Papers by Marjorita Sormunen

Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare, 2021
The purpose of this pilot study was to explore connection of an educational intervention on the c... more The purpose of this pilot study was to explore connection of an educational intervention on the competence of health care educators and educator candidates (n=11) in digital pedagogy as a part of national TerOpe project. An educational intervention, Basics of Digital Pedagogy was developed by the TerOpe project’s experts. The participating educators and educator candidates of the educational intervention were recruited from the universities and university of applied sciences, which were involved in TerOpe project. All the participants of the educational interventions were invited to take part in this study. The educational intervention was conducted during spring 2019. Pre- and post-tests were implemented digitally by using an Educators’ and Educator Candidates’ Competence in Digital Pedagogy self-assessment instrument (OODI), which was developed for this study. The OODI includes 32 items divided in six digital competence areas professional engagement, digital resources, teaching an...
Terveyden edistäminen sisältää laajan kirjon keinoja vaikuttaa yksilön tai ihmisryhmien toimintaa... more Terveyden edistäminen sisältää laajan kirjon keinoja vaikuttaa yksilön tai ihmisryhmien toimintaan suotuisasti. Sosiaalisessa markkinoinnissa sovelletaan kaupallisen markkinoinnin periaatteita ja käsitteitä yksilön tai yhteisön terveempien elintapojen ja/tai sosiaalisen hyvän tuottamiseen tai säilyttämiseen. Tässä artikkelissa luodaan katsaus sosiaalisen markkinoinnin ilmiöön ja perusteisiin terveyden edistämisessä ja tutustutaan sen opetukseen Itä-Suomen yliopiston hoitotieteen laitoksella. (Article in Finnish)
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing

International Journal of Mental Health
Promotion of children's mental health (MH) plays an important role in preventing further MH probl... more Promotion of children's mental health (MH) plays an important role in preventing further MH problems. In Finland, the wellbeing of children is supported in early childhood education and care (ECEC), basic education, maternity clinics, and child health clinics. Providing these services for children and families requires multiprofessional collaboration. The aim of this study was to investigate the current practice of children's MH promotion, more specifically children's MH services and multiprofessional collaboration between social and health care services and ECEC/ basic education. The study focused on MH questions regarding children in 18 municipalities of Finland from the approach of socio-ecological model of health promotion. The participants of this cross-sectional study were ECEC professionals in municipal day care, basic education professionals, and primary health care professionals who work with children younger than 14. The data collected via questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-squared analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), the Brown-Forsythe robust test, and Tukey HSD post hoc comparisons. A total of 482 professionals participated in this study. Overall, respondents indicated relatively poor satisfaction toward most aspects of current MH promotion. Professionals from municipalities that provided primary health care and social services independently evaluated MH promotion most positively. However, deficiencies in multiprofessional collaboration between organizations were reported. The work experience influenced professionals' perceptions of the challenges of collaboration; respondents with the least work experience were most critically concerned. These results imply that the promotion of children's MH and MH services needs to be further developed.

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Aims: Little is known about how municipal strategies, programmes and plans pay attention to the p... more Aims: Little is known about how municipal strategies, programmes and plans pay attention to the promotion of children’s mental health and whether it is discussed and reported in the municipal councils, boards and committees. The purpose of this study was to examine how municipalities in one Finnish region promote mental health, with a focus on the promotion of children’s mental health. Methods: Document analysis was used as a research method. Documents were selected for a one-year period (2018) from three municipalities of the North Savo region. Analysed documents ( n=269) were municipal strategies, programmes and plans, as well as meeting minutes of municipal councils, boards and committees. Eight domains of the structural indicators of mental health were used as an analysis frame. Results: In total, 1169 mentions related to the structural indicators of mental health were found in the documents. In strategies, programmes and plans, parenting-related mentions were found most often. ...
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing
Russian Journal of Communication

Nursing Ethics
Background and purpose: Educators’ ethical competence is of crucial importance for developing stu... more Background and purpose: Educators’ ethical competence is of crucial importance for developing students’ ethical thinking. Previous studies describe educators’ ethical codes and principles. This article aims to widen the understanding of health- and social care educators’ ethical competence in relation to core values and ethos. Theoretical background and key concepts: The study is based on the didactics of caring science and theoretically links the concepts ethos and competence. Methods: Data material was collected from nine educational units for healthcare and social service in Finland. In total 16 semi-structured focus group interviews with 48 participants were conducted. The interviews were analysed with a thematic analysis according to Braun and Clarke. Ethical considerations: The study is approved by the Declaration of Helsinki, the legislation regarding personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation. The study received ethical permission from the University of Jyväsky...
Health & Social Care in the Community
Nurse Education Today
This systematic review is part of the TerOpe project funded by the Ministry of Education and Cult... more This systematic review is part of the TerOpe project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland. We would like to acknowledge the Ministry of Education and Culture for providing us with this opportunity to further research in the area of teacher competence. We would also like to express our appreciation to the library specialist Sirpa Grekula for advising us on the search strategy for this systematic review.

Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata millaisia tiedonhankintakanavia kuntien lautakunnissa käytet... more Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata millaisia tiedonhankintakanavia kuntien lautakunnissa käytetään ja millaista tietoa lautakuntien luottamushenkilöt ja viranhaltijat kokevat tarvitsevansa lasten ja nuorten terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin liittyvissä politiikkatoimissa. Tutkimusaineisto (n=13) kerättiin laadullisilla teemahaastatteluilla ja analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla.Tulosten mukaan pääasiallisina tiedonhankintakanavina käytettiin valtion ja julkisen sektorin sekä kolmannen sektorin organisaatioita, mediaa ja verkostoja. Luottamushenkilöt ja viranhaltijaterosivat toisistaan sekä tiedonhankinnan että tiedon tarpeen suhteen. Luottamushenkilöt luottivat tiedonhankinnassa suuressa määrin viranhaltijoiden valmisteluun ja esittelymateriaaliin,eikä muun omatoimisen tiedonhankinnan katsottu kuuluvan keskeisesti luottamushenkilön tehtäviin. Viranhaltijat puolestaan hankkivat tietoa monista eri lähteistä. Luottamushenkilöidenja viranhaltijoiden työskentelyssä ja päätöksent...
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education

Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare
Purpose Early detection and timely treatment of child psychiatric problems require multi-professi... more Purpose Early detection and timely treatment of child psychiatric problems require multi-professional collaboration and interaction between primary and specialized health care. The “eHealth Services for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (eCAP), 2015-2018” project aims at improving child psychiatric services in peripheral areas by developing eHealth tools facilitating better cooperation between professionals working with children with mental health problems. Methods The online booking system allows the primary healthcare professionals in Pohjois-Savo region to book a video conference (VC) with experts in child psychiatry for consultation, supervision or follow-up of care. Background information gathered from the parents, teacher and the child by online forms helps the consult to prepare for the meeting, which can be carried out on computer, laptop, table or smartphone. The developed services will be evaluated based on the log data and user experiences from the pilot phase. Results The ...
European Journal of Communication
Using self-reported data from children at age 10–11 years in 2008 and at age 12–13 years in 2010 ... more Using self-reported data from children at age 10–11 years in 2008 and at age 12–13 years in 2010 ( n = 113), this study examines bedtime habits, parental permissiveness about television viewing and the most-viewed television programmes. Later bedtimes (both during the week and at the weekend) were reported in 2010 and were related to reported parental permission to watch television freely. Parental attitudes towards television viewing were reported as having become more permissive over time. The Finnish soap opera Salatut elämät and the American animated sitcom The Simpsons were the most popular programmes. The findings are discussed in relation to health.

Cogent Education
Mobile devices are increasingly being used, in various ways, to collect data and are also increas... more Mobile devices are increasingly being used, in various ways, to collect data and are also increasingly related to individuals' health behaviors. Because of the paucity of available data about the process of mobile data collection in tracking daily health behaviors among children, we designed this pilot study to determine the possibilities and the enhancing and inhibiting factors of a continuous data collection process using a mobile game. Twenty 10-12-year-old school children from two schools participated in the study. We asked the participants to play a game that recorded their health-related behaviors for seven consecutive days, answering 14-16 questions daily. The questions related to children's eating habits, hygiene habits, hobbies and activities, networks, media use and devices, and sleep. In this article, we describe and discuss the process of data collection with its advances and challenges, including the planning and preparation of the survey according to its content and technicalities, training the pupils and their teacher to use the device and the health game, implementing the survey, and concluding the process. Additionally, we present viewpoints on educating children using collective health data.

Nurse Education Today, 2017
By and large, in health professions training, the direction of the effect of e-learning, positive... more By and large, in health professions training, the direction of the effect of e-learning, positive or negative, strongly depends on the learning outcome in question as well as on learning methods which e-learning is compared to. In nursing education, meta-analytically generated knowledge regarding the comparisons between conventional and e-learning is scarce. The aim of this review is to discover the size of the effect of e-learning on learning outcomes in nursing education and to assess the quality of studies in which e-learning has been compared to conventional learning. A systematic search of six electronic databases, PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE®, CINAHL (EBSCOhost), Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, and ERIC, was conducted in order to identify relevant peer-reviewed English language articles published between 2011 and 2015. The quality of the studies included as well as the risk of bias in each study was assessed. A random-effects meta-analysis was performed to generate a pooled mean difference in the learning outcome. Altogether, 10 studies were eligible for the quality assessment and meta-analysis. Nine studies were evaluated as good quality studies, but not without a risk of bias. Performance bias caused a high risk in nearly all the studies. In the meta-analysis, an e-learning method resulted in test scores that were, on average, five points higher than a conventional method on a 0-100 scale. Heterogeneity between the studies was very large. The size and direction of the effect of a learning method on learning outcomes appeared to be strongly situational. We suggest that meta-regressions should be performed instead of basic meta-analyses in order to reveal factors that cause variation in the learning outcomes of nursing education. It might be necessary to perform separate meta-analyses between e-learning interventions aimed at improving nursing knowledge and those aimed at improving nursing skills.
Papers by Marjorita Sormunen