University of Eastern Finland
Social and Cultural Encounters
The name of the founder of the Polish royal dynasty first appears in a Latin source as Past. There is no earlier polish evidence of its pronunciation. Over time it was read as Piast and considered to be derived from the continuant of... more
In this paper I am looking at the much discussed Proto-Slavic *pěstъ, which has a parallel form *pěsta. I investigate distribution of the forms and meanings across the slavic languages and suggest new hypotheses to account for some of the... more
This paper looks at some cases of word families interference on the basis of form and semantics, as in Russian words ultimately related to Proto-Slavic verbs *mesti, *męsti and *męti. The observed interference process is believed to have... more
In this talk I look at polysemy and semantic shifts that occured in the Proto-Samoyed core lexicon and compare it with Tungusic and Turkic languages. The result is a series of maps showing areas of the same semantic shifts.
This paper investigates cases of semantic shifts and proto-language polysemy in the Samoyed core lexicon. This research focuses on the shifts which have analogies in Turkic and Tungusic languages, identified with the help of semantic... more
This paper looks at the relationship between Khanty dialects from the perspective of the “language vs dialect” problem, applying the method of lexicostatistics to new archival and field data. Dialectal classification of Khanty is still a... more
This paper deals with diachronic classification of Mansi dialect groups based on the new resources published on the linguistic platform LingvoDoc. The dialect groups identified using lexicostatistics are compared with the classification... more
In this talk, I discuss the shared linguistic features in the Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic languages and will observe the general issues of areality in Western Siberia. Comprised by the easternmost groups of the Uralic, this territory from the... more
This article discusses the missiological challenges related to Muslim Background Believers in general and especially in the context of Bangladesh. It gives a brief historical background to Bangladesh and to trends in missiology. It... more
Ahmed Deedat has been one of the most prominent contemporary Muslim polemists that have focused on Jesus, the Bible & Christianity. He is worthy of a systematic analysis, as even though he is not especially academic or deep in thought,... more
PhD research presentation at Religion in a Global Age - Symposium in Theology Sept 2015
This is a presentation following the ideas of Kenan Malik that the way we are constructing multiculturalism into plural mono-culturalism, we... more
This was three different afternoon workshop seminars at a professional conference. The conference was encouraging as it brought together Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic and Messianic Jewish pastors/rabbis. Some of these Christian... more
The annual conference of the Finnish Society of the Study of Religions. I presented a short paper asking if in our modern era if religion has changed meaning and purpose.
I presented these ideas at 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) Tartu, Estonia in the session on New Religious Movements chaired by Philippe Murillo. I am playing with the concept of NRM,... more
This is a book review for 2016 William A. Dyrness, Insider Jesus: Theological Reflections on New Christian Movements. IVP.
Galatians 3:28 states "there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor freeman, neither male nor female; for in union with the Messiah Yeshua, you are all one." Does this mean we are all Jews (grafted into a people-so to subvert or... more
This a lecture I gave at the University of Eastern Finland - it contains some of my reflective thoughts
vithet: Om den ryska femininitetens sinnliga och temporala villkor. PhD diss. Stockholm: Leopard. (315 pages) "WE ARE THE trashy sisters of Swedish women," laments "Valda," a Russian woman living in Stockholm. While having had experiences... more
acted as opponents in the public examination. The Custodian was Professor Jaana Vuori (University of Eastern Finland).