the industrialized world, which only partially resembles the conditions of the developing world. Criticism that followed and the low level of ratifications led to another ILO’s document adapted in 1999 – Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention no. 182. To win the global support this convention has set new goals, acceptable for most of the countries, but at the cost of limiting the set of standards.

Przegląd Europejski, 2016
The European Neighbourhood Policy cannot ignore complex conflicts in the East. The effectiveness ... more The European Neighbourhood Policy cannot ignore complex conflicts in the East. The effectiveness of the project depends on the understanding of international relations between EU’s neighbours, including mutual stereotypes and prejudices. The papers presents the topic of a classic example of “frozen conflict” in the South Caucasus between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno Karabakh, which has lasted for over 20 years. The dynamics of regional relations is being reinforced by stereotypes present in public life, mostly in media, political discourse and in educational programs. The article presents the context of the conflict, and an analysis of prevailing ethnic stereotypes (the neighbour as a forger of history, as an eternal enemy with authoritarian tendencies). Then, social attitudes related to those images of one another are analysed. The final part describes examples of activities directed towards establishing direct relationships between Armenians and Azerbaijanis, aiming at ...

Raport OWIM, 2020
Raport przedstawia analizę przemian wspólnot religijnych w Krakowie w rezultacie przybywania do m... more Raport przedstawia analizę przemian wspólnot religijnych w Krakowie w rezultacie przybywania do miasta coraz liczniejszej grupy cudzoziemców. W ostatnich latach wraz ze wzmożonym napływem imigrantów z wielu regionów świata znacząco zmienia się pejzaż religijny Krakowa. Pojawiają się nowe sale modlitewne i świątynie, a do istniejących miejsc kultu przybywają nowi cudzoziemscy wierni. Przemianom ulegają też niektóre praktyki religijne. Niekiedy pojawienie się nowych grup wiernych powoduje konieczność wprowadzenia zmian organizacyjnych, zwiększenia częstotliwości posługi religijnej lub włączenia dodatkowych języków do komunikacji z przybyszami. Imigracja ma zatem znaczący wpływ na życie religijne w mieście, pewne obszary kreując, inne wyraźnie modyfikując. Raport na wstępie omawia przekształcenia wieloreligijności Krakowa w oparciu o dane zastane, a następnie, bazując na badaniach własnych Autorów przeprowadzonych w 2020 r., przedstawia wyniki analiz dotyczących dynamiki obecności migrantów w największych wspólnotach wyznaniowych w mieście, kanałów, z pomocą których wspólnoty docierają do imigrantów a cudzoziemcy do wspólnot, recepcji obcokrajowców przez dotychczasowych członków wspólnot i duchownych, a także wpływu migrantów na funkcjonowanie wybranych wspólnot religijnych. Ukazuje również funkcjonowanie wspólnot religijnych z liczną reprezentacją cudzoziemską w trakcie pandemii koronawirusa. W części końcowej raport zawiera także rekomendacje dla Miasta dotyczące rozpoznania zjawiska oraz ujawnionych w trakcie badań problemów krakowskich wspólnot religijnych i części ich wiernych – imigrantów.
Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies
Abstract: The discourse on European Islam focuses on the developments inside contemporary Muslim ... more Abstract: The discourse on European Islam focuses on the developments inside contemporary Muslim immigrant communities and stresses the dynamics and transformations of the religion in the changing social context. In such perspective one ...

Taskforcome Project, 2019
Migration to Poland has only been discussed in terms of integration needs and challenges in the l... more Migration to Poland has only been discussed in terms of integration needs and challenges in the last couple of years. Although the programmes dedicated to immigrant integration are a relatively new phenomenon, some non-governmental organizations, such as the Polish Humanitarian Action, Caritas or the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, were active in this field already in the 1990s. At that time, however, the assistance was offered mostly in the form of humanitarian aid and legal assistance. The sector of social enterprises (SEs) for a long time did not focus on immigrants as a primary target group. Although available statistics on social economy or civil society do not provide sufficient data on migrant organizations, some trends are visible. The recent and unprecedented growth in the number of immigrants living and working or studying in Poland corresponds with an increase in initiatives and programmes dedicated to this particular group. Since the Polish state has not developed appropriate immigrant-oriented social policies, the supportive role is fulfilled to a large extent by the representatives of civil society. In some cases, local governments have recently begun to create their own policies and established various forms of cooperation with SEs and other institutions focused on immigrant integration. It is a very complex and dynamic phenomenon with huge challenges lying in front of all actors involved in the support of immigrants in Poland.

