University of Eastern Finland
Philosophical Faculty, School of Humanities
Today, besides various physical linguistic landscapes, also virtual ones are being actively developed in cyber spaces such as the Internet and digital environments. Virtual linguistic landscapes have recently become a significant... more
This introduction article discusses language vitality and language diversity in connection with linguistic well-being, which were the main ideas reflected behind the theme of the AFinLA Autumn Symposium 2018, “Keeping languages alive”.... more
Artikkelit Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta 2018 NUT-partisiipin variaatiosta rajakarjalaismurteissa: (n)nA-, n-ja nUn-partisiippien keskinäisestä suhteesta [Three variants of the active past participle in Border... more
Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistyksen vuoden 2018 syyssymposium järjestettiin Itä-Suomen yliopistossa Joensuussa. Symposiumin teema, Pidetään kielet elävinä, kytkeytyi läheisesti Itä-Suomen yliopistossa tehtyyn vähemmistökielten... more
This article looks to analyze the use of the Karelian language on the internet and especially on social media platforms. The study is based on a survey carried out among Karelian speakers at the end of 2021. The survey was implemented in... more
The use of the Karelian language on the internet has grown strongly over recent decades. The aim of this article is to analyze the visibility of the Karelian language on the internet, focusing on websites using Karelian as the language of... more
The use of the Karelian language on the internet has grown strongly over recent decades. The aim of this article is to analyze the visibility of the Karelian language on the internet, focusing on websites with a full interface in... more
Artikkelit Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta 2018 NUT-partisiipin variaatiosta rajakarjalaismurteissa: (n)nA-, n-ja nUn-partisiippien keskinäisestä suhteesta [Three variants of the active past participle in Border... more
Runouden muuttuvat ympäristöt. Jenni Haukion "Suojele, älä tuhoa", kriittinen eläintutkimus ja turkistarhausdiskurssin politiikka 2020-luvulta alkaen runous on saanut muuttuneissa mediatodellisuuden ympäristöissä uusia muotoja sekä... more
Literary tourism is a sub-sector of cultural tourism and relates to travelling to places connected to fictional texts and the authors of those texts. Although it is an old form of tourism and lies at the foundation of classic European... more
The article discusses the concept of authenticity in relation to literary travel and other forms of media-induced travel. Focusing on the power of fictional narrative to draw members of the audience to locations associated with a story,... more
The proposed presentation focuses on Anglophone fandom dedicated to a Japanese transmedia franchise Weiß Kreuz. Over a span of ten years (1997-2007), manga series, anime series, OVA, a light novel and audio dramas were produced within the... more
The presentation is based on autoethnographic fieldwork conducted during the so-called Tove Jansson walk in Helsinki, which involved following a self-navigated walking route around the city, using itineraries published on the web pages of... more