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Artikkelissa tarkastellaan yhtä imperatiivin prototyyppisestä poikkeavaa käyttötapaa, jolla ilmaistaan kielteistä suhtautumista puhuteltavan toimintaa kohtaan. Esimerkiksi äidin lapsilleen lausuma repikää nyt se mun hame siinä ilmaisee... more
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We investigate how a residual network can learn to predict the dynamics of interacting shapes purely as an image-to-image regression task. With a simple 2d physics simulator, we generate short sequences composed of rectangles put in... more
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      PsychologyComputer Science
Potentiaali on verbinmuoto, johon suomen kielen puhuja tutustuu viimeistään koulussa äidinkielen tunnilla: lienen, lienet, lienee, lienemme, líenette, lienevät, oltaneen; tullen, tullet, tullee, tullemme, tullette, tullevat, tultaneen;... more
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The paper (in Finnish only) studies the background for our research on compact cassette culture in Finland. C-cassettes were a success in 1970s Finnish music listening, since they answered important needs of music consumers. We look at... more
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      Music TechnologyCompact Cassettes
One Hundred Finnish Soundscapes is a three-year research programme organised and executed by the Finnish Society for Acoustic Ecology . The goal of the project was to record, protect and research sonic environments and to increase the... more
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This is a book about European acoustic heritage. The authors and editors are proposing multiple ways to define, describe, conceptualise, document and represent acoustic heritage of various sound cultures in Europe. The writers are sharing... more
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    • Soundscape Studies
During recent years instruments used in performing popular music have emerged in new and perhaps somewhat surprising contexts. Especially second hand electric guitars and the rising value of vintage instruments have received media... more
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      Popular MusicGuitar
This is a book about European acoustic heritage. The authors and editors are proposing multiple ways to define, describe, conceptualise, document and represent acoustic heritage of various sound cultures in Europe. The writers are sharing... more
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      Cultural HeritageAcoustic CommunicationSoundscape StudiesSound studies
This article explores how the use of mobile phones has changed the contemporary Finnish soundscape. The change manifests itself firstly via telephone conversations which have spread from private premises to public places and secondly via... more
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      Popular MusicAcoustic CommunicationSoundscape Studies
In 1985, the profound structural change took place in Finnish radio history when the first commercial stations were granted experimental two-year licenses. The competition between two types of radio practices, the European public service... more
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      Media StudiesEthnomusicologyAcoustic CommunicationRadio
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    • Soundscape Studies
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    • Soundscape Studies
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      Sound AnthropologyAcoustic CommunicationSoundscape StudiesSound studies
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      Sound AnthropologyAcoustic CommunicationSoundscape StudiesSound studies
Soundscape. The Journal for Acoustic Ecology. Pioneers, Pathfinders and Earcleaners. 2008, vol 8, nr.1.
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      Sound AnthropologyAcoustic CommunicationSoundscape StudiesSound studies
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      Popular MusicEthnomusicologySoundscape StudiesSound studies
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      MusicEthnomusicologyAcoustic CommunicationRadio
The relationship between radio and music has drawn particularly little attention from scholars in the field of communications and media studies, considering the prominence that music has in today’s radio programming. This lack of research... more
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      Music HistoryMedia StudiesPopular MusicEthnomusicology
Transforming Finnish Soundscapes (2014–2016) is a project continuing but not restricted to themes introduced in the research project One Hundred Finnish Soundscapes (2004–2006). Both projects collect, document, archive and analyse the... more
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      RadioSoundscape StudiesSound archives
Abstract: Transforming Finnish Soundscapes (2014–2016) is a project continuing but not restricted to themes introduced in the research project One Hundred Finnish Soundscapes (2004–2006). Both projects collect, document, archive and... more
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      Media StudiesAcoustic CommunicationSoundscape Studies