Przegląd Europejski 3/2016
The European Neighbourhood Policy cannot ignore complex conflicts in the East. The effectiveness ... more The European Neighbourhood Policy cannot ignore complex conflicts in the East. The effectiveness of the project depends on the understanding of international relations between EU’s neighbours, including mutual stereotypes and prejudices. The papers presents the topic of a classic example of “frozen conflict” in the South Caucasus between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno Karabakh, which has lasted for over 20 years. The dynamics of regional relations is being reinforced by stereotypes present in public life, mostly in media, political discourse and in educational programs. The article presents the context of the conflict, and an analysis of prevailing ethnic stereotypes (the neighbour as a forger of history, as an eternal enemy with authoritarian tendencies). Then, social attitudes related to those images of one another are analysed. The final part describes examples of activities directed towards establishing direct relationships between Armenians and Azerbaijanis, aiming at the change of stereotypes.
Europejska Polityka Sąsiedztwa nie może lekceważyć złożonych konfliktów toczących się na Wschodzie. Skuteczność tego projektu zależy od zrozumienia stosunków międzynarodowych pomiędzy sąsiadami Unii Europejskiej oraz istniejących stereotypów i uprzedzeń. Artykuł podejmuje temat klasycznego przykładu „zamrożonego konfliktu” na Kaukazie Południowym – trwającego od ponad dwudziestu lat konfliktu między Armenią i Azerbejdżanem o Górski Karabach. Dużą rolę w relacjach międzynarodowych mają stereotypy obecne w życiu publicznym, w tym zwłaszcza w mediach, w dyskursie politycznym, jak również w programach edukacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiony zostanie kontekst konfliktu, a następnie analiza dominujących stereotypów etnicznych (sąsiedni naród jako fałszerz historii i odwieczny wróg z cechami autorytarnymi). W dalszej części przedstawione będą postawy społeczne wynikające bezpośrednio z funkcjonowania tak kreowanego wizerunku. Na koniec zaprezentowane zostaną przykłady działań mających na celu nawiązywanie bezpośrednich relacji między Ormianami i Azerbejdżanami, nakierowanych na zmianę stereotypów.

Third World Quarterly, 2019
In the 1980s, the process of convergence between culture and development
began to emerge in the ... more In the 1980s, the process of convergence between culture and development
began to emerge in the context of post-colonialism and changing
geopolitical realities. Later on, along with increasing multilateralism,
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) eventually became the main actor in promoting culture as a
fourth pillar of sustainable development. The paradigm shift in the heritage-
development agenda is examined in the context of growing
aspirations of non-Western states to play an active role in the global
heritage regime, and the interests and strategies of UNESCO’s secretariat
and the member states. At first, heritage and development were perceived
as separate or opposed fields. Recently, a sustainable development
framework emerged as a new global development model.
UNESCO has engaged in the shaping of the United Nations (UN) 2030
agenda, and advocated a pragmatic approach to heritage. This paper
examines the evolution of ideas and concepts linking ‘development’
and ‘heritage’ forged at the forum of UNESCO as part of its Culture and
Development framework. The role of the Global South in the paradigm
change is highlighted.
50 free online copies available at:

International Journal of Cultural Policy , 2020
The article presents the nuanced role of culture in the sustainable development agenda of the Uni... more The article presents the nuanced role of culture in the sustainable development agenda of the United Nations, highlighting the contribution of UNESCO. While UNESCO has been engaged in the intersections between culture and development since 1980s, when the World Decade for Cultural Development was proclaimed, it was only with the negotiation of post-2015 development framework that culture began to enter the mainstream development discourse. It is argued that this process, influenced by both external and internal factors, has led to the reconceptualisation of the culture-development nexus. While the role of culture in the human development paradigm was focused on poverty alleviation and other human needs, including identity, education, and health, the sustainability agenda significantly widens the possible roles for cultural factors. UNESCO’s three approaches are discussed: culture as a unique dimension of sustainable development, and culture as a driver and enabler of sustainability.
50 free online copies available at:

The Limits of Heritage. The 2nd Heritage Forum of Central Europe
The aim of the paper is to give an overview and an assessment of the concept of 'creative cities... more The aim of the paper is to give an overview and an assessment of the concept of 'creative cities,' which is increasingly popular around the world. The idea developed by Charles Landry ('The Creative City: a toolkit for urban innovators', 2000) has become influential in the last decade also due to the works of Richard Florida (e.g., 'Cities and the Creative Class', 2005) and John Howkins ('The Creative Economy', 2001). The paper addresses their ideas of the creative city, its foundations, and links between culture and urban development (including the concepts of culture development and cultural planning). In the European context, it is important to think of the cities' rich heritage as a potentially crucial factor in attracting talented people to boost the urban economy. By examining some specific cases from around the world, I'm trying to answer the following questions: To what extent can heritage and other cultural assets and soft attributes of cities be used in attracting the so-called 'creative class' (people working with ideas)? What are 'heritage strategies'? What are their outcomes? How can heritage, both in tangible and intangible forms, help to create inspirational environment 'where we can think, plan and act with imagination' (Landry, 2000)? What lessons can Central European cities learn from urban cultural planning in other corners of the world?

Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations, 2014
The end of the Cold War brought the child labour issues in the spotlight. The renewed interest in... more The end of the Cold War brought the child labour issues in the spotlight. The renewed interest in the problem resulted in numerous research and reports highlighting the scope of child labour around the world. There are over 300 million working children, but the focus of the international community is mostly on „children in child labour” and „children in hazardous work.” The arti- cle presents one aspect of the debate – the question of the scope and limits of universalism of standards regulating child labour in the global world. The analysis is based upon the case of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its changing approach to the problem, which can be characterized as evolving from West-centric towards more inclusive and nuanced stance. The ILO’s Minimum Age Convention no. 138 from 1973 reflects the ideas of the Western states, who were the founders of the organization, and their willingness to set their rules as the global ones. The Convention is rooted in the urban context of the industrialized world, which only partially resembles the conditions of the developing world. Criticism that followed and the low level of ratifications led to another ILO’s document adapted in 1999 – Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention no. 182. To win the global support this convention has set new goals, acceptable for most of the countries, but at the cost of limiting the set of standards.

"This is my PhD thesis which focuses on Islamic pluralism and the competition between various Isl... more "This is my PhD thesis which focuses on Islamic pluralism and the competition between various Islamic branches. It underlines the heterogenity inside the Muslim religion and its dynamics and flexibility. In this work I try to show how various historic and contemporary factors affect diverse Islamic traditions which struggle for winning the hearts and minds of Muslims.
The focus is on Azerbaijan, a country that is undergoing a very dynamic change. Iran, Arab Countries and Turkey are among the main countries that try to influence Azerbaijani Muslims. This situation contributes to the ``religious revival'' that is noticeable especially in Baku and makes this revival colorful and interesting. It seems that the Turkish model of Islam has been gaining an increasing popularity among the younger population, looking for more transnational identities and opportunities.
As in other post-Soviet states, this process has to be seen against the background of the majority of Muslims with secular outlook, who are often called ``cultural'' or ``ethnic'' Muslims." For them religion is more about belonging to a particular group than about religious observance or orthodox beliefs. However, this situation is also dynamic, as religious ideas spread among society and religious knowledge is more and more accessible.
This manuscript has been rewritten and will be published as a monograph in 2017

Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion: …, Jul 15, 2012
There has been a dramatic rise in cross-cultural social surveys on religion that aim at gathering... more There has been a dramatic rise in cross-cultural social surveys on religion that aim at gathering comparable data from around the world. In order for quantitative studies to fulfill their role, closer attention must be paid to the measures employed in such research. In the field of religion the issue of generating data faces more challenges than in any other field in sociology. The problem is already acute in research on Christianity (Finke, Bader, Polson 2009), which has dominated the sociology of religion since the inception of the discipline. However, dealing with non-Christian religions raises additional questions. I will discuss measurement challenges in regard to two crucial concepts in the current scholarship on religion: religiosity and plurality. My focus will be on the quantitative research in Islam conducted in the last decade in Azerbaijan --- a secular, Muslim-majority country which has been experiencing religious revival for over a decade. I will address the following questions: (1) To what extent does the concept of religiosity used in these projects encompass the empirical sphere of religious expressions? (2) How is the concept of pluralism defined in studies on Islam? Do researchers pay attention to the issue of religious diversity? (3) In what ways can anthropological projects enhance the study of Islamic religion? In targeting these areas, I will refer to my own data from interviews and participant observation and I will point to weak points in the methodologies employed.
The break-up of the Soviet Union has brought new challenges in the field of religion for which st... more The break-up of the Soviet Union has brought new challenges in the field of religion for which state authorities of the former Soviet republics have developed various responses. I will focus on two main strategies involving the use of the concept ,,religious rights": shaping the image of a defender of religious freedom and limiting the diversification of a religious market. Those practices will be analyzed on the basis of data I have collected in my field research in Muslim Azerbaijan. On the one hand hand, Azerbaijan is similar to other republics of Eurasia as it has witnessed sudden revival of religion in the last decade, accompanied with an influx of foreign missionaries preaching their ideas. On the other hand, Azerbaijan has been considered as one of the most secular and tolerant of the Muslim countries worldwide.
Azerbaijan in the World, Vol. 3, No. 9,, May 2010
Many writers now talk about "the globalization of pluralism," but most of the time they are talki... more Many writers now talk about "the globalization of pluralism," but most of the time they are talking about political diversity than religious (Berger 2006). One reason for that is that religious pluralism poses special challenges not only for the state and society, but also for particular religions and believers. Many of them are now struggling in various countries to come to terms with other kinds of pluralism, an especially difficult challenge given that religious communities are especially sensitive to both in-group and out-group distinctions, such as proper versus improper, saved versus unsaved, and the like (Davidson and Pyle 1998).
Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies, 2008
The discourse on European Islam focuses on the developments inside contemporary Muslim immigran... more The discourse on European Islam focuses on the developments inside contemporary Muslim immigrant communities and stresses the dynamics and transformations of the religion in the changing social context. In such perspective one point is missing - the example of 'indigenous' Muslim minorities, such as the Poles of Tatar origin, who, in the course of the history, adapted some elements of Islamic culture and developed the first variants of Euro-Islam. The paper explores the socio-cultural processes that contributed to the emergence of an European identity of the Polish Tatars' community. Some aspects of the negotiation of social identity are analyzed, and the role of the state and state's policy towards Tatar group are shown, are as well as some inspirations for the Tatar modernist ideas in the Islamic reformist movements.
Papers by Dobroslawa Wiktor-Mach
We are excited to announce a call for abstracts for “Climate Activism Beyond the Global North: Strategies and Tactics” session for 5th ISA Forum of Sociology (Rabat, Morocco – 6-11 July 2025).
Host committee: ISA Research Committee 48: Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change
Deadline: 15 October 2024
Session organizers: Dobrosława Wiktor-Mach and Barış Gençer Baykan
Europejska Polityka Sąsiedztwa nie może lekceważyć złożonych konfliktów toczących się na Wschodzie. Skuteczność tego projektu zależy od zrozumienia stosunków międzynarodowych pomiędzy sąsiadami Unii Europejskiej oraz istniejących stereotypów i uprzedzeń. Artykuł podejmuje temat klasycznego przykładu „zamrożonego konfliktu” na Kaukazie Południowym – trwającego od ponad dwudziestu lat konfliktu między Armenią i Azerbejdżanem o Górski Karabach. Dużą rolę w relacjach międzynarodowych mają stereotypy obecne w życiu publicznym, w tym zwłaszcza w mediach, w dyskursie politycznym, jak również w programach edukacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiony zostanie kontekst konfliktu, a następnie analiza dominujących stereotypów etnicznych (sąsiedni naród jako fałszerz historii i odwieczny wróg z cechami autorytarnymi). W dalszej części przedstawione będą postawy społeczne wynikające bezpośrednio z funkcjonowania tak kreowanego wizerunku. Na koniec zaprezentowane zostaną przykłady działań mających na celu nawiązywanie bezpośrednich relacji między Ormianami i Azerbejdżanami, nakierowanych na zmianę stereotypów.
began to emerge in the context of post-colonialism and changing
geopolitical realities. Later on, along with increasing multilateralism,
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) eventually became the main actor in promoting culture as a
