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      LiteratureBorder PoeticsNorwegian LiteratureModernism
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      Discourse AnalysisArctic DiscoursesExploration HistoryAustro-Hungarian Arctic Expedition
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      Border StudiesNarrativeLiterary TheoryBorder Poetics
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      LiteratureBorder StudiesBorder PoeticsBorder Theory
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      Scottish Literature18th Century BritainJames MacphersonLiterary Forgeries
Both fictional and non-fictional accounts of the Arctic have long been a major source of powerful images of the region, and have thus had a crucial part to play in the history of human activities there. This volume provides a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPolar StudiesLiteratureDiscourse
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      Arctic DiscoursesExploration HistoryTravel LiteraturePolar History
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      Postcolonial StudiesBorder PoeticsBorder CrossingNorwegian Literature
«… det gror dybere Tanker i en saa stor Natur – i saa langt et Mørke og saa stort et Lys.» Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, foredragsturné 1869 I denne antologien undersøker forfatterne hvordan ulike forestillinger om Arktis og det nordlige... more
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      Indigenous StudiesTravel WritingLiteratureArctic Discourses
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      Arctic DiscoursesArctic history
Redaktörer: Otto Fischer (uppsatser) och Jerry Määttä (recensioner) Inlagans typografi: Anders Svedin Utgiven med stöd av Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse och Vetenskapsrådet Bidrag till Samlaren insändes digitalt i ordbehandlingsprogrammet... more
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      Science FictionFictionVirtual Reality
Review of Kati Stammwitz, ‘Travel Writing the Empire doesn’t imply’: Studien zum postkolonialen Reisebericht, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2000
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      Travel WritingPostcolonial StudiesPost-ColonialismPostcolonial Literature
TRANSLATED AS Johan Schimanski. "The Future on Repeat". Skrift: Skriftserie for litteraturvitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo.14 (1995): 40-48.
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      Welsh LiteratureDystopian LiteratureScience FictionNational Identity
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia HistoryArctic DiscoursesCultural Identity
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      Border StudiesBorder PoeticsBorder TheoryBorders and Borderlands
What is the discursive genealogy of an ecological approach to the Arctic? Building on distinctions suggested by Francis Spufford and Gísli Pálsson, this article examines a specific juncture in the history of European–Arctic interaction –... more
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      Arctic DiscoursesCritical Discourse AnalysisNorwegian HistoryArctic (Ecology)
Borders are traces, that is to say, they are a form of writing – and thus they are also texts to be read. We often think of that which is on the other side of the border as something unknown, and the border itself also in some sense... more
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      Border StudiesLiterary TheoryBorder PoeticsReading
The blog of the EUBORDERSCAPES research group for border crossing and cultural production.
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      Cultural PolicyBorder PoeticsBorder PolicyEuropean borders
This article investigates the welcoming receptions held on the return of the Austro- Hungarian Polar Expedition (1872-1874) as part of a Scandinavian and Central European discourse of the Arctic and of Arctic exploration. Also called the... more
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      Reception StudiesArctic DiscoursesAustro-Hungarian Arctic ExpeditionPolar History
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      Border StudiesBorder PoeticsBorders and FrontiersBorders and Borderlands