University of Eastern Finland
VERA Centre for Russian and Border Studies
Chapter in edited volume: Storm, Karli-Jo (2016). Language, Law and Nation-Building in Georgia. In Rico Isaacs & Abel Polese (eds.), Nation-building and Identity in the Post-Soviet Space: New Tools and Approaches. London & New York:... more
Citation: Storm, Karli-Jo T. (2019). "Flexible Memory Narratives in the Physical Landscape: A Case Study of Tbilisi, Georgia". Demokratizatsiya, 27 (2): 131-161.
Storm, Karli-Jo T. (2019). "Who and Where are We? Landscapes as Mediums of Identity Negotiation for Georgia's Azeri-Turks". Demokratizatsiya, 27 (4): 443-478. [Journal article, A1.]
This article unpacks the notion of “homeland” as it has developed in post-Soviet Georgia and Azerbaijan vis-à-vis the Georgian Azeri-Turks of Kvemo Kartli. The author engages in top-down analysis of homeland-framing in official... more
Storm, Karli-Jo T. (2019). The Dynamics of Identity Negotiation in a Border Region: The Case of the Georgian Azeri- Turks of Kvemo Kartli. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland, Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business... more
Storm, Karli-Jo T. (2019). Lectio Praecursoria. Opening lecture/statement of public examination of doctoral dissertation. University of Eastern Finland, delivered 13 December 2019.
A central component of any national imaginary is the extent to which it is or can be made marketable and consumable by audi-ences within and outside of the borders of the territorial state. Physical and symbolic delimitation of the... more
A central component of any national imaginary is the extent to which it is or can be made marketable and consumable by audiences within and outside of the borders of the territorial state. Physical and symbolic delimitation of the... more
We describe the apparatus, software, and measurement procedures for a pulsed inductive microwave magnetometer ͑PIMM͒. PIMM can measure the dynamical properties of materials used in recording heads for magnetic storage applications, and it... more