fourth pillar of sustainable development. The paradigm shift in the heritage-
development agenda is examined in the context of growing
aspirations of non-Western states to play an active role in the global
heritage regime, and the interests and strategies of UNESCO’s secretariat
and the member states. At first, heritage and development were perceived
as separate or opposed fields. Recently, a sustainable development
framework emerged as a new global development model.
UNESCO has engaged in the shaping of the United Nations (UN) 2030
agenda, and advocated a pragmatic approach to heritage. This paper
examines the evolution of ideas and concepts linking ‘development’
and ‘heritage’ forged at the forum of UNESCO as part of its Culture and
Development framework. The role of the Global South in the paradigm
change is highlighted.
50 free online copies available at:
50 free online copies available at:
The focus is on Azerbaijan, a country that is undergoing a very dynamic change. Iran, Arab Countries and Turkey are among the main countries that try to influence Azerbaijani Muslims. This situation contributes to the ``religious revival'' that is noticeable especially in Baku and makes this revival colorful and interesting. It seems that the Turkish model of Islam has been gaining an increasing popularity among the younger population, looking for more transnational identities and opportunities.
As in other post-Soviet states, this process has to be seen against the background of the majority of Muslims with secular outlook, who are often called ``cultural'' or ``ethnic'' Muslims." For them religion is more about belonging to a particular group than about religious observance or orthodox beliefs. However, this situation is also dynamic, as religious ideas spread among society and religious knowledge is more and more accessible.
This manuscript has been rewritten and will be published as a monograph in 2017
We are excited to announce a call for abstracts for “Climate Activism Beyond the Global North: Strategies and Tactics” session for 5th ISA Forum of Sociology (Rabat, Morocco – 6-11 July 2025).
Host committee: ISA Research Committee 48: Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change
Deadline: 15 October 2024
Session organizers: Dobrosława Wiktor-Mach and Barış Gençer Baykan
Europejska Polityka Sąsiedztwa nie może lekceważyć złożonych konfliktów toczących się na Wschodzie. Skuteczność tego projektu zależy od zrozumienia stosunków międzynarodowych pomiędzy sąsiadami Unii Europejskiej oraz istniejących stereotypów i uprzedzeń. Artykuł podejmuje temat klasycznego przykładu „zamrożonego konfliktu” na Kaukazie Południowym – trwającego od ponad dwudziestu lat konfliktu między Armenią i Azerbejdżanem o Górski Karabach. Dużą rolę w relacjach międzynarodowych mają stereotypy obecne w życiu publicznym, w tym zwłaszcza w mediach, w dyskursie politycznym, jak również w programach edukacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiony zostanie kontekst konfliktu, a następnie analiza dominujących stereotypów etnicznych (sąsiedni naród jako fałszerz historii i odwieczny wróg z cechami autorytarnymi). W dalszej części przedstawione będą postawy społeczne wynikające bezpośrednio z funkcjonowania tak kreowanego wizerunku. Na koniec zaprezentowane zostaną przykłady działań mających na celu nawiązywanie bezpośrednich relacji między Ormianami i Azerbejdżanami, nakierowanych na zmianę stereotypów.
began to emerge in the context of post-colonialism and changing
geopolitical realities. Later on, along with increasing multilateralism,
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) eventually became the main actor in promoting culture as a
fourth pillar of sustainable development. The paradigm shift in the heritage-
development agenda is examined in the context of growing
aspirations of non-Western states to play an active role in the global
heritage regime, and the interests and strategies of UNESCO’s secretariat
and the member states. At first, heritage and development were perceived
as separate or opposed fields. Recently, a sustainable development
framework emerged as a new global development model.
UNESCO has engaged in the shaping of the United Nations (UN) 2030
agenda, and advocated a pragmatic approach to heritage. This paper
examines the evolution of ideas and concepts linking ‘development’
and ‘heritage’ forged at the forum of UNESCO as part of its Culture and
Development framework. The role of the Global South in the paradigm
change is highlighted.
50 free online copies available at:
50 free online copies available at:
The focus is on Azerbaijan, a country that is undergoing a very dynamic change. Iran, Arab Countries and Turkey are among the main countries that try to influence Azerbaijani Muslims. This situation contributes to the ``religious revival'' that is noticeable especially in Baku and makes this revival colorful and interesting. It seems that the Turkish model of Islam has been gaining an increasing popularity among the younger population, looking for more transnational identities and opportunities.
As in other post-Soviet states, this process has to be seen against the background of the majority of Muslims with secular outlook, who are often called ``cultural'' or ``ethnic'' Muslims." For them religion is more about belonging to a particular group than about religious observance or orthodox beliefs. However, this situation is also dynamic, as religious ideas spread among society and religious knowledge is more and more accessible.
This manuscript has been rewritten and will be published as a monograph in 2017
„Życie codzienne w Baku” jest książką o mieszkańcach kaukaskiej stolicy, o ich zwyczajach i tradycjach, o codziennej etykiecie, ubiorze i mentalności. Opowiada o wpływach sąsiednich krajów, Iranu, Turcji, Rosji, które przez wieki współkształtowały kulturę azerską. Zawiera liczne fakty i obserwacje o przemianach, jakie dokonały się od czasu, gdy z małego, prowincjonalnego miasta portowego Baku zamieniło się w światowe centrum wydobycia i produkcji ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego.
Ważną i ciekawą częścią książki są fotografie, które przybliżają czytelnikowi pełną kontrastów i paradoksów stolicę Azerbejdżanu – pomostu pomiędzy Wschodem i Zachodem.