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      MarketingSocial MediaTourism
Employee and employer branding are gaining a high level of importance in today´s business world. In the near future, companies will be fighting a fierce competitive battle to attract and to maintain good and highly skilled employees. So... more
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    • Employer Branding, Expectations, Employee Employer
Vuorovaikutustilanteet antavat usein mieleenpainuvimman vaikutelman yrityksestä ja sen tavasta toimia -tämän on jokainen voinut omakohtaisesti kokea esimerkiksi asioidessaan asiakaspalvelijan kanssa henkilökohtaisesti tai puhelimessa.... more
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Design management (DeM) -näkemystä näkee monissa eri tieteenaloissa, joskin hyvinkin eri nimillä ja nimikkeillä. Sitä löytyy sekä puhtaasta DeM-kirjallisuudesta ja artikkeleista että markkinoinnin, brandien ja visuaalisen viestinnän... more
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Today, the use of social media is huge among customers and therefore it is essential for companies to know how to use them and how to create the same atmosphere of caring and trust as in face to face encounters. Especially on tourism... more
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      Digital MediaSocial MediaCorporate ImageOnline social networks
The Internet has become an important part of our daily lives. Almost 60 % of Finns use the Internet many times a day and over 40 % of them are registered on some social media platform. Over half of the Finns buy from web shops, most... more
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Developing the know-how and capabilities of tourism students in the field of online business and eTourism is crucial to increase use of information and communication technologies in the industry. This paper presents a novel system for... more
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    • Engineering
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      Project ManagementLeadershipLearningProcess
Even though social media is one of the most significant marketing tools in tourism, the measurement of its value is still developing. Assessing return-on-investment on social media marketing is challenging. Thus, destination marketing... more
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    • Business
360-degree videos offer great tourism marketing opportunities. Compared to traditional videos, 360-degree videos offer more compelling imagery of potential travel destinations, a “try before you buy” experience. These 360-degree videos... more
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    • Computer Science
Travelling by land is a phenomenon that utilizes different surface transport modes, such as trains, buses, bicycles etc. The slow travel contributes also to the concerns about ecological footprint and climate change derived from air... more
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Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee markkinointiviestinnän suunnittelua, suunnitelman laatimista ja markkinointiviestinnän osa-alueita. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten yritys laatii markkinointiviestintäsuunnitelman. Tarkoituksena on löytää... more
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    • Mainonta
Kesällä 2015 Laureassa kokeiltiin virtuaalista opinnäytetyön kesäohjausta KesäONTia. Käytännössä KesäONT koostui sarjasta webinaareja, joissa opiskelijoiden oli mahdollisuus esitellä työtään, opponoida muita töitä tai vain kuunnella... more
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According to Xu, Buhalis & Weber [1], gamification can enhance the on-site tourist experiences and be a marketing tool. However, the use of games in tourism development by DMOs is still an unexplored topic.The King’s Road in Finland... more
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Digital tools and platforms are often considered to improve customer experiences. Especially during the pandemic, businesses engaged with digital tools, e.g., marketing, sales, communication and experience creation. However, using digital... more
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