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Tämän teoksen osittainenkin kopiointi on tekijänoikeuslain mukaisesti kielletty ilman nimenomaista lupaa.
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The article explores the question of how to teach and learn innovation in higher education institutions. A case study from Finland, a world leader in innovation rankings, shows how a practice-oriented model for learning 'innovation... more
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It is important that companies consider their products and services, as well as new ideas concerning them, from the customer's viewpoint. We assert that simple empathising exercises can, when facilitated skilfully, help companies in this... more
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This research focuses on customer-oriented lean innovation and introduces the innovation empathy framework that has been developed for the early phases of innovation processes. The framework is based on the idea that increased empathy... more
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This paper focuses on empathy as a central but little researched aspect of the innovation process. We extend the discussion on innovators' empathy towards customers by adding a new angle: facilitators' empathy towards innovators. We... more
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The case study focuses on business model design in the context of research-based spin-offs. Drawing from the idea of complementary business models based on the concepts of exploration, exploitation and strategic entrepreneurship (SE), the... more
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The paper explores how a 'privileged witness' (Wright et al., 2007), that is, a business advisor hired by a university, assists scientists in commercialising their research through research-based spin-offs (RBSOs). Prior research on the... more
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The paper focuses on incubation managers' work in the context of collaborative innovation (co-innovation). While incubation managers are a key human resource in incubation processes, including co-innovation projects, there is a lack of... more
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This article explores the early phases of the incubation process, in which small and medium-sized companies are evaluated for a project that aims to accelerate their growth. Guided by the justification theory approach, the objective was... more
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The purpose of this study is to examine how different logics of commercialisation are part of sustainable value creation in an emerging area of healthcare. This paper presents an inductive interpretative case study to examine the emerging... more
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This study utilised Weick's sensemaking framework to understand academic entrepreneurship as a social process. This paper presents an analysis of the sensemaking process of a group of scientists, assisted by a university business advisor,... more
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