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A Tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment (ToSIA) has been developed for assessing sustainability impacts of forest-wood-chains (FWCs). Sustainability is determined by analysing environmental, economic, and social sustainability... more
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      MultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingValue ChainImpact Assessment
The utilization rate of woody biomass in eastern Finland is high and expected to increase further in the near future as set out in several regional, national and European policies and strategies. The aim of this study was to assess the... more
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      EngineeringDecision Support SystemsPhysical sciencesSocial
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      Sustainable DevelopmentMultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingValue Chain
The utilization rate of woody biomass in eastern Finland is high and expected to increase further in the near future as set out in several regional, national and European policies and strategies. The aim of this study was to assess the... more
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      EngineeringDecision Support SystemsPhysical sciencesSocial
Within the EFORWOOD project, new methodological approaches to assess the sustainability impacts of forestry-wood chains (FWC) were developed by using indicators of environmental, social and economic relevance. This paper introduces and... more
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      Sustainability AssessmentValue ChainDecision support systemForest Policy
Within the EFORWOOD project, new methodological approaches to assess the sustainability impacts of forestry-wood chains (FWC) were developed by using indicators of environmental, social and economic relevance. This paper introduces and... more
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      Sustainability AssessmentValue ChainDecision support systemForest Policy
A Tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment (ToSIA) has been developed for assessing sustainability impacts of forest-wood-chains (FWCs). Sustainability is determined by analysing environmental, economic, and social sustainability... more
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      ForestryMultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingValue Chain
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      Sustainable DevelopmentMultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingValue Chain
Sustainability impact assessment (SIA) studies how factors such as policy, management or technology development affect the sustainability of a sector or a chain of value adding processes and helps decision-makers to assess impacts of... more
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    • Business
The volume of research is increasing along with the steadily increasing digitization of research and the advent of open science. This puts a pressure on research information systems, which try to work with various research output types... more
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Forestry in Malå, northern Sweden, coexists with other land uses. Reindeer husbandry is in the area for centuries and requires large areas of grazing land. Competing land uses may threaten the Malå Sami village. The aim of the study was... more
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Presentation given by Tommi Suominen 30.01.2020 at Pidapalooza 2020, Lisbon, Portugal. The presentation is amended from the original by including the mentimeter survey results from the audience at the presentation session.
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    • Geography
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      BusinessEuropean UnionForestry Sciences
Universities of applied sciences Research institutes Research funders 1. The details of researchers, publications, research datasets, research projects and research infrastructures will soon be available in one place.
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      Computer ScienceFinlandInteroperabilityResearch information management
Briefing #1 1. FAIRCORE4EOSC Project kick-off meeting was held 29-30 June 2022, and all FAIRCORE4EOSC management bodies and work packages are operational. 2. Technical Bridging Team (TBT), the alignment mechanism to coordinate strategic... more
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A Tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment (ToSIA) has been developed for assessing sustainability impacts of forest-wood-chains (FWCs). Sustainability is determined by analysing environmental, economic, and social sustainability... more
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      BusinessEnvironmental ScienceForestryMultidisciplinary
The aggregation of the technical specifications in January into deliverable D1.2 "FAIRCORE4EOSC Technical Specifications" marked an important achievement for the project because the technical specifications are needed to kick-start the... more
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The Consortium Agreement has been accepted and the signature process is nearly finished. 2. Operational work on technical specifications has progressed. 3. FAIRCORE4EOSC took part in the EOSC Symposium 2022. In addition to the sessions... more
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Biomass as a renewable energy source is an alternative to fossil fuels. Due to its lower energy density compared to fossil fuels, different ways of converting biomass into an energy-dense fuel are sought after. Fast pyrolysis of biomass... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceCleaner ProductionWaste Management