Videos by Johanna Heinonen
Papers by Johanna Heinonen
Services Marketing Quarterly, Dec 11, 2023

International Conference on Tourism Research
Digital tools and platforms are often considered to improve customer experiences. Especially duri... more Digital tools and platforms are often considered to improve customer experiences. Especially during the pandemic, businesses engaged with digital tools, e.g., marketing, sales, communication and experience creation. However, using digital solutions is often considered to solve all the challenges and problems, and the emotional and human touch needs to be remembered. With the requirements of multi-channelled communication, customer encounters are becoming more and more challenging. Technical excellence is not enough, but understanding customer behaviour and emotions is crucial. The age of the customer challenges companies to create experiential digital services instead of mere efficiency. Digital customer experience includes value proposition, human-centred innovation, and experiences (Tussyadiah 2014) along all the touch points of the digital customer journey (Zomerdijk & Voss 2010). These can be analysed with the sensorial, emotional and behavioural dimensions of Gentile et al. (20...

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2023
According to Xu, Buhalis & Weber [1], gamification can enhance the on-site tourist experiences an... more According to Xu, Buhalis & Weber [1], gamification can enhance the on-site tourist experiences and be a marketing tool. However, the use of games in tourism development by DMOs is still an unexplored topic.The King’s Road in Finland combines the idea of gamified and storified live experiences with a video game. The development idea of a video game introduces King’s Road to a broader audience. The idea of a storified mobile game leads tourists on-site and rebuilds historical sites with augmented reality while leading tourists to less crowded attractions.This paper aims to provide new insights and increase understanding of gamification in tourism. To understand the innovation acceptance among Finnish DMOs, the gamified concept idea of King’s Road was presented to them. With the inductive approach, their feedback was analysed thematically. The findings highlight the obstacles and possibilities of the proposed gamification concept from the DMOs’ point of view. This paper aims to extend ...

Kesällä 2015 Laureassa kokeiltiin virtuaalista opinnäytetyön kesäohjausta KesäONTia. Käytännössä ... more Kesällä 2015 Laureassa kokeiltiin virtuaalista opinnäytetyön kesäohjausta KesäONTia. Käytännössä KesäONT koostui sarjasta webinaareja, joissa opiskelijoiden oli mahdollisuus esitellä työtään, opponoida muita töitä tai vain kuunnella esityksiä. Samalla he saivat kommentteja ja ohjausta työhönsä webinaarien vetäjältä. Kaikkiaan Laurean KesäONTiin osallistui 49 opiskelijaa, joista kahdeksan sai työnsä kokonaan valmiiksi kesäohjauksen aikana. Opinnäytetyöesityksiä pidettiin kesän aikana 46 kertaa ja töitä opponoitiin 57 kertaa, minkä lisäksi toisten töitä kuunneltiin 37 kertaa. Lisäksi osallistuneille opiskelijoille annetun erillisohjauksen määrä nousi 73 kertaan. Määrällisesti tämän virtuaalisen ja kesään sijoittuvan opinnäytetyöohjauksen tulokset näyttävät siis merkittäviltä, mutta voiko kesällä annettua virtuaaliohjausta pitää varteenotettavana tulevaisuuden vaihtoehtona opiskelijan opinnäytetyön edistämiseksi

Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee markkinointiviestinnän suunnittelua, suunnitelman laatimista ja mark... more Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee markkinointiviestinnän suunnittelua, suunnitelman laatimista ja markkinointiviestinnän osa-alueita. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten yritys laatii markkinointiviestintäsuunnitelman. Tarkoituksena on löytää vastaus siihen, mitä markkinointiviestinnän suunnitteluprosessi pitää sisällään ja miten se etenee. Teoriaosassa käydään läpi markkinointiviestinnän suunnitteluprosessi tavoitteiden määrittelystä suunnitelman toteutukseen. Markkinointiviestinnällä on aina tietty markkinoinnillinen tavoite, jonka saavuttamiseksi tarvitaan markkinointiviestinnän suunnittelua. Teoriaosuudessa keskitytään tarkastelemaan erityisesti markkinointiviestinnän keinoja. Empiriaosassa laaditaan markkinointiviestinnän vuosisuunnitelma Stand Express Oy:lle. Suunnitelma etenee teoriaosassa esitetyn viestinnän suunnitteluprosessin mukaisesti. Kohdeyrityksen markkinointiviestintä on ollut lähes suunnittelematonta ja tavoitteet määrittelemättömiä. Empiriaosassa laaditun viestintäsuunnite...

