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This article regarding the development of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland since the 1970's was published in French in Istina 2017. The focus is especially on the relationship between state and church and ecumenical... more
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      Ecumenical TheologyEcclesiologyEcumenism
The focus of the ecumenical discussion of the place of deacons in the ordained ministry seems to concern how theologically and practically to embed the ministry within a sacramental communion ecclesiology in a way that reveals its... more
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      Ecumenical TheologyEcclesiologyEcumenismMissional Church Theology
An analysis regarding the influence of BEM on the Porvoo Common Statement.
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      Ecumenical TheologyEcclesiologyMissional Church Theology
Because the signing of the Leuenberg Agreement in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (ELCF) was rejected specifically on theological grounds, it's appropriate to analyze the arguments theologically and to find out if the basic... more
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      Ecumenical TheologyEcumenism
A paper discussing Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theology as missionary oriented communion ecclesiological thought.
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      Ecumenical TheologyEcclesiologyMissional Church Theology
A paper on the catholic nature of the Church from the point of view of a Lutheran ecclesiology.
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      Ecumenical TheologyEcclesiology
A paper discussing how Dietrich Bonhoeffer critically developed his understanding of the relationship between the Old and New Testament and the consequences for biblical theology.
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      Biblical TheologyDietrich BonhoefferLutheran Theology
Analyzes Bonhoeffer's argumentation regarding biblical theology, especially concerning the relationship between the Testaments and the way how he uses Christological interpretation.
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      Biblical TheologyDietrich BonhoefferLutheran Theology
An article which analyses the ecumenical discussion regarding the mutual recognition of baptism from a Lutheran and ecumenical point of view.
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      Ecumenical TheologyBaptismEcumenism
Lutheran and ecumenical theology of ordained ministry from a Finnish perspective.
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      Ecumenical TheologyLutheran TheologyEcumenism
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The Lutheran-Roman Catholic Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ), signed in 1999, remains one of the most significant ecumenical achievements. Furthermore, it paves the way towards the ecumenical celebration of 500... more
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      Ecumenical TheologyLutheran TheologyEcumenism
The John Templeton Award for a Theological Promise was given in 2008 to this doctoral thesis on the theory of knowledge and ontology in the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
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      Philosophical TheologyTheological HermeneuticsDietrich BonhoefferLutheran Theology
A paper given at a Porvoo theological conference regarding sacraments and mission. It discusses the classical Lutheran understanding of the Eucharist and its relevance for the mission and ministry of the Church today.
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      Ecumenical TheologyLutheran TheologyMissional Church Theology
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      Ecumenical TheologyLutheran TheologyEcumenical Ecclesiology
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      Ecumenical TheologyEcumenical dialoguesEcumenical Ecclesiology
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    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Baptism as the Sacrament of Unity Baptism is the foundational sacrament of unity. It is fundamental for fellowship with God and among Christians (Eph. 4:2-6). The recognition of baptism is crucial for ecclesiology and other Christian... more
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      Ecumenical TheologyBaptismLutheran Theology