Papers by Minna Kaipainen

Techne serien - Forskning i slöjdpedagogik och slöjdvetenskap, Mar 19, 2021
The purpose of this study was to understand the reasons for garment sewing as a leisure craft and... more The purpose of this study was to understand the reasons for garment sewing as a leisure craft and to describe the meanings behind the activity. The study was based on the written narratives of 781 crafters aged 19 to 91 years. First-person narratives were collected via a request published in regional newspapers in all 19 provinces in Finland. The request related to a loosely formulated assignment to encourage crafters to write about the meanings of crafting as a leisure activity. The study comprised a two-phase data analysis. The first sample of 100 narratives, which included references to sewing, was selected and analysed using abductive qualitative content analysis. In the second phase, the whole data (N=781) were analysed using Atlas.ti, initially through automatic search and coding features for sewing, clothing and design. Each code was then analysed in more detail in order to form new categories. The new data from the second phase were also compared with the results of the first phase to provide more in-depth interpretations. The analysis showed how craft making has changed from a necessary activity to an enjoyable activity for increasing well-being. It also revealed how the reasons for sewing garments at home have changed over the years. During the analysis, four types of reasons for sewing garments were identified: Former sewer, Utility sewing, Process-centred sewing and Product-centred sewing. The results of this study show how a garment can serve as a symbol and sewing as self-fulfilment for active garment sewers. The aim of this study is to depict the reasons for garment sewing as a leisure craft in the narratives of female textile craft makers and describe the meanings behind the activity. The study was based on the written narratives of 781 crafters aged 19 to 91 years. First-person narratives were collected via a request published in regional newspapers in all 19 provinces in Finland. The assignment was loosely formulated to encourage crafters to write about the meanings of crafting as a leisure activity. The study comprised a two-phase data analysis. The first sample of 100 narratives, which included references to sewing, was selected and analysed using abductive qualitative content analysis. In the second phase, the whole data (N=781) were analysed using Atlas.ti, initially through automatic search and coding features for sewing, clothing and design. Each code was then analysed in more detail to form new categories. The new data from the second phase were also compared with the results of the first phase to provide more in-depth interpretations. During the analysis, three types of reasons for sewing garments were identified: Utility sewing, Process-centred sewing and Product-centred sewing. The results show that meaning-making in sewing as a leisure activity had several properties that enhance the well-being of the active sewers. For the sewers, the garments served as a symbol and a means of achieving self-fulfilment. The results highlight the sustainable way of wearing and making garments and, moreover, the everyday effects of crafting. Keywords: clothing, craft, leisure, meaning-making, sewing, well-bein

Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 2012
Future teachers have an important role in education for sustainable development. This article des... more Future teachers have an important role in education for sustainable development. This article describes textile craft teacher students’ perceptions of sustainable textile craft. The data derives from a survey of craft teacher students of the University of Eastern Finland (N = 20). The questionnaire included open-ended and multiple choice questions about sustainability of textile craft education and the relevance of sustainability in the students’ lives. The study reveals textile craft teacher students’ conceptions as consumers, craft makers and future textile craft teachers. The open-ended questions were analyzed by content analysis and the multiple choice questions were analyzed with statistical methods. The results were reflected to Victor Papanek’s function complex. As consumers, students favour good quality products and recycling of textiles. They are concerned about workers’ work conditions and against child labour. Although values and perceptions related to sustainable consume...

Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, 2019
The main goal of this study was to conceptualize the practices and processes of fashion styling a... more The main goal of this study was to conceptualize the practices and processes of fashion styling and to clarify the meanings of key concepts in order to enhance understanding of diverse functions in different areas of fashion styling. The qualitative study was based on thematic interviews with fifteen styling experts (11 females and 4 males). The data were first analyzed inductively and subsequently using theory-based content analysis. The analysis revealed five key functions of fashion styling: i) implementing human needs and increasing well-being through personal styling; ii) expressing personal ideas through artistic styling; iii) influencing clients' conceptions of ideal beauty through fashion styling and promotional styling; iv) enhancing the commercial viability of fashion products through commercial styling; and v) self-fashioning as self-representation in fashion blogging and online marketing of styling services. The final analysis revealed four concepts of fashion styling with diverse meanings in relation to art, design, craft, and technology: aesthetic-humanistic, aestheticexpressive, aesthetic-impressive, and aesthetic-exemplary.

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2018
Purpose This study aims to explore student craft teachers’ conceptions of sustainable craft. This... more Purpose This study aims to explore student craft teachers’ conceptions of sustainable craft. This is an important issue because the Finnish National Curriculum of Basic Education emphasises sustainability, especially in craft education, and teachers play a vital role in preparing pupils to meet the future challenges. Because the concept of sustainable craft is open-ended, there is a need to rethink pedagogy in craft education and higher education. Design/methodology/approach The data were collected in the form of essays from future craft teachers (N41) studying craft science in the Finnish higher education system. The essays concerned both general conceptions of sustainable craft and reflections on the student teachers’ craft practices. The data were analysed using grounded theory to gain a deep understanding of how student craft teachers conceptualise sustainable craft. The data were quantified and statistically assessed for dependencies between variables and transferability of res...
Craft Research, 2017
Concerns regarding the presence and future of craft in a sustainability context increase the need... more Concerns regarding the presence and future of craft in a sustainability context increase the need to define the concept of 'sustainable craft'. Based on interviews with sixteen craft practitioners in Finland, this qualitative study describes and analyses craft practitioners' conceptions of their craft practices and products through the lens of sustainability as implemented in their actions. Using Grounded Theory, the analysis of interview data reveals a holistic system of sustainable craft, comprising three elements: sustainable practice, product and immaterial craft. Through their interaction, these intertwined elements were found to motivate and affect the practitioners and their products. The findings offer a novel perspective on the concept of sustainable craft and a systemic model of sustainability for use by practitioners.
Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Sinikka Pöllänen, Marketta Luutonen, Minna Kaipainen, Tarja Kröger, ... more Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Sinikka Pöllänen, Marketta Luutonen, Minna Kaipainen, Tarja Kröger, Anna-Mari Raunio, Outi Sipilä, Virpi Turunen, Leena Vartiainen ja Asko Heinonen ... KÄSITYÖTIETEEN JA KÄSITYÖMUOTOILUN SEKÄ TEKNOLOGIAKASVATUKSEN ...