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021, 2020
Travelling by land is a phenomenon that utilizes different surface transport modes, such as train... more Travelling by land is a phenomenon that utilizes different surface transport modes, such as trains, buses, bicycles etc. The slow travel contributes also to the concerns about ecological footprint and climate change derived from air travel. Slow travel aims to encourage individuals to travel to their destinations more slowly, stay for a longer period in the chosen destination, and travel less. For slow travellers, travelling to the destination is a significant part of the travel experience. The qualitative research aimed to understand the phenomena of travelling by land and the tourist experience holistically using a netnographic approach. The data was collected from the Finnish Facebook -group, Maata pitkin matkustavat. (Those who travel by land) in January 2020. The data consisted of 185 posts and their comments. The goal of the data analysis was to understand the role of consumer value in the slow travel experience. The research findings show the importance of minimizing travel t...

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022
Customer service is a major factor in the success of digital marketing. This study examines the s... more Customer service is a major factor in the success of digital marketing. This study examines the service encounters between tourists and service providers, in this case, Visit Helsinki. The goal is to understand what are the dimensions of service quality in online chat discussions between tourists and DMO personnel and what elements in these discussions support the co-creation of great customer experiences. Altogether 123 chat discussions in June 2020 were downloaded and analysed using qualitative content analysis and statistical tests. The results show that great customer experiences are the result of extensive effort from the customer service agents where they go beyond just providing a satisfactory solution for the customer. The results are managerially important for destinations and tourism businesses around the world and increase the theoretical understanding of the moment of truth concept and its different elements in online service encounters.

360-degree videos offer great tourism marketing opportunities. Compared to traditional videos, 36... more 360-degree videos offer great tourism marketing opportunities. Compared to traditional videos, 360-degree videos offer more compelling imagery of potential travel destinations, a “try before you buy” experience. These 360-degree videos can be viewed with various devices, including tablet and VR (Virtual Reality) goggles. The study, conducted at Helsinki-Vantaa airport, comprised 221 international tourists given VR glasses or iPads to watch a 360-degree video and answer a survey. The results reveal that the VR glasses and the iPad tablet had similar effects on travel intentions and behaviours. However, the viewing experience differs depending on the device. These findings suggest that some 360-videos will actually perform better on a tablet than with VR glasses. Tourism businesses and destinations should develop different content and situations for different devices. This study contributes to media richness theory and helps us to understand VR content as a type of rich media.

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021
Even though social media is one of the most significant marketing tools in tourism, the measureme... more Even though social media is one of the most significant marketing tools in tourism, the measurement of its value is still developing. Assessing return-on-investment on social media marketing is challenging. Thus, destination marketing organizations (DMOs) are nonetheless pouring money and time in social media marketing without being aware of the results. In this study, we seek to understand what DMOs are measuring in social media marketing that they do and why. The qualitative data was gathered via semi-structured interviews among eight representatives of Finnish DMOs. The interview responses were analyzed with a theory-guided content analysis method. The results demonstrate that even though the goals for social media presence are clear, the actions taken are more of an experimental nature and undocumented. Only the basic metrics that the platforms automatically provide are used and the evaluation of financial value is difficult. However, social media marketing creates value beyond ...

Developing the know-how and capabilities of tourism students in the field of online business and ... more Developing the know-how and capabilities of tourism students in the field of online business and eTourism is crucial to increase use of information and communication technologies in the industry. This paper presents a novel system for organizing eTourism education in higher education institutes such as universities and universities of applied sciences. This system is based on course exchange between institutions and provides altogether 35 ECTS credits of annual studies in eTourism in English. This paper provides an overview of how the system came to be and how it is organized in practice. The results of this paper are useful for universities interested in developing eTourism education and demonstrates how universities can work together with low investments to create something that none of them could do alone. It elaborates the new possibilities information and communication technologies provide for universities for co-operation and more efficient curriculum.
ABSTRACT Today, the use of social media is huge among customers and therefore it is essential for... more ABSTRACT Today, the use of social media is huge among customers and therefore it is essential for companies to know how to use them and how to create the same atmosphere of caring and trust as in face to face encounters. Especially on tourism field, where customer experience is uttermost important, it is worth knowing what happens in the digital service situation and what kind of aspects should be taken into consideration while determining how successful the encounter has been. Thus, the research problem is “How to build a corporate image in a service situation in digital media?” and the answers are found with quantitative and qualitative methods.

