Papers by Markku Tukiainen
Abstract: The possibilities of eye-tracking technologies in educational gaming are seemingly endl... more Abstract: The possibilities of eye-tracking technologies in educational gaming are seemingly endless. The question we need to ask is what the effects of gaze-based interaction on user experience, strategy during learning and problem solving are. In this paper we evaluate the effects of two gaze based input techniques and mouse based interaction on user experience and immersion. In a between-subject study we found that although mouse interaction is the easiest and most natural way to interact during problemsolving, gaze-based interaction brings more subjective immersion. The findings provide a support for gaze interaction methods into computer-based educational environments.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Open Contents & Standards (ICCE), 2008
The possibilities of eye-tracking technologies in educational gaming are seemingly endless. The q... more The possibilities of eye-tracking technologies in educational gaming are seemingly endless. The question we need to ask is what the effects of gaze-based interaction on user experience, strategy during learning and problem solving are. In this paper we evaluate the effects of two gaze based input techniques and mouse based interaction on user experience and immersion. In a between-subject study we found that although mouse interaction is the easiest and most natural way to interact during problemsolving, gaze-based interaction ...
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Psychology of Programming Workshop, Jul 2, 2007
Abstract. While eye-tracking systems become gradually improved and easier to apply, the methodolo... more Abstract. While eye-tracking systems become gradually improved and easier to apply, the methodological challenges of how to analyze, interpret and relate the eye-tracking data to user processing remain. Studies of programming behavior are not an exception. We have conducted a reanalysis of eye-tracking data from a previous study that involved programmers of two experience groups debugging a program with the help of graphical representation. Proportional fixation time on each representation, frequency of visual ...
Programming is a complex problem-solving domain often involving many dependent entities which may... more Programming is a complex problem-solving domain often involving many dependent entities which may be even hidden or latent. Novice programmers have little knowledge about program execution and may see it as an abstract and non-deterministic process. To support novices, Jeliot was developed to visualize program execution, and thus help in specifying viable program development models. This paper reports on an empirical experiment in program comprehension where 16 subjects used Jeliot to comprehend two Java ...
17th Annual Psychology of Programming Interest Group Workshop (PPIG'05), Brighton, UK, June, Jun 28, 2005
Abstract. The purpose of program visualization is to illustrate some aspects of the execution of ... more Abstract. The purpose of program visualization is to illustrate some aspects of the execution of a program. A number of program visualization tools have been developed to support teaching and learning of programming, but only few have been empirically evaluated. Moreover, the dynamics of gaze behavior during program visualization has not been investigated using eye movements and little is known about how program animation is attended by learners with various levels of experience. We report on an empirical study of ...
Proceedings of the 18th Annual Psychology of Programming Workshop, 2006
Abstract. We present preliminary results of an experiment in computer program comprehension that ... more Abstract. We present preliminary results of an experiment in computer program comprehension that was conducted to find out whether visual strategies can characterize low-and high-comprehenders. In addition, we investigated whether the type and quality of externalized mental models can be associated with the visual strategies.
Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovative Learning, 2019
Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on …, Jan 1, 2008
… of the 19th Annual Psychology of Programming …, Jan 1, 2007
TECHNOLOGY …, Jan 1, 2006
Programming is a complex problem-solving domain often involving many dependent entities which may... more Programming is a complex problem-solving domain often involving many dependent entities which may be even hidden or latent. Novice programmers have little knowledge about program execution and may see it as an abstract and non-deterministic process. To support novices, Jeliot was developed to visualize program execution, and thus help in specifying viable program development models. This paper reports on an empirical experiment in program comprehension where 16 subjects used Jeliot to comprehend two Java ...
Proceedings of the 16th annual workshop of …, Jan 1, 2004
Proceedings of the 17th …, Jan 1, 2005
… on Eye tracking …, Jan 1, 2008
… Annual Psychology of Programming …, Jan 1, 2009
Behavior research methods, Jan 1, 2007
Proceedings of the 2010 …, Jan 1, 2010
Proceedings of the 4th …, Jan 1, 2006
… of the 2006 symposium on Eye tracking …, Jan 1, 2006
Advanced Learning …, Jan 1, 2004
Visual Languages and …, Jan 1, 2005
Abstract We describe an evaluation of a program animation tool, Jeliot 3. Eye movement data, inte... more Abstract We describe an evaluation of a program animation tool, Jeliot 3. Eye movement data, interaction data, and audio and video protocols were recorded for sixteen participants comprehending three Java programs. In this paper, we report and analyze a subset of the captured data, the patterns of visual attention in time and space during animation of a program. We discuss the possible potentials and prospects of using eye-gaze as an interaction and evaluation modality for building intelligent, gaze-aware program animation ...
Papers by Markku Tukiainen