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Educational robotics has the potential for improving special needs education and for eliminating barriers to learning if it can be focused squarely on the special needs of children. This case study examines a variety of special needs that... more
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      DesignAction ResearchDesign educationEducational Robotics
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      Special EducationInformaticsAssistive TechnologyEducational Robotics
The Children in the Centre (CiC) framework, introduced in this paper, facilitates successful multidisciplinary research and design collaboration in computer science and special education with partners in non-academic contexts. The CiC... more
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      Special EducationAction ResearchDesign ResearchEmpowerment
Nurse teacherhood is usually examined from the perspectives of nurse teachers' tasks, roles, skills and managing. The purpose of this study was to discuss how nurse teachers themselves describe their teacherhood. The purpose was also to... more
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      NursingOrganizational CultureJob SatisfactionGrounded Theory
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the results of children's and teachers' experiences and feedback on DIY push-button workshops. The implementation of the workshops was based on the ideas of participatory design. An objective of... more
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      Action ResearchParticipatory DesignDesign ResearchEmpowerment
The increasing number of children who need special need education in Finland also requires an increasing amount of resources from teachers and a restructuring of the education system. Technology can be a part of the solution to this... more
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      Special EducationInclusion
Based on results from the Technologies for Children with Individual Needs Project and two case projects, we propose a new multidisciplinary framework for research between computer science, educational technology, and special education.... more
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      Special EducationComputer Science EducationResearch MethodologyTechnology Enhanced Learning
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder have a wide variety of skills and preferences. This paper introduces a Kinect®-based game for a technology club for children with autism spectrum disorder, which allows each child’s preferences to... more
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      AutismGame Based LearningGamesKinect
Perspective-taking skills and eye-gaze processing are reported to be impaired in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. This paper presents the structure and the theory behind a learning game for perspective-taking skills and eye-gaze... more
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      AutismGamesEye and Gaze Tracking
This paper presents the results of a study on the communication of four children with autis m in a learning environment with multiple technologies. The main focus of the study was on the amount and forms of the children's expressions... more
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      CommunicationAutismTechnology Enhanced Learning
This article presents the results of a review of research on children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the use of technology. The review included 255 peer-reviewed research articles published between 2000 and 2010, archived in the... more
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      TechnologyAutism Spectrum DisordersLiterature Review
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have been reported to exhibit difficulties in tests measuring mental state understanding, such as the Sally-Anne task. There are also vast performance differences among these children, usually... more
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      Psychological AssessmentConversation AnalysisAutism Spectrum DisordersTheory of Mind
Background: The Sally–Anne test has been extensively used to examine children's theory of mind understanding. Many task-related factors have been suggested to impact children's performance on this test. Yet little is known about the... more
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      Psychological AssessmentConversation AnalysisAutism Spectrum DisordersMultimodal Interaction
Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) reportedly have difficulties in responding to bids for joint attention, notably in following pointing gestures. Previous studies have predominantly built on structured observation measures and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceGestureLinguistics
Recent studies on gaze behaviours in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have utilised 'live eye tracking'. Such research has focused on generating quantitative eye tracking measurements, which provide limited (if any)... more
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      PsychologyBusiness and ManagementQualitative Psychology
Technology-enhanced environments are increasingly used to enhance the interaction skills of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), yet little is known about how technology use influences interactions between educators and children.... more
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    • Interactive Learning Environments
The use of mobile technologies is playing an increasingly important role in early childhood education (ECE) settings. However, although technologies are often integrated in ECE provided in day care centres, technology use in other ECE... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingMobile Information Systems
Quality factors are the subject of increasing interest in the research and practice of early childhood education and care (ECEC). The purpose of the article is to emphasize the importance of the children's voice in relation to the quality... more
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      PsychologyEducation SystemsEarly Child Development and Care
High support need and minimally verbal individuals with autism have received less attention in research in comparison to so-called higher functioning individuals with autism. As computers motivate individuals with autism, a game with a... more
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      SociologyPsychologyPublic Administration and Policy
This paper presents the results of a study on the communication of four children with autism in a learning environment with multiple technologies. The main focus of the study was on the amount and forms of the while working at three... more
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      CommunicationAutismTechnology Enhanced Learning