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Jesus’ antagonistic encounters with the Pharisees serve traditionally as a basis for the poor relationship between Christianity and Judaism. The conflict stories epitomized by Jesus’ parables have been assessed as descriptions of how he... more
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The flourishing rhetorical criticism of Pauline studies has been challenged in many ways, but the weightiest question is seldom raised: Why does Paul so emphatically deny his use of rhetoric? This article focuses on Paul’s central... more
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      PhilosophyRhetoricNew testament exegesis
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    • Historical Studies
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      Comparative StudyChristian Theology
Relevance of the theological dialogue between the Catholic Church and Messianic Judaism.
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      Messianic JudaismEcumenismEcumenism and Interreligious Dialogue Theology of Reception Receptive Ecumenism Church History Pentecostalism and neo-Pentecostalism Catholic Charismatic Renewal Catholic Social Teaching Judaism Theology of the Laity Natural Law Yves Congar
Maximus Confessor Cosmic Architecture Proceedings of the Helsinki Conference
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      Maximus the ConfessorGreek Patrology
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      Russian LiteratureHistorical TheologyRussiaMiddle Ages
A critical reflection on Marcus Plested´s Orthodox Readings of Aquinas
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      ByzantiumEcumenismSt Thomas AquinasSt Gregory Palamas
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      ThomismByzantiumSt Gregory PalamasPatrology
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      Edith SteinJudaismMariology
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophySt Maximus the ConfessorGreek Patrology
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      Historical TheologyChristian IconographyByzantiumGiotto
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchVladimir SolovievSergei BulgakovLev Gillet
Reflectiing on Jewish responsibility in the death of Jesus from the point of view of Messianic Jewish theology
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      Messianic Jewish TheologyNew testament exegesis
le poids d´un silence intellectuel
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      Russian StudiesHistorical TheologyMiddle Ages
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      Edith SteinJews
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      EcumenismSt Thomas AquinasSt Gregory Palamas
Faut-il vraiment défendre les Juifs lorsqu´on veut les exterminer ? Il y a longtemps que l´on avait défilé au cri de « Mort aux Juifs !» dans les rues de Paris. Sans doute était-ce, voici déjà quelques semaines, la première fois depuis ĺ... more
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      Edith SteinJews