Jean Sibeliuksen (1865–1957) syntymän 150-juhlavuonna 2015 kuuluisan säveltäjän elämään liittyvät... more Jean Sibeliuksen (1865–1957) syntymän 150-juhlavuonna 2015 kuuluisan säveltäjän elämään liittyvät seikat nousivat suuren kiinnostuksen kohteeksi. Radio- ja TV-ohjelmissa valotettiin musiikin ohella niin Sibeliuksen ruoka- ja juomatottumuksia kuin hänen pukeutumistyyliään ja vaatetustaan. Kiinnostus Sibeliuksen vaatteisiin on ymmärrettävää, koska useissa aikalaismuisteluissa sekä Sibeliuksesta kirjoitetuissa teoksissa hänen todetaan olleen tyylitietoinen ja tarkka huolitellusta ulkoasustaan. Toimittajien minulle esittämien Sibeliuksen pukeutumiseen liittyvien kysymysten ja vaatteiden analysointipyyntöjen johdosta ryhdyin tutkimaan, minkälaiselta Sibeliuksen pukeutuminen näyttäytyy valokuvien, säilyneiden vaatteiden sekä kirjallisten lähteiden perusteella. Toimittajat halusivat tietää, mitä Sibeliuksen vaatteet kertovat Sibeliuksesta henkilönä. Tämän johdosta tutkimuskohteekseni täsmentyi se, millaisiin vaatteisiin Sibelius pukeutui, mistä hän hankki vaatteensa, millaiselta Sibeliuksen pukeutuminen näyttäytyy suhteessa aikalaispukeutumiseen sekä siihen, millainen Sibeliuksen suhde pukeutumiseen ja vaatteisiin lähteiden perusteella oli. Koska yhtenä lähdeaineistona olivat Sibeliuksesta kirjoitetut teokset, tarkastelin myös sitä, minkälaisia tulkintoja Sibeliuksen pukeutumisesta on aiemmin tehty

The subject of ths study s the Fnnsh talorng practce between 1920´s and 1960´s. The phenomenon s ... more The subject of ths study s the Fnnsh talorng practce between 1920´s and 1960´s. The phenomenon s studed both from the pont of vew of the trade publcatons and a specfic country talor. The Fnnsh talorng practces of the 1900´s have not been studed before. The focus of ths study s on the development and changes of the talorng practses and the nfluence of the trade publcatons and organsatons. The process of desgnng and makng of clothes, the products, the scope of actvtes and productvty as well as the changes of the practce of south carelan country talor Enar Tanen was studed. Because the nterests of ths study were also n the specficty of talorng n contrast to dressmakng, ths study also compares the country talor's practce to that of hs ssters who were dressmakers. The man research data are the 1928-1962 annual volumes of the trade publcaton Kuussen Uutset ("The News of Kuusnen") publshed by wholesalng firm Kuusnen Ltd., the 1920-1969 annual volumes of the trade journal Vaattur ("Talor") publshed by the talors´ trade unon (Vaatturltto) and the order and sales ledgers of Enar Tanen, garments (38 peces) as well as the ntervews of 28 nformants. Qualtatve content analyss, quanttatve analyss and artefact analyss have been used as methods of ths research. Accordng to the studed publcatons talorng was men's work. Men owned talorng firms and dd the more demandng work themselves. The women-workers of the talorng firms sewed trousers and vests, whch were smpler to make. Only n the 1940´s women were allowed to go to trade schools for talors. xv 7.5 Tlausvaatturtomnta pukuteollsuuden purstuksessa .. 144 7.5.1 Tlaustyön etujen korostamnen teollsuuden ja kaupan vomakkaast kehttyessä ..

Kasvatus & Aika, 2016
School craft has been part of the Finnish school curriculum throughout the 150-year existence of ... more School craft has been part of the Finnish school curriculum throughout the 150-year existence of the Finnish school system. This article focuses on twentieth-century craft books and their pattern-making processes for garments. A total of 67 school books, teachers’ books and student work books were analysed. The analysis showed that pattern-making processes were not considered as part of the pedagogical process of garment making. Pattern making was seen only as a tool, not as a learning process for creative work. Most likely, pattern making gained its instrumental value because of its difficulty and time-consuming nature. Pattern-making methods in twentieth-century school craft books as well as copying and transferring are still used today. Since school craft aims towards a holistic craft process, which includes the design, manufacture and evaluation of a product, one should also re-examine the role of pattern making in that process.
Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Sinikka Pöllänen, Marketta Luutonen, Minna Kaipainen, Tarja Kröger, ... more Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Sinikka Pöllänen, Marketta Luutonen, Minna Kaipainen, Tarja Kröger, Anna-Mari Raunio, Outi Sipilä, Virpi Turunen, Leena Vartiainen ja Asko Heinonen ... KÄSITYÖTIETEEN JA KÄSITYÖMUOTOILUN SEKÄ TEKNOLOGIAKASVATUKSEN ...
Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture, 2012
Papers by Minna Kaipainen