The Internet has become an important part of our daily lives. Almost 60 % of Finns use the Intern... more The Internet has become an important part of our daily lives. Almost 60 % of Finns use the Internet many times a day and over 40 % of them are registered on some social media platform. Over half of the Finns buy from web shops, most frequently flight tickets, accommodation or other tourism services. Therefore it would be natural that tourism companies would use social media, which are both effective and cheap. This paper has studied customers' and companies' attitudes towards social media. Two quantitative researches were made online: one involving companies and the other involving customers. The results reveal the existence of several gaps between companies' and customers' views about the use of social media. For instance, companies are not aware of their customers' buying habits in the Internet or their wishes of social media services. Companies do not have proper follow up or measurement systems to know if their social media strategies have been successful or if their customers are satisfied. Companies implement their old marketing strategies in social media and do not let customers show their opinions or create the content. Based on the results from the quantitative analysis, the author discusses the key underlying causes for such gaps and other suggestions on how these gaps could be closed.
Today, the use of social media is huge among customers and therefore it is essential for companie... more Today, the use of social media is huge among customers and therefore it is essential for companies to know how to use them and how to create the same atmosphere of caring and trust as in face to face encounters. Especially on tourism field, where customer experience is uttermost important, it is worth knowing what happens in the digital service situation and what kind of aspects should be taken into consideration while determining how successful the encounter has been. Thus, the research problem is “How to build a corporate image in a service situation in digital media?” and the answers are found with quantitative and qualitative methods.
Published in
Thee 2nd Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference HASSACC 2014
Proceedings in Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference
ISSN: 1339-522X
Design management (DeM) -näkemystä näkee monissa eri tieteenaloissa, joskin hyvinkin eri nimillä ... more Design management (DeM) -näkemystä näkee monissa eri tieteenaloissa, joskin hyvinkin eri nimillä ja nimikkeillä. Sitä löytyy sekä puhtaasta DeM-kirjallisuudesta ja artikkeleista että markkinoinnin, brandien ja visuaalisen viestinnän lähteistä. Kaikki käsittelevät kuitenkin samaa asiaayrityskuvaa, sen luomista ja sen johtamista.

… Hynynen, Hämäläinen, Juola, Karjalainen, Keto, Klippi …, Jan 1, 2004
Vuorovaikutustilanteet antavat usein mieleenpainuvimman vaikutelman yrityksestä ja sen tavasta to... more Vuorovaikutustilanteet antavat usein mieleenpainuvimman vaikutelman yrityksestä ja sen tavasta toimia -tämän on jokainen voinut omakohtaisesti kokea esimerkiksi asioidessaan asiakaspalvelijan kanssa henkilökohtaisesti tai puhelimessa. Tällainen yrityksestä ulospäin näkyvä käyttäytyminen voi koskea myös sitä tapaa, jolla valitukseen reagoidaan tai kuinka neuvottelutilanteissa toimitaan. Kyse on myös siitä, minkälaisen vaikutelman yrityksen työntekijä antaa vieraillessaan toisessa yrityksessä. Henkilöstön käyttäytyminen vaikuttaa ratkaisevasti siihen kokemukseen ja mielikuvaan, joka joko vahvistaa tai heikentää asiakassuhdetta. Siksi vuorovaikutustilanteet tulisi yrityksessä hoitaa siten, että molemmat osapuolet voivat olla tyytyväisiä lopputulokseen. (Poikolainen 1994, 198; Pesonen et al. 2002, 7.) Kuvassa 1 Grönroos (2001) esittää, kuinka hyvä palvelu ja vuorovaikutus syntyvät yrityksessä. Kuvion mukaan niin sanotut totuuden hetket eli tilanteet, joissa asiakas ja työntekijä kohtaavat toisensa, ovat ratkaisevia asiakassuhteen säilymisen kannalta. Totuuden hetkiin vaikuttavat yrityksen sisäinen toiminta, joka luo edellytykset lupausten antamisesta asiakkaille, ja toisaalta perinteinen markkinointi, joka luo odotuksia asiakkaille lupauksia antamalla. Vuorovaikutteinen markkinointi edellyttää lupausten pitämistä, jotta totuuden hetkien koittaessa asiakas on tyytyväinen palvelun laatuun ja asiakassuhteella on jatkumisen edellytykset.
Videos by Johanna Heinonen
This is also something that is really difficult for the companies to understand based on many academic studies.
Video can also be found here
Papers by Johanna Heinonen
Published in
Thee 2nd Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference HASSACC 2014
Proceedings in Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference
ISSN: 1339-522X
This is also something that is really difficult for the companies to understand based on many academic studies.
Video can also be found here
Published in
Thee 2nd Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference HASSACC 2014
Proceedings in Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference
ISSN: 1